< Isaiah 43 >

1 Hijongleh tun, Vo Jacob nasempa PAKAI sei ngaijin. Vo Israel, nagong dohpa chun aseije, “Kicha hih in, ajeh chu Keima’n nangma kachohdohsa nahitai. Keima’n namin’a kakou nahin; nangma keija nahi.
And now thus says the Lord God that made you, O Jacob, and formed you, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed you, I have called you [by] your name; you are mine.
2 Twithuh lah najot tengleh, Keiman kaumpi ding nahi. Hahsatna vadung najot tengleh, twija nalhahlut lou ding ahi. Kibolsetna meilah napal teng jongleh, meiyin nahalkhah lou ding; meiyin nakah louhel ding ahi.
And if you pass through water, I am with you; and the rivers shall not overflow you: and if you go through fire, you shall not be burnt; the flame shall not burn you.
3 Ajeh iham itileh Keima Pakai, na Patehn kahi, Israelte mithengpa, na Huhhingpu chu kahi. Keiman Aigupta chu nacham lhatna dinga nakilhat dohna ding’a kapeh nahin; Nangma muna Ethiopia le Seba chu kapehdoh ahitai.
For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, that saves you: I have made Egypt and Ethiopia your ransom, and [given] Soene for you.
4 Nangma keima dinga sahlut tah nahi jeh in, nangho khella midang chu kaphal doh a. nangma dinga ahin nau chu kapehdoh ahitai. Keima’n Kangailut nahi jeh’a nangma jabolna changa nahije.
Since you became precious in my sight, you have become glorious, and I have loved you: and I will give men for you, and princes for your life.
5 Kichahih in, ajeh chu Keiman kaum pinai. Keiman nangma le nachilhah ho chu solam le lhum lama kona kachop khom ding nahiuve.
Fear not; for I am with you: I will bring your seed from the east, and will gather you from the west.
6 Keiman sahlam le lhanglam jah’a, kachapate le kachanute chu leiset kolkim vella konin Israel’a hin puilutnin kati ding ahi.
I will say to the north, Bring; and to the south, Keep not back; bring my sons from the [land] afar off, and my daughters from the ends of the earth;
7 Keima a Pathenna einei jouse chu hin puijin, ajeh chu keiman amaho chu kaloupina dinga kasem ahi. Keima amaho sempa chu kahi.
[even] all who are called by my name: for I have prepared him for my glory, and I have formed him, and have made him:
8 Mit neija ahia kho mulou, bilkol neija khojalou ho chu mipi lah’a konin hinpuidoh un.
and I have brought forth the blind people; for [their] eyes are alike blind, and they that have ears are deaf.
9 Chitin-namtin chu hinpui khomun! Vannoi mite chu hinkhom tup’uvin! Milim semthu anei’u chun hitobang hung lhung ding hi aseimasat khah em? Jinga ipi ahungso ding aseithei pen aumna diu vem? Hitobang thuseidoh hettohsah hoiya um uvem? Amaho chun thutah asei’u ahi tia aphotchetna pengam aumna dem?
All the nations are gathered together, and princes shall be gathered out of them: who will declare these things? or who will declare to you things from the beginning? let them bring forth their witnesses, and be justified; and let them hear, and declare the truth.
10 Hinla nangma keima hettohsah a panga nahiuve, Vo Israel! Tin Pakaijin aseije. Nangma kalhacha nahi. Nangma hi keima eihechen dinga, eitahsan dinga, chule Keima bouhi Pathen kahi ti hetkhen themna neija nahi. Pathen dang aumpon-Itih’a jong ana um khalou, chule itih’a jong umkhalou ding ahi.
Be you my witnesses, and I [too am] a witness, says the Lord God, and my servant whom I have chosen: that you may know, and believe, and understand that I am [he]: before me there was no other God, and after me there shall be none.
11 Kei, Keima tah hi, Pakai chu Kahi, chule Huhhingpu dang aumpoi.
I am God; and beside me there is no Saviour.
12 Amasatah in huhdoh a naum diu thudol kaphon peh’uvin, chuphatnin kahuhdoh’un chule vannoiya kaseiphongin ahi. Koima cha gamdang pathenin hiche hi abol khapoi. Keima bou Pathen kahi hi nangho ahettohsah a panga nahiuve, tin PAKAIyin aseije.
I have declared, and have saved; I have reproached, and there was no strange [god] amongst you: you are my witnesses, and I am the Lord God,
13 Tonsotna pat tonsot geija Keima Pathen kahi. Koiman kakhutna kona koima alahdoh theilou dingu ahi. Katohdohsa chunga koima’n imalou sotheiponte.
even from the beginning; and there is none that can deliver out of my hands: I will work, and who shall turn it back?
