< Kolosa 3 >

1 Khrih te na thoh puei tangloeng atah soben hno te toem uh. Te ah te Pathen kah bantang ah aka ngol Khrih om.
If, then, you were raised with the Christ, seek the things above, where the Christ is, seated on the right hand of God;
2 Soben kah hno te poek uh, diklai hmankah hno te poek uh boeh.
mind the things above, not the things on the earth,
3 Na duek uh coeng dae nangmih kah hingnah tah Pathen taengah Khrih neh a thuh coeng.
for you died, and your life has been hid with the Christ in God;
4 Nangmih kah hingnah Khrih te a phoe vaengah nangmih khaw amah neh thangpomnah dongah na phoe uh van bitni.
when the Christ—our life—may have appeared, then we will also appear with Him in glory.
5 Te dongah diklai hmankah Cukhalnah, rhongingnah, huebawtnah, a thae la hoehhamnah neh mueibawknah la aka om halhkanah dongah pumrho te duek sakuh.
Put to death, then, your members that [are] on the earth—whoredom, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and the covetousness, which is idolatry—
6 Te rhoek kongah Pathen kah kosi loh althanah a ca rhoek te a thoeng thil.
because of which things comes the anger of God on the sons of the disobedience,
7 Te rhoek neh na hing vaengah nangmih khaw te rhoek taengah na pongpa noek uh coeng.
in which you also—you once walked, when you lived in them;
8 Tedae nangmih loh, kosi, thinsanah, phayoenah, soehsalnah, nangmih ka lamkah ol rhong ol ing boeih te hnawt uh van laeh.
but now put off, even you, the whole—anger, wrath, malice, slander, filthy talking—out of your mouth.
9 Khat neh khat taengah laithae uh boeh. Hlang rhuem te a khoboe neh pit uh.
Do not lie to one another, having put off the old man with his practices,
10 Amah aka suen kah mueimae bangla mingnah dongah a dawn aka sai tangtae hlang thai te bai uh.
and having put on the new, which is renewed in regard to knowledge, after the image of Him who created him,
11 Te ah te Greek neh Judah, yahvinrhetnah neh pumdul, kholong, hlang tlung, sal, aka loeih ti om pawh. Tedae Khrih tah cungkuem dongah cungkuem la om.
where there is not Greek and Jew, circumcision and uncircumcision, foreigner, Scythian, servant, freeman, but Christ [is] all and in all.
12 Te dongah Pathen kah a coelh rhoek, aka cim neh a lungnah rhoek vanbangla, sitlohnah kotak, rhennah, tlayaenah, muelhtuetnah, thinsennah te bai uh.
Put on, therefore, as chosen ones of God, holy and beloved, yearnings of mercies, kindness, humble-mindedness, meekness, long-suffering,
13 Khat neh khat naem uh thae lamtah amah mah ah rhen uh thae. Pakhat loh pakhat soah kamkaihnah a khueh atah, Boeipa loh nangmih khodawk a ngai vanbangla nangmih van long khaw khodawkngai uh.
bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, if anyone may have a quarrel with anyone, as the Christ also forgave you—so also you;
14 A cungkuem neh he rhoek soah lungnah thap thil. Te tah a soepnah dongkah pinyennah la om coeng.
and above all these things, [have] love, which is a bond of the perfection,
15 Te phoeiah Khrih kah ngaimongnah tah nangmih kah thinko ah cuhlui sak. Te ham ni pum pakhat la n'khue van dongah uemonah khueh uh.
and let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which you were also called in one body, and become thankful.
16 Khrih kah olka tah nangmih khuiah kodam la om sak. Cueihnah cungkuem dongah khat neh khat thuituen uh lamtah rhalrhing sakuh. Pathen ham nangmih thinko ah lungvatnah neh tingtoeng, bawknah laa, mueihla laa te sa uh.
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing each other, in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs, in grace singing in your hearts to the LORD;
17 Mebang khaw na saii uh boeih te tah olka dongah khaw, bitat dongah khaw Boeipa Jesuh ming neh boeih sai uh lamtah amah lamloh pa Pathen te uem uh.
and all, whatever you may do in word or in work, [do] all things in the Name of the Lord Jesus—giving thanks to the God and Father, through Him.
18 Huta rhoek Boeipa ah a rhoeprhoi vanbangla na va rhoek taengah boengai uh.
The wives: be subject to your own husbands, as is fit in the LORD;
19 tongpa rhoek na yuu rhoek te lungnah uh lamtah amih te a mueipuel sak boeh.
the husbands: love your wives, and do not be bitter with them;
20 Ca rhoek a cungkuem dongah na manu na napa te a olngai pauh. He tah Boeipa dongah kolo koi la om.
the children: obey the parents in all things, for this is well-pleasing to the LORD;
21 Pa rhoek, na ca rhoek te cahawh uh boeh. Te daengah ni a ko a bawt uh pawt eh.
the fathers: do not distress your children, lest they be discouraged;
22 Sal rhoek, a cungkuem ah pumsa kah vanbangla na boei rhoek te olngai pauh. Kolopatai rhoek bangla mikhmuh dawk ah pawt tih thinko moeihoeihnah neh Boeipa te rhih uh.
the servants: obey those who are masters in all things according to the flesh, not in eye-service as men-pleasers, but in simplicity of heart, fearing God;
23 Na saii uh coeng te tah na hinglu neh saii uh. Te te Boeipa ham ni hlang ham moenih.
and all, whatever you may do—out of soul work—as to the LORD, and not to men,
24 Boeipa lamkah rho thapang na dang uh bitni tila ming uh. Te te Khrih boeipa kah sal ni na bi uh.
having known that you will receive the repayment of the inheritance from the LORD—for you serve the LORD Christ;
25 Aka thae loh a thae te a dang vetih maelhmai sawtnah om mahpawh.
and he who is doing unrighteously will receive what he did unrighteously, and there is no favor by appearance.

< Kolosa 3 >