< Jacob 1 >

1 Hiche lekhathot hi Pathen le Pakai Yeshua Christa soh, Jacob a kon ahi. keiman Judah mi atahsan ho Israel phungsom le ni gamtina kithecheh ho henga dinga kajih ahi. Chibai!
James, the seruaunt of God, and of oure Lord Jhesu Crist, to the twelue kinredis, that ben in scatering abrood, helthe.
2 Sopi deitahteho, nangho hahsatna hon nahinphah tenguleh, hichu hachangpa kipana dinga chanpha changin kingaitouvin.
My britheren, deme ye al ioye, whanne ye fallen in to diuerse temptaciouns, witynge,
3 Ajehchu natahsanu chu akipatep tengleh, natahsan chu khanglen ding ahi ti naheuve.
that the preuyng of youre feith worchith pacience;
4 Hijehchun khansah un, ajeh chu nathoh hatnau chu ahung khan'a abulhin tengleh nangho nabulhinuva chule nachamkim uva, imacha kiphahsamna neilou nahi dingu ahi.
and pacience hath a perfit werk, that ye be perfit and hole, and faile in no thing.
5 Nanghon chihna na-ngaichat uva ahileh, hongphaltah IPathen'u koma chun thum'un, chutileh Aman napeh dingu ahi. Nathum jeh uva chu Aman nahouset louhel dingu ahi.
And if ony of you nedith wisdom, axe he of God, which yyueth to alle men largeli, and vpbreidith not; and it schal be youun to hym.
6 Hinlah Ama koma nathum tenguleh Pathen bou natahsan chu kicheh hen. Lunglinglau hih un, ajeh chu atahsan detlou mi chu twikhanglen kinong le detna neilou huimut lon le tobang hiding ahi.
But axe he in feith, and doute no thing; for he that doutith, is lijk to a wawe of the see, which is moued and borun a boute of wynde.
7 Hitobang mi chun Pakaiya kona imacha muding kinepna neihih hen.
Therfor gesse not the ilke man, that he schal take ony thing of the Lord.
8 Amaho kiphaldohna chu Pathen le vannoiya kihom khen'ah ahiuvin, chule abol jouseu chu detna neilou ahiuve.
A man dowble in soule is vnstable in alle hise weies.
9 Tahsan cha avaicha hon kisonna ding khat chu aneiyuve, ajeh chu Pathen in amaho ajabol ahitai.
And a meke brother haue glorie in his enhaunsyng,
10 Chule mihao ho chu Pathen in asuhnemu chu kithang-atnan neijou hen. Amaho chu loujaova pahcha neocha tobanga mola ahitauve.
and a riche man in his lownesse; for as the flour of gras he schal passe.
11 Nisa sat chu ahungsa cheh cheh in hampa chu asang gop in: Pahcha neocha chu apul in chule ahoina jong amollha jitai. Hitobang a chu, mihaoho jong athilbol doh jouseu toh mollha jeng diu ahiuve.
The sunne roos vp with heete, and driede the gras, and the flour of it felde doun, and the fairnesse of his chere perischide; and so a riche man welewith in hise weies.
12 Patepna le lhepna a thoh hattah'a pang ho chu Pathen in phatthei aboh ding ahi: Chujoutah chule Pathen in Ama ngailuho athutep hinna lallukhuh chu amahon asan dingu ahi.
Blessid is the man, that suffrith temptacioun; for whanne he schal be preued, he schal resseyue the coroun of lijf, which God biheyte to men that louen hym.
13 Chule nanghon lhepna nato tenguleh geldoh un, “Pathen in eilhep patep ahi” tin hinsei hih beh un. Pathen chu thil dihlou bol dingin akilhem patep khapoi chule Ama chun koima alhem khapoi.
No man whanne he is temptid, seie, that he is temptid of God; for whi God is not a temptere of yuele thingis, for he temptith no man.
