< Luka 14 >

1 Sabbath a pha vaengah Jesuh tah Pharisee boeilu pakhat im ah buh ca la cet. Te vaengah amah te a om thil uh tih a dawn uh.
One (Jewish day of rest/Sabbath day), Jesus went to eat [SYN] at the house of an important Pharisee. Some [men who studied the Jewish] laws and other Pharisees who were there were watching him carefully [to see if he would do something for which they could accuse him].
2 Te vaengah hlang pakhat bungthung aka khueh te a hmaiah pakcak a pawk pah.
Unexpectedly, there was a man in front of Jesus whose arms and legs were swollen.
3 Te dongah Jesuh loh olming rhoek neh Pharisee rhoek te a doo tih a voek vaengah, “Sabbath hnin ah tloh hoeih sak ham tueng a, a tueng moenih a?” a ti nah.
Jesus said to them, “Is it permitted in [our(inc)] Jewish laws to heal [someone] (on our Jewish rest day/on the Sabbath), or not?”
4 Tedae amih loh a hil a phah uh dongah a hoeih sak hlang te a mawt tih a tueih.
[They knew that their laws permitted it, but they thought that healing was work, which they thought was wrong to do] (on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day) (OR, [they knew that their laws permitted it, but they did not want to admit it]). So they did not reply. Then Jesus put his hands on the man and healed him. Then he told him to go [home].
5 Te phoeiah amih te, “Na ca mai khaw, vaito mai khaw tangrhom ah aka cungku te, Sabbath hnin ah pahoi a doek moenih a?” a ti nah.
Then he said to the rest of them, “If you had a son or an ox that fell into a well on a (Sabbath/our day of rest), would you immediately [work to] pull him out, [or would you(sg) let him stay there until the next day]?”
6 Tedae te te oelh uh thai pawh.
[They knew that they would immediately work to pull him out, even on their day of rest, so they could not justly say that Jesus did wrong by healing the man on that day. So] they said nothing in reply to Jesus.
7 Hmuensang te mat a laehdawn tih aka tuek, a cael rhoek te nuettahnah a thui pah.
Jesus noticed that those people who had been {whom [the Pharisee] had} invited [to the meal] chose [to sit in] the places where important [people usually sit]. Then he gave [this advice] to them:
8 Te vaengah amih te, “Yuluei kung la hlang khat khat loh n'khue uh vaengah, hmuensang ah ngol uh boeh, anih loh a khue te nang lakah a khoelh la vik om ve.
“When one of you [(sg)] is invited by someone {someone invites one of you [(sg)]} to a wedding feast, do not sit in a place where important people sit. Perhaps the man [giving the feast] has invited a man more important than you [(sg)].
9 Te vaengah nang neh anih aka khue te ha pawk vetih nang te, 'Anih he hmuen pae dae,’ a ti ni. Te vaengah yah te na poh van vetih a hmuen hnukkhueng te na dang ni.
[When that man comes], the man who invited both of you will come to you [(sg)] and say to you, ‘Let this man take your seat!’ Then you [(sg)] will have to take the most undesirable seat, and you will be ashamed.
10 Te dongah n'khue vaengah cet lamtah hnukkhueng hmuen ah ngol. Te daengah ni nang aka khue te ha pawk vaengah nang te, 'Paya aw, thoo hang dae,’ a ti vetih na taengkah aka ngol rhoek boeih taengah nang hamla thangpomnah a om eh.
Instead, when you are invited {[someone] invites one of you} [to a feast], go and sit in the most undesirable seat. Then when the man who invited everyone comes, he will say to you [(sg)], ‘Friend, sit in a better seat!’ Then all the people who are eating with you [(sg)] will see that he is honoring you.
11 Amah aka pomsang boeih tah tlarhoel vetih amah aka tlarhoel tah a pomsang ni,” a ti nah.
Also, [remember this]: [God] will humble those who exalt themselves. And [he] will exalt those who humble themselves.”
12 Te phoeiah amah aka khue te khaw, “Buhkoknah neh hlaembuh na saii vaengah, na paya, na manuca, na huiko, na imben kuirhang rhoek te khue boeh. Amih loh namah te n'buhung van vetih kutthungnah loh namah taengla ha thoeng ve.
