< Potdohbu 16 >

1 Elim akon'in Israel mipi akitol uvin Sin kiti gammang lam hichu Elim le Sinai molsang kahlah ahiye. Hiche mun chu Egypt gamsung'a konna ahungpotdoh kal'u lhani alhing tan, hiche lhasung nisom le ninga lhinin ahunglhung taovin ahi.
And they departed from Aelim, and all the congregation of the children of Israel came to the wilderness of Sin, which is between Aelim and Sina; and on the fifteenth day, in the second month after their departure from the land of Egypt,
2 Hiche mun jeng ajong chun Isreal mite Mose le Aaron heng'a aphunchil taovin ahi.
all the congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron.
3 Ama hon aseiyun, “Kada tangei uve! Egypt gamsunga kana um laiyun saneh ding hihen changlhah hijong le adimlha jeng jin, tun nangman hiche gamthip noiya hi kelthohsah'a thi gam sah ding nei got u hitam,” atiuve.
And the children of Israel said to them, Would we had died struck by the Lord in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the flesh-pots, and ate bread to satiety! for you have brought us out into this wilderness, to kill all this congregation with hunger.
4 Chuin Pakaiyin Mose heng'a aseijin, “Vetan! Vanna konna keiman nangma ann kahinpeh ding nahiye. Nisih niseh'a aneh diu adeichannu agakilo ding'u ahi. Keiman amaho kapatep ding ahiuve, ajeh chu kathu angai nah uvem.”
And the Lord said to Moses, Behold, I [will] rain bread upon you out of heaven: and the people shall go forth, and they shall gather their daily portion for the day, that I may try them whether they will walk in my law or not.
5 “Nigup lhinni teng keiman aneh khopset diuva an'neh kahin pehding ahiuve, hichu anehkhopset diu ajatnia tam hiding ahi.”
And it shall come to pass on the sixth day that they shall prepare whatever they have brought in, and it shall be double of what they shall have gathered for the day, daily.
6 Chuin Mose le Aaron'injong Israel mite heng'a aseipeh lhon tan, “Nilhah lam teng na hetdoh ding'u ahiye, ajeh chu koiham Egypt gamsung'a konna nahin puidoh paochu,” atipeh lhon tai.
And Moses and Aaron said to all the congregation of the children of Israel, At even you shall know that the Lord has brought you out of the land of Egypt;
7 “Chule jingkah lamteng Pakai loupina namudiu ahi, ajeh chu nangho nakiphin nau awgin Aman ajasoh tai, hichu Amadia doumah um ahin, hichu keini chung'a doumah naneijin phun hihhel un, ati lhon'e.”
and in the morning you shall see the glory of the Lord, inasmuch as he hears your murmuring against God; and who are we, that you continue to murmur against us?
8 Mose'n asei aseikit in, “Pakaiyin nilhah lamma naneh diu sa nahin peh diu, jingkah lama naneh diu changlhah nahin peh diu ahi, ajeh chu Pakaiyin nangho na phunchel uva ama douna thu na seinau aja soh tai. Keini a kon ipijeh'a na kiphin'nu ham? Henge, na phunchel nau chu keini douna hilouvin, Pathen douna ahijoi,” ati lhonne.
And Moses said, [This shall be] when the Lord gives you in the evening flesh to eat, and bread in the morning to satiety, because the Lord has heard your murmuring, which you murmur against us: and what are we? for your murmuring is not against us, but against God.
9 Chuin Mose'n jong Aaron heng'a aseijin, “Israel mite jouse heng'a seipeh tem in: Nangma cheh Pakai angsung'a kipe lut uvin, ajeh chu Aman nang ho phunchel na ajahsoh ahi tai, tin seiyin,” ati.
And Moses said to Aaron, Say to all the congregation of the children of Israel, Come near before God; for he has heard your murmuring.
10 Aaron'injong Isreal mite jouse heng'a aseiyin ahile, amahon gammang lah chu avel le jeng tauvin ahi. Amahon Pathen loupina thil chu vanlam'a amu tauvin ahi.
And when Aaron spoke to all the congregation of the children of Israel, and they turned towards the wilderness, then the glory of the Lord appeared in a cloud.
