< 2 Lengte 21 >

1 Manasseh chu leng ahungchan chun ama kum somle kumni alhingbep in ahi. Amahin kum som nga le nga geijin vai ahom’in ahi. Anu min chu Hephzibah ahi.
Manasses [was] twelve years old when he began to reign, and he reigned fifty-five years in Jerusalem: and his mother's name [was] Apsiba.
2 Amahin Pakai mitmu’n thilse jing anabollin ahi. Amahin Pathen in Israelte masanga ana nodoh pathen neilou nam mite thet umtah chonna ho chu anajuijin ahi.
And he did that which was evil in the eyes of the Lord, according to the abominations of the nations which the Lord cast out from before the children of Israel.
3 Apa Hezekiah in ana suhmang pathen neilouho doiphung chu atungdoh kit’in ahi. Aman Baal maicham jong asemdoh kit’in, chule Asherah doikhomjong atungdoh kit’in Israel lengpa Ahab bol tobang bangin in abollin ahi. Vanthamjolla thaneiho jouse anga ana bohkhup’in chuleh hiche hochu ahouvin ahi.
And he built again the high places, which Ezekias his father [had] demolished; and set up an altar to Baal, and made groves as Achaab king of Israel [made them]; and worshipped all the host of heaven, and served them.
4 Pakaiyin “Jerusalem’ah kamin umden jing ding ahi,” ana tina Pakai houin mun’ah, pathen neilouho maicham ana semdoh in ahi.
And he built an altar in the house of the Lord, whereas he had said, In Jerusalem I will place my name.
5 Aman hiche van thanei ho pathen doiphung hole maicham phungho jouse Pakai houin mun jousea ana thah tundoh kit in ahi.
And he built an altar to all the host of heaven in the two courts of the house of the Lord.
6 Manasseh in ama cha tahbeh jeng jong doi pathen ho hounan anakatdoh in, meiya ana gouvin, themka pou ana dongin, ai-lhimpou anabollin, gaochang miho jong atahsan in, mitphel doithem hopou anamang chan ahi. Hitihin aman Pakai mitmu’n thilse jeng ana bollin Pakai chu ana sulung hangin ahi.
And he caused his sons to pass through the fire, and used divination and auspices, and made groves, and multiplied wizards, so as to do that which was evil in the sight of the Lord, to provoke him to anger.
7 Manasseh hin Asherah semthu pathen lim jeng jong ana sem’in, Pakaiyin David leh achapa Solomon anaseipeh na mun laitah houin sunga chun ana tungdoh in ahi. “Israel phungho jouse lah a kona kana lhendoh Jerusalem khopi leh a houin nahi kamin hi atonsot na kijajing ding ahi,” anati ahi.
And he set up the graven image of the grove in the house of which the Lord said to David, and to Solomon his son, In this house, and in Jerusalem which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, will I even place my name for ever.
8 Israelte hin chingthei tah a kathupeh holeh kasohpa Mose kana pehsa kadan sem hohi anit sohkei uva ahileh keiman apu apateu kanapeh gamsunga kona gamdanga sohchanga kasoldoh louhel diu ahi.
And I will not again remove the foot of Israel from the land which I gave to their fathers, [even of those] who shall keep all that I commanded, according to all the commandments which my servant Moses commanded them.
9 Ahinlah hiche mipite hin sei angai pouvin, chuleh Manasseh chun Israelte gamtepgam agalut’un, Pathen in ana suhmang Pathen neilou namdangte sanga thilsejo Manasseh in ana bolsah in ahi.
But they listened not; and Manasses led them astray to do evil in the sight of the Lord, beyond the nations whom the Lord utterly destroyed from before the children of Israel.
10 Hiche jouchun Pakaiyin alhachate themgao ho mangchan thu ana seijin ahi.
And the Lord spoke by his servants the prophets, saying,
11 “Judahte lengpa Manasseh in thet um tahtah thil tamtah ana boldoh in ahi. Israelte hiche gam’a achenlut masang uva anacheng Amor mite sangin thilsejo ana boldoh in ahi. Aman Judah mitehi milim semthu doilim houna a ana chonset sah in ahi,” ati.
Forasmuch as Manasses the king of Juda has wrought all these evil abominations, beyond all that the Amorite did, who lived before [him], and has led Juda also into sin by their idols,
12 Hijeh chun hichehi Israel Pakai Pathen chun hitin aseije, “Keiman Israelte Judah mipite chunga kahinpoh lutding hamsetna hi ajachan jouse tijatna kihot ling gamdiu ahi,” ati.
