< Lampahnah 4 >

1 BOEIPA loh Moses neh Aaron te a voek tih,
Then the LORD said to Moses and Aaron,
2 “Levi koca khui lamloh Kohath ca rhoek kah a lu te a napa rhoek imkhui neh a cako ah tae pah.
“Take a census of the Kohathites among the Levites by their clans and families,
3 Kum sawmthum ca lamloh a so hang neh kum sawmnga ca hil tah tingtunnah dap ah bitat saii ham caempuei la boeih kun saeh.
men from thirty to fifty years old—everyone who is qualified to serve in the work at the Tent of Meeting.
4 Tingtunnah dap khuiah hmuencim kah hmuencim koek ah Kohath koca kah thothuengnah tah he coeng ni.
This service of the Kohathites at the Tent of Meeting regards the most holy things.
5 Lambong a thoeih vaengah Aaron neh anih koca rhoek te kun uh saeh. Te vaengah himbaiyan dongkah hniyan te dul uh saeh lamtah laipainah thingkawng te khuk thil saeh.
Whenever the camp sets out, Aaron and his sons are to go in, take down the veil of the curtain, and cover the ark of the Testimony with it.
6 Te phoeiah a soah a sing la saham pho neh dah saeh. A so khit ah himbai a thim duk a phaih phoeiah a cung rholh uh saeh.
They are to place over this a covering of fine leather, spread a solid blue cloth over it, and insert its poles.
7 A hmai caboei soah himbai thim a phaih tih a soah bael neh yakbu, tuisi-am neh tuisi tui-um tawn uh saeh. Buh khaw a soah phat om saeh.
Over the table of the Presence they are to spread a blue cloth and place the plates and cups on it, along with the bowls and pitchers for the drink offering. The regular bread offering is to remain on it.
8 Te rhoek soah himbai hlarhui a lingdik phaih saeh lamtah saham pho imphu neh te te khuk uh saeh. Te phoeiah a cung te rholh uh saeh.
And they shall spread a scarlet cloth over them, cover them with fine leather, and insert the poles.
9 Te vaengah himbai thim lo uh saeh lamtah vangnah hmaitung neh a hmaithoi khaw, a paitaeh neh a baelphaih, a situi am boeih khaw khuk uh saeh. Te rhoek nen te a taengah thotat uh saeh.
They are to take a blue cloth and cover the lampstand used for light, together with its lamps, wick trimmers, and trays, as well as the jars of oil with which to supply it.
10 Amah te neh a hnopai boeih te saham pho imphu neh cun uh saeh lamtah cunghloeng dongah buen uh saeh.
Then they shall wrap it and all its utensils inside a covering of fine leather and put it on the carrying frame.
11 Sui hmueihtuk soah khaw himbai thim neh khuk saeh. Te phoeiah te te saham pho imphu neh khuk uh saeh lamtah a cung rholh uh saeh.
Over the gold altar they are to spread a blue cloth, cover it with fine leather, and insert the poles.
12 Thohtatnah hnopai cungkuem te khuen uh saeh lamtah hmuencim ah te nen te thotat uh saeh. Himbai thim khuila a sang tih saham pho imphu neh a khuk phoeiah cunghloeng dongah buen uh saeh.
They are to take all the utensils for serving in the sanctuary, place them in a blue cloth, cover them with fine leather, and put them on the carrying frame.
13 Te phoeiah hmueihtuk te kol uh saeh lamtah a soah himbai thim phaih uh saeh.
Then they shall remove the ashes from the bronze altar, spread a purple cloth over it,
14 Te phoeiah a thohtat vaengkah a hnopai cungkuem te, a taengkah baelphaih ciksum neh hmaisoh khaw, baelcak neh hmueihtuk kah hnopai cungkuem te a soah tloeng uh saeh. Te soah saham pho a sing dah uh saeh lamtah a cung te rholh uh saeh.
and place on it all the vessels used to serve there: the firepans, meat forks, shovels, and sprinkling bowls—all the equipment of the altar. They are to spread over it a covering of fine leather and insert the poles.
15 Aaron neh anih koca rhoek loh hmuencim neh hmuencim kah hnopai cungkuem a khuk te a coeng tih rhaehhmuen puen ham vaengah a hnuk ah koh pah ham Kohath koca rhoek kun uh saeh. Tedae hnocim te ben uh boel saeh duek uh ve. He rhoek he tingtunnah dap khuiah Kohath koca rhoek kah hnophueih la om saeh.
