< Zephaniah 2 >

1 Coi uh laeh, a hue a bawt pah namtom te coi uh laeh.
Search yourselves; yea, search, O nation without shame!
2 Oltlueh a cun hlan ah cangkik bangla khohnin loh khum. BOEIPA kah thintoek thinsa loh nang soah a pai hlan ah pawt nim, BOEIPA kah thintoek hnin loh nang soah a pai hlan ah pawt nim.
Before the decree bring forth, Before the day come upon you like chaff; Before the fierce anger of Jehovah come upon you, Before the day of the anger of Jehovah come upon you.
3 A laitloeknah aka vai diklai kah kodo boeih loh BOEIPA te tlap uh laeh. Duengnah te tlap uh. Kodonah te tlap uh. BOEIPA kah thintoek hnin ah na thuh uh thai khaming.
Seek ye Jehovah, all ye lowly of the land, Ye, who obey his commands! Seek righteousness; seek lowliness; It may be that ye shall be hid in the day of the anger of Jehovah.
4 Gaza a hnoo tih Ashkelon he khopong la om ni. Ashdod te khothun ah a haek uh vetih Ekron te a haih ni.
For Gaza shall be forsaken, And Askelon a desolation; Ashdod shall be driven out at noonday, And Ekron shall be rooted up.
5 Anunae, tuipuei langdai kah khosa namtom Kerethi aih. BOEIPA ol he Philisti kho kah Kanaan nang taengah om coeng. Te dongah khosak a tal hil nang kam milh sak ni.
Woe to the inhabitants of the sea-coasts, the nation of the Cherethites! This is the word of Jehovah against you, O Canaan, land of the Philistines: “I will destroy thee, that there shall be no inhabitant.”
6 Tuipuei rhi kah rhamtlim te boiva aka dawn kah impoem neh boiva kah tanglung la poeh ni.
And the sea-coast shall be pastures full of habitations for shepherds, and folds for flocks.
7 Te khuikah te Judah imkhui kah a meet ham khoyo la om ni. Ashkelon im ah luem uh vetih hlaem ah kol uh ni. Amih te a Pathen BOEIPA loh a hip vetih amih kah thongtla, thongtla te a mael puei ni.
The coast shall be for the residue of the house of Judah; Thereon shall they feed; In the houses of Askelon shall they lie down in the evening; For Jehovah their God will look upon them, and bring back their captives.
8 Moab kah kokhahnah neh Ammon ca rhoek kah honah te ka yaak coeng. Amih loh ka pilnam te a veet uh tih amamih khorhi ah pantai uh.
I have heard the reproach of Moab, And the revilings of the sons of Ammon, With which they have reproached my people, And exalted themselves against their borders.
9 Te dongah kai tah hingnah ni tila Israel kah Pathen caempuei BOEIPA kah olphong om coeng. Moab ngawn tah Sodom bangla, Ammon ca rhoek khaw Gomorrah bangla om ni. Lota cuk, lungkaeh pup neh kumhal kah khopong la om ni. Ka pilnam kah a meet loh amih te a poelyoe uh vetih kamah namtu, namtu kah a noi long tah amih te a pang uh ni.
Therefore, as I live, saith Jehovah of hosts, the God of Israel, Moab shall be as Sodom, And the sons of Ammon as Gomorrah, A possession for thorns, and a pit for salt, and a perpetual desolation. The residue of my people shall spoil them, And the remainder of my nation shall possess them.
10 Caempuei BOEIPA kah pilnam te a veet uh tih a cangdoek uh dongah amih kah hoemdamnah yueng la amih ham he ni a om.
This shall come upon them for their pride, Because they have uttered reproaches, and exalted themselves against the people of Jehovah of hosts.
11 Diklai pathen boeih te a yawih sak vaengah BOEIPA tah amih taengah a rhih om pai. Te dongah te hmuen kah hlang neh namtom sanglak boeih loh amah te a bawk uh ni.
Jehovah will be terrible against them; For he will destroy all the gods of the earth; And before him shall worship, every one from his place, All the islands of the nations.
12 Kushi nang khaw ka cunghang dongkah a rhok rhoek ni.
Ye, also, O Ethiopians! Ye shall be slain by my sword!
13 A kut te tlangpuei la a thueng vetih Assyria te a milh sak ni. Te vaengah Nineveh te khopong rhamrhae neh khosoek la a khueh ni.
He will also stretch out his hand against the North, And destroy Assyria, And make Nineveh a desolation, Even dry like a desert.
14 A laklung ah tuping neh, namtom kah a hingnah boeih khaw, khosoek saelbu khaw kol ni. Kharhoeng te a rhaimuem dongah rhaeh vetih bangbuet lamloh a ol cai ni. Cingkhaa dongkah lamphai thingpang ngawn tah kholing ah a yaal ni.
And flocks shall lie down in the midst of her, Yea, all the tribes of wild beasts; The pelican and the hedgehog shall lodge in the capitals of her pillars; A cry shall resound in the window; Desolation shall be upon the threshold; For her cedar-work shall be laid bare.
15 Khopuei he yalpo tih ngaikhuek la kho aka sa loh a thinko neh, “Kai phoeiah lungli lungla a tloe om a?,” a ti. Balae tih a kolhmuen te imsuep la a poeh. Mulhing boeih loh te longah a pah vaengah kutving neh a kut la a khong thil mai.
This is the rejoicing city that dwelt in security, That said in her heart, “I, and none besides me!” Now is she become a desolation, a resting-place for wild beasts! Every one that passeth by her shall hiss, and wag his hand.

< Zephaniah 2 >