< Rom 3 >

1 Te dongah Judah hlang kah a banhman te balae? yahvinrhetnah kah a phu tah balae?
How then is the Jew better off? or what profit is there in circumcision?
2 A longim boeih ah a phu muep om. Pathen kah olrhuh te lamhma la amih Judah rhoek a paek ngawn coeng.
Much in every way: first of all because the words of God were given to them.
3 Te dongah hlangvang loh a hnalval uh atah metlamlae? Amih kah hnalvalnah loh Pathen taengkah tangnah te hmil tang mahnim?
And if some have no faith, will that make the faith of God without effect?
4 Om mahpawh, om cakhaw Pathen tah thuem. Tedae a daek tangtae bangla hlang boeih he laithae ni. Te daengah ni na ol neh na tang vetih na laitloek vaengah na noeng eh.
In no way: but let God be true, though every man is seen to be untrue; as it is said in the Writings, That your words may be seen to be true, and you may be seen to be right when you are judged.
5 Tedae mamih kah boethae loh Pathen kah duengnah a tueng sak atah balae n'thui eh? Kosi aka hong Pathen tah halang pawt nim? Hlang vanbangla ka thui lah eh.
But if the righteousness of God is supported by our wrongdoing what is to be said? is it wrong for God to be angry (as men may say)?
6 Tetlamte om mahpawh, om koinih metla Pathen loh Diklai he lai a tloek eh?
In no way: because if it is so, how is God able to be the judge of all the world?
7 Tedae kai boethae he Pathen kah oltak loh a thangpomnah te a pungtai sak atah, balae hlangtholh bangla lai ka thui pueng?
But if, because I am untrue, God being seen to be true gets more glory, why am I to be judged as a sinner?
8 Tedae mamih ah hlangvang loh, “Boethae saii sih, te daengah ni a then ha pawk eh?,” a ti uh bangla soehsal uh boel sih. Laitloeknah tah amih ham om pah pai saeh.
Let us not do evil so that good may come (a statement which we are falsely said by some to have made), because such behaviour will have its right punishment.
9 Te koinih n'rhoei uh a te? Rhoei loeng loeng mahpawh. Judah khaw, Greek khaw, tholh hmuiah boeih om tila n'cawh coeng.
What then? are we worse off than they? In no way: because we have before made it clear that Jews as well as Greeks are all under the power of sin;
10 A daek tangtae vanbangla aka dueng om pawh, khat khaw om pawh.
As it is said in the holy Writings, There is not one who does righteousness;
11 Aka hmuhming te om pawh, Pathen aka tlap om pawh.
Not one who has the knowledge of what is right, not one who is a searcher after God;
12 Boeih taengphael uh tih rhenten poci uh coeng, boethen aka saii te om pawh. Pakhat khaw om pawh.
They have all gone out of the way, there is no profit in any of them; there is not one who does good, not so much as one:
13 Amih kah olrhong te hlan bangla ah tih a lai neh thailat uh. A hmui dongah rhulthae kah sue om.
Their throat is like an open place of death; with their tongues they have said what is not true: the poison of snakes is under their lips:
14 A ka te thaephoeinah neh olkhaa bae.
Whose mouth is full of curses and bitter words:
15 A kho loh thii long sak ham thui.
Their feet are quick in running after blood;
16 A longpuei ah pocinah neh ngaidaengnah om.
Destruction and trouble are in their ways;
17 Te dongah ngaimongnah longpuei te ming uh pawh.
And of the way of peace they have no knowledge:
18 Amih mik ah Pathen rhihnah om pawh.
There is no fear of God before their eyes.
19 Tedae olkhueng loh olkhueng hmuikah rhoek a voek te m'ming uh. Te dongah a ka te boeih khuem saeh lamtah Diklai pum tah Pathen kah khotoh khobah la om ve.
Now, we have knowledge that what the law says is for those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be stopped, and all men may be judged by God:
20 Olkhueng kah bibi loh amah hmaiah pumsa boeih tang sak mahpawh. Olkhueng lamloh tholh mingnah la om.
Because by the works of the law no man is able to have righteousness in his eyes, for through the law comes the knowledge of sin.
21 Tedae olkhueng neh tonghma rhoek lamloh a phong Pathen kah duengnah tah olkhueng voel ah phoe coeng.
But now without the law there is a revelation of the righteousness of God, to which witness is given by the law and the prophets;
22 Pathen kah duengnah tah Jesuh Khrih kah tangnah lamloh aka tangnah rhoek boeih taengah hlihloehnah a om moenih.
That is, the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ, to all those who have faith; and one man is not different from another,
23 Hlang boeih he tholh uh tih Pathen kah thangpomnah te a phavawt uh.
For all have done wrong and are far from the glory of God;
24 Jesuh Khrih ah tlannah rhangneh a lungvatnah loh a yoeyap la n'tang sak.
And they may have righteousness put to their credit, freely, by his grace, through the salvation which is in Christ Jesus:
25 Anih te Pathen loh a duengnah mingphnanah la a thii dongkah tangnah rhangneh dawthnah la a hmoel.
Whom God has put forward as the sign of his mercy, through faith, by his blood, to make clear his righteousness when, in his pity, God let the sins of earlier times go without punishment;
26 Pathen kah uehnah dongah tholhsainah rhuem te hmilhnah la, tahae tue vaengah a duengnah te mingphanah la, Jesuh tangnah dongkah rhoek te aka dueng neh aka tang la aka om sak la om.
And to make clear his righteousness now, so that he might himself be upright, and give righteousness to him who has faith in Jesus.
27 Te koinih hoemdamnah tah melam a khoe, ba olkhueng nen lae? mekah khoboe nen lae? Moenih, tangnah kah olkhueng nen dae ni.
What reason, then, is there for pride? It is shut out. By what sort of law? of works? No, but by a law of faith.
28 Olkhueng kah khoboe voelah hlang he tangnah loh a tang sak ni m'poek uh.
For this reason, then, a man may get righteousness by faith without the works of the law.
29 Te phoeiah Pathen tah Judah rhoek bueng kah a? Namtom rhoek kah van moenih a? Ue namtom rhoek kah van ta.
Or is God the God of Jews only? is he not in the same way the God of Gentiles? Yes, of Gentiles:
30 A tangtang atah tangnah neh yahvinrhetnah khaw, tangnah neh pumdul khaw Pathen pakhat long ni a tang sak eh.
If God is one; and he will give righteousness because of faith to those who have circumcision, and through faith to those who have not circumcision.
31 Te dongah tangnah lamloh olkhueng te m'hmil uh pawn a? A hmil pawt dongah olkhueng ni lat m'pai puei uh.
Do we, then, through faith make the law of no effect? in no way: but we make it clear that the law is important.

< Rom 3 >