When Aaron and his sons have finished covering the holy objects and all their equipment, as soon as the camp is ready to move, the Kohathites shall come and do the carrying. But they must not touch the holy objects, or they will die. These are the transportation duties of the Kohathites regarding the Tent of Meeting.
16 Khosoih Aaron capa Eleazar loh hmaivang situi neh bo-ul botui khaw, hnin takuem kah khocang neh koelhnah situi aka cawhkung, dungtlungim pum neh a khuikah boeih, hmuencim neh a hnopai aka cawhkung la om saeh,” a ti nah.
Eleazar son of Aaron the priest shall oversee the oil for the light, the fragrant incense, the daily grain offering, and the anointing oil. He has oversight of the entire tabernacle and everything in it, including the holy objects and their utensils.”
17 BOEIPA loh Moses neh Aaron te a voek tih,
Then the LORD said to Moses and Aaron,
18 “Kohathi cako koca te Levi khui lamloh hnawt boeh.
“Do not allow the Kohathite tribal clans to be cut off from among the Levites.
19 Tedae he he amih ham na saii daengah ni hmuencim kah hmuencim taengla a mop uh vaengah hing uh vetih a duek uh pawt eh. Aaron neh anih koca rhoek a kun vaengah amih te hlang khat rhip kah a thothuengnah ham neh a hnophueih ham khueh uh saeh.
In order that they may live and not die when they come near the most holy things, do this for them: Aaron and his sons are to go in and assign each man his task and what he is to carry.
20 Tedae hmuencim te hmuh ham yap kun uh boel saeh, tarha duek uh ve,” a ti nah.
But the Kohathites are not to go in and look at the holy objects, even for a moment, or they will die.”
21 Te phoeiah BOEIPA loh Moses te a voek tih,
And the LORD said to Moses,
22 Gershon koca kah a lu te khaw a napa rhoek imkhui lamloh a cako ah tae pah.
“Take a census of the Gershonites as well, by their families and clans,
23 Capa kum sawmthum lamloh a so hang loh kum sawmnga ca hil soep pah. Amih te tingtunnah dap ah caempuei la thohtat ham neh thothuengnah dongah thothueng ham boeih ha pawk uh saeh.
from thirty to fifty years old, counting everyone who comes to serve in the work at the Tent of Meeting.
24 He thothuengnah he Gershon cako kah a thothueng neh a hnophueih la om saeh.
This is the service of the Gershonite clans regarding work and transport:
25 Te dongah dungtlungim kah himbaiyan neh tingtunnah dap kah a imphu khaw, a so lamkah saham imphu neh tingtunnah dap thohka kah himbaiyan khaw,
They are to carry the curtains of the tabernacle, the Tent of Meeting with the covering of fine leather over it, the curtains for the entrance to the Tent of Meeting,
26 vongup kah imbang neh dungtlungim dongkah vongtung vongka thohka kah himbaiyan neh hmueihtuk kaepvai kah a rhuimal khaw, a thothuengnah hnopai cungkuem khaw phuei uh saeh. Te boeih te amih ham khueh pah lamtah thothueng uh saeh.
the curtains of the courtyard, and the curtains for the entrance at the gate of the courtyard that surrounds the tabernacle and altar, along with their ropes and all the equipment for their service. The Gershonites will do all that needs to be done with these items.
27 Aaron neh a capa kah ol bangla Gershon koca rhoek kah thothuengnah cungkuem dongah a hnophueih boeih neh a thothuengnah boeih te om pah saeh. Te phoeiah amih te a hutnah bangla a hnophueih boeih te soep pah.
All the service of the Gershonites—all their transport duties and other work—is to be done at the direction of Aaron and his sons; you are to assign to them all that they are responsible to carry.
28 He he tingtunnah dap ah Gershon koca cako kah thothuengnah coeng ni. Amih hut te khosoih Aaron capa Ithamar kut hmuiah om saeh.
This is the service of the Gershonite clans at the Tent of Meeting, and their duties shall be under the direction of Ithamar son of Aaron the priest.
29 Merari koca te a cako ah a napa rhoek imko neh soep pah.
As for the sons of Merari, you are to number them by their clans and families,
30 Amih te kum sawmthum ca lamloh a so hang neh kum sawmnga ca hil soep pah. Amih te tingtunnah dap ah thothuengnah neh thothueng ham caempuei la boeih kun saeh.
from thirty to fifty years old, counting everyone who comes to serve in the work of the Tent of Meeting.
