< Jeremiah 49 >

1 BOEIPA loh Ammon ca rhoek ham he ni a thui. Israel te a ca om pawt tih anih aka pang khaw a om moenih a? Balae tih Gad Milkom loh a huul tih a khopuei kah a pilnam kho a sak.
About the children of Ammon. These are the words of the Lord: Has Israel no sons? has he no one to take the heritage? why then has Milcom taken Gad for himself, putting his people in its towns?
2 Te dongah BOEIPA kah olphong khohnin ha pawk tangloeng coeng he. Ammon koca Rabbah ah caemtloek tamlung ka yaak coeng tih khopong imrhong la poeh ni. A tanu te hmai neh a hlup uh ni. Amah aka huul rhoek te Israel loh koep a huul ni. He tah BOEIPA long ni a thui.
Because of this, see, the days are coming when I will have a cry of war sounded against Rabbah, the town of the children of Ammon; it will become a waste of broken walls, and her daughter-towns will be burned with fire: then Israel will take the heritage of those who took his heritage, says the Lord.
3 Ai te a rhoelrhak dongah Heshbon nang rhung laeh. Rabbah nu rhoek pang uh lamtah tlamhni vah laeh. Rhaengsae lamtah tanglung khuiah tinghil laeh. Milkom neh a khosoih rhoek, a mangpa khaw vangsawn la rhenten cet ni.
Make sounds of grief, O Heshbon, for Ai is wasted; give loud cries, O daughters of Rabbah, and put haircloth round you: give yourselves to weeping, running here and there and wounding yourselves; for Milcom will be taken prisoner together with his rulers and his priests.
4 Hnukmael nu aw, balae tih tuikol te na yan? na tuikol khaw long coeng te. A thakvoh dongah pangtung ni, “Unim kai taengla aka pawk eh?” a ti.
Why are you lifted up in pride on account of your valleys, your flowing valley, O daughter ever turning away? who puts her faith in her wealth, saying, Who will come against me?
5 Na kaepvai boeih lamkah birhihnah te kai loh nang soah ka thoeng sak ni. He tah ka Boeipa caempuei Yahovah kah olphong ni. Hlang loh a mikhmuh ah a heh tih aka yong te khaw coi mahpawh.
See, I will send fear on you, says the Lord, the Lord of armies, from those who are round you on every side; you will be forced out, every man straight before him, and there will be no one to get together the wanderers.
6 Tedae he phoeiah ni Ammon ca rhoek khuikah thongtla te ka mael puei eh. He tah BOEIPA kah olphong ni.
But after these things, I will let the fate of the children of Ammon be changed, says the Lord.
7 Edom kawng he caempuei BOEIPA loh a thui. Teman ah cueihnah om voel pawt nim? Aka yakming lamkah cilsuep he bing tih amih kah cueihnah khaw awk aih.
About Edom. This is what the Lord of armies has said. Is there no more wisdom in Teman? have wise suggestions come to an end among men of good sense? has their wisdom completely gone?
8 Dedan khosa rhoek te thuh ham rhaelrham lamtah muelh hoihaeng uh laeh. Anih ka cawh tue ah tah Esau kah rhainah te anih soah ka thoeng sak ni.
Go in flight, go back, take cover in deep places, you who are living in Dedan; for I will send the fate of Edom on him, even the time of his punishment.
9 Misur ka bit loh na taengla ha pawk koinih a yoep koi khaw paih mahpawh. Hlanghuen long khaw khoyin ah a ngaih te ni a phae eh.
If men came to get your grapes, would they not let some be uncut on the vines? if thieves came by night, would they not make waste till they had enough?
10 Tedae Esau te ka baeh vetih a huephael te ka hliphen pah ni. Te vaengah thuh thai pawt vetih a tiingan neh, a manuca neh a imben khaw a rhoelrhak vetih amah khaw om mahpawh.
I have had Esau searched out, uncovering his secret places, so that he may not keep himself covered: his seed is wasted and has come to an end, and there is no help from his neighbours.
11 Na cadah rhoek te hnoo lamtah ka hing sak bitni. Te phoeiah na nuhmai ni kai dongah aka pangtung thai.
Put in my care your children who have no father, and I will keep them safe; and let your widows put their faith in me.
12 BOEIPA loh he ni a thui. Amih kah tiktamnah mueh a mam ham aih ke. Boengloeng dongah a mam la a mam uh mai. Te dongah nang te m'hmil khaw m'hmil venim? M'hmil pawt vetih na mam rhoe na mam ni.
For the Lord has said, Those for whom the cup was not made ready will certainly be forced to take of it; and are you to go without punishment? you will not be without punishment, but will certainly be forced to take from the cup.
