< 2 Thusimbu 25 >

1 Amaziah hi leng ahung chan chun kum somni le nga alhingtaan ahi, amahin Jerusalemma kum somni le ko sungin vai anahomme. Anu chu Jerusalemma konna Jehoaddan ahi
Amaziah was twenty-five years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem twenty-nine years. His mother’s name was Jehoaddan; she was from Jerusalem.
2 Amahin Pathen lunglhai na lamjeng anabollin ahinlah alungthim pumpi anapepon ahi
And he did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, but not wholeheartedly.
3 Amahin athaneina ahin kisuhdet phatnin apa anathat sepai lamkai teni chu anathat nin ahi
As soon as the kingdom was firmly in his grasp, Amaziah executed the servants who had murdered his father the king.
4 Ahinlah achateo ana thapehpoi, aman Mose daanna kisei Pathenin Mose daanna kiseichu anajuijin ahi. Hicheachun achate thilse boljeh a apate kithat louding chuleh pate thilse boljeh a achate kithat louding daan chu anajui ahi, michu amatahin thilse abol jeh a bou kithat ding ahi
Yet he did not put their sons to death, but acted according to what is written in the Law, in the Book of Moses, where the LORD commanded: “Fathers must not be put to death for their children, and children must not be put to death for their fathers; each is to die for his own sin.”
5 Lengpa Amaziah in Judah leh Benjamin phungsung asemtoh in aphung dungjuijin galsat thei sepai hochu sangkhat chunga vaihom jakhat chunga vaihom akoi jin ana gongtoh in ahi. Hiche hochu kum somni leh achung langho abonchaovin sang jathum (Lakh thum) alhing un ahi. Hiche hochu tengcha leh ompho mangcha – a galsatje themcheh lhentum hochu ahiove.
Then Amaziah gathered the people of Judah and assigned them according to their families to commanders of thousands and of hundreds. And he numbered those twenty years of age or older throughout Judah and Benjamin and found 300,000 chosen men able to serve in the army, bearing the spear and shield.
6 Hiche chungchon chun aman sepai sang jakhat (Lakh khat), dangka K. g 3400 (Sangthum le Jali) in Israel sepaiho achodoh in ahi.
He also hired 100,000 mighty warriors from Israel for a hundred talents of silver.
7 Ahinlah themgaokhat ache in lengpa kommah “Hiche Israel sepai hohi kilhonpi hihin agatin ahi. Sahlam leng gamma konna hunghohi Pathenin amangcha pouve agatin ahi.
But a man of God came to him and said, “O king, do not let the army of Israel go with you, for the LORD is not with Israel—not with any of the Ephraimites.
8 Nangin amahochu kimangcha leh galla kihatjepmin te nati ding ahin, ahinlah galjo leh gallel nahi Pathen khutna um ahibouvin aman nagalmite najopeh ding ahinai” atipeh in ahi.
Even if you go and fight bravely in battle, God will make you stumble before the enemy, for God has power to help and power to overthrow.”
9 Amaziah chun themgaopa kommachun ‘Ahileh kasumpeh hochu itiding hitam?” atin ahileh Pakaiyin hiche sanga tamjo chu nahin lepehthei ahinai!” atipeh e.
Amaziah asked the man of God, “What should I do about the hundred talents I have given to the army of Israel?” And the man of God replied, “The LORD is able to give you much more than this.”
10 Hijeh chun Amaziah in a sepai chohsah hochu a inlang uva alesoltan ahileh amaho Juda mipiho chungah lunghang tahin a inlang nguvah akile taovin ahi.
So Amaziah dismissed the troops who had come to him from Ephraim and sent them home. And they were furious with Judah and returned home in great anger.
11 Amaziah amale ama akihan lhon Chikhuh phaicham machun a sepaite apuilutnin Edom sepaite chu akisatpin sangsom athatnin ahi.
Amaziah, however, summoned his strength and led his troops to the Valley of Salt, where he struck down 10,000 men of Seir,
12 Chuleh adang sangsom jong galhingin amannin ahi. Agal hing amatnu chu Sela khopi kaldoh na – a apuitouvin aseplhaovin ahileh abonchaovin anoilanga song pi chunga achuovin abonnun athigam taovin ahi.
and the army of Judah also captured 10,000 men alive. They took them to the top of a cliff and threw them down so that all were dashed to pieces.
13 Alangkhatnah Israel sepaite Amaziah in galla akonpi nomlou anungsol houchun Samaria leh Ben Horon kikah a um Judah khopi hochu adekhummun mi 3000 lang athatnun thiltamtah jong achomdoh un ahi
Meanwhile the troops that Amaziah had dismissed from battle raided the cities of Judah, from Samaria to Beth-horon. They struck down 3,000 people and carried off a great deal of plunder.
14 Amaziah in Edom mite agajo a ahung kileochun adoibom houchu ahin polutnun akitunun gim namtwi alhutnammun Pathen houvin ahou taovin ahi.
When Amaziah returned from the slaughter of the Edomites, he brought back the gods of the Seirites, set them up as his own gods, bowed before them, and burned sacrifices to them.
15 Hiche athilbol hin Pathen asulung hanglheh tan hijeh chun aman a themgaopao chu Amaziah kommah asollin hitin agaseije “Nang thaneina a kon jengajong amite huhdoh joulou pathen ho chu nangin ibola nahou ham?” agatisah in ahi
Therefore the anger of the LORD burned against Amaziah, and He sent him a prophet, who said, “Why have you sought this people’s gods, which could not deliver them from your hand?”
