< Philimon 1 >

1 Jesuh Khrih kah thongtla Paul neh Timothy loh manuca neh kaimih kah thintlo neh bibipuei Philimon,
Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus, and Timotheus the brother, to Philemon our beloved and fellow-worker,
2 ka ngannu Apphia neh kaimih kah rhalkappuei Arklipas neh nang im kah hlangboel taengah kan yaak sak.
and Apphia the beloved, and Archippus our fellow-soldier, and the assembly in your house:
3 Mamih kah Pa Pathen neh Boeipa Jesuh Khrih taeng lamkah Lungvatnah neh ngaimongnah nangmih taengah om saeh.
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!
4 Ka thangthuinah takuem ah nang kah na saii te ka poek taitu tih ka Pathen te ka uem.
I give thanks to my God, always making mention of you in my prayers,
5 Boeipa Jesuh so neh hlang cim rhoek boeih soah nangmih kah lungnah neh tangnah na khueh uh te ka yaak.
hearing of your love and faith that you have to the Lord Jesus and toward all the holy ones,
6 Te daengah ni mamih ah Khrih ham a then mingnah cungkuem neh na tangnah dongkah rhoinaengnah te khuekcet la a om eh.
that the fellowship of your faith may become working in the full knowledge of every good thing that [is] in you toward Christ Jesus;
7 Nang kah lungnah dongah omngaihnah neh thaphohnah muep ka khueh coeng. Manuca na saeh, nang rhangneh hlangcim rhoek kah a kotak tah paang caih uh coeng.
for we have much joy and comfort in your love, because the yearnings of the holy ones have been refreshed through you, brother.
8 Te dongah a tueng te tah Khrih ah sayalhnah muep khueh sak ham ni nang n'tueih.
For this reason, having in Christ much boldness to command you that which is fit—
9 Patong bangla aka om Paul long he lungnah neh lat kan hloep.
because of the love I rather plead, being such a one as Paul the aged, and now also a prisoner of Jesus Christ;
10 Tedae Khrih Jesuh kah thongtla long khaw ka ca ham te nang kan hloep coeng. Amah Onesima he hloong dongah ni ka sak.
I beg you concerning my child—whom I begot in my bonds—Onesimus,
11 Anih te hnukbuet ah nang ham a hoeihae coeng dae, tahae atah nang ham neh kai ham khaw congpang coeng.
who once was to you unprofitable, and now is profitable to me and to you,
12 Anih te nang tengah kan tueih. Te ni ka kotak ah aka om.
whom I sent again to you—he who is my own heart,
13 Anih te ka taengla khueh ka ngaih. Te daengah ni olthangthen kah hloong khuiah khaw nang yueng la kai m'bongyong eh.
whom I intended to retain to myself, that in your behalf he might minister to me in the bonds of the good news,
14 Tedae nang kah mingpueinah pawt atah saii ka ngaih moenih. Te daengah ni nang a then loh kueknah lam pawt tih, namah kongaih ningla a om eh.
but apart from your mind I willed to do nothing, so that your good deed may not be as of necessity, but of willingness,
15 Tahae kah hnin at na paek uh rhoi dongah anih te dungyan na dang khaming. (aiōnios g166)
for perhaps because of this he departed for an hour, that you may have him continuously, (aiōnios g166)
16 Anih he sal voel pawt tih sal lakah olpuei la kai ham tah thintlo manuca la om coeng. Pumsa neh Boeipa ah nang ham muep lat hoekhang coeng.
no longer as a servant, but above a servant—a beloved brother, especially to me, and how much more to you, both in the flesh and in the LORD!
17 Te dongah kai he pueipo la nan khueh atah kai bangla anih te doe.
If, then, you have fellowship with me, receive him as me,
18 Tedae nang soah thae tih lai a ba khoem atah te te kai hut la nawt laeh.
and if he did hurt to you, or owes anything, charge this to me;
19 Kai Paul loh kamah kut neh kan daek coeng. Kamah loh kan sah bitni. Te te nang taengah, 'Nang khaw kai lai na ba van,’ ka ti moenih.
I, Paul, wrote with my hand, I will repay; besides, that I may not say that you also owe to me yourself.
20 Thuem pai, manuca nang, kai tah nang lamlong ni Boeipa dongah ka hoeikhang. Ka kotak tah Khrih ah mong coeng.
Yes, brother, may I have profit of you in the LORD; refresh my yearnings in the LORD;
21 Nang kah olngainah te ka pangtung dongah ni nang taengah kan daek. Ka thui te a pueh la na saii pataeng ni tila ka ming.
I wrote to you having been confident in your obedience, having known that you will also do above what I may say;
22 Pahoi ah kai ham khaw pahnah rhoekbah lah. Nangmih kah thangthuinah rhangneh nangmih khodawkngai ham te ka ngaiuep.
and at the same time also prepare for me a lodging, for I hope that through your prayers I will be granted to you.
23 Jesuh Khrih kongah kai kah thongtlapuei Epaphras,
Epaphras greets you (my fellow-captive in Christ Jesus),
24 kai kah bibipuei rhoek Marku, Aristarkhu, Demas neh Luka loh nang te kut n'tuuk uh.
Marcus, Aristarchus, Demas, Lucas, my fellow-workmen!
25 Boeipa Jesuh Khrih kah lungvatnah tah nangmih kah mueihla neh om saeh.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ [is] with your spirit! Amen.

< Philimon 1 >