< Olcueih 28 >

1 Halang tah a hloem pawt akhaw rhaelrham khing. Tedae aka dueng tah sathueng bangla amah pangtung uh.
to flee and nothing to pursue wicked and righteous like/as lion to trust
2 Khohmuen kah boekoek dongah mangpa la yet dae, aka yakming hlang long tah a ming dongah a ram a pai sak.
in/on/with transgression land: country/planet many ruler her and in/on/with man to understand to know right to prolong
3 Hlang he khodaeng loh tattloel patoeng a hnaemtaek he khaw, khotlan loh bet a kawt tih buh a om pawt bangla om.
great man be poor and to oppress poor rain to prostatrate and nothing food
4 Olkhueng aka hnoo rhoek loh halang te a thangthen uh. Tedae olkhueng aka tuem long tah amih te a huek.
to leave: forsake instruction to boast: praise wicked and to keep: obey instruction to stir up in/on/with them
5 Hlang thae rhoek loh tiktamnah te yakming uh pawt dae, BOEIPA aka tlap rhoek loh boeih a yakming uh.
human bad: evil not to understand justice and to seek LORD to understand all
6 A thincaknah neh aka pongpa khodaeng he, longpuei kawnvoi dongkah hlanglen lakah then.
pleasant be poor to go: walk in/on/with integrity his from twisted way: conduct and he/she/it rich
7 Olkhueng aka kueinah capa long tah a yakming dae, carhut neh aka luem loh a napa kah hmai a thae sak.
to watch instruction son: child to understand and to accompany be vile be humiliated father his
8 A casai a puehkan neh a boeirhaeng aka tom long khaw, tattloel aka rhen ham ni a puehkan la a coi pah coeng.
to multiply substance his in/on/with interest (and increment *Q(K)*) to/for be gracious poor to gather him
9 Olkhueng a yaak lalah a hna tlap tlap aka khong tah, a thangthuinah khaw tueilaehkoi la om.
to turn aside: depart ear his from to hear: hear instruction also prayer his abomination
10 Aka thuem te longpuei thae la aka palang sak tah cakhom ah amah lah cungku ni. Tedae cuemthuek rhoek long tah hnothen a pang uh ni.
to wander upright in/on/with way: conduct bad: evil in/on/with pit his he/she/it to fall: fall and unblemished: blameless to inherit good
11 Hlanglen pa he a mikhmuh ah amah aka cueih koek la ngai uh dae, tattloel long khaw aka yakming long tah anih te a khe.
wise in/on/with eye his man rich and poor to understand to search him
12 Aka dueng rhoek a sundaep vaengah muep boeimang tangloeng dae, halang rhoek a thoh vaengah tah hlang loh a thuh tak.
in/on/with to rejoice righteous many beauty and in/on/with to arise: rise wicked to search man
13 A boekoek aka phah he a thaihtak moenih. Tedae aka phoe tih aka hnoo tah a haidam.
to cover transgression his not to prosper and to give thanks and to leave: forsake to have compassion
14 Aka rhih yoeyah hlang tah a yoethen dae, a lungbuei aka mangkhak loh boethae khuila cungku.
blessed man to dread continually and to harden heart his to fall: fall in/on/with distress: harm
15 Halang loh a taemrhai vaengah pilnam tattloel te sathueng bangla a nguel thil tih vom bangla cu.
lion to groan and bear to rush to rule wicked upon people poor
16 A lungcuei aka talh rhaengsang tah tlungalnah yet. Mueluemnah aka hmuhuet la aka hmuhuet tah a hinglung vang ni.
leader lacking understanding and many oppression (to hate *Q(K)*) unjust-gain to prolong day
17 Hinglu kah thii neh hlang aka hnaemtaek hlang tah vaam khuila rhaelrham cakhaw, anih te duel mahpawh.
man to oppress in/on/with blood soul: person till pit to flee not to grasp in/on/with him
18 Cuemthuek la aka pongpa tah daem tih, longpuei aka kawn sak tah vaikhat lam ni a cungku eh.
to go: walk unblemished: blameless to save and to twist way: conduct to fall: fall in/on/with one
19 Amah khohmuen aka tawn tah caak khaw kum ni. Tedae a hoenghoep bueng aka hloem tah khodaeng la hah ni.
to serve: labour land: soil his to satisfy food: bread and to pursue worthless to satisfy poverty
20 Uepomnah hlang kah yoethennah tah yet. Tedae boei hamla aka tanolh khaw hmil mahpawh.
man faithfulness many blessing and to hasten to/for to enrich not to clear
21 Maelhmai a loha khaw then pawh. Tedae buh kamat dongah ni hlang loh boe a koek.
to recognize face: kindness not pleasant and upon morsel food: bread to transgress great man
22 Hlang moeithae loh boeirhaeng dongah ngawn tah hlawt let dae, vaitahnah loh anih a thoeng thil te ming pawh.
to dismay to/for substance man bad: evil eye: appearance and not to know for poverty to come (in): come him
23 Hlang aka tluung he a hnukah tah a lai aka hnal lakah, mikdaithen la om.
to rebuke man backwards me favor to find from to smooth tongue
24 A manu neh a napa a rheth lalah boekoek pawt la aka thui tah, kut aka yook ham hlang kah a pueipo la om.
to plunder father his and mother his and to say nothing transgression companion he/she/it to/for man to ruin
25 Mungkung kah hinglu long tah olpungkacan a huek. Tedae BOEIPA dongah aka pangtung ni a hoeikhang eh.
broad: arrogant soul: person to stir up strife and to trust upon LORD to prosper
26 Amah kah lungbuei dongah aka pangtung tah amah te ang coeng. Tedae cueihnah dongah aka pongpa tah amah khaw hlawt uh.
to trust in/on/with heart his he/she/it fool and to go: walk in/on/with wisdom he/she/it to escape
27 Khodaeng taengah aka pae tah a tloelnah om pawh. Tedae a mik aka him tah tapvoepnah muep kum.
to give: give to/for be poor nothing need and to conceal eye his many curse
28 Halang rhoek a thoh vaengah hlang loh a thuh tak. Tedae a milh vaengah aka dueng rhoek khaw pul.
in/on/with to arise: rise wicked to hide man and in/on/with to perish they to multiply righteous

< Olcueih 28 >