< Matthai 16 >

1 Te vaengah Pharisee rhoek neh Sadducees rhoek loh a paan uh tih, “Vaan lamkah miknoek te amih tueng ham a dawt uh tih a loepdak uh.
[Some] Pharisees and Sadducees came to [Jesus] and asked him [to perform] a miracle that would prove [that] [had sent him].
2 Tedae amih te a doo tih, “Hlaem a pha vaengah vaan ke khopang a ling dongah Khothen ni na ti uh.
He answered them, “[In this country], in the evening you say, ‘[It will be] good weather [tomorrow], because the sky is red.’
3 Vaan ke Mincang ah hmuep tih a ling dongah, Tihnin ah khonal ni na ti uh. Vaan kah a hmuethma ngawn tah boelhkhoeh ham na ming uh dae a tuetang kah miknoek tah na ming uh thai moenih.
[Early] in the morning [you say], ‘It will be stormy weather today, because the sky is red, and dark clouds have formed.’ You understand how to predict [the weather by looking at the sky], but you cannot [seem to look at what is happening] now, [and by that] understand [what God is doing].
4 Boethae neh samphaih cadil loh miknoek a kuek, tedae Jonah kah miknoek pawt atah miknoek m'pae mahpawh,” a ti nah. Te phoeiah amih te a hnoo tih vik cet.
[You] evil people have seen me [perform miracles] but you do not faithfully worship God [MET]. You want to see [me perform] a miracle [that would prove that God has sent me]. But [God] will [enable you to see] only one miracle. It will be [like] what happened [MET] to Jonah, [the prophet, who was inside a huge fish for three days and then came out of it to live again].” Then Jesus left them and sailed away, [along with us disciples].
5 Tedae rhalvangan la a caeh uh vaengah hnukbang rhoek loh buh khuen ham a hnilh uh.
[We] forgot to take bread when [we] sailed to another edge of [the lake].
6 Te vaengah Jesuh loh amih te, “Pharisee rhoek neh Sadducee rhoek kah tolrhu ke hmat uh lamtah ngaithuen uh,” a ti nah.
[Then] Jesus said to us, “Beware [that you do not accept] the yeast [MET] that the Pharisees and Sadducees [distribute].”
7 Tedae amih tah amamih khuiah thui uh thae tih, “Buh n'khuen uh pawt tih,” a ti uh.
Then, [not realizing that he was speaking figuratively], [we] said to one another, “[He must have said that] because we forgot to bring any bread!”
8 Tedae Jesuh loh a ming vaengah, “Uepvawt rhoek aw, balae tih buh na khueh uh pawt te namamih khuiah na thuingong uh?
Because Jesus knew what [we were saying], he said [to us], “(I am disappointed that you are discussing among yourselves, [thinking] that [it was because] you did not bring any bread [that I talked about the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees]./Why are you discussing among yourselves thinking that it was because you did not bring any bread [that I talked about the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees]?) [RHQ] You believe only a little [what I am able to do for you].
9 Na yakming uh hlan a? Vaidam panga te thawngnga cung tih voh dongah muep na phueih te na poek uh moenih a?
(You should understand [that I can continue to do miracles to provide for what you need./] you not yet understand [that I can provide miraculously for you if you need food]?) [RHQ] Do you not remember that 5,000 [people ate when I multiplied the] five small loaves [and the two fish? And after everyone had enough to eat], you collected [twelve] baskets [of left-over pieces] [RHQ]!
10 Vaidam parhih te thawngli loh cung uh tih voh dongah muep na khuen uh moenih a?
[Do you not remember] [RHQ] [that] 4,000 [people ate when I multiplied the] seven small loaves [and a few fish]? And [after everyone had enough to eat], you collected [seven] large baskets [of left-over pieces]
11 Balae tih na yakming uh pawh, Nangmih taengah buh kawng te ka thui moenih. Tedae Pharisee rhoek neh Sadducee rhoek kah tolrhu mah ngaithuen uh,” a ti nah.
(You should have understood that I was not speaking about [real] bread [that contains yeast]./Why have you not understood that I was not speaking about [real] bread [that contains yeast?]) [RHQ] What I [was saying] was that you should [not accept what] the Pharisees and Sadducees [say, because it would affect you like] yeast [affects] [MET] [dough].”
12 Vaidam khuikah tolrhu ngaithuen ham a thui moenih, Pharisee rhoek neh Sadducee rhoek kah thuituennah ni tila a hmuhming uh.
Then we understood that he was not talking about the yeast that is [in] bread. Instead, [he was talking] about the [wrong] teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
13 Jesuh tah Kaisarea Philipi pingpang la a pawk vaengah a hnukbang rhoek te a dawt tih, “Hlang rhoek loh Hlang Capa he ulae a ti uh?” a ti nah.
When Jesus came with [us] disciples to the region near Caesarea Philippi [town], he asked us, “Who do people say that I, the one who came from heaven, [really] am?”
14 Te vaengah amih loh, “A ngen loh tuinuem Johan, pakhat loh Elijah, a tloe rhoek loh Jeremiah neh tonghma khat khat a ti uh,” a ti na uh.
We answered, “Some [people say that you are] John the Baptizer, [who has come back to life again]. Others say [that you are the prophet] Elijah, [who has returned from heaven as God promised]. [Still] others [say that you are the prophet] Jeremiah or one of the [other] prophets [who lived long ago, who has come back to life again].”
15 Amih te khaw, “Tedae nangmih loh, kai he ulae na ti uh?” a ti nah.
Jesus said to us, “[What about] you? Who do you say that I am?”
