< Danbu Ni Na 10 >

1 Chuin Pakaiyin kaheng ah hiti hin aseiyin, Songpheng ni masanga toh kibang chat hin choiyin chule thingkong khat phatah in sem inlang asunga khum ding ahi. Hiche na ding chun molchunga kahenga hung kaltouvin.
At that time the LORD said to me, “Chisel out two stone tablets like the originals, come up to Me on the mountain, and make an ark of wood.
2 Hiche songpheng chunga chu masanga na sekeh chunga thucheng kijih bang banga kajih lut ding, hichu thingkong sunga nakoi ding ahi.
And I will write on the tablets the words that were on the first tablets, which you broke; and you are to place them in the ark.”
3 Keiman thinggi thingkong in kasem in chule amasanga bang bang in songpheng ni ka suitoh in ahi.
So I made an ark of acacia wood, chiseled out two stone tablets like the originals, and went up the mountain with the two tablets in my hands.
4 Chuin Pakaiyin avelin thupeh som hochu ajih lut in, keima eipetan ahi. Songpheng teni chu kakhut in kachoiyin, molchung lama kakal tou tan ahi.
And the LORD wrote on the tablets what had been written previously, the Ten Commandments that He had spoken to you on the mountain out of the fire on the day of the assembly. The LORD gave them to me,
5 Molchunga kon ka hung ki heisuh in, kitepna songpheng teni chu thingkong sunga kakoi tan, hichu Pakai thupeh banga kei man kabol ahi. Songpheng teni chu thingkong sunga aumtai.
and I went back down the mountain and placed the tablets in the ark I had made, as the LORD had commanded me; and there they have remained.
6 Israel mite chu Jaakan twikul muna kon in Moserah kiti Aaron kivuina muna chun akitol tauvin ahi. Achapa Eleazar chun thempu na atoh ahi.
The Israelites traveled from Beeroth Bene-jaakan to Moserah, where Aaron died and was buried, and Eleazar his son succeeded him as priest.
7 Hiche muna pat chun, Gudgodah mun ajon tauvin, aban'in Jotbathah hiche muna chu twisam tampi putna mun ahi.
From there they traveled to Gudgodah, and from Gudgodah to Jotbathah, a land with streams of water.
8 Hichun Pakaiyin Levi insung mite chu thingkong pu dingin adei lhen tan, chuleh Pakai angsunga ding diu Pakai mina thempu na atoh diu ahi. Hiche hi amaho natoh ding ahi.
At that time the LORD set apart the tribe of Levi to carry the ark of the covenant of the LORD, to stand before the LORD to serve Him, and to pronounce blessings in His name, as they do to this day.
9 Hiche jeh achu Israel mite lah’a Levi insung chu chenna ding gamtum neilouva um ahiuvin, Pakai hi amaho dinga agoulupenu leh Pakai, Pathen thempu kinbol dinga um ahitauve.
That is why Levi has no portion or inheritance among his brothers; the LORD is his inheritance, as the LORD your God promised him.
10 Keiman amasa pena ding in, ‘Nisomli le jan somli molchunga Pakai henga kaum in, Pakaiyin avelin ka taona asang in nangho nahing hoi tauvin ahi.’
I stayed on the mountain forty days and forty nights, like the first time, and that time the LORD again listened to me and agreed not to destroy you.
11 Chuin Pakaiyin ka henga aseiyin, keiman napuluiteu khang apat peh dinga ka kitepna, gamlo din mipiho lamkai tan, ati.
Then the LORD said to me, “Get up. Continue your journey ahead of the people, that they may enter and possess the land that I swore to their fathers to give them.”
12 Chule tun, Israel mite, Pakai, Pathen in nanghoa kona adei chu ipi ham? Pakaiyin nang hoa kona adeichu Pakai ging jing unlang chule Pakai lunglam jeng nabol diu, na lungthim pumpiuva Pakai lam jeng nakat diu ahi.
And now, O Israel, what does the LORD your God ask of you but to fear the LORD your God by walking in all His ways, to love Him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul,
13 Chule tunia najah uva kasei, Pakai, Pathen akona thupeh chengse aboncha najui kimsoh kei diu ahi.
and to keep the commandments and statutes of the LORD that I am giving you this day for your own good?
14 Veuvin! Chung sangpen leh leiset chunga thil ijakai jouse hi Pakai, Pathen a bou ahi.
Behold, to the LORD your God belong the heavens, even the highest heavens, and the earth and everything in it.
15 Ajeh chu Pakaiyin napuluiteu ana ngailun hijeh achu, achilhahteu nangho jouse jong nam dang jouse sanga Pakaiyin na khohsah joh’u ahi.
Yet the LORD has set His affection on your fathers and loved them. And He has chosen you, their descendants after them, above all the peoples, even to this day.
16 Hijeh chun na lungtah nauva kon in, na lung heiyun.
Circumcise your hearts, therefore, and stiffen your necks no more.
17 Ajeh chu Pakai le na Pathen uhi pathen jouse lah’a Pathen chung nung, pakai jouse lah’a Pakai chungpen ahi. Ki dangtah Pathen ahin, sihnei langneina beihel Pathen ahi.
For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, mighty, and awesome God, showing no partiality and accepting no bribe.
18 Pakaiyin meithaiho leh chagaho angailun chule gamdangmi nalah uva chengho angailun, von ki-ah ding apeuvin ahi.
He executes justice for the fatherless and widow, and He loves the foreigner, giving him food and clothing.
19 Hijeh chun nanghon jong kholjinmi na ngailut diu ahi, ajeh chu nangho jong Egypt gam'a kholjina hinkho na-namanu ahi.
So you also must love the foreigner, since you yourselves were foreigners in the land of Egypt.
20 Nanghon Pakai, na Pathen'u kin jeng nabol diu ahi. Kitepna ijakai Pakai min jenga nanei diu ahi.
You are to fear the LORD your God and serve Him. Hold fast to Him and take your oaths in His name.
21 Pakai ama bou Pathen ahin, chule Pakai bou choi-at dinga lom ahi. Ajeh chu ama bouvin thil kidang ijakai abol in, hichu namit tah uvin namu soh kei uve.
He is your praise and He is your God, who has done for you these great and awesome wonders that your eyes have seen.
22 Napu napate hou Egypt gam'a ache uchun amaho mi somsagi bou ahiuve. Hinlah tun nangho Pakai, Pathen in vana ahsi jat in na semdoh tauvin ahi.
Your fathers went down to Egypt, seventy in all, and now the LORD your God has made you as numerous as the stars in the sky.

< Danbu Ni Na 10 >