31 Tingtunnah dap ah amih kah thothuengnah boeih la he he a hnophueih neh a hutnah la om saeh. Dungtlungim kah a longlaeng neh a thohkalh khaw, a tung neh a buenhol khaw,
This is the duty for all their service at the Tent of Meeting: to carry the frames of the tabernacle with its crossbars, posts, and bases,
32 vongtung kaepvai kah tung neh a buenhol khaw, a hlingcong neh a rhuimal khaw, a hnopai boeih neh a thothuengnah boeih khaw, amih kah hnophueih neh a hutnah hnopai te a ming neh soep pah.
and the posts of the surrounding courtyard with their bases, tent pegs, and ropes, including all their equipment and everything related to their use. You shall assign by name the items that they are responsible to carry.
33 Tingtunnah dap kah a thothuengnah boeih dongah Merari koca cako thothuengnah he khosoih Aaron capa Ithamar kut hmuiah om saeh,” a ti nah.
This is the service of the Merarite clans according to all their work at the Tent of Meeting, under the direction of Ithamar son of Aaron the priest.”
34 Te dongah Moses, Aaron neh rhaengpuei kah khoboei rhoek loh Kohathi koca kah a cako rhoek neh a napa rhoek imkhui khaw,
So Moses, Aaron, and the leaders of the congregation numbered the Kohathites by their clans and families,
35 Kum sawmthum ca lamloh a so hang neh kum sawmnga ca hil, tingtunnah dap kah thothuengnah dongah caempuei la aka pawk boeih te a soep.
everyone from thirty to fifty years old who came to serve in the work at the Tent of Meeting.
36 Amih te a cako la a soep vaengah thawng hnih ya rhih neh sawmnga lo uh.
And those numbered by their clans totaled 2,750.
37 Tingtunnah dap ah tho aka thueng Kohathi cako boeih he a soep vaengah Moses kut dongkah BOEIPA ol bangla Moses neh Aaron loh a soep.
These were counted from the Kohathite clans, everyone who could serve at the Tent of Meeting. Moses and Aaron numbered them according to the command of the LORD through Moses.
38 Gershon koca te a cako la a napa rhoek imkhui lamloh,
Then the Gershonites were numbered by their clans and families,
39 kum sawmthum ca lamloh a so hang neh kum sawmnga ca hil tingtunnah dap kah thothuengnah dongah caempuei la aka kun boeih te a soep.
everyone from thirty to fifty years old who came to serve in the work at the Tent of Meeting.
40 Anmih te a cako la a napa imkhui neh a soep vaengah thawng hnih ya rhuk sawmthum lo uh.
And those numbered by their clans and families totaled 2,630.
41 Tingtunnah dap ah aka thotat Gershon koca cako boeih he a soep vaengah BOEIPA ol bangla Moses neh Aaron loh a soep.
These were counted from the Gershonite clans who served at the Tent of Meeting, whom Moses and Aaron counted at the LORD’s command.
42 Te dongah Merari koca cako te a napa rhoek imkhui neh a cako te a tae.
And the Merarites were numbered by their clans and families,
43 Kum sawmthum ca lamloh a so hang kum sawmnga ca hil, tingtunnah dap kah thothuengnah dongah caempuei la aka kun boeih te a tae.
everyone from thirty to fifty years old who came to serve in the work at the Tent of Meeting.
44 Amih te a soep vaengah a cako ah thawng thum neh yahnih lo.
The men registered by their clans numbered 3,200.
45 Merari koca cako a soep vaengah Moses kut dongkah BOEIPA ol bangla Moses neh Aaron loh a soep.
These were counted from the Merarite clans, whom Moses and Aaron numbered at the LORD’s command through Moses.
46 Moses, Aaron neh Israel khoboei rhoek loh a soep Levi te a cako neh a napa rhoek imkhui khaw boeih a soep uh.
So Moses, Aaron, and the leaders of Israel numbered by their clans and families all the Levites
47 tongpaca kum sawmthum neh a so hang kum sawmnga ca hil, thothuengnah dongkah thohtatnah neh tingtunnah dap ah hnophueih dongkah thohtatnah dongah thohtat ham aka pawk boeih khaw,
from thirty to fifty years old who came to do the work of serving and carrying the Tent of Meeting.
48 a soep vaengah amih te thawng rhet ya nga sawmrhet lo.
And the number of men was 8,580.
49 BOEIPA ol bangla amih te Moses kut ah a soep. Hlang khat rhip kah a thothuengnah ham neh a hnophueih ham khaw BOEIPA loh Moses a uen bangla a tae uh.
At the LORD’s command they were numbered through Moses and each one was assigned his work and burden, as the LORD had commanded Moses.

< Lampahnah 4 >