< Luke 18 >

1 Tua zawkciang Jesu in a nungzui te tung ah thinkiam ngawl a, a thunget tawntung natu a hilna in thusontena te son hi;
Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and never despair.
2 Khuapi khat sung ah Pathian a lau ngawl, kuama zong a khual ngawl, thukhenpa khat om hi:
“There was,” he said, “in a certain town a judge, who had no fear of God nor regard for people.
3 Tua khuapi sung ah meingong khat om hi; thukhen pa kung ah pai a, ka ngal pa phu hong lamsak tan, ci hi.
In the same town there was a widow who went to him again and again, and said ‘Grant me justice against my opponent.’
4 Thukhenpa in hun saupi sung thukhensak ngawl in om hi: ahihang a khakbel ciang ama in, keima sia Pathian kita ngawl in mihing zong kuama khual tuan ngawl ka hi hang;
For a time the judge refused, but afterward he said to himself ‘Although I am without fear of God or regard for people,
5 Hi meingong nu in hong nawngkaisak ahikom, phu lamsak tu khi hi, tabang hibale hongpai tawntung tu a, hong nawngkaisak tawntung tu hi, ci ngaisun hi.
yet, as this widow is so troublesome, I will grant her justice, to stop her from plaguing me with her endless visits.’”
6 Topa in, A man ngawl thukhenpa son na ngai vun.
Then the Master added, “Listen to what this iniquitous judge says!
7 Ama sia haisang napi, Pathian in a tealsa te, sun le zan in Ama kung ah a au te phu lamsak ngawl in om tu ziam?
And God – won’t he see that his own people, who cry to him night and day, have justice done them – though he holds his hand?
8 Keima in kong ci hi, a manlangtak in phulamsak tu hi. Ahihang mihing Tapa hongpai ciang in, hi leitung ah upna a mu tu ziam? ci hi.
He will, I tell you, give them justice soon enough! Yet, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?”
9 Jesus in, mipha khi hi, ci amate le amate ki muang mama a, ngualdang a thusimngawl te kung ah hi sontena son hi:
Another time, speaking to people who were satisfied that they were religious, and who regarded everyone else with scorn, Jesus told this parable –
10 Mihing ni thungen tu in biakinn ah pai uh hi; khat sia Pharisee hi a, a dang khat sia siadong a hihi.
“Two men went up into the Temple Courts to pray. One was a Pharisee and the other a tax-gatherer.
11 Pharisee pa hong ding to a, Pathian awng, keima sia phalak te, thuman ngawl te, palngul mawna vawt te, a hibale siadong pa bang ka hi ngawl man in ka lungdam hi.
The Pharisee stood forward and began praying to himself in this way – ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men – thieves, rogues, adulterers – or even like this tax-gatherer.
12 Nipi khat sung ni vei antang khi hi, ka neisa theampo sung pan se sawm sua se khat pia khi hi, ci in thungen hi.
I fast twice a week, and give a tenth of everything I get to God.’
13 Taciang siadongpa sia, a khuala na ah ding a, van lam zong en ngam ngawl in, a awm tum in, maw Pathian awng kei mawneipa tung ah hesuakna hong nei po tan, ci hi.
Meanwhile the tax-gatherer stood at a distance, not venturing even to raise his eyes to heaven, but he kept striking his breast and saying ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’
14 Keima in kong ci hi, hisia pa sia a dang khat sia sang in thutang suana nga zaw a, a inn ah cia hi: banghangziam cile ama le ama a ki lamsang peuma khiaksuk na thuak tu a, ama le ama a ki niamkhiak peuma ki lamsang tu hi.
This man, I tell you, went home pardoned, rather than the other. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, while everyone who humbles himself will be exalted.”
15 Amate in patang te a thamsak tu a dei uh hu in, Jesus kung ah paipui uh hi: tua thu a nungzui te in a mu uh ciang in amate tei uh hi.
Some of the people were bringing even their babies to Jesus, for him to touch them; but, when the disciples saw it, they began to find fault with those who had brought them.
16 Ahihang Jesus in, patang te ama kung ah sam a, Patangte ka kung ah hongpai tahen, khak heak vun: banghangziam cile Pathian kumpingam sia hibang te atu a hihi.
Jesus, however, called the little children to him. “Let the little children come to me,” he said, “and do not hinder them, for it is to the childlike that the kingdom of God belongs.
17 A man tatak kong ci ciang, a kuamapo in Pathian kumpingam sia patangno te bang in a sang thei ngawl peuma tua kumpingam sung ah tum thei ngawl tu uh hi, ci hi.
I tell you, unless a man receives the kingdom of God like a child, he will not enter it at all.”
18 Lampui khat in Jesus kung ah, Sya pha awng, tawntung nuntakna ka nga thei natu in bang vawt tu khi ziam? ci in dong hi. (aiōnios g166)
And one of the leaders asked Jesus this question – “Good teacher, what must I do if I am to gain eternal life?” (aiōnios g166)
19 Jesus in, Banghang in pha hong ci ni ziam? Pathian khatbek simngawl mipha dang kuama om ngawl hi.
“Why do you call me good?” answered Jesus. “No one is good but God.
20 Thupiakte na he hi, palngul mawna vawt heak in, tualthat heak in, nguta heak in, a man ngawl tetti son heak in, na pa le na nu zakta in, ci hi.
