< Rom 13 >

1 Hinglu boeih loh saithainah neh a tanglue soah boengai saeh. Pathen lamlong pawt koinih saithainah te om mahpawh. Te rhoek tah Pathen loh a phueng tih a nuen rhoek ni.
Let every soul be subject to the higher authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and the authorities existing are appointed by God,
2 Te dongah saithainah aka khueh te aka pakai tah Pathen kah hoihaengnah ni a kamkaih. Aka kamkaih rhoek long khaw amamih ni laitloeknah a yook eh.
so that he who is setting himself against the authority, has resisted against God’s ordinance; and those resisting will receive judgment to themselves.
3 Boe then hamla boei rhoek te rhihnah om pawt dae boethae ham tah om. Saithainah aka khueh te rhih na ngaih pawt atah a then te na saii vetih anih kah thangthennah na dang ni.
For those ruling are not a terror to the good works, but to the evil; and do you wish to not be afraid of the authority? Be doing that which is good, and you will have praise from it,
4 Pathen kah tueihyoeih tah nang ham a then la om. Tedae thae na saii atah rhih pai. Pathen kah tueihyoeih la a om dongah cunghang te pom yoe mahpawh. Thae aka saii te kosi neh a thuung ni.
for it is a servant of God to you for good; and if you may do that which is evil, be fearing, for it does not bear the sword in vain; for it is a servant of God, an avenger for wrath to him who is doing that which is evil.
5 Te dongah kosi dongah bueng pawt tih mingcimnah nen khaw boengai ham a kueknah om.
For this reason it is necessary to be subject, not only because of the wrath, but also because of the conscience,
6 He dongah mangmu khaw na thoh uh. Pathen kah bibikung rhoek tah te te aka khuituk la om uh.
for because of this you also pay tribute; for they are servants of God, on this very thing attending continually;
7 Docanah te boeih thuung. mangmu te mangmu la, lamkhong te lamkhong la pae, rhihnah tueng te rhihnah, hinyahnah tueng te hinyahnah khueh.
render, therefore, to all [their] dues; to whom tribute, the tribute; to whom custom, the custom; to whom fear, the fear; to whom honor, the honor.
8 Khat neh khat te lungnah pawt atah laiba loeng loeng boeh. Hlang tloe aka lungnah long ni olkhueng te a soep sak.
To no one owe anything, except to love one another; for he who is loving the other—he has fulfilled law,
9 Te long te samphaih boeh, hlang ngawn boeh, huencan boeh, nai boeh a ti. Tedae mebang a tloe olpaek khaw he olka ah cuii coeng. Te khuiah, “Na imben te namah bangla lungnah,” a ti.
for, “You will not commit adultery, You will not murder, You will not steal, You will not bear false testimony, You will not covet”; and if there is any other command, in this word it is summed up, in this: “You will love your neighbor as yourself”;
10 Lungnah loh imben te a thae la a saii pawt dongah lungnah tah olkhueng a soepnah ni.
the love to the neighbor works no ill; the love, therefore, [is] the fullness of law.
11 Te phoeiah a tue he ming uh. Ih kung lamloh na thoh ham tue coeng ni. N'tangnah vaengkah lakah khangnah loh mamih m'phatawt coeng.
And this, knowing the time, that for us, the hour already [is] to be aroused out of sleep, for now our salvation [is] nearer than when we believed;
12 Khoyin loh puh tih khothaih tah yoei coeng. Te dongah yinnah khuikah khoboe te duul uh sih lamtah vangnah kah pumcumnah te bai uh sih.
the night advanced, and the day came near; let us lay aside, therefore, the works of the darkness, and let us put on the armor of the light;
13 Khothaih vaengkah bangla tluek tluek cet uh sih. Omngaihlawnnah neh rhuihahnah nen moenih, ihnah neh omthenbawn nen moenih, tohhaemnah neh kohlopnah nen moenih.
as in daytime, let us walk properly; not in reveling and drunkenness, not in promiscuity and licentiousness, not in strife and jealousy;
14 Tedae Boeipa Jesuh Khrih te bai uh lamtah khokhannah te pumsa kah hoehhamnah ham saii boeh.
but put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and take no forethought for the flesh—for desires.

< Rom 13 >