14 Hiche hi Na Huhhingpu, Israel Mitheng Khat kitipa Pakai chun asei ahije: “Nangho jal'a keiman Babylon douna’a galmi honkhat kasoldoh ding, Banylon miten” akithang atpiu akong innei houva chu jamdoh dingu ahi.
Thus says the Lord God that redeems you, the Holy One of Israel; for your sakes I will send to Babylon, and I will stir up all that flee, and the Chaldeans shall be bound in ships.
15 Keima Pakai, nangho Athengpa Khat, Israel sempa le Lengpa chu kahi.
I am the Lord God, your Holy One, who have appointed for Israel your king.
16 Keima Pakai twi lah’a lampi hin hongdohpa, twikhanglen’a tolgo hin umdohsahpa chu kahi.
Thus says the Lord, who makes a way in the sea, and a path in the mighty water;
17 Keiman Aigupta galhat ho chu asakol ho’u le asakol kangtalaiho’u pumin kakoudoh in, keiman amaho chu twi kinong sunga kanolutnin, ahileh alha lhum tauve. Chule ahinkhou chu khoilu thaomei pat kihal kisumit jouva jemkai to abanguve.
who brought forth chariots and horse, and a mighty multitude: but they have lain down, and shall not rise: they are extinct, as quenched flax.
18 Hijongleh hiho jouse chu sumil jengun- Keiman kahinbol ding hitoh imacha dang atepithei ding aumpoi.
Remember you not the former things, and consider not the ancient things.
19 Ajeh chu keiman thilthah khat kabol ding ahi. Veuvin, kapantai! Muloulai nahiu vem? Gamthip laiya kenglampi kalhundoh ding ahi! Gamgo gam’a chu keiman vadung kahin lonsah ding ahi.
Behold, I [will] do new things, which shall presently spring forth, and you shall know them: and I will make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the dry land.
20 Loujao hoa gamsa ho, si’al ho le sumbupi jeng hon jong gamthip gam'a twi kapeh jeh’uva eichoi’at dingu ahi. Hitia chu keiman gam gotna leimuna jong chu vadung ho kalonsah ding, hichun kalhendoh mite hung kidodoh tauvinte.
the beasts of the field shall bless me, the owls and young ostriches; for I have given water in the wilderness, and rivers in the dry land, to give drink to my chosen race,
21 Keiman Israel chu keima’a dingin kakisemtai, chule amaho chun nikhat le vannoi pumpi masanga jabolna eipeh dingu ahi.
my people whom I have preserved to tell forth my praises.
22 Hinla Jacob insung mi deitahte, nanghon kapanpi dingin nanom hih laijuve. Vo Israel, nanghon keima neichim chah lheh jenguve!
I have not now called you, O Jacob; neither have I made you weary, O Israel.
23 Nanghon kelngoi le kelcha hoa kilhaina pumgo thilto dingin neihin choipeh pouvin ahi. Lousoh ga thilto hoa chule bego-gim namtui thilto hoa kilhaina thiltoa ‘neija bol tapouvin, keiman nangho ahahsa pohgih pohsah louva chule nagimna diu ima ngeh lou hel kahi.
You have not brought me the sheep of your whole burnt offering; neither have you glorified me with your sacrifices. I have not caused you to serve with sacrifices, neither have I wearied you with frankincense.
24 Nanghon bego- gim namtui le kilhaina thilto thao ho neihin choipeh pon ahi. Chusangin nachonset poh gihho neipoh sah in chule nathemona houva neitha cholsah tauvin ahi.
Neither have you purchased for me victims for silver, neither have I desired the fat of your sacrifices: but you did stand before me in your sins, and in your iniquities.
25 Kei, Keima bouvin, keima tah kahi jal'a bou nachonsetna ho kachul mangin chule hicho chu gelkit talou ding kahi.
I, [even] I, am he that blots out your transgressions for mine own sake, and your sins; and I will not remember [them].
26 Athil umdol velvet khom kitnu hitin, chule nathemo louna thudol nakisei thei ding ahi.
But do you remember, and let us plead [together]: do you first confess your transgressions, that you may be justified.
27 Atil laipeh’a kipatna napu napate ho’uvin keidouna’a anachonseuvin, nalamkai ho jouseuvin kadan thu apalkeh tauve.
Your fathers first, and your princes have transgressed against me.
28 Hijeh’a chu na thempu hou toh kakinopmo’uva chule Jacob dinga amahthahna hel kathu lhuh’a chule Israel dinga jachatna soh’a ahitai.
And the princes have defiled my sanctuaries: so I gave Jacob [to enemies] to destroy, and Israel to reproach.

< Isaiah 43 >