< Isaiah 55 >

1 Adangchah khattou umem? Sum nanei lou jongleh-Hung in, hungdon nin! Hungin, nadeipen pen lengpi twi hihen, bongnoi hijongleh- abonna manbei ahi.
Ho, euery one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and ye that haue no siluer, come, bye and eate: come, I say, bye wine and milke without siluer and without money.
2 Ipi dinga tha na petheilou an chohna’a nasum’u mang cha a nahiu vem? Nang ho dinga aphachom louva idia sum sumanga nahiu vem? Kasei ngaijun, chule apha chu neuvin. An phapen chu lung kipah tah’a naneh dingu ahi.
Wherefore doe ye lay out siluer and not for bread? and your labour without being satisfied? hearken diligently vnto me, and eate that which is good, and let your soule delite in fatnes.
3 Ka kom’a hunguvin, na kollu phatah in hin do’uvin. Ngaiyun, chutileh hinna namu dingu ahi. Keiman tonsot kitepna nangho toh kasem ding ahi. Keiman David koma kakitepna, lhadai ngailou lungsetna chu aboncha kapeh ding nahiuve.
Encline your eares, and come vnto me: heare, and your soule shall liue, and I will make an euerlasting couenant with you, euen the sure mercies of Dauid.
4 Keiman ama chu kathaneina miho lah’a vetsah dinga, iti kamanchah ahi, heuvin. Keiman namtin lah’a lamkai khatna kasem ahitai.
Beholde, I gaue him for a witnes to the people, for a prince and a master vnto the people.
5 Nangman nahet khahlou nam ho chu thu napeh ding, chule nahet phahlou mite chu nakoma hunglhai lut’uva, nathusei angai dingu ahi, ajeh chu keima Pakai na-Pathen, Israelte Mitheng Pa hin, loupia kasem nahi.
Beholde, thou shalt call a nation that thou knowest not, and a nation that knew not thee, shall runne vnto thee, because of the Lord thy God, and the holy one of Israel: for hee hath glorified thee.
6 Pakai chu namu thei pet hin hol’ in. Anai pet hin Ama chu kouvin.
Seeke ye the Lord while he may be found: call ye vpon him while he is neere.
7 Agilou chun alampiho khel hen, chule thildih lou abolna lung gel dalha hen. Pakaiyin ahepi theina dingin. Ama heng lama hung kihei’u hen. Ahije, na- Pathen henga hung kihei’uhen, ijeh inem itileh Ama’n lungset hepia angaidamna achan tei ding ahi.
Let the wicked forsake his wayes, and the vnrighteous his owne imaginations, and returne vnto the Lord, and he wil haue mercy vpon him: and to our God, for hee is very ready to forgiue.
8 Nangho lung gel chu Keima dinga imacha hilou ahi, tin Pakaiyin aseije. Chule ka lampiho hi nangho gah gelphah jou hoi ahipoi.
For my thoughtes are not your thoughts, neither are your wayes my wayes, sayth the Lord.
9 Ajeh iham itileh vanho chu leiset sanga asanjoh tobanga, ka-lampi ho jong nangho lampi sanga sang jo’a ahi chule kagel ho hi nangho gel sanga sang joa ahi.
For as ye heauens are higher then the earth, so are my wayes higher then your wayes, and my thoughtes aboue your thoughts.
10 Go twi le gel twi hi van hoa kona hung julha’ a hichun leiset chapnou dingin, leisetna aumden’in ahi. Amaho hin muchi- chivo ho chu akhan letsah in, loubol miho dingin ga asodoh in chule agilkel dingin an ahi.
Surely as the raine commeth downe and the snow from heauen, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth and maketh it to bring forth and bud, that it may giue seede to the sower, and bread vnto him that eateth,
11 Ka Thujong chutima ahi. Keiman kasoldoh’a chule hichun ga asodoh jingin ahi. Keiman kalunggot banga asuh bulhit ding chule kasolna channa abulhit molso tei hiding ahi.
So shall my worde be, that goeth out of my mouth: it shall not returne vnto me voyde, but it shall accomplish that which I will, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
12 Nangho kipah le lungmonga nachen dingu ahi. Lhangsang ho le mol ho chun la ahinsah doh jeng dingu, chule lou jaova thingphung hon akhutnu abeh dingu ahi.
Therefore ye shall go out with ioy, and be led forth with peace: the mountaines and the hilles shall breake foorth before you into ioye, and all the trees of the fielde shall clap their handes.
13 Ling phungho akenao munho’a chu thing sang tah tah ho hungkeh ding chule khao-guiho umna hoa chu len mui phung –eng jinjen chu hungkehdoh ding ahi. Hiche thilsoh ho hin Pakai min jana lentah ahinlhut ding, hiche ho jouse hi atonsotna athaneina le angailutna melchihna hung hi ta ding ahi.
For thornes there shall grow firre trees: for nettles shall growe the myrrhe tree, and it shalbe to the Lord for a name, and for an euerlasting signe that shall not be taken away.

< Isaiah 55 >