You know the commandments – Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not say what is false about others, Honor your father and your mother.”
21 Tua tangval pa in, hite theampo sia ka nolai pan ma in ka zui sa hi zo hi, ci hi.
“I have observed all these,” he replied, “from childhood.”
22 Hi thu te Jesus in a zak ciang in, a kung ah, Na khat na kisam lai hi: na neisa theampo zuak in a, mizawng te hawmsak in, tua hile vantung ngam ah nei le lam na nei tu hi: taciang hongpai tan a, hong zui tan, ci hi.
Hearing this, Jesus said to him, “There is one thing still lacking in you; sell everything that you have, and distribute to the poor, and you will have wealth in heaven; then come and follow me.”
23 Hi thu a zak ciang in khuangai mama hi: banghangziam cile ama sia mihau mama a hihi.
But the man became greatly distressed on hearing this, for he was extremely rich.
24 Jesus in a khuangai mama a mu ciang in, Mihau te Pathian kumpingam sung a tum tu bangza in haksa ziam!
Seeing this, Jesus said to his disciples, “How hard it is for the wealthy to enter the kingdom of God!
25 Banghangziam cile mihau khat Pathian kumpingam sung a tum tu sang in, kala-uk khat phin bilvang sung a tum tu ol zaw hi, ci hi.
It is easier, indeed, for a camel to get through a needle’s eye than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God!”
26 Tua thu a zate in, kua peuma ngupna nga thei tu ziam? ci uh hi.
“Then who can be saved?” asked those who heard this.
27 Jesus in, Mihing te taw a piang thei ngawl te sia, Pathian taw piang thei siat hi, ci hi.
But Jesus said, “What is impossible with people is possible with God.”
28 Tua zawkciang in Peter in, en in, ka neisa uh theampo nusia in hong zui khu hi, ci hi.
“But we,” said Peter, “we left what belonged to us and followed you.”
29 Taciang Jesus in amate tung ah, A man tatak kong ci ciang, Pathian kumpingam atu in, a inn, a nu le a pa, a suapui, a zi, a hibale a tate a nusia peuma,
“I tell you,” he answered, “that there is no one who has left house, or wife, or brothers, or parents, or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God,
30 Tu hun sung in a se tampi le hongpai lai tu hun sung ah tawntung nuntakna a nga ngawl tu om ngawl hi, ci hi. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
who will not receive many times as much in the present, and in the age that is coming eternal life.” (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
31 Jesus in a nungzui sawmleni te ama kung ah sam a, amate tung ah, En vun, Jerusalem ah i pai hi, kamsang te in mihing Tapa thu a atkholsa thu theampo tangtung tu hi.
Gathering the Twelve around him, Jesus said to them, “Listen! We are going up to Jerusalem; and there everything that is written in the prophets will be done to the Son of Man.
32 Gentile te khutsung ah ap tu a, selno na zong thuak tu hi, vawtsiatna zong thuak tu a, cil zong phi tu uh hi:
For he will be given up to the Gentiles, mocked, insulted and spat on;
33 Amate in vel tu a, that tu uh hi: taciang ni thum ni ciang tho kik tu hi, ci hi.
they will scourge him, and then put him to death; and on the third day he will rise again.”
34 Amate in hi thu khat zong a tel bua uh hi: hi a son te sia amate kung pan ki phualseal hi, tua ahikom Jesus i son thu te khat zong a tel bua uh hi.
The apostles did not comprehend any of this. His meaning was unintelligible to them and they did not understand what he was saying.
35 Jesus Jericho nai na hong thet ciang in, mittaw khat lamhui ah khutdaw ngen in to hi:
As Jesus was getting near Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside, begging.
36 Mihonpi in a kantan tuh a zak ciang in, bang thu ziam, ci in dong hi.
Hearing a crowd going by, the man asked what was the matter;
37 Amate in, Nazareth mi Jesus in hong kantan hi, ci uh hi.
and, when people told him that Jesus of Nazareth was passing,
38 Taciang ama in, Jesus, nang David Tapa awng, hong hesuak ka po in, ci au hi.
he shouted out, “Jesus, Son of David, take pity on me!”
39 A mai a pai te in a om khipkhep natu in tei hi: ahihang, nang David Tapa awng, hong hesuak ka po in, ci a nasia seseam in au hi.
Those who were in front kept telling him to be quiet, but he continued to call out the louder, “Son of David, take pity on me!”
40 Taciang Jesus ding a, a kung ah paipui tu in thupia hi: a nai ah hongpai ciang in,
Then Jesus stopped and ordered the man to be brought to him. And, when he had come close up to him, Jesus asked him,
41 Bang vawtsak tu dei ni ziam? ci in dong hi. Ama in, topa awng, khua ka mu nuam hi, ci hi.
“What do you want me to do for you?” “Master,” he said, “I want to recover my sight.”
42 Taciang Jesus in a kung ah, Khua mu in: na upna in hong ngum zo hi, ci hi.
And Jesus said, “Recover your sight, your faith has delivered you.”
43 Thakhat thu in khuamu a, Jesus zui in Pathian min pok hi: taciang a mu te theampo in Pathian minthang pok uh hi.
Instantly he recovered his sight, and began to follow Jesus, praising God. And all the people, on seeing it, gave glory to God.

< Luke 18 >