< Caeltueih 26 >

1 Paul te Agrippa loh, “Namah kawng na thui thai coeng,” a ti nah. Te dongah Paul loh kut a yueng tih,
Agrippa then to/with the/this/who Paul to assert to permit you (about *N(k)O*) you to say then the/this/who Paul to stretch out the/this/who hand to defend oneself
2 “Manghai Agrippa, Judah rhoek loh n'tingtoeh kawng boeih dongah tihnin kah namah hmaiah huul uh ham ka cai he yoethen la ka poek.
about all which to accuse by/under: by Jew king Agrippa to govern I/we blessed upon/to/against you to ensue today to defend oneself
3 Olpuei la Namah khaw Judah rhoek kah khosing neh oldawtnah boeih aka ming la na om. Ka ol he vawlhvawlh na hnatun ham kam bih.
especially expert in to be you all the/this/who according to Jew (custom *NK(o)*) and/both and a question/dispute therefore to pray (you *k*) patiently to hear me
4 A tongcuek lamloh ka namtu taengah ka om tih Jerusalem ah ka camoe lamkah ka om ka ih khaw Judah rhoek loh boeih a ming uh.
the/this/who on the other hand therefore/then lifestyle me the/this/who out from youth the/this/who away from beginning to be in/on/among the/this/who Gentiles me in/on/among (and/both *no*) Jerusalem to know all the/this/who Jew
5 Bawknah khuiah kaimih kah buhlaelh he a cuep kahlik vanbangla Pharisee pakhat la ka hing te, phong sak ham ngaih uh cakhaw kai he m'ming uh hlaai coeng.
to know/choose me from above/again if to will/desire to testify that/since: that according to the/this/who strictest sect the/this/who I/we religion to live Pharisee
6 Tahae ah he Pathen loh a khueh olkhueh, a pa rhoek taengkah ngaiuepnah dongah ka pai nen ni lai n'tloek thil.
and now upon/to/against hope the/this/who (toward *N(k)O*) the/this/who father me promise to be by/under: by the/this/who God to stand to judge
7 Kamah pacaphung loh khoyin khothaih thahluenah neh a bawk tih pha hamla a ngaiuep. Manghai aw, te ngaiuepnah kawng dongah ni Judah rhoek loh n'tingtoeh.
toward which the/this/who twelve tribes me in/on/among earnestness night and day to minister to hope/expect to come to about which hope to accuse (Agrippa *K*) by/under: by (the/this/who *k*) Jew king
8 Pathen loh aka duek a thoh coeng atah ba dongah lae nangmih loh aka tangnahmueh bangla lai na tloek uh.
which? unbelieving to judge from/with/beside you if: surely the/this/who God dead to arise
9 Kai kamah khaw Nazareth Jesuh ming te a kingkalh la muep saii thil ham a kuek tila kana poek thil van.
I/we on the other hand therefore/then to think I/we to/with the/this/who name Jesus the/this/who Nazareth be necessary much hostile to do/require
10 Jerusalem ah khaw ka saii tih, khosoihham rhoek taengkah saithainah ka dang dongah hlangcim te yet te thongim ah kamah loh ka uup coeng. Amih aka ngawn rhoek kah lungcang khaw ka kuk coeng.
which and to do/make: do in/on/among Jerusalem and much (and/both *no*) the/this/who holy: saint I/we (in/on/among *no*) prison/watch: prison to lock up the/this/who from/with/beside the/this/who high-priest authority to take to kill and/both it/s/he to vote against stone: vote
11 Tunim takuem ah khaw amih te tholhphu ka paek taitu tih, soehsal ham khaw ka tanolh coeng. Te vaengah taoe ka angsai tih kho voel duela amih te ka hnaemtaek.
and according to all the/this/who synagogue often to punish it/s/he to compel to blaspheme excessively and/both be enraged it/s/he to pursue until and toward the/this/who out/outside(r) city
12 Khosoihham rhoek kah saithainah, kotluepnah neh Damasku la ka cet.
in/on/among which (and *k*) to travel toward the/this/who Damascus with/after authority and commission the/this/who (from/with/beside *k*) the/this/who high-priest
13 Manghai aw, longpuei kah khothun lung ah, vaan khomik kah a aa aka poe vangnah loh kamah neh ka taengkah aka cet hmaih rhoek te phuk n'tue te ka hmuh.
day midst according to the/this/who road to perceive: see king from heaven above/for the/this/who brightness the/this/who sun to shine around me light and the/this/who with I/we to travel
14 Diklai la boeih ka bung uh vaengah ol pakhat ka yaak tih Hebrew ol la kai taengah, “Saul, Saul, ba ham lae kai nan hnaemtaek, suehling thuih ham te na mangkhak aih mai,” a ti.
all (and/both *N(k)O*) to fall down me toward the/this/who earth: soil to hear voice/sound: voice (to say *N(k)O*) to/with me (and to say *k*) the/this/who Hebrew language Saul Saul which? me to pursue hard you to/with sting to kick
15 Te vaengah kamah loh u nang nim ca Boeipa,” ka ti nah. Te dongah Boeipa loh, 'Kai tah nang loh na hnaemtaek Jesuh ni.
I/we then to say which? to be lord: God the/this/who then (lord: God *no*) to say I/we to be Jesus which you to pursue
16 Tedae thoo lamtah namah kho dongah pai laeh. Kai taengla na moe tih nang taengla ka moe van vaengkah tueihyoeih neh laipai la nang coelh ham ni nang taengah ka phoe.