[Jesus] also said to [the Pharisee] who had invited him to the meal, “When you [(sg)] invite people to a midday or evening meal, do not invite your friends or your family or your other relatives or your rich neighbors. They can later invite you [(sg) for a meal]. In that way they will repay you.
13 Tedae buhloei na tael vaengah khodaeng, kut ngun kho ngun, aka khaem, mikdael te khue.
Instead, when you [(sg)] give a feast, invite poor [people], crippled [people], lame [people], or blind [people].
14 Yoethen la na om bitni, nang n'sah ham te khueh pawt cakhaw aka dueng rhoek kah thohkoepnah dongah nang ham a sah bitni,” a ti nah.
They will be unable to repay you. [But God will bless you! He] will repay you [at the time] when [he causes] righteous people to become alive again.”
15 A yaak uh vaengah aka ngol rhoek khuikah pakhat loh, “Yoethen long te tah Pathen kah ram ah buh a caak ni,” a ti nah.
One of those who were eating with Jesus heard him say that. He said to Jesus, “God [has truly] blessed [us Jews] who will eat [with the Messiah] when he starts to rule!”
16 Anih te khaw Jesuh loh, “Hlang pakhat loh hlaembuh muep a thong tih hlang muep a khue.
But [to show that many Jews whom God had invited would not accept God’s invitation] [MET], Jesus replied to him, “One time a man [decided] to prepare a large feast. He invited many people to come.
17 Hlaembuh tue ah tah a sal te a khue rhoek taengla a tueih tih, 'Ham paan uh laeh, sikim la om coeng,’ a ti nah.
When it was the day for the feast, he sent his servant to tell those who had been {whom he had} invited, ‘Come [now] because everything is ready!’
18 Tedae a bangtlang la boeih a thaanah uh tih, lamhma kah loh, 'Lo ka lai tih aka hip la caeh ham a kueknah la ka om. Namah taengah kam bih mai eh, om mai saeh, kai tah ng'rhoe mai,’ a ti nah.
But [when the servant did that], all of the people [whom he had invited] began to say why they did not want to come. The first [man the servant went to] said, ‘I have just bought a field, and I must go and see it. Please [ask your master to] forgive me for not coming!’
19 Pakhat loh, 'Vaito a rhoi panga ka lai tih, nainong ham ka cet ni, Namah taengah kam bih mai eh, om mai saeh, kai tah ng'hoep mai,’ a ti nah.
Another person said, ‘I have just bought five pair of oxen, and I must go to examine them. Please [ask your master to] forgive me for not coming!’
20 Pakhat bal loh, 'Yuu ka loh tih ka lo ham coeng mahpawh,’ a ti nah.
Another person said, ‘I have just been married. So I cannot come.’
21 Te dongah sal te a pawkvaengah tah a boeipa taengla a puen pah. Te vaengah imkung tah kosi a hong tih a sal te, 'Khopuei kah toltung neh imhlai laklo ah a loe la cet lamtah, khodaeng, a kut a kho aka ngun, mikdael, aka khaem te pahoi hang khuen,’ a ti nah.
So the servant returned to his master and reported what [everyone had said]. The owner of the house was angry [when he heard the reasons they gave for not] coming. He said to his servant, ‘Go out quickly to the streets and alleys of the city [and find] poor and crippled and blind and lame [people, and bring] them here into [my house]!’
22 Sal loh, 'Boeipa, nan tueih bangla ka saii coeng dae a hmuen om pueng,’ a ti nah.
[After the servant went and did that], he [came back and] said, ‘Sir, I have done what you [(sg)] told me to do, but there is still room [for more people].’
23 Te dongah boei loh sal taengah, 'Khohla longpuei neh vongtung taengah khaw cet lamtah ha kun ham tanolh dae, te daengah ni ka im ah hlang a bae eh.
[So] his master said to him, ‘Then go [outside the city]. Search for people along the highways. Search also along the narrow roads with hedges beside them [where homeless people may be staying]. Strongly urge the people in those places to come to [my house]. I want it to be full of [people]!’”
