< Olcueih 24 >

1 Hlang thae rhoek taengah thatlai boeh. Amih taengah om hamla nai rhoe nai boeh.
[My] son, envy not bad men, nor desire to be with them.
2 Amih kah lungbuei loh rhoelrhanah te a taeng tih, a hmuilai loh thakthaenah ni a thui.
For their heart meditates falsehoods, and their lips speak mischiefs.
3 Cueihnah neh im a sak tih a lungcuei neh a thoh.
A house is built by wisdom, and is set up by understanding.
4 Mingnah loh boeirhaeng neh a kuel a ka, a naep a noi boeih khaw imkhui ah a khawk sak.
By discretion the chambers are filled with all precious and excellent wealth.
5 Cueih he tah hlang kah sarhi la om tih, mingnah loh hlang kah thadueng a cong pah.
A wise man is better than a strong man; and a man who has prudence than a large estate.
6 Caemtloek vaengah nang hamla a niing hang hol vetih, uentonah cungkuem neh loeihnah hang khueh ni.
War is carried on with generalship, and aid is supplied to the heart of a counsellor.
7 Cueihnah he aka ang ham tah sang aih. Vongka ah a ka a ong pah moenih.
Wisdom and good understanding are in the gates of the wise: the wise turn not aside from the mouth of the Lord,
8 Thaehuet ham aka moeh tah, “Tangkhuepnah boei,” la a khue uh ni.
but deliberate in council. Death befalls uninstructed [men].
9 Anglat kah a tholh khaw khonuen rhamtat, hmuiyoi hlang khaw tueilaehkoi ni.
The fools also dies in sins; and uncleanness [attaches] to a pestilent man.
10 Citcai tue vaengah na tahah tih, na thadueng khaw tla.
He shall be defiled in the evil day, and in the day of affliction, until he be utterly consumed.
11 Duek sak ham a khuen uh te huul uh laeh, ngawnnah la aka yalh te khaw hloh uh laeh.
Deliver them that are led away to death, and redeem them that are appointed to be slain; spare not [thy help].
12 “Ka ming uh moenih ko he,” na ti cakhaw, amah loh lungbuei a khiinglang tih yakming mahpawt a? Na hinglu aka kueinah loh a ming ta. Te dongah hlang he amah kah bisai bangla a thuung ni ta.
But if thou shouldest say, I know not this man; know that the Lord knows the hearts of all; and he that formed breath for all, he knows all things, who renders to every man according to his works.
13 Ka ca, khoitui tah then tih ca lah. Khoilitui tah na ka dongah didip ta.
[My] son, eat honey, for the honeycomb is good, that thy throat may be sweetened.
14 Cueihnah te na hinglu ham ming van lah. Na hmuh atah na hmailong khui vetih, na ngaiuepnah khaw yoe mahpawh.
Thus shalt thou perceive wisdom in thy soul: for if thou find it, thine end shall be good, and hope shall not fail thee.
15 Halang aw, hlang dueng tolkhoeng ke rhongngol thil boeh, a kolhmuen te khaw rhoelrhak pah boeh.
Bring not an ungodly man into the dwelling of the righteous: neither be deceived by the feeding of the belly.
16 Aka dueng tah voei rhih a cungku akhaw koep thoo dae, halang rhoek tah yoethae nen ni a tongtah uh.
For a righteous man will fall seven times, and rise [again]: but the ungodly shall be without strength in troubles.
17 Na thunkha, na thunkha te a cungku vaengah kokhahnah boeh, a paloe vaengah khaw na lungbuei omngaih sak boeh.
If thine enemy should fall, rejoice not over him, neither be elated at his overthrow.
18 BOEIPA loh a hmuh vaengah a mik lolh vetih, anih taengkah a thintoek te vik lat ve.
For the Lord will see [it], and it will not please him, and he will turn away his wrath from him.
19 Thaehuet dongah sai boeh. Halang rhoek taengah khaw thatlai boeh.
Rejoice not in evil-doers, neither be envious of sinners.
20 Boethae ham a hmailong a khui pah moenih, halang kah hmaithoi khaw a thih pah ni.
For the evil man shall have no posterity: and the light of the wicked shall be put out.
21 Ka ca, BOEIPA khaw, manghai khaw rhih lah. Aka thovael neh pitpom boeh.
[My] son, fear God and the king; and do not disobey either of them.
22 Amih te rhainah loh buengrhuet a pai thil vetih, amih rhoi kah yoethaenah te ulong a ming?
For they will suddenly punish the ungodly, and who can know the vengeance [inflicted] by both?
23 He rhoek khaw hlang cueih kah a hut ni. Laitloeknah dongah maelhmai loha sak khaw then pawh.
And this thing I say to you that are wise [for you] to learn: It is not good to have respect of persons in judgment.
24 Halang te, “Na dueng,” aka ti nah tah, amah te pilnam loh a tap vetih, namtu loh kosi a sah thil ni.
He that says of the ungodly, He is righteous, shall be cursed by peoples, and hateful among the nations.
25 Tedae amih aka tluung rhoek te hoel ti vetih, a soah yoethennah hnothen loh a thoeng pah ni.
But they that reprove [him] shall appear more excellent, and blessing shall come upon them;
26 Langya la olka aka mael tah, a hmuilai te a mok pah.
and [men] will kiss lips that answer well.
27 Na bibi te vongvoel ah khaw cikngae sak. Anih te a hnukah na lo ah a sikim phoeiah na im te thoh.
Prepare thy works for [thy] going forth, and prepare thyself for the field; and come after me, and thou shalt rebuild thine house.
28 Na hui te ahong mai neh laipai la om thil boeh. Namah kah hmuilai neh na hloih a?
Be not a false witness against thy [fellow] citizen, neither exaggerate with thy lips.
29 “Kai taengah a saii bangla amah te ka saii van ni, hlang te amah kah bisai bangla ka thuung ni,” ti boeh.
Say not, As he has treated me, so will I treat him, and I will avenge myself on him for that wherein he has injured me.
30 Kolhnaw hlang kah lohma longah khaw, lungbuei aka talh hlang kah misur taengah khaw ka cet coeng.
A foolish man is like a farm, and a senseless man is like a vineyard.
31 Lo pum ah dohui daih tih, canghli ah lota loh a thing. A vongtung dongkah lungto khaw a koengloeng coeng ke.
If thou let him alone, he will altogether remain barren and covered with weeds; and he becomes destitute, and his stone walls are broken down.
32 Ka hmuh vaengah kai long tah, ka lungbuei ah ka khueh tih, ka sawt vaengah thuituennah la ka loh.
Afterwards I reflected, I looked that I might receive instruction.
33 Bet ip, bet ngam, kut bet a poem neh yalh pahoi.
[The sluggard says, ]I slumber a little, and I sleep a little, and for a little while I fold my arms across [my] breast.
34 Te vaengah na khodaeng loh aka cetpaitai bangla, na tloelnah loh photling aka bai hlang bangla ha pawk.
But if thou do this, thy poverty will come speedily; and thy want like a swift courier.

< Olcueih 24 >