< Malakhi 3 >

1 Ka puencawn kan tueih tih ka mikhmuh ah longpuei a hoihaeng pawn ni he. Te vaengah nangmih aka tlap boeipa tah a bawkim la thaeng cet ni. Anih tah ha pai laeh ham na omtoem uh paipi kah puencawn ni tila caempuei BOEIPA loh a thui.
See, I am sending my servant, and he will make ready the way before me; and the Lord, whom you are looking for, will suddenly come to his Temple; and the angel of the agreement, in whom you have delight, see, he is coming, says the Lord of armies.
2 Tedae amah halo nah khohnin te unim aka noeng? Amah a phoe vaengah unim aka pai? Amah he aka picai hmai bangla, aka sil lunghang bangla om.
But by whom may the day of his coming be faced? and who may keep his place when he is seen? for he is like the metal-tester's fire and the cleaner's soap.
3 Cak aka cil tih aka caihcil sak la ngol vetih Levi koca rhoek te a caihcil ni. Amih te sui bangla, cak bangla a hangcil sak ni. Te vaengah BOEIPA ham duengnah dongah khocang aka tawn la om uh ni.
He will take his seat, testing and cleaning the sons of Levi, burning away the evil from them as from gold and silver; so that they may make offerings to the Lord in righteousness.
4 Judah neh Jerusalem kah khocang te khosuen tue neh yan hlamat kum kah bangla BOEIPA ham a tui pah ni.
Then the offering of Judah and Jerusalem will be pleasing to the Lord, as in days gone by, and as in past years.
5 “Nangmih taengah laitloeknah neh ka tawn uh vetih hlangbi taeng neh samphaih taengah khaw, a honghi la aka toemngam taeng khaw, kutloh thapang dongah nuhmai neh cadah aka hnaemtaek taengah khaw, yinlai aka kaeng tih kai aka rhih pawt taengah khaw laipai la ka om paitok ni,” tila caempuei BOEIPA loh a thui.
And I will come near to you for judging; I will quickly be a witness against the wonder-workers, against those who have been untrue in married life, against those who take false oaths; against those who keep back from the servant his payment, and who are hard on the widow and the child without a father, who do not give his rights to the man from a strange country, and have no fear of me, says the Lord of armies.
6 Kai, Yahweh tah ka thovael pawt dongah nangmih Jakob ca rhoek khaw n'khap uh mahpawh.
For I am the Lord, I am unchanged; and so you, O sons of Jacob, have not been cut off.
7 Na pa tue lamkah parhi te ka oltlueh lamloh na nong uh tih na tuem uh moenih. “Kai taengla ha mael uh lamtah nangmih taengla ka mael ni,” tila Caempuei BOEIPA loh a thui lalah, “Balae tih m'mael eh?” na ti uh.
From the days of your fathers you have been turned away from my rules and have not kept them. Come back to me, and I will come back to you, says the Lord of armies. But you say, How are we to come back?
8 Hlang loh Pathen kah te a mom noek a? Tedae nangmih kai nan mom uh. Te vaengah, “Nang te metlam kan mom,” na ti uh te parha pakhat neh khosaa coeng ni.
Will a man keep back from God what is right? But you have kept back what is mine. But you say, What have we kept back from you? Tenths and offerings.
9 Nangmih te tapvoepnah hmuiah thae m'phoei thil coeng. Ka koe te a pum la namtom neh aka mom khaw nangmih ni.
You are cursed with a curse; for you have kept back from me what is mine, even all this nation.
10 Parha pakhat boeih te thakvoh im la khuen uh lamtah ka im ah buh maeh khaw om saeh. Kai he n'noemcai uh laeh. Caempuei BOEIPA loh he ni a thui. Nangmih ham vaan bangbuet kang ong pawt vetih nangmih soah yoethennah te a khawknah hil kan loei het mahpawt nim?
Let your tenths come into the store-house so that there may be food in my house, and put me to the test by doing so, says the Lord of armies, and see if I do not make the windows of heaven open and send down such a blessing on you that there is no room for it.
11 “Nangmih ham tah yoop te ka tluung vetih na khohmuen thaihtae te porhak sak mahpawh. Khohmuen ah na misur khaw hul mahpawh,” tila caempuei BOEIPA loh a thui.
And on your account I will keep back the locusts from wasting the fruits of your land; and the fruit of your vine will not be dropped on the field before its time, says the Lord of armies
12 “Nangmih te namtom boeih loh ng'uem uh vetih kongaih khohmuen la na om uh ni,” tila caempuei BOEIPA loh a thui.
And you will be named happy by all nations: for you will be a land of delight, says the Lord of armies.
13 BOEIPA loh, “Ka taengah na ol a lalh uh lalah, 'Nang taengah balae ka thui,’ na ti uh,” a ti.
Your words have been strong against me, says the Lord. And still you say, What have we said against you?
14 “Pathen taengkah thothueng he a poeyoek, a tuemkoi n'ngaithuen tih caempuei BOEIPA mikhmuh ah mutu la n'caeh te balae m'mueluemnah?
You have said, It is no use worshipping God: what profit have we had from keeping his orders, and going in clothing of sorrow before the Lord of armies?
15 Tedae mamih loh thinlen te n'uem uh bueng kolla, “Halangnah aka saii loh a thoh tih, Pathen aka noem khaw loeih uh lah,” na ti uh.
And now to us the men of pride seem happy; yes, the evil-doers are doing well; they put God to the test and are safe.
16 Te vaengah BOEIPA aka rhih hlang long tah a hui neh a thui rhoi. Tedae BOEIPA loh a hnatung tih a yaak. Te dongah BOEIPA aka rhih ham neh a ming aka moeh ham tah a mikhmuh kah poekkoepnah cabu dongah a daek pah coeng.
Then those in whom was the fear of the Lord had talk together: and the Lord gave ear, and it was recorded in a book to be kept in mind before him, for those who had the fear of the Lord and gave thought to his name.
17 Caempuei BOEIPA loh a thui coeng. Kamah loh lungthen ka saii khohnin ah tah kamah taengah ni a om uh eh. Hlang loh amah taengah aka thotat a capa te lungma a ti vanbangla amih te lungma ka ti ni.
And they will be mine, says the Lord, in the day when I make them my special property; and I will have mercy on them as a man has mercy on his son who is his servant.
18 Te vaengah na mael uh vetih aka dueng neh halang laklo khaw, Pathen taengah tho aka thueng neh tho aka thueng pawt khaw a laklo na hmuh bitni.
Then you will again see how the upright man is different from the sinner, and the servant of God from him who is not.

< Malakhi 3 >