< Olcueih 28 >

1 Halang tah a hloem pawt akhaw rhaelrham khing. Tedae aka dueng tah sathueng bangla amah pangtung uh.
They flee and there not [is one who] pursues [the] wicked and righteous [people] like a young lion he is confident.
2 Khohmuen kah boekoek dongah mangpa la yet dae, aka yakming hlang long tah a ming dongah a ram a pai sak.
By [the] transgression of a land [are] many princes its and by a person understanding knowing thus it will last long.
3 Hlang he khodaeng loh tattloel patoeng a hnaemtaek he khaw, khotlan loh bet a kawt tih buh a om pawt bangla om.
A man poor and [who] oppresses poor [people] rain [which] washes away and there not [is] food.
4 Olkhueng aka hnoo rhoek loh halang te a thangthen uh. Tedae olkhueng aka tuem long tah amih te a huek.
[those who] forsake [the] law They praise [the] wicked and [those who] keep [the] law they engage in strife with them.
5 Hlang thae rhoek loh tiktamnah te yakming uh pawt dae, BOEIPA aka tlap rhoek loh boeih a yakming uh.
People of evil not they understand justice and [those who] seek Yahweh they understand everything.
6 A thincaknah neh aka pongpa khodaeng he, longpuei kawnvoi dongkah hlanglen lakah then.
[is] good A poor [person] [who] walks in integrity his more than [the] [person] perverse of two ways and he [is] rich.
7 Olkhueng aka kueinah capa long tah a yakming dae, carhut neh aka luem loh a napa kah hmai a thae sak.
[one who] keeps [the] law [is] a son Understanding and [one who] associates with gluttons he shames father his.
8 A casai a puehkan neh a boeirhaeng aka tom long khaw, tattloel aka rhen ham ni a puehkan la a coi pah coeng.
[one who] increases Wealth his by interest (and usury *Q(K)*) for [one who] shows favor to poor [people] he gathers it.
9 Olkhueng a yaak lalah a hna tlap tlap aka khong tah, a thangthuinah khaw tueilaehkoi la om.
[one who] turns aside Ear his from hearing [the] law also prayer his [is] an abomination.
10 Aka thuem te longpuei thae la aka palang sak tah cakhom ah amah lah cungku ni. Tedae cuemthuek rhoek long tah hnothen a pang uh ni.
[one who] leads astray Upright [people] - in a way evil in own pit his he he will fall and blameless [people] they will inherit good.
11 Hlanglen pa he a mikhmuh ah amah aka cueih koek la ngai uh dae, tattloel long khaw aka yakming long tah anih te a khe.
[is] wise In own eyes his a person rich and a poor [person] understanding he examines thoroughly him.
12 Aka dueng rhoek a sundaep vaengah muep boeimang tangloeng dae, halang rhoek a thoh vaengah tah hlang loh a thuh tak.
When rejoice righteous [people] great glory and when arise wicked [people] he is searched for everyone.
13 A boekoek aka phah he a thaihtak moenih. Tedae aka phoe tih aka hnoo tah a haidam.
[one who] conceals Transgressions his not he will prosper and [one who] confesses and [one who] forsakes [them] he will be shown mercy.
14 Aka rhih yoeyah hlang tah a yoethen dae, a lungbuei aka mangkhak loh boethae khuila cungku.
How blessed! [is] a person [who] fears continually and [one who] hardens heart his he will fall in calamity.
15 Halang loh a taemrhai vaengah pilnam tattloel te sathueng bangla a nguel thil tih vom bangla cu.
A lion roaring and a bear rushing a ruler wicked over a people poor.
16 A lungcuei aka talh rhaengsang tah tlungalnah yet. Mueluemnah aka hmuhuet la aka hmuhuet tah a hinglung vang ni.
A ruler lacking of understanding and great of extortion ([one who] hates *Q(K)*) unjust gain he will prolong days.
17 Hinglu kah thii neh hlang aka hnaemtaek hlang tah vaam khuila rhaelrham cakhaw, anih te duel mahpawh.
A person oppressed by [the] blood of a life to [the] pit he will flee may not people support him.
18 Cuemthuek la aka pongpa tah daem tih, longpuei aka kawn sak tah vaikhat lam ni a cungku eh.
[one who] walks Blameless he will be delivered and [one who] is crooked of two ways he will fall at one.
19 Amah khohmuen aka tawn tah caak khaw kum ni. Tedae a hoenghoep bueng aka hloem tah khodaeng la hah ni.
[one who] tills Land his he will be satisfied food and [one who] pursues empty [things] he will be satisfied poverty.
20 Uepomnah hlang kah yoethennah tah yet. Tedae boei hamla aka tanolh khaw hmil mahpawh.
A person of faithfulness [will be] great of blessings and [one who] hastens to gain riches not he will go unpunished.
21 Maelhmai a loha khaw then pawh. Tedae buh kamat dongah ni hlang loh boe a koek.
To pay regard to face not [is] good and on a piece of bread he will transgress a man.
22 Hlang moeithae loh boeirhaeng dongah ngawn tah hlawt let dae, vaitahnah loh anih a thoeng thil te ming pawh.
[is] hastening To wealth a person evil of eye and not he knows that poverty it will come to him.
23 Hlang aka tluung he a hnukah tah a lai aka hnal lakah, mikdaithen la om.
[one who] reproves A person after me favor he will find more than [one who] makes smooth [the] tongue.
24 A manu neh a napa a rheth lalah boekoek pawt la aka thui tah, kut aka yook ham hlang kah a pueipo la om.
[one who] robs - Father his and mother his and [one who] says there not [is] a transgression [is] a companion he of a person of destruction.
25 Mungkung kah hinglu long tah olpungkacan a huek. Tedae BOEIPA dongah aka pangtung ni a hoeikhang eh.
A [person] arrogant of self he stirs up strife and [one who] relies on Yahweh he will be made fat.
26 Amah kah lungbuei dongah aka pangtung tah amah te ang coeng. Tedae cueihnah dongah aka pongpa tah amah khaw hlawt uh.
[one who] trusts In own heart his he [is] a fool and [one who] walks in wisdom he he will be delivered.
27 Khodaeng taengah aka pae tah a tloelnah om pawh. Tedae a mik aka him tah tapvoepnah muep kum.
[one who] gives To the poor there not [is] lack and [one who] hides eyes his great of curses.
28 Halang rhoek a thoh vaengah hlang loh a thuh tak. Tedae a milh vaengah aka dueng rhoek khaw pul.
When arise wicked [people] he hides himself everyone and when perish they they increase righteous [people].

< Olcueih 28 >