16 Amaziah chun themgaopa thusei chu asutangin lunghantah in ahin donbutnin “Nanghi itih a chu lengpa thuhil dinga naki pansah be hem?” thipmin achuti louleh nanghi kahin thatei ding nahi! atin ahi. Hichun themgaopa chu athiptai, ahinlah gihna thuhohi aseidoh mannin ahi, “Nangin kahilna ho jouse chu na nahsah loujeh in Pathenin nanghi nasuhmang got ahitai tihi kahetai” ati
While he was still speaking, the king asked, “Have we made you the counselor to the king? Stop! Why be struck down?” So the prophet stopped, but he said, “I know that God has determined to destroy you, because you have done this and have not heeded my advice.”
17 Judahte lengpa Amaziah in ama thuhilla pangho thu chu alaan Israel tetoh kisat dingin tohgon ahin neitai. hitichun, aman Israel lengpa Jehoahaz chapa chuleh Jehu tupa Jehoash komma chun thu ahin thottan kisat tou hite tin ahin chouvin ahi
Then Amaziah king of Judah took counsel and sent word to the king of Israel Jehoash son of Jehoahaz, the son of Jehu. “Come, let us meet face to face,” he said.
18 Jehoash chun Amaziah kommah adonbutnin alethotnin “Khatvei hi Lebanon Molhoa kon in lingthing phung khatnin Cedar thingphung kommah “Kachapa jidingin nachanu chu neihin pen atin ahileh gamsakhat ahungvah len lingphung chu ahung pal bongtaan ahi
But Jehoash king of Israel replied to Amaziah king of Judah: “A thistle in Lebanon sent a message to a cedar in Lebanon, saying, ‘Give your daughter to my son in marriage.’ Then a wild beast in Lebanon came along and trampled the thistle.
19 Tun Amaziah nangin Edom mite najomannin nakilet sah tai ahinlah na in na nakitou thimbeh dinga kaseipeh nahi. nangman na mite manthahna dingbep ma mi nachouham?
You have said, ‘Look, I have defeated Edom,’ and your heart has become proud and boastful. Now stay at home. Why should you stir up trouble so that you fall—you and Judah with you?”
20 Ahinlah Amaziah chun mithusei angaipon ahi Edom mite doihou hochu aman jong ahin houphat na Pathenin amachu gal alelsah got ahi
But Amaziah would not listen, for this had come from God in order to deliver them into the hand of Jehoash, because they had sought the gods of Edom.
21 Hitichun Israel lengpa Jehoash chu Judah lengpa Amaziah toh kisat dingin ahung kondoh tan ahi. Amaho chu Judah gamma Beth – Shemesh munnah akimai touvin ahi
So Jehoash king of Israel advanced, and he and Amaziah king of Judah faced each other at Beth-shemesh in Judah.
22 Judah Sepaiten alellun a inlanguvah ajam gamtaovin ahi
And Judah was routed before Israel, and every man fled to his own home.
23 Jehoash in Amaziah chu amannin Jerusalem langah akaitaan ahi. Hichun aman Jerusalem kulpi palchu Ephraim kelkot phunga pat kulpi ning kelkot phung geijin tong jali jen avochimtai
There at Beth-shemesh, Jehoash king of Israel captured Amaziah king of Judah, the son of Joash, the son of Jehoahaz. Then Jehoash brought him to Jerusalem and broke down the wall of Jerusalem from the Ephraim Gate to the Corner Gate—a section of four hundred cubits.
24 Aman Pathen Houin sunga kon in Sana le dangka chuleh thiljouse chu abonchan akichomdoh in, angahpa Obed – Edom jongchu amat than chuleh lengpa in na thilgun hojouse jong achommin chuleh ahingin miphabep jong Samaria langah akai taovin ahi
He took all the gold and silver and all the articles found in the house of God with Obed-edom and in the treasuries of the royal palace, as well as some hostages. Then he returned to Samaria.
25 Judah lengpa Joash chapa Amaziah Israel lengpa Jehoahaz chapa Joash thijouvin kum 15 ahing nalaijjin ahi
Amaziah son of Joash king of Judah lived for fifteen years after the death of Jehoash son of Jehoahaz king of Israel.
26 Amaziah vaihom akipatna pat akichai geija anatoh athilbol hojouse chu Judah le Israel lengte thusim kijih lutna lekha bua chun aumsoh keijin ahi
As for the rest of the acts of Amaziah, from beginning to end, are they not written in the Book of the Kings of Judah and Israel?
27 Amaziah Pakaija konna ahung kiheimanga kon in Jerusalem ama dounan tohgon ahung umtaan ahileh ama Lachish lamma ajam taan ahi ahinlah amahon Lachish lamma mi asollun hichea chun ahin that taovin ahi
From the time that Amaziah turned from following the LORD, a conspiracy was formed against him in Jerusalem, and he fled to Lachish. But men were sent after him to Lachish, and they killed him there.
28 Hichun amahon sakol lah ahin pouvin Judah khopi ah apu apa te kivuina – a avui taove
They carried him back on horses and buried him with his fathers in the City of Judah.

< 2 Thusimbu 25 >