14 Lhep patepna hi eima ho lung ngaichatna a hung kipanjia hichun eidoha boljiuva chule eipui mang jiu ahi.
But ech man is temptid, drawun and stirid of his owne coueiting.
15 Hiche lung ngaichatna ho hin chonset natoh ahin sodohji ahi. Chule chonset chu akhangtou dia akiphal teng leh, hichun thina ahin sohdoh ji ahi.
Aftirward coueityng, whanne it hath conseyued, bringith forth synne; but synne, whanne it is fillid, gendrith deth.
16 Hijeh chun sopite, puimang theiyin umhih'un.
Therfor, my most dereworthe britheren, nyle ye erre.
17 Ipi hileh apha le achamkim chu I-Pau Pathena hungkon ahi, Ama chun van hoa vah jouse asem ahi. Ama akichonle theile banga kikhel jing ahipoi.
Ech good yifte, and ech perfit yifte is from aboue, and cometh doun fro the fadir of liytis, anentis whom is noon other chaungyng, ne ouerschadewyng of reward.
18 Ama chun eiho dinga Athutah chu eipeh tah jeh uva pengthah dia eilhendoh u ahi. Chule eiho hi athilsem jouse lah a agou manlu tah chu ihung hiu ahitai.
For wilfulli he bigat vs bi the word of treuthe, that we be a bigynnyng of his creature.
19 Kasopi deitahteho, hiche hi heuvin, nangho thungaina lama gang uvin lang, thuseiyin kino hih un.
Wite ye, my britheren moost loued, be ech man swift to here, but slow to speke, and slow to wraththe;
20 Mihem lung hanna hin Pathen ngaichat chonphatna ahin lhutpoi.
for the wraththe of man worchith not the riytwisnesse of God.
21 Hijeh chun, anen anamse chule na hinkhouva aphalou jouse chu paidoh un, chule Pathen in nalunguva akhum Thu chu kisanun, ajeh chu hichun na lhagaovu ahuhhing thei ahi.
For which thing caste ye awei al vnclennesse, and plentee of malice, and in myldenesse resseyue ye the word that is plauntid, that may saue youre soulis.
22 Pathen Thu chu moh ngaitho hih un. Pathen Thun asei chu bolteiyun. Achuti louva ahileh nang le nang ki-ngolbol nahi ding ahitai.
But be ye doeris of the word, and not hereris oneli, disseiuynge you silf.
23 Ajeh chu nangman Thu chu nangaiya chule najui louva ahileh, phatvet a namai vea tobang nahi ding ahi.
For if ony man is an herere of the word, and not a doere, this schal be licned to a man that biholdith the cheer of his birthe in a mirour;
24 Nangma le nangma nakivet jouva nache mang tengleh, itobang lim pua nahi nasumil jitai.
for he bihelde hym silf, and wente awei, and anoon he foryat which he was.
25 Hinlah nangman nachamlhat sahthei achamkim kei dan chu chingthei tah'a navet a, chule hichun ipi asei nasuh mil louva najui leh, Pathen in hichu nabol jeh a phatthei naboh ding ahi.
But he that biholdith in the lawe of perfit fredom, and dwellith in it, and is not maad a foryetful herere, but a doere of werk, this schal be blessid in his dede.
26 Nangma hou ngaisah a nakigel a ahia nakam nathunun louva ahileh, nangma tah kingol bol nahin, na Pathen hou chu pannabei hiya ahi.
And if ony man gessith hym silf to be religiouse, and refreyneth not his tunge, but disseyueth his herte, the religioun of him is veyn.
27 Pa Pathen mitmua hou thengsel le adihtah chu–meithai ho chule nuneilou le pa neilou ho alunglhah nauva gakhotoa chule vannoiyin suhboh ding jahnom lou hiya ahi.
A clene religioun, and an vnwemmed anentis God and the fadir, is this, to visite fadirles and modirles children, and widewis in her tribulacioun, and to kepe hym silf vndefoulid fro this world.

< Jacob 1 >