< Joba 10 >

1 Ka hingnah soah ka hinglu loh a ko-oek coeng. Ka kohuetnah he kamah taengah ka sah tih ka hinglu a khahing hil ka thui.
My soul is tired of life; I will let my sad thoughts go free in words; my soul will make a bitter outcry.
2 Pathen taengah, “Kai m'boe sak boeh, balae tih kai nan ho, kai m'ming sak.
I will say to God, Do not put me down as a sinner; make clear to me what you have against me.
3 Na kut thaphu na hnawt vaengah halang kah cilsuep dongah na sae tih na hnaemtaek te nang ham then a?
What profit is it to you to be cruel, to give up the work of your hands, looking kindly on the design of evil-doers?
4 Hlanghing he na sawt tih na hmuh bangla nang taengah pumsa mik om a?
Have you eyes of flesh, or do you see as man sees?
5 Na khohnin he hlanghing khohnin bangla, na kum khaw hlang khohnin bangla om a?
Are your days as the days of man, or your years like his,
6 Te dongah kai kathaesainah te na tlap tih ka tholhnah hnukah nan toem.
That you take note of my sin, searching after my wrongdoing,
7 Ka boe pawt tih na kut lamloh a huul thai pawt te na mingnah dongah om pataeng.
Though you see that I am not an evil-doer; and there is no one who is able to take a man out of your hands?
8 Na kut loh kai n'noih pai tih thikat la kai n'saii akhaw kai nan dolh pawn ni.
Your hands made me, and I was formed by you, but then, changing your purpose, you gave me up to destruction.
9 Amlai bangla kai nan saii tih laipi la kai nan mael sak te poek mai lah.
O keep in mind that you made me out of earth; and will you send me back again to dust?
10 Suktui bangla kai nan sui tih sukkhal bangla kai nan khal sak moenih a?
Was I not drained out like milk, becoming hard like cheese?
11 Kai he ka vin ka saa neh nan dah tih ka rhuh neh tharhui neh nan cun.
By you I was clothed with skin and flesh, and joined together with bones and muscles.
12 Hingnah neh sitlohnah te kai taengah nan khueh tih ka mueihla loh na ngoldoelh a ngaithuen.
You have been kind to me, and your grace has been with me, and your care has kept my spirit safe.
13 Tedae na thinko ah na khoem he na khuiah tila ka ming.
But you kept these things in the secret of your heart; I am certain this was in your thoughts:
14 Ka tholh sitoe cakhaw kai nan ngaithuen dongah kai kathaesainah lamloh kai nan hmil moenih.
That, if I did wrong, you would take note of it, and would not make me clear from sin:
15 Ya-oe kai he ka boe akhaw, ka tang akhaw ka lu ka dangrhoek moenih. Yah ka hah tih ka phacip phabaem loh n'yan.
That, if I was an evil-doer, the curse would come on me; and if I was upright, my head would not be lifted up, being full of shame and overcome with trouble.
16 Sathuengca bangla a phul atah kai nan mae tih kai taengah khobaerhambae la na mael.
And that if there was cause for pride, you would go after me like a lion; and again put out your wonders against me:
17 Na laipai neh kai hmai ah nan tlaih tih kai taengah na konoinah na hong. Thovaelnah neh caempuei la kai taengah na pai.
That you would send new witnesses against me, increasing your wrath against me, and letting loose new armies on me.
18 Balae tih bung khui lamloh loh kai nan poh. Ka pal palueng vetih mik loh kai m'hmu pawt mako.
Why then did you make me come out of my mother's body? It would have been better for me to have taken my last breath, and for no eye to have seen me,
19 A om khaw a om pawt bangla bungko lamloh phuel la n'khuen.
And for me to have been as if I had not been; to have been taken from my mother's body straight to my last resting-place.
20 Ka khohnin he bawn tih a muei la a muei moenih a? Kai lamkah he na dueh na dueh vetih ka ngaidip laem mako.
Are not the days of my life small in number? Let your eyes be turned away from me, so that I may have a little pleasure,
21 Ka caeh hlan vaengah hmaisuep khohmuen neh dueknah hlipkhup la ka mael pawt mako.
Before I go to the place from which I will not come back, to the land where all is dark and black,
22 khoyinnah kho tah dueknah hlipkhup a hmuep bangla om tih cikngae pawh. Te dongah a hmuep la sae,’ ka ti ni,” a ti.
A land of thick dark, without order, where the very light is dark.

< Joba 10 >