11 Chu in Pakaiyin Mose heng'a asei jin,
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
12 “Keiman Israel mite phunchelna ka jahsoh tan ahi. Tun nangman aheng uvah seijin, nilhah lamteng naneh diuva sa ka hin peh ding na hiuvin chule jingkah lamteng naneh diuva changlhah kahin peh ding na hiuve. Chuteng nanghon keima hi na-Pakai u-leh Na-Pathen'u kahi na hetdoh ding'u ahi,” ati.
I have heard the murmuring of the children of Israel: speak to them, saying, Towards evening you shall eat flesh, and in the morning you shall be satisfied with bread; and you shall know that I am the Lord your God.
13 Hiche nilhah lam chun vamimte ahung kitol tauvin ahile ngahmun chu alo dimlha jeng tauve. Jingkah khovah machun ngahmun kim vel lah jouse chu daitwi jin ana chup in ahi.
And it was evening, and quails came up and covered the camp:
14 Chuin daitwi hochu ahung kihoh dohtan ahile, gammang lah akon chun thilpha tah khat alomlom chan ahung umtan, hichu abeh beh'a kigol'in anaum in ahi.
in the morning it came to pass as the dew ceased round about the camp, that, behold, on the face of the wilderness [was] a small thing like white coriander seed, as frost upon the earth.
15 Israel miten jong hichu ahinmudoh taovin ahile, amaho akidong tochheh un, “hiche khu ipi ahidem?” amahon ipi ahichu ahedoh jou pouvin ahile. Chu in Mose'n ahil chen un, “Hiche hi nehding'a Pakaiyin napeh uvah ahi,” ati.
And when the children of Israel saw it, they said one to another, What is this? for they knew not what it was; and Moses said to them,
16 “Hicheng hi Pakaiyin aseije: Nangma insung cheh'in naneh khopset diu kilah unlang, chule mikhat'in vamim jatnia tamjo napon buh sung uvah kichoi lut un,” ati.
This [is] the bread which the Lord has given you to eat. This is that which the Lord has appointed: gather of it each man for his family, a homer for each person, according to the number of your souls, gather each of you with his fellow-lodgers.
17 Pakaiyin athupeh bang'in Israel mite'n jong abol tauvin ahi, kimkhat in tampi a kichoi jun, akim khatma chun achoi khambep cheh aki choi uve.
And the children of Israel did so, and gathered some much and some less.
18 Ahinlah Omer dimkhat cheh atetoh uvin ahileh, tamtah hinkilah ho ahin chule ama ding khambep hin kilah ho jong hiti chun, kitam lah chom leh kilhom lah chom um louvin; abonchauvin kitoh chat chat'in akihom uvin aki choiyuve.
And having measured the homer [full], he that gathered much had nothing over, and he that had gathered less had no lack; each gathered according to the need of those who belonged to him.
19 Chuin Mose'n aheng uvah aseiyin, “Jingkah khovah lhah channa ahelsi cha jeng jong na koi loudiu ahi,” ati.
And Moses said to them, Let no man leave of it till the morning.
20 Kimkhat chun a ngaisah pouvin changlhah aneh moh uchu jingkah lam chan in akoi jun ahile, chang lhah akoi den hou chu thaan achu tan a uilha gam tai, Mose jong ama ho chung'a chun a lungpha mo tan ahi.
But they did not listen to Moses, but some left of it till the morning; and it bred worms and stank: and Moses was irritated with them.
21 Jingkah sih'in Mipiho chun aneh khop cheh diu changlhah chu aga kilo jiuvin, nisa ahungsat doh teng levang changlhah hochu ajunmang jitan ahi.
And they gathered it every morning, each man what he needed, and when the sun waxed hot it melted.
22 Nigup lhinni teng le changlhah chu achan jatbep cheh diuvin akilo jiuvin, hitia abol'u toh kilhon chun khompi lamkai ho ahung uvin Mose heng'a asei jiuvin ahi.
And it came to pass on the sixth day, they gathered double what was needed, two homers for one [man]; and all the chiefs of the synagogue went in and reported it to Moses.
23 Aman aheng uvah aseiyin, “Pakaiyin hiti hin aseije: Jing nikho teng nangho nakicholdo diu ahi, ajeh chu Pakaiya dia Sabbath nikho theng ahi. Changlhah na kisem theijat channu tunin kisem unlang, hiche hochu jinglam'a ding jong kikoi doh taovin,” ati.