13 BOEIPA kah olphong neh kamah loh ka toemngam coeng. Bozrah te imsuep la, kokhahnah la, kholing la, rhunkhuennah la om ni. A khopuei boeih te kumhal due imrhong la om ni.
For I have taken an oath by myself, says the Lord, that Bozrah will become a cause of wonder, a name of shame, a waste and a curse; and all its towns will be waste places for ever.
14 Olthang te BOEIPA taeng lamloh ka yaak coeng. Laipai khaw namtom taengah ka tueih coeng. Coi uh thae lamtah anih te paan uh laeh. Te phoeiah caemtloek la thoo uh laeh.
Word has come to me from the Lord, and a representative has been sent to the nations, to say, Come together and go up against her, and take your places for the fight.
15 Nang te namtom taengah tanoe neh hlang taengkah a hnaep la kang khueh ni ne.
For see, I have made you small among the nations, looked down on by men.
16 Na mueipuelnah loh nang n'rhaithi coeng. Na lungbuei althanah neh thaelrhaep thaelpang ah aka om. Hmuensang som te na loh tihatha bangla na bu na sang sak cakhaw te lamloh nang te kan suntlak sak ni. He tah BOEIPA kah olphong ni.
... the pride of your heart has been a false hope, O you who are living in the cracks of the rock, keeping your place on the top of the hill: even if you made your living-place as high as the eagle, I would make you come down, says the Lord.
17 Edom te imsuep la om vetih aka pah boeih khaw a taengah pong uh ni. Te vaengah a hmasoe cungkuem neh hlip ni.
And Edom will become a cause of wonder: everyone who goes by will be overcome with wonder, and make sounds of fear at all her punishments.
18 Sodom, Gomorrah neh a imben te imrhong- la om coeng. BOEIPA loh, “A khuiah hlang loh khosa pawt vetih hlang capa khaw bakuep mahpawh,” a ti.
As at the downfall of Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighbouring towns, says the Lord, no man will be living in it, no son of man will have a resting-place there.
19 Sathueng bangla Jordan mingthennah lamloh tolkhoeng puei la cet coeng ke. Anih so lamloh ka hoep uh vetih ka cungpoeh ni. Anih te coelh ham unim ka khueh eh? Kamah bang he unim, unim kai aka tuentah? Ka mikhmuh ah pai tih boiva aka dawn te unim?
See, he will come up like a lion from the thick growth of Jordan against the resting-place of Teman: but I will suddenly make him go in flight from her; and I will put over her the man of my selection: for who is like me? and who will put forward his cause against me? and what keeper of sheep will be able to keep his place before me?
20 Te dongah BOEIPA loh Edom ham a uen cilsuep neh Teman khosa taengah a moeh a kopoek te hnatun uh. Boiva ca a koeng pah pawt atah a tolkhoeng khaw amih kongah pong mahpawt nim?
For this cause give ear to the decision of the Lord which he has made against Edom, and to his purposes designed against the people of Teman: Truly, they will be pulled away by the smallest of the flock; truly, he will make waste their fields with them.
21 Amih kah cungku ol ah diklai he hinghuen vetih pangngawlnah ol te carhaek tuipuei duela a yaak uh ni.
The earth is shaking with the noise of their fall; their cry is sounding in the Red Sea.
22 Thahum bangla luei vetih tih ding ni ne. Te vaengah Bozrah te a phae a khuk thil ni. Te khohnin ah tah Edom hlangrhalh kah lungbuei te puencak nu kah lungbuei bangla om ni.
See, he will come up like an eagle in flight, stretching out his wings against Bozrah: and the hearts of Edom's men of war on that day will be like the heart of a woman in birth-pains.
23 Damasku ham olthang thae a yaak dongah Khamath neh Arpad yak coeng. Tuipuei mawnnah dongah paci tih mong thai pawh.
About Damascus. Hamath is put to shame, and Arpad; for the word of evil has come to their ears, their heart in its fear is turned to water, it will not be quiet.
24 Damasku te tahah tih rhaelrham ham a mael hatah lueihlaknah loh a cuuk thil. Citcai dongah ca-om nu bangla tharhui loh a doek.
Damascus has become feeble, she is turned to flight, fear has taken her in its grip: pain and sorrows have come on her, as on a woman in birth-pains.
25 Ka omthennah khorha koehnah aih he, balae tih khopuei koehnah he a toeng pawh.
How has the town of praise been wasted, the place of joy!
26 Te dongah a toltung ah a tongpang rhoek cungku uh vetih caemtloek hlang boeih khaw te khohnin ah kuemsuem uh ni. Hetah caempuei BOEIPA kah olphong ni.
