< Jame 5 >

1 Kuirhang rhoek te maerhae coeng, na ngaidaengnah aka thoeng te rhah neh vuek thil uh.
to bring now the/this/who rich to weep to wail upon/to/against the/this/who misery you the/this/who to arrive/invade
2 Na khuehtawn loh hmawn coeng tih na himbai khaw keet la poeh coeng.
the/this/who riches you to rot and the/this/who clothing you moth-eaten to be
3 Na sui neh ngun khaw aek coeng. A sue te nangmih taengah mingpha la om vetih na saa te hmai bangla a caak ni. Khohnin hnukkhueng dongah ni na tung uh coeng.
the/this/who gold you and the/this/who silver to corrode and the/this/who poison/rust it/s/he toward testimony you to be and to eat the/this/who flesh you as/when fire to store up in/on/among last/least day
4 Na lo na ah te bibikung kah thapang na hmil pah long te namamih n'doek coeng he. Aka at rhoek kah a pang loh caempuei boeipa kah a hna khuila kun coeng.
look! the/this/who wage the/this/who worker the/this/who to mow the/this/who country you the/this/who (to defraud *NK(o)*) away from you to cry and the/this/who outcry the/this/who to reap toward the/this/who ear lord: God hosts to enter
5 Diklai hmanah na pumdom uh tih omthen na bawn uh, maeh tue vaengkah bangla na thinko te na khut uh.
to self-indulge upon/to/against the/this/who earth: planet and to indulge to feed the/this/who heart you (as/when *K*) in/on/among day slaughter
6 Aka dueng te na boe sak uh tih na ngawn uh dae nangmih te m'pakai moenih.
to condemn to murder the/this/who just no to resist you
7 Te dongah manuca rhoek, Boeipa kah a lonah tue duela na thinsen uh mai. Lotawn loh diklai kah a vuei lue te a lamtawn ta. Rhotui neh tlankhol a dang duela a thinsen ta.
to have patience therefore/then brother until the/this/who coming the/this/who lord: God look! the/this/who farmer to wait for the/this/who precious fruit the/this/who earth: planet to have patience upon/to/against (it/s/he *NK(o)*) until (if *k*) to take (rain *k*) early rain and late (rain)
8 Boeipa a lonah tah a yoei coeng dongah nangmih khaw thinsen uh lamtah na thinko te duel uh laeh.
to have patience and you to establish the/this/who heart you that/since: since the/this/who coming the/this/who lord: God to come near
9 Manuca rhoek khat neh khat huei uh boeh, te daengah ni lai n'tloek pawt eh. Laitloekkung tah thohka taengah pai coeng ke.
not to groan brother according to one another in order that/to not (to judge *N(K)O*) look! the/this/who judge before the/this/who door to stand
10 Manuca rhoek, tonghma rhoek kah patangkhang neh thinsennah te moeiboe la loh uh. Amih loh Boeipa ming nen ni a thui uh.
example to take brother (me *K*) the/this/who suffering and the/this/who patience the/this/who prophet which to speak (in/on/among *no*) the/this/who name lord: God
11 Akah ueh rhoek ni ng'uem uh he. Job kah a uehnah te na yaak uh coeng. A hnukkhueng la hlang rhen kho neh lungma aka ti tah Boeipa ni tila Boeipa te na hmuh uh coeng.
look! to bless the/this/who (to remain/endure *N(k)O*) the/this/who perseverance Job to hear and the/this/who goal/tax lord: God (to perceive: see *NK(o)*) that/since: that very compassionate to be the/this/who lord: God and compassionate
12 Tedae ka manuca rhoek, a cungkuem dongah toemngam uh boeh. Vaan khaw, diklai khaw, olhlo thil boeh khaw. Tedae nangmih kah ol te ue atah ue, moenih atah moenih tila rhep om saeh. Te daengah ni laitloeknah hmuiah na cungku uh pawt eh.
before all then brother me not to swear neither the/this/who heaven neither the/this/who earth: planet neither another one oath to be then you the/this/who yes yes and the/this/who no no in order that/to not (by/under: under *N(k)O*) (judgment *NK(O)*) to collapse
13 Nangmih khuiah pakhat long ni a patang atah thangthui saeh. Pakhat ni a ngai a dip atah tingtoeng sa saeh.
to endure one in/on/among you to pray be cheerful one to sing praise
14 Nangmih khuiah khat khat ni a tattloel atah hlangboel kah a ham rhoek te khue saeh. Te vaengah anih te Boeipa ming neh thangthui uh thil saeh lamtah situi neh hluk uh saeh.
be weak: ill one in/on/among you to call to/summon the/this/who elder: Elder the/this/who assembly and to pray upon/to/against it/s/he to anoint it/s/he olive oil in/on/among the/this/who name the/this/who lord: God
15 Tangnah paipi long tah kobawt khaw a khang vetih anih te Boeipa loh a thoh ni. Tholhnah a saii te om mai cakhaw anih te a hlah ni.
and the/this/who a vow/prayer the/this/who faith to save the/this/who be weary/sick: ill and to arise it/s/he the/this/who lord: God and if sin to be to do/make: do to release: forgive it/s/he
16 Te dongah, tholhnah te patoeng patoeng phong uh lamtah patoeng patoeng thangthui uh. Te daengah ni na hoeih uh eh. Aka dueng rhoek kah rhenbihnah tah bahoeng khangmai tih tueng.
to agree (therefore/then *NO*) one another (the/this/who sin *N(k)O*) and (to pray/wish for *NK(o)*) above/for one another that to heal much be strong petition just be active
17 Elijah he mamih vanbangla hlang boeiloeih ni. Tedae thangthuinah neh a thangthui vaengah rhotui tlan pawh. Te vaengah diklai ah kum thum neh hla rhuk rhotui tlan pawh.
Elijah a human to be like me and prayer to pray the/this/who not to rain down and no to rain down upon/to/against the/this/who earth: planet year Three and month six
18 Tedae koep a thangthui vaengah vaan loh rhotui a paek tih diklai loh a thaih a cuen sak.
and again to pray and the/this/who heaven rain to give and the/this/who earth: planet to sprout the/this/who fruit it/s/he
19 Ka manuca rhoek, nangmih khuikah khat khat long ni oltak lamkah taengphaelh tih khat khat loh anih a mael puei oeh atah,
brother (me *NO*) if one in/on/among you to lead astray away from the/this/who truth and to turn one it/s/he
20 A longpuei kah tholhhiknah lamloh, hlangtholh aka mael puei long khaw, dueknah lamkah a hinglu a khang vetih tholh tung a muekdah pah ham te ming saeh.
(to know *NK(O)*) that/since: that the/this/who to turn sinful out from error road it/s/he to save soul (it/s/he *no*) out from death and to cover multitude sin

< Jame 5 >