16 Simon Peter loh a doo tih, “Nang tah aka hing Pathen Capa Khrih ni,” a ti nah.
Simon Peter said to him, “You are the Messiah! You are the Son of the all-powerful God.”
17 Te vaengah Jesuh loh anih te a doo tih “Simon Barjonah tah, yoethen la na om coeng. Pumsa neh thii nen pawt tih vaan kah a Pa loh nang taengah a phoe coeng.
Then Jesus said to him, “Simon, son of Jonah, [God] is pleased with you. What you just said was not [SYN] revealed to you by any human. Instead, [it was] my Father [who lives] in heaven [who revealed this to you].
18 Te dongah kai loh nang te, “Nang tah Peter ni. Te dongah hekah lungpang soah hlangboel te ka thoh vetih saelkhui vongka loh noeng mahpawh. (Hadēs g86)
I will also tell you this: You are Peter, [which means rock]. [You are like] a rock. What you [and your fellow apostles teach] (OR, [what] you [do]) [will be like a foundation on which I] will create congregations of people who [believe in] me. And the demons [PRS], [who live] where the dead people who lived evil lives are, will not be able to [come and] prevent [MET] [me from doing] that.” (Hadēs g86)
19 Vaan ram kah cabi te nang taengah kan paek ni. Te dongah diklai ah na pin te tah vaan ah pin la om ni. Tedae diklai ah na hlam te tah vaan ah hlam la om ni,’ ka ti,” a ti nah.
[Then, speaking to all of us, he said], “I will enable you [(pl)] to have authority [MTY] over the groups of people over whose lives [God] rules. Whatever you forbid regarding those people [MTY], it will have been forbidden by God. Whatever you permit [MET] regarding them, it will have been permitted by God.”
20 Te phoeiah, 'Jesuh tah Khrih ni,’ tila thui pawt ham hnukbang te ol a paek.
Then Jesus warned [us] disciples strongly not to tell anyone [at that time] that he is the Messiah.
21 Te vaeng lamloh Jesuh tah Jerusalem la cet tih a ham rhoek, khosoihham rhoek, cadaek rhoek kah nganboh muep yook ham neh, a ngawn phoeikah hnin thum ah a thoh ham a kuek te a hnukbang rhoek taengah koe a thuicaih.
From that time Jesus began to teach [us] disciples that it was necessary for him to go to Jerusalem [city]. There the ruling elders, the chief priests, and the men who taught the [Jewish] laws would cause him to suffer and (be killed/die). Then on the third day [after that], he would become alive again.
22 Te vaengah Peter loh a sim doela koe a mawt tih, “Boeipa nang te poekpoei rhola a ti mai mako, he tah nang taengah om loengloeng boel saeh,” a ti nah.
[Because Peter assumed that the Messiah would not suffer and die], he took Jesus aside and began to rebuke him [for talking about suffering and dying]. He said, “Lord, may [God] never permit that to happen to you! That must certainly not happen!”
23 Tedae Peter te a mael thil tih, “Satan, kai hnukla nong, kai ham thangkui la na om. Na poek te Pathen kah hno pawt tih hlang kah hno ni,” a ti nah.
Then Jesus turned [to look at] Peter, and he said to him, “Stop talking to me [like that] [MTY]! [Stop saying what] Satan [MET] [would say, and stop] trying to prevent [from happening what God has planned]! You are a hindrance to me, because you are not thinking like God thinks. Instead, [you are thinking] like people [think]!”
24 Te phoeiah Jesuh loh a hnukbang rhoek te, “Khat khat long ni ka hnukah lo ham a ngaih atah, amah te huek uh saeh lamtah a thinglam a koh doeah kai m'vai saeh.
Then Jesus said to [us] disciples, “If any one [of you] wants to be my disciple, you must not do [only] what you yourself want [to do]. [You] must be willing to [let people hurt you and disgrace you. That is like what they do to criminals whom they force to] carry a cross [MET] [to the place where the criminals will be executed. That is what anyone who wants to] be my disciple [must do].
25 A hinglu te khang ham aka ngaih tah poci ni. Tedae kai kongah a hinglu aka hlong tah te te a dang ni.
[You must do that], because those who try to save their lives [by denying that they belong to me when people want to kill them for believing in me] will not live [eternally], but those who are killed [because of being my disciples] will live [with God eternally].
26 Hlang loh Diklai he boeih a pang dae a hinglu a hlong atah balae a hoeikhang eh? Hlang loh amah kah hinglu ham balae tlansum la a phai eh?
People [might] get everything [they want] in this world, but ([if they do not become my disciples], they would really be gaining nothing [because] they would not get eternal life!/what would they gain [if they do not become my disciples and thus] do not get eternal life?) [RHQ] (There is absolutely nothing that people can give [to God] that would enable them to gain eternal life./What can people give [to God] that could enable them to gain eternal life?) [MTY, RHQ]
27 Te dongah Hlang Capa loh a napa kah thangpomnah neh, amah kah puencawn rhoek ham pawk puei vaengah hlang te a khoboe bangla rhip a thuung van ni.
[Listen carefully: I], the one who came from heaven, [will leave this earth, but] I will return, and the angels of heaven will accompany me. At that time I will have the glorious [radiance] that my Father has, and I will reward everyone according to what they did [when they were living on earth].
28 Te phoeiah amih te “Nangmih taengah rhep kan thui hekah aka pai khuiah hlangvang om. Amih loh thaomnah neh aka pai Pathen ram te a ming uh hlan atah dueknah he ten uh mueh mahpawh,” a ti nah.
Listen carefully! Some of you who are here now will see [me], the one who came from heaven, when I return to rule. You will see this before you die!”

< Matthai 16 >