but to arise and to stand upon/to/against the/this/who foot you toward this/he/she/it for to appear you to appoint you servant and witness which and/both to perceive: see (me *NO*) which and/both to appear you
17 Pilnam neh namtom kut lamkah nang aka hlawt, kamah long ni amih mik dai sak ham,
to take out/select you out from the/this/who a people and (out from *no*) the/this/who Gentiles toward which (I/we *N(K)O*) to send you
18 yinnah lamkah vangnah la, Satan kah saithainah lamloh Pathen taengla bal puei ham, amih te tholh khodawkngainah, kai dongah tangnah neh a ciim tangtae rhoek taengah hmulung dang sak ham amih taengla nang kan tueih,’ a ti.
to open eye it/s/he the/this/who (to turn *NK(o)*) away from darkness toward light and the/this/who authority the/this/who Satan upon/to/against the/this/who God the/this/who to take it/s/he forgiveness sin and lot in/on/among the/this/who to sanctify faith the/this/who toward I/we
19 Te dongah manghai Agrippa aw, vaan mangthui te aka lokhak la ka om moenih.
whence king Agrippa no to be disobedient the/this/who heavenly vision
20 Tedae lamhma la Damasku ah, te phoeiah Jerusalem, Judea paeng pum neh namtom rhoek taengah khaw tholh yut tih Pathen taengla mael sak ham, yutnah neh a tingtawk la khoboe hlawt ham ni ka puen pah.
but the/this/who in/on/among Damascus first (and/both *no*) and Jerusalem (toward *k*) all and/both the/this/who country the/this/who Judea and the/this/who Gentiles (to announce *N(k)O*) to repent and to turn upon/to/against the/this/who God worthy the/this/who repentance work to do/require
21 Te dongah ni bawkim khuiah aka om kai he Judah rhoek loh n'tuuk tih ngawn ham m'moeh uh.
because of this/he/she/it me (the/this/who *k*) Jew to seize/conceive/help (to be *n*) in/on/among the/this/who temple to try to kill
22 Tedae Pathen taengkah bomnah ka dang dongah ni tihnin due tanoe kangham taengah ka pai tih ka laipai. Hmailong ah om hamla cai tih tonghma rhoek neh Moses loh a thui te a pueh la ka thui moenih.
help therefore/then to obtain/happen the/this/who (away from *N(k)O*) the/this/who God until the/this/who day this/he/she/it to stand (to testify *N(k)O*) small and/both and great none outside/except to say which and/both the/this/who prophet to speak to ensue to be and Moses
23 Khrih loh patang cakhaw, pilnam neh namtom taengah vangnah te doek ham a cai dongah aka duek khuiah thohkoepnah loh a lamhma sak,” a ti nah.
if: surely suffering the/this/who Christ if: surely first out from resurrection dead light to ensue to proclaim the/this/who (and/both *no*) a people and the/this/who Gentiles
24 Te nen te a huul uh dongah Phesto loh ol ue neh, “Paul, na ang coeng, na cabu cungkuem loh lutlatnah la m'vil coeng,” a ti nah.
this/he/she/it then it/s/he to defend oneself the/this/who Festus great the/this/who voice/sound: voice (to assert *N(k)O*) to rave Paul the/this/who much you something written toward insanity to drive insane
25 Tedae Paul loh, “Hlangcong Phesto aw ka ang moenih, oltak neh cuepmueihnah ol ni ka thui.
the/this/who then (Paul *no*) no to rave to assert excellent Festus but truth and mental soundness declaration to declare
26 He kawng he manghai loh a ming coeng dongah amah taengah khaw sayalh la ka thui. Anih ham pakhat khaw ka phah tih ka rhoih pawt moenih. Congket kah aka om khaw a saii mai he.
to know/understand for about this/he/she/it the/this/who king to/with which and to preach boldly to speak be hidden for it/s/he one this/he/she/it no to persuade none no for to be in/on/among corner to do/require this/he/she/it
27 Manghai Agrippa, tonghma rhoek ke na tangnah a? Na tangnah te ka ming,” a ti nah.
to trust (in) king Agrippa the/this/who prophet to know that/since: that to trust (in)
28 Te vaengah Paul te Agrippa loh, “Khrihca la saii ham kai khaw rhaih nan yoek coeng he,” a ti nah.
the/this/who then Agrippa to/with the/this/who Paul (to assert *k*) in/on/among little/few me to persuade Christian (to do/make: do *N(k)O*)
29 Tedae Paul loh, “Nang bueng pawt tih tihnin kah kai ol aka hnatun rhoek boeih he khaw hloong kah a voel ah he kamah ka om bangla metlam a om poek eh tite Pathen taengah a toi a sen la ka thangthui,” a ti nah.
the/this/who then Paul (to say *k*) to pray/wish for if the/this/who God and in/on/among little/few and in/on/among (great *N(k)O*) no alone you but and all the/this/who to hear me today to be such as this what sort? and I/we to be except the/this/who chain this/he/she/it
30 Te vaengah manghai khaw, khoboei khaw, Bernike khaw, amih taengkah aka ngol rhoek khaw boeih thoo uh.
(and this/he/she/it to say it/s/he *K*) to arise (and/both *no*) the/this/who king and the/this/who ruler the/this/who and/both Bernice and the/this/who to sit with it/s/he
31 A khoe uh phoeiah tah pakhat pakhat taengah thui uh thae tih, “Hekah hlang loh a saii he pakhat pataeng dueknah nen khaw, hloong nen khaw a tiing moenih,” a ti uh.
and to leave to speak to/with one another to say that/since: that none death or chain worthy (one *NO*) to do/require the/this/who a human this/he/she/it
32 Te dongah Agrippa loh Phesto taengah, “Hekah hlang loh Kaisar te pha voel pawt cakhaw hlah hamla coeng thai,” a ti nah.
Agrippa then the/this/who Festus to assert to release: release be able the/this/who a human this/he/she/it if: not not to call (on)/name Caesar

< Caeltueih 26 >