24 Nangmih taengah ka thui coeng, ka khue hlang rhoek loh kai kah hlaembuh ten uh boel saeh,’ a ti nah,” te a thui pah.
[Then Jesus said], “I tell you [(pl)] this: Very few of you [Jewish] people will enjoy my feast, even though [I] invited you [first to eat it with me when I become king].”
25 Jesuh te hlangping loh muep a puei hatah, amih taengla mael tih,
Large groups of people were traveling with [Jesus]. He turned and said to them,
26 “Khat khat te kai taengla ha lo vaengah a napa neh a manu, a yuu neh a ca, pacaboeina neh tanu takhong, amah kah a hinglu khaw a toeng thil bal pawt atah ka hnukbang la om ham a coeng moenih.
“If anyone comes to me who loves his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters [more than] [HYP] [he loves me], he cannot be my disciple. He must even love me more than he loves his own life!
27 Amah kah thinglam a koh pawt ah kai hnukla aka lo te tah ka hnukbang la om ham a coeng moenih.
[People who are ready to execute a prisoner make] him carry his cross [MET] [to the place where others will nail him] on it. Only those who are willing [to allow others to hurt them and disgrace them] like that because of being my disciples, and who are willing to obey what I teach, can be my disciples.
28 Nangmih khui lamkah loh imsang sak ham aka ngaih te unim? Lamhma la ngol tih a hnonah te a tae moenih a? Imcoeng ham khueh mai cakhaw?
[I will illustrate] [MET]. If one of you desired to build a (tower/big house), (you would surely first sit down and determine how much it would cost!/would you not first sit down and determine how much it would cost?) [RHQ] Then you would determine whether you had enough money to complete it.
29 A khoengim a sut tih coeng thai pawt koinih aka hmu boeih loh anih te pahoi a tamdaeng ni.
[If you did not do that], if you laid the foundation and were not able to finish [the rest of the tower], everyone who saw it would make fun of you.
30 hlang loh sak hamla a tong dae a coeng thai moenih,’ a ti uh ta.
They would say, ‘This man started to build [a tower], but he was not able to finish it!’
31 Mebang manghai khaw manghai pakhat te a noem tih ni caem la a caeh. Te vaengah ngol lamhma tih a doe ham te thawng rha a om thai atah anih te thawng kul neh paan thil ham a moeh moenih a?
Or, if a king decided to [send his army to] war against another king, (he would surely first sit down [with those who] advised [him]./would he not first sit down [with those who] advised [him]?) [RHQ] They would determine whether [his army], which had only 10,000 soldiers, could defeat the [other army], which had 20,000 soldiers, and was about to attack his [army].
32 Te pawt koinih voelh a om vaengah rhoepnah ham laipai a tueih vetih a dawt ni.
If he [decided] that his army could not [defeat that army], he would send messengers to [the other king] while the other army was still far away. He would tell the messengers to say to that king, ‘What things must I do to have peace with your country?’
33 Te dongah nangmih boeih khaw, a khuehtawn boeih aka hlah pawt te tah ka hnukbang la om ham a coeng moenih.
So, similarly, if any one of you does not first decide that you [(sg)] are [willing to] give up all that you have, you cannot be my disciple.”
34 Lungkaeh khaw tui, tedae lungkaeh te khaw a dap atah ba nen lae a hlihlim sak eh?
[Jesus also said, “You are like] [MET] salt, which is useful [to put on food]. But (salt certainly cannot be made {[you] certainly cannot make salt} to taste salty again if it stops tasting salty!/can salt be made {can [you] make salt} to taste salty again if it quits tasting salty?) [RHQ]
35 Laimen ham khaw om pawt tih, aek lam khaw hoeikhang laklo pawt dongah phawn a voeihuh. Yaak nah hna aka khueh rhoek loh yaa uh,” a ti nah.
[If salt does not taste salty any more], it is not good for the soil or even for the manure heap. [People] throw it away. [The same thing will happen to you if you become useless to God]. If you want to understand what I just said [IDM], you must consider [carefully] what you have heard!”

< Luka 14 >