And Moses said to them, Is not this the word which the Lord spoke? To-morrow [is] the sabbath, a holy rest to the Lord: bake that you will bake, and seethe that you will seethe, and all that is over leave to be laid by for the morrow.
24 Mose'n athupeh bang'un, changlhah phabep chu achom in jingkah khovah chan in akoi jun ahi. Jingkah'in changlhah hochu ima ati tapon than jong chu louvin hoitah'in ana um'e.
And they left of it till the morning, as Moses commanded them; and it stank not, neither was there a worm in it.
25 Mose'n aseijin, “Hiche changlhah hi tunin neuvin, ajeh chu tunikho hi Pakaiya dia Sabbath ahi. Ajeh chu tol lhamma chang lhah umlou ding ahiye,” ati.
And Moses said, Eat [that] today, for today is a sabbath to the Lord: [it] shall not be found in the plain.
26 Nigup sung'a changlhah na kilo cheh diu, ni sagi niteng nalo thei lou ding'u ahiye,” ati.
Six days you shall gather it, and on the seventh day is a sabbath, for there shall be none on that [day].
27 Kim khat chu Sabbath nikhon changlhah kilo din acheuvin, hinlah changlhah khat jeng cha jong amu tapouve.
And it came to pass on the seventh day [that] some of the people went forth to gather, and found none.
28 Pakaiyin Mose heng'a aseijin, “hiche mite hin itih chan kathu peh apalkeh diu hitam?
And the Lord said to Moses, How long are you unwilling to listen to my commands and my law?
29 “Amahon ageldoh diu chu Sabbath nikho hi Pakaiya akon ahin Aman eipeh'u ahiye. Hijeh achu Pakajin nigup sung'in changlhah neh ding na peuvin, nigup lhinni man nini sung'a neh ding changlhah na peuve. Nalah uva koi hijong leu chun naum na cheh uva umthim beh jeng uvin lang,’ nisagi lhinni teng koima cha achenna munna konin pamlama potda jeng tahen,” ati.
See, for the Lord has given you this day [as] the sabbath, therefore he has given you on the sixth day the bread of two days: you shall sit each of you in your houses; let no one go forth from his place on the seventh day.
30 Nisagi lhin ni leh na boncha uvin ima ne louvin a kicholdo tauvin ahi.
And the people kept sabbath on the seventh day.
31 Israel miten chang lhah chu Manna asah tauvin ahi. Hichu muchi mu tabang bang ahin, atwi dan jong khoiju ta bang ahiye.
And the children of Israel called the name of it Man; and it was as white coriander seed, and the taste of it as a wafer with honey.
32 Mose'n asei in, “Pakai thupeh chu hiche hi ahiye: “Nakhang lhumkei uva umjing ding in Manna ki hamdoh cheh uvin, hichu nakhang lhumkei uva mite hon Egypt gamsung'a konna ka hinpui uva gammang thip lah'a Manna'a kahin vah nao ahidan ahetdoh thei ding'u ahi,” ati.
And Moses said, This [is] the thing which the Lord has commanded, Fill an homer with manna, to be laid up for your generations; that they may see the bread which you ate in the wilderness, when the Lord led you forth out of the land of Egypt.
33 Mose'n jong Aaron heng'a aseijin, “Belneo khat latem'in asung'a chun Manna phabep khat khum'in. Hichu akhang akhang'a umjing dia Pakai ansung'a nagakoi ding ahi,” ati.
And Moses said to Aaron, Take a golden pot, and cast into it one full homer of manna; and you shall lay it up before God, to be kept for your generations,
34 Pakaiyin Mose athupeh bang'in Aaron in jong aboltan ahi. Pakai angsunga akhang akhang'a het tohsah'a pang ding'in kitepna thingkong maiya chun akoi tan ahi.
as the Lord commanded Moses: and Aaron laid it up before the testimony to be kept.
35 Israel mite'n jong achenna diu mun ahin phah kahseo vin, kum somli sung sen Manna jeng ahin neuvin, Canaan gam ahung lhun kahse uva ding'in Manna jeng chu ahin ne tauvin ahi.
And the children of Israel ate manna forty years, until they came to the land they ate the manna, until they came to the region of Phoenicia.
36 Manna Omer dimkhat chu Ephah khatseh hopsomma hop khat toh aki bang in ahi.
Now the homer was the tenth part of three measures.

< Potdohbu 16 >