So her young men will be falling in her streets, and all the men of war will be cut off in that day, says the Lord of armies.
27 Damasku vongtung te hmai ka hlup vetih Benhadad impuei khaw a hlawp ni.
And I will have a fire lighted on the wall of Damascus, burning up the great houses of Ben-hadad.
28 Nebukhanezar, Babylon manghai Nebukhanezar loh a ngawn Kedar neh Hazor ram kawng khaw BOEIPA loh a thui. Thoo lamtah Kedar te paan laeh, khothoeng ca rhoek ke rhoelrhak laeh.
About Kedar and the kingdoms of Hazor, which Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon, overcame. This is what the Lord has said: Up! go against Kedar, and make an attack on the children of the east.
29 A dap neh a boiva te a rhawt pa uh ni. A himbaiyan neh a hnopai boeih khaw, amamih ham a kalauk neh a phueih uh vetih amih te a kaepvai ah rhihnah neh a doek uh ni.
Their tents and their flocks they will take; they will take away for themselves their curtains and all their vessels and their camels: they will give a cry to them, Fear on every side.
30 Hazor khosak rhoek loh khosak ham rhaelrham lamtah muelh rhaehba khing mai laeh. He tah BOEIPA kah olphong ni. Babylon manghai Nebukhanezar te nang soah a cilsuep a uen tih a kopoek neh nang soah amih te a moeh.
Go in flight, go wandering far off, take cover in deep places, O people of Hazor, says the Lord; for Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon, has made a design against you, he has a purpose against you in mind.
31 Thoo uh lamtah thayoeituipan neh ngaikhuek la aka om namtom te paan uh laeh. Amah bueng te kho a sak uh dongah thohkhaih om pawt tih thohkalh khaw om pawh. He tah BOEIPA kah olphong ni.
Up! go against a nation which is living in comfort and without fear of danger, says the Lord, without doors or locks, living by themselves.
32 A kalauk te maeh la, a boiva boeih te kutbuem la poeh ni. Baengki aka kuet khaw khohli cungkuem taengah ka thaek ni. Amih kah rhainah te kaepvai rhalvangan boeih lamloh ka thoeng sak ni. He tah BOEIPA kah olphong ni.
And their camels will be taken from them by force, and their great herds will come into the hands of their attackers: those who have the ends of their hair cut I will send in flight to all the winds; and I will send their fate on them from every side, says the Lord.
33 Hazor khaw kumhal kah khopong pongui kah khuirhung la poeh ni. Teah te hlang loh khosa pawt vetih a khuiah hlang capa khaw bakuep mahpawh.
And Hazor will be a hole for jackals, a waste for ever: no one will be living in it, and no son of man will have a resting-place there.
34 Judah manghai Zedekiah a ram a tongcuek vaengah Elam ham BOEIPA ol te tonghma Jeremiah taengla ha pawk.
The word of the Lord which came to Jeremiah the prophet about Elam, when Zedekiah first became king of Judah, saying,
35 “Caempuei BOEIPA loh he ni a thui. Elam kah a thayung thamal vueilue lii te ka khaem coeng he.
This is what the Lord of armies has said: See, I will have the bow of Elam, their chief strength, broken.
36 Vaan khobawt pali lamkah khohli pali te Elam taengla ka khuen ni. Te khohli cungkuem taengla amih te ka thaek vetih namtom hmuen khaw om mahpawh. Te kah te Elam khuiah Elam kah a heh long pataeng a pha moenih.
And I will send on Elam four winds from the four quarters of heaven, driving them out to all those winds; there will be no nation into which the wanderers from Elam do not come.
37 Elam te a thunkha rhoek kah mikhmuh neh a hinglu aka toem rhoek mikhmuh ah ka rhihyawp sak ni. Ka thintoek thinsa te amih soah yoethae la ka thoeng sak ni. He tah BOEIPA kah olphong ni. Amih ka khah duela amih hnukah cunghang neh ka tueih ni.
And I will let Elam be broken before their haters, and before those who are making designs against their lives: I will send evil on them, even my burning wrath, says the Lord; and I will send the sword after them till I have put an end to them:
38 Elam ah ka ngolkhoel ka hol vetih te lamkah manghai neh mangpa rhoek te ka milh sak ni. He tah BOEIPA kah olphong ni.
I will put the seat of my power in Elam, and in Elam I will put an end to kings and rulers, says the Lord.
39 Tedae hmailong kah khohnin a pha vaengah Elam kah thongtla, thongtla te ka mael rhoe ka mael sak ni. He tah BOEIPA kah olphong ni,” a ti.
But it will come about that, in the last days, I will let the fate of Elam be changed, says the Lord.

< Jeremiah 49 >