< Isaiah 3 >

1 Pakai, van galsatte Pakai chun, Jerusalem le Judah ten akingainau athil jouseu, achanglhah lhon jouseu le atwi jouseu alahpeh ding,
Behold now, the Lord, the Lord of hosts, will take away from Jerusalem and from Judea the mighty man and mighty woman, the strength of bread, and the strength of water,
2 Apasal hat jouseu le agal-hang jouseu chule athutanhou le athemgaohou, athempuhou le upa ho panna-a,
the great and mighty man, the warrior and the judge, and the prophet, and the counsellor, and the elder,
3 Galsat lamkaiho le avaihom lamkailenho, thumop-ho chule khutthemho le ahsi lekhathemho jouse kitolmang diu ahi.
the captain of fifty also, and the honourable counsellor, and the wise artificer, and the intelligent hearer.
4 Keiman chapang khangdongho chu alamkaiyuva kapansah ding, chapang chachan achunguva vai ahop diu ahi.
And I will make youths their princes, and mockers shall have dominion over them.
5 Chuteng khatnin khat abol genthei ding, mihem khat chun mihem khat abol gentheiya chule amitinin aheng-akom abol genthei ding ahi. Khangdonghon jong upa ho ahin noise diu, milham maimai ho’n jong jaumtah miho chu anuisatnuva anoise diu ahi.
And the people shall fall, man upon man, and [every] man upon his neighbour: the child shall insult the elder man, and the base the honourable.
6 Hiche nikho lam chuleh pasal khat chun asopipa henga, “Nangin sangkhol chol naneiyin, kalamkaiyuva napan’a nangma vaihom nanoiya ikilamkai diu ahi,” ati ding ahi.
For a man shall lay hold of his brother, as one of his father's household, saying, You have raiment, be you our ruler, and let my meat be under you.
7 Ahinlah amapa chun ahindonbut ding, “Kanompoi! Kei pangthei ponge. Ajehchu keiman anneh ding le ponsil ding kahaopoi. Hijehchun mopohna lathei ponge!” ati ding ahi.
And he shall answer in that day, and say, I will not be your ruler; for I have no bread in my house, nor raiment: I will not be the ruler of this people.
8 Ijeh-inem itileh Jerusalem hung kipallhuding, Judah jong hung lhuding ahi. Ijeh-inem itileh amahon Pakai dounan thu aseiyun, Pakai thupeh ajuinom pouve. Chule Pakai maichangtaha taitomna aneikhumun ahi.
For Jerusalem is ruined, and Judea has fallen, and their tongues [have spoken] with iniquity, disobedient [as they are] towards the Lord.
9 Amaisou chun ahinau aphongdohun, Sodom mite bangin lhangphongtahin achonseuvin ahi. Achonsetnau selmangin aumtapon, Ohe! ada ahilhontai. Amanthahna diu amahon achamuva akiboldoh-u ahibouve.
Therefore now their glory has been brought low, and the shame of their countenance has withstood them, and they have proclaimed their sin as Sodom, and made it manifest.
10 Midihho vang chu seipeh-un, amaho dinga ijakai phasoh ding ahi. Atohphat gau akisan diu ahi!
Woe to their soul, for they have devised an evil counsel against themselves, saying against themselves, Let us bind the just, for he is burdensome to us: therefore shall they eat the fruits of their works.
11 Ohe migilouho vang mangthah diu ahi. Ajehchu agitlounau ga chu ahibangtaha akimu diu ahi.
Woe to the transgressor! evils shall happen to him according to the works of his hands.
12 Chapang tobang lamkaiho chun kamite asugentheiyun, numeihon jong avaihopkhumui. O kamite, nalamkaihovin nahin pui lamvai tauvin, lamdihlouva nahin pui tauve.
O my people, your exactors strip you, and extortioners rule over you: O my people, they that pronounce you blesses lead you astray, and pervert the path of your feet.
13 Pakaiyin thutanna mun alotan, amite thutanpeh dingin atoutai.
But now the Lord will stand up for judgement, and will enter into judgement with his people.
14 Pakai chu athutanna phongdoh dingin ahung naiyin, mipi vaihom ho le upa ho thu atanin, “Nanghon kalengpilei, Israel nachom tauve. Nainsunguvah migentheiho thil nachomhou akisedimset tai.
The Lord himself shall enter into judgement with the elders of the people, and with their rulers: but why have you set my vineyard on fire, and [why is] the spoil of the poor in your houses?
15 Ipi nakingapchatnauva kamite nachotphauva, mivaichate maichang chu leivui toh nagoithau ham?” tiin Pakai, van galsatte Pakai chun aseiye.
Why do you wrong my people, and shame the face of the poor?
16 Pakaiyin hiti’n aseiyin, “Vetlomtah Zion hi akihoithosah-in, angong avaiputnin, amitnin mi alhemngolin, kihoithosahtahin akal asepmin, akeng-ngonga chaocha ging lhinglheng pumin lam ajotne.
Thus says the Lord, Because the daughters of Sion are haughty, and have walked with an outstretched neck, and with winking of the eyes, and motion of the feet, at the same time drawing their garments in trains, and at the same time sporting with their feet:
17 Hijeha chu Pakaiyin Zion Chanute chu alujangu pat dehduh-a ahin koi ding, alu-u tol gamding ahi.
therefore the Lord will humble the chief daughters of Sion, and the Lord will expose their form in that day;
18 Thupi tan nikho chuleh Pakaiyin akicheihoinau jouse anoimangpeh diu, alu-uva akop-uleh akhi-ou kisan asutlhahpeh ding,
and the Lord will take away the glory of their raiment, the curls and the fringes, and the crescents,
19 Abilbahou, achaochau, amaikhuhou,
and the chains, and the ornaments of their faces,
20 Apon lutom le bantom, kengngonga aki-ou chaochaho, konga kivei diel jouse asutlhahpeh ding chule lunglathei kicheihoinaho le thaonamtuiho;
and the array of glorious ornaments, and the armlets, and the bracelets, and the wreathed work, and the finger-rings, and the ornaments for the right hand,
21 Khutjem, khi-o,
and the ear-rings, and the garments with scarlet borders, and the garments with purple grounds, and the shawls to be worn in the house, and the Spartan transparent dresses, and those made of fine linen, and the purple [ones], and the scarlet [ones], and the fine linen, interwoven with gold and purple, and the light coverings for couches.
22 Golvahni vonho, sangkholcholho, sangkhol-bantong le sumbomho,
And there shall be instead of a sweet smell, dust; and instead of a girdle, you shall gird yourself with a rope; and instead of a golden ornament for the head, you shall have baldness on account of your works; and instead of a tunic with a scarlet ground, you shall gird yourself with sackcloth.
23 Phatvet, tupat ponnem, lujemhoiho chule ponsilho aboncha kilahdohpeh ding ahi.
And your most beautiful son whom you love shall fall by the sword; and your mighty men shall fall by the sword, and shall be brought low.
24 Gimnamtui nam talouva aui-athang joh nam diu, diel khella khaojang akigah diu, asam jolsellu jong pullhasoh ding ahi. Chule pon-ah hoitah khella khaodip-pon hamthethu akiah diu, jumnan amelhoina jouseu alekhu ding ahi.
And the stores of your ornaments shall mourn, and you shall be left alone, and shall be levelled with the ground.
25 Khopia pasalho chu chemjama kithatgam ding chule agal-hat-hou jong kidouna pholla thiden diu ahitai.
26 Zion kelkot phunga chu kana le puldouna umding, akhopi chu numei kisuse-kisuthanghoi tolla kikhelpha-den tobang hiding ahi.

< Isaiah 3 >