< Kolosa 4 >

1 Boei rhoek, sal rhoek taengah a dueng neh vanatnah te tueng sak. Nangmih khaw vaan ah Boeipa na khueh uh te ming uh.
Masters, give unto your servants that which is just and equal; knowing that ye also have a Master in heaven.
2 Thangthuinah te khuituk uh. Amah dongah uemonah neh hak uh.
Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving;
3 Kaimih ham khaw pahoi thangthui uh. Te daengah ni Khrih kah olhuep thui ham te Pathen loh olthang kah thohka te kaimih ham a ong eh.
Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds:
4 Te ham m'pinyen van coeng. Te daengah ni ka thui ham a kuek vanbangla ka phoe eh.
That I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak.
5 A voel kah rhoek taengah cueihnah neh pongpa uh. A tue te tlan uh.
Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.
6 Nangmih kah olka tah lungvatnah neh om taitu saeh. Lungkaeh neh aka hlihlim tangtae loh pakhat rhip taengah metla na doo uh hamla a kuek khaw a ming.
Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.
7 Kai kawng te thintlo ka manuca neh Boeipa ah uepom tueihyoeih neh sal puei Tukhiko loh nangmih taengah boeih a phoe bitni.
All my state shall Tychicus declare unto you, who is a beloved brother, and a faithful minister and fellowservant in the Lord:
8 Te ham rhoe ni anih te nangmih taengah kan tueih. Te daengah ni Kaimih kawng te na ming uh vetih nangmih thinko te a hloep eh.
Whom I have sent unto you for the same purpose, that he might know your estate, and comfort your hearts;
9 Thintlo uepom manuca Onisema neh kan tueih bitni. Anih khaw nangmih khuiah ni a om. Hekah rhoek he nangmih taengah te boeih a phoe bitni.
With Onesimus, a faithful and beloved brother, who is one of you. They shall make known unto you all things which are done here.
10 Kai kah thongtla puei Aristarkhu neh Barnabas kah a ca Marku loh nangmih te kut n'tuuk. Anih ham oluen te na dang uh coeng. Nangmih taengla anih ha pawk a tah doe uh.
Aristarchus my fellowprisoner saluteth you, and Marcus, sister’s son to Barnabas, ( touching whom ye received commandments: if he come unto you, receive him; )
11 Justu la a khue Jesuh long khaw nangmih kut n'tuuk. Yahvinrhetnah khuiah amih rhoek bueng ni Pathen kah ram ah bibipuei la aka om uh. Amih ni kai ham rhaemhalnah la aka om coeng.
And Jesus, which is called Justus, who are of the circumcision. These only are my fellowworkers unto the kingdom of God, which have been a comfort unto me.
12 Nangmih khuikah Epaphras, Khrih Jesuh kah sal loh nangmih kut n'tuuk. Thangthuinah dongah nangmih ham thingthuel taitu coeng. Te daengah ni lungcuei la na pai uh vetih a cungkuem ah Pathen kah kongaih te na ming uh eh.
Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, saluteth you, always labouring fervently for you in prayers, that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.
13 Nangmih ham khaw, Laodicea neh Hierapolis ham khaw tloh mat a yook tila anih ham ka laipai.
For I bear him record, that he hath a great zeal for you, and them that are in Laodicea, and them in Hierapolis.
14 Ka thintlo siboei Luka neh Demas loh nangmih te kut n'tuuk.
Luke, the beloved physician, and Demas, greet you.
15 Laodicea kah manuca rhoek long khaw Nympha neh a im kah hlangboel te han toidal uh.
Salute the brethren which are in Laodicea, and Nymphas, and the Assembly which is in his house.
16 Te phoeiah nangmih taengkah capat na tae uh takuem vaengah Laodicea kah hlangboel long khaw tae sak uh lamtah Laodicea kah capat te nangmih khaw tae uh.
And when this epistle is read among you, cause that it be read also in the Assembly of the Laodiceans; and that ye likewise read the epistle from Laodicea.
17 Akrippas ham khaw thui pauh. Boeipa ah na dang bibi te coeng sak ham ngaithuen.
And say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfil it.
18 Toidalnah he kamah Paul kah kut rhep ni. Kai kah hloong te poek uh. Lungvatnah tah nangmih taengah om saeh.
The salutation by the hand of me Paul. Remember my bonds. Grace be with you. Amen. Written from Rome to the Colossians by Tychicus and Onesimus.

< Kolosa 4 >