< Johan 15 >

1 Kai tah misurkung tang la ka om tih a pa tah lotawn la om.
“I AM the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser;
2 Kai ah a thaih aka thai mueh a baek tah boeih a hlaek ni. A thaih aka thai boeih te a thaih muep thaih sak ham a hloe.
every branch not bearing fruit in Me, He takes it away, and everyone bearing fruit, He cleanses by pruning it, that it may bear more fruit;
3 Nangmih tah nangmih taengah ka thui olka rhangneh a caih la na om uh coeng.
you are already clean, because of the word that I have spoken to you;
4 Kai ah om uh lah, kai khaw nangmih ah ka om ni. A baek loh misurkung dongah a om pawt atah amah neh amah a thaih a thaih thai pawt bangla nangmih khaw kai ah na om uh van pawt atah na thaii uh mah pawh.
remain in Me, and I in you, as the branch is not able to bear fruit of itself, if it may not remain in the vine, so neither you, if you may not remain in Me.
5 Kai tah misur la ka om. Nangmih tah a baek rhoek ni. Anih te kai dongah, kai khaw anih dongah aka om te ni a thaih muep a rhah. Kai pawt atah a hong ni, na saii uh thai moenih.
I AM the vine, you the branches; he who is remaining in Me, and I in him, this one bears much fruit, because apart from Me you are not able to do anything;
6 Khat khat long khawkai ah a om pawt atah thing baek bangla vul a voeih tih koh. Te phoeiah a coi tih hmai ah a phum vaengah ung.
if anyone may not remain in Me, he was cast forth outside as the branch, and was withered, and they gather them, and cast into fire, and they are burned;
7 Kai ah na om uh tih kai kah olka loh nangmih ah a om atah na ngaih boeih te na bih uh vaengah nangmih ham soep ni.
if you may remain in Me, and My sayings may remain in you, whatever you may wish you will ask, and it will be done to you.
8 A thaih muep na thai uh tih kai taengah hnukbang rhoek la na om uh long he a pa a thangpom.
In this was My Father glorified, that you may bear much fruit, and you will become My disciples.
9 Pa loh kai n'lungnah bangla kai loh nangmih kan lungnah. Kai kah lungnah dongah om uh lah.
According as the Father loved Me, I also loved you, remain in My love;
10 Kai kah olpaek te na kuem atah kai loh a pa kah olpaek rhoek te ka kuem. Amah kah lungnah dongah ka om bangla kai kah lungnah dongah na om uh bitni.
if you may keep My commands, you will remain in My love, according as I have kept the commands of My Father, and remain in His love;
11 Hekah he nangmih taengah ka thui coeng. Te daengah ni ka omngaihnah loh nangmih ng'om thil vetih nangmih kah omngaihnah loh a soep eh.
these things I have spoken to you, that My joy in you may remain, and your joy may be full.
12 He tah kai kah olpaek ni. Nangmih kan lungnah vanbangla khat neh khat lung uh thae.
This is My command, that you love one another, according as I loved you;
13 He lakah aka tanglue lungnah he a khueh uh moenih. Pakhat loh a hui ham a hinglu a hmoel pah te.
greater love has no one than this, that anyone may lay down his life for his friends;
14 Kai loh nangmih kan uen te na saii uh atah nangmih khaw kai kah paya rhoek la na om uh.
you are My friends if you may do whatever I command you;
15 Boei loh a saii te sal loh a ming pawt dongah nangmih te sal rhoek la kan khue mahpawh. Tedae a pa taengkah ka yaak boeih te nangmih taengah ka phoe coeng dongah nangmih te paya la kang khue.
I no longer call you servants, because the servant has not known what his lord does, and I have called you friends, because all things that I heard from My Father, I made known to you.
16 Nangmih loh kai nan tuek uh moenih, tedae kai loh nangmih kan tuek dongah na cet uh vetih a thaih na thaih phoeiah na thaih te naeh sak ham nangmih kan khueh. Te daengah ni ka ming neh pa taengah khat khat na bih te khaw nangmih m'paek eh.
You did not choose Me, but I chose you, and appointed you, that you might go away, and might bear fruit, and your fruit might remain, that whatever you may ask of the Father in My Name, He may give you.
17 Khat neh khat na lungnah uh thae ham nangmih kang uen.
These things I command you, that you love one another;
18 Diklai loh nangmih m'hmuhuet atah nangmih lakah kai ni lamhma la m'hmuhuet tila ming uh.
if the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before you;
19 Diklai kah hut la na om uh atah Diklai loh amah hut te a lungnah ni. Tedae kai loh nangmih te Diklai lamkah kan tuek dongah Diklai kah hut la na om uh moenih. Te dongah Diklai loh nangmih te m'hmuhuet.
if you were of the world, the world would have been cherishing its own, but because you are not of the world, but I chose [you] out of the world—because of this the world hates you.
20 Sal tah a boei lakah tanglue la om pawh tila kai loh nangmih taengah ol ka thui te poekuh. Kai n'hnaemtaek uh atah nangmih khaw n'hnaemtaek uh ni. Kai kah olka te a kuem uh atah nangmih kah khaw a kuem uh ni.
Remember the word that I said to you: A servant is not greater than his lord; if they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they kept My word, they will also keep yours;
21 Tedae kai aka tueih te a ming uh pawt dongah kai kah ming kongah tekah boeih te nangmih taengah a saii uh ni.
but all these things will they do to you, because of My Name, because they have not known Him who sent Me;
22 Ka lo tih amih taengah ka thui pawt koinih tholh khueh uh mahpawh. Tedae a tholh dongah mueituengnah te khueh uh het pawt nim?
if I had not come and spoken to them, they were not having sin; but now they have no pretext for their sin.
23 Kai aka hmuhuet loh a pa te khaw a hmuhuet.
He who is hating Me, hates My Father also;
24 Hlang tloe loh a saii pawh bibi te amih taengah ka saii pawt koinih tholhnah khueh uh mahpawh. Tedae a hmuh uh coeng lalah kai neh a pa te bok m'hmuhuet uh.
if I did not do among them the works that no other has done, they were not having sin, and now they have both seen and hated both Me and My Father;
25 Tedae te daengah ni a olkhueng dongah, 'A poeyoek la kai hmuhuet uh, 'tila a daek tangtae olka a soep eh.
but—that the word may be fulfilled that was written in their law—They hated Me without a cause.
26 Pa taeng lamkah baerhoep nangmih taengah kan tueih te ha pawk vaengah, pa lamkah aka thoeng oltak mueihla loh kai kawng a phong ni.
And when the Comforter may come, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth, who comes forth from the Father, He will testify of Me;
27 Te dongah a tongcuek lamkah kai taengah na om uh dongah nangmih khaw m'phong uh ni.
and you also testify, because you are with Me from the beginning.”

< Johan 15 >