< Habakkuk 2 >

1 Ka tuemkoi dongah ka cak vetih vongup soah khaw ka pai ni. Te vaengah kai taengah metla a thui khaw hmuh ham neh kai kah toelthamnah soah metla thuung ham ka dawn ni.
I will stand on my watch-tower, And set myself on the bulwark, And watch to see what he will say to me, And what I shall answer to my expostulation.
2 Tedae BOEIPA loh kai n'doo tih, “Mangthui he daek lamtah cabael dongah thuicaih laeh. Te daengah ni aka tae loh te te a yong puei eh.
And Jehovah answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tablets, That he may run that readeth it.
3 Mangthui he tingtunnah ham pueng oe akhaw a bawtnah te thoeng. Uelh cakhaw a laithae mahpawh. Amah te rhing lah ha pawk rhoe ha pawk bitni, uelh mahpawh.
For the vision is yet for an appointed time, But it hasteneth to the end; it shall not deceive; If it tarry, wait for it; For it shall surely come; it shall not long delay.
4 Calak he a khui ah a hinglu a dueng moenih ne. Tedae aka dueng tah a uepomnah neh hing.
Behold, the soul of him that is puffed up shall not be at ease; But the just shall live by his faithfulness.
5 Misurtui dongah khaw hlang hnukpoh. Moemlal khaw a uem uh moenih. Anih te saelkhui bangla a hinglu ka tih amah khaw dueknah bangla hah tlaih pawh. Te dongah namtom boeih te amah hamla a kol tih pilnam boeih te amah hamla a coi. (Sheol h7585)
Behold, the man of wine is outrageous; The proud man remaineth not at rest; He enlargeth his desire as the grave; He is as death, and cannot be satisfied; He gathereth to himself all the nations, And collecteth to himself all the kingdoms. (Sheol h7585)
6 Amih boeih he amah taengkah moenih a? neh anih te nuettahnah olkael a phueih uh bitni. Te vaengah, “Anunae, amah kah pawt neh me hil nim a kum vetih amah hamla amthah a ludoeng ve,” a ti ni.
Shall not all of them utter a song against him, Yea, songs of reproach and derision concerning him? And say, Woe to him that heapeth up that which belongeth not to him! For how long a time? That ladeth himself with goods taken in pledge!
7 Nang aka tuk rhoek te buengrhuet thoo tih n'haeng vaengah nang n'tonga sak vetih amih kah maehbuem la na om mahpawt nim?
Shall not they suddenly rise up that will oppress thee, And awake, that will harass thee? Yea, thou shalt be their booty.
8 Namah loh namtom muep na buem dongah khaw, hlang thii phu dongah khaw, khohmuen khorha neh nang n'ngaeh a khui khosa boeih kah kuthlahnah dongah khaw pilnam aka coih boeih loh nang n'buem uh ni.
Because thou hast plundered many kingdoms, All the residue of the nations shall plunder thee: For the blood of men, and for violence against the land, Against the city and all its inhabitants.
9 Anunae a im hamla aka thae mueluemnah neh aka mueluem tih yoethae kut lamloh huul uh hamla hmuensang ah a bu aka khueh aih.
Woe to him that procureth unjust gain for his house, That he may set his nest on high, That he may be delivered from the evil hand!
10 Na imkhui kah yahpohnah te na taeng tih pilnam muep na kuet dongah na hinglu tah tholh coeng.
Thou hast devised shame for thine house; By destroying many nations, thou hast brought ruin upon thyself.
11 Te dongah pangbueng lamloh lungto te pang vetih thing dong lamkah yael loh a doo ni.
For the stone from the wall crieth out, And the beam from the timber answereth it.
12 Anunae, thii neh kho aka thoong tih dumlai neh khorha aka saelh aih.
Woe to him that buildeth a town by blood, And establisheth a city by iniquity!
13 Te te caempuei BOEIPA taeng lamkah moenih a te? Pilnam a kohnue he hmai hamla rhoeh coeng. Namtu loh a poeyoek la a tawnba te rhoeh coeng.
Behold, it is determined by Jehovah of hosts, That nations shall labor for the fire, And kingdoms weary themselves for naught.
14 Tui loh tuitunli soah a khuk bangla BOEIPA kah thangpomnah aka ming te diklai ah bae ni.
For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of Jehovah, As the waters cover the sea.
15 Anunae, kosi na poem te a hui aka tul tih amih a tlingyal te paelki hamla aka rhuihmil sak.
Woe to him who giveth his neighbor drink; Who poureth out the strong wine, and maketh him drunken, That he may look upon his nakedness!
16 Thangpomnah lamloh yahpohnah na hah bitni. Namah khaw o lamtah hli vaikhai. BOEIPA bantang kah boengloeng namah taengah m'vael vetih nang kah thangpomnah soah yahrhai na poh bitni.
Thou shalt be filled with shame instead of glory; Drink thou also, and show thy foreskin! To thee shall come the cup in the right hand of Jehovah, And foul shame shall be upon thy glory.
17 Hlang thii long tih khohmuen khorha neh a khuikah khosa boeih sokah kuthlahnah dongah Lebanon kah kuthlahnah loh nang n'khuk vetih rhamsa kah rhoelrhanah loh n'rhihyawp sak ni.
For the violence done to Lebanon shall cover thee, And the destruction of the beasts which made them afraid, On account of the blood of men, and violence against the land, Against the city and all its inhabitants.
18 Mueithuk he balae a hoeikhang? Te te a saek mueihlawn khaw a picai mai. Tedae amah kah benbonah a hlinsai te a pangtung dongah ni mueirhol olmueh saii hamla ni a khuiah a honghi a thuinuet.
What profiteth the graven image, When the maker hath graven it? Or the molten image, and the teacher of lies, That the artificer trusteth in his work, When he maketh dumb idols?
19 Anunae thing taengah 'Haenghang laeh'ngolsut lungto taengah 'Haenghang laeh' aka ti nah aih. Te loh n'thuinuet tang aya te? Te te sui neh cak la a boh thil. Tedae hil pakhat khaw a khui ah a om moenih ta.
Woe to him who saith to the wood, Awake! To the dumb stone, Arise! Will it teach? Behold, it is overlaid with gold and silver, And there is no breath within it.
20 BOEIPA tah a hmuencim bawkim ah om. Saah lah, diklai pum he a mikhmuh ah om.
But Jehovah is in his Holy temple; Be silent before him, all the earth!

< Habakkuk 2 >