[it shall] not [be] so. Thus says the Lord God of Israel, Behold, I bring calamities upon Jerusalem and Juda, so that both the ears of every one that hears shall tingle.
13 “Keiman Jerusalem chunga thu katanding hi Samaria chungle Ahab insung mite chunga kanatanbang banga katantoh chet ding ahi. Keiman Jerusalem mipite chu min annehna kong akhup athalla asop banga kasuhmang ding ahi,” ati.
And I will stretch out over Jerusalem the measure of Samaria, and the plummet of the house of Achaab: and I will wipe Jerusalem as a jar is wiped, and turned upside down in the wiping.
14 “Hijouteng chule kamite amoh chengse jeng jong kapaidoh ding chuleh agalmi teuvin achom gam diuva kapehdoh ding ahi,” ati.
And I will reject the remnant of my inheritance, and will deliver them into the hands of their enemies; and they shall be for a plunder and for a spoil to all their enemies:
15 “Ajeh chu amahon kamitmu’n thilse jeng abolluvin, Egypt akona apu apateu kahin puidoh apat tunigei hin eilunghansah jing jeng un ahi,” ati.
forasmuch as they have done wickedly in my sight, and have provoked me from the day that I brought out their fathers out of Egypt, even until this day.
16 Manasseh in themmo nabei mitamtah athat’in, Jerusalem ning langkhatna konin ning langkhat geijin themmona bei thisan adimset tokah in athat that jing in ahi. Hiche hi aman Judahte achonsetsah chungchonna chonset abolbesah nahlai chu ahin, hitia hi Pakai mitmua thilse bolna a anapuilut jing ahi.
Moreover Manasses shed very much innocent blood, until he filled Jerusalem [with it] from one end to the other, beside his sins with which he caused Juda to sin, in doing evil in the eyes of the Lord.
17 Manasseh in avaihom sunga thilsoh adangho jouse chuleh anatoh athibolho jouse, athilse bol ho jouse pum’in, Judah lengte thusimbu kijihna lekhabua aum’in ahi.
And the rest of the acts of Manasses, and all that he did, and his sin which he sinned, [are] not these things written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Juda?
18 Manasseh athiphat’in, Uzza hon leng inpi hon sunga chun anavui tauvin ahi. Hijouchun achapa Amon nin lengmun ahinlo tan ahi.
And Manasses slept with his fathers, and was buried in the garden of his house, [even] in the garden of Oza: and Amos his son reigned in his stead.
19 Amon chu leng ahung chan chun ama kum somni le ni alhin in chuleh aman Jerusalem’ah kum ni sung lengvai ana po in ahi. Anu chu Meshullemeth, Jotbah khopi akon Haruz chanu ahi.
Twenty and two years old [was] Amos when he began to reign, and he reigned two years in Jerusalem: and his mother's name [was] Mesollam, daughter of Arus of Jeteba.
20 Amahin apa bol bol ana bollin, apan milimdoi ho ana hou ho mama chu ana houvin ahi.
And he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord, as Manasses his father did.
21 Amahin apa Manasseh in anabolbang bangin Pakai mitmu’n thilse jing ana bollin ahi.
And he walked in all the way in which his father walked, and served the idols which his father served, and worshipped them.
22 Aman apu apte Pathen Pakai ana paidoh in, Pakai lampi chu anajui nompon ahi.
And he forsook the Lord God of his fathers, and walked not in the way of the Lord.
23 Hiti chun Amon noija natong pipui ho chun ama dounan tohgon ana neijun aleng inpi sunga ana that tauvin ahi.
And the servants of Amos conspired against him, and killed the king in his house.
24 Ahinlah agamsung mipiten Amon lengpa douna tohgon ananei ho jouse chu ana that gam’un chuleh amahon achapa Josiah chu leng mun analosah tauvin ahi.
And the people of the land killed all that had conspired against king Amos; and the people of the land made Josias king in his room.
25 Amon vaihom sunga anasoh thildang ho jouse chuleh anatoh thilbol hojouse Judah lengte thusimbu kijihna lekhabua aum’in ahi.
And the rest of the acts of Amos, [even] all that he did, behold, [are] not these written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Juda?
26 Amachu Uzza honsung lhan nachun. Anavui taovin ahi. Hijouchun achapa Josiah chu leng ahung chang tai.
And they buried him in his tomb in the garden of Oza: and Josias his son reigned in his stead.

< 2 Lengte 21 >