< Caeltueih 21 >

1 Amih taeng lamloh ka khoe uh tih ka kat ham a om vaengah Koce la, a vuen ah Rhodo la, te lamkah loh Patria la thaeng ka pawk uh.
as/when then to be to lead me to draw away away from it/s/he to sail straight to come/go toward the/this/who Cos the/this/who then next/afterward toward the/this/who Rhodes and from there toward Patara
2 Te vaengah Phoiniki la aka hlaikan sangpho te ka hmuh uh dongah ka ngol uh tih ka kat uh.
and to find/meet boat to cross toward Phoenicia to mount/board to lead
3 Tedae Kupros a tueng vaengah banvoei la ka phael uh. Syria la ka hlaikan uh tih sangpho te hnopai hal ham a om dongah Tyre ah ka duem uh.
(to appear *NK(o)*) then the/this/who Cyprus and to leave behind it/s/he left/south to sail toward Syria and (to descend *N(k)O*) toward Tyre there for the/this/who boat to be to unload the/this/who cargo
4 Te vaengah hnukbang rhoek neh pahoi ka hum uh tih hnin rhih ka om uh. Jerusalem la Paul a kun pawt ham amih te mueihla loh a thui sak.
(and *k*) to find (then *no*) the/this/who disciple to remain/keep on there day seven who/which the/this/who Paul to say through/because of the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit not (to mount/board *N(k)O*) toward Jerusalem
5 Tedae khohnin a cuum tom vaengah kaimih khaw caeh ham ka khoe uh tih kaimih te khopuei vongvoel duela huta camoe boeih loh n'thak uh. Te vaengah tuikaeng ah khuklu cungkueng neh thangthui tih khat neh khat ka phih uh thae.
when then to be me to finish/furnish the/this/who day to go out to travel to help on the way me all with woman: wife and child until out/outside(r) the/this/who city and to place the/this/who a knee upon/to/against the/this/who shore (to pray *N(k)O*)
6 Te phoeiah sangpho khuila ka yoeng uh tih amih khaw a im la bal uh.
(to pay respects to *N(k)O*) one another and (to ascend *N(k)(o)*) toward the/this/who boat that then to return toward the/this/who one's own/private
7 Tedae Tyre lamloh Patolema ka pha uh vaengah yincaeh te ka khah uh. Te vaengah manuca rhoek te ka voek uh tih amih te hnin at ka om puei uh.
me then the/this/who voyage to continue away from Tyre to come to toward Ptolemais and to pay respects to the/this/who brother to stay day one from/with/beside it/s/he
8 A vuen ah ka cet uh tih Kaiserea te ka pha uh. Te vaengah olthangthen aka thui parhih khuikah aka om Philip im khuila ka kun uh tih anih taengah ka rhaeh uh.
the/this/who then the next day to go out (the/this/who about the/this/who Paul *K*) (to come/go *NK(O)*) toward Caesarea and to enter toward the/this/who house: home Philip the/this/who evangelist (the/this/who *k*) to be out from the/this/who seven to stay from/with/beside it/s/he
9 Anih taengah aka tonghma tah canu oila pali om.
this/he/she/it then to be daughter four virgin to prophesy
10 Khohnin a sen a om phoeiah atah Judah tonghma pakhat, a ming ah Agabus te ha suntla,
to remain/keep on then (me *K*) day much to descend one away from the/this/who Judea prophet name Agabus
11 Tedae kaimih taengla ha pawk vaengah Paul kah cihin te hang khuen tih a kut a kho te a yen. Te phoeiah, “'Hekah cihin kungmah la aka om hlang te Jerusalem ah Judah rhoek loh a pin vetih namtom kut ah a voeih ni, 'tila Mueihla Cim loh a thui,” a ti.
and to come/go to/with me and to take up the/this/who belt/sash/girdle the/this/who Paul to bind (and/both *k*) (themself *N(k)O*) the/this/who foot and the/this/who hand to say this to say the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit the/this/who holy the/this/who man which to be the/this/who belt/sash/girdle this/he/she/it thus(-ly) to bind in/on/among Jerusalem the/this/who Jew and to deliver toward hand Gentiles
12 Te te ka yaak uh vaengah kaimih neh khokung khomah rhoek long khaw Jerusalem la caeh pawt ham amah te ka hloep uh.
as/when then to hear this/he/she/it to plead/comfort me and/both and the/this/who resident the/this/who not to ascend it/s/he toward Jerusalem
13 Te vaengah Paul loh, “Rhah te na saii uh tih ka thin paeng, Tedae kai tah Jerusalem ah pin ham bueng pawt tih Boeipa Jesuh ming dongah duek ham khaw sikim la ka om coeng,” a ti nah.
(then *N(k)O*) to answer the/this/who Paul which? to do/make: do to weep and to break me the/this/who heart I/we for no alone to bind but and to die toward Jerusalem readily to have/be above/for the/this/who name the/this/who lord: God Jesus
14 Te dongah anih te ngaiyak voel kolla ka paa uh tih Boeipa kah kongaih bangla om ka ti uh.
not to persuade then it/s/he be quiet/give up to say the/this/who lord: God the/this/who will/desire (to be *N(k)O*)
15 Khohnin te muep a thok phoeiah Jerusalem la caeh ham ka hlah uh.
with/after then the/this/who day this/he/she/it to pack up to ascend toward Jerusalem
16 Te vaengah Kaiserea lamkah hnukbang rhoek khaw kaimih taengla m'puei uh tih hnukbang rhuem pakhat, Kuporos hoel Manason taengah pah hamla n'thak uh.
to assemble then and the/this/who disciple away from Caesarea with me to bring from/with/beside which to host Mnason one Cyprus ancient disciple
17 Te dongah Jerusalem la ka pawk uh vaengah kaimih he manuca rhoek loh hlaehlae n'doe uh.
to be then me toward Jerusalem gladly (to receive *N(k)O*) me the/this/who brother
18 A vuen ah Paul tah kaimih neh James taengah ka kun uh tih a ham rhoek khaw boeih ha pawk uh.
the/this/who then to come later to enter the/this/who Paul with me to/with James all and/both to come the/this/who elder: Elder
19 Te vaengah amih te a voek tih a bibi dongah Pathen loh namtom rhoek ham a saii pah te pakhat phoeiah pakhat rhip a thui pah.
and to pay respects to it/s/he to tell according to one each which to do/make: do the/this/who God in/on/among the/this/who Gentiles through/because of the/this/who service it/s/he
20 Te dongah aka ya rhoek loh Pathen te a thangpom uh tih anih te, “Manuca nang, Judah khuiah aka tangnah rhoek te a thawng a sang la muep om uh tih olkhueng neh aka hmae la boeih a om uh khaw na hmuh coeng.
the/this/who then to hear to glorify the/this/who (God *N(K)O*) (to say *NK(o)*) and/both it/s/he to see/experience brother how much/many? myriad to be (in/on/among the/this/who *NO*) (Jew *N(k)O*) the/this/who to trust (in) and all zealot the/this/who law be already
21 Nang kawng khaw a thuituen uh. Namtom bangla Judah pum te Moses taeng lamloh a phaelhnah ni na thuituen. Ca rhoek kah a yahvin a rhet pawt neh a khosing dongah a pongpa pawt ni na thui.
to instruct then about you that/since: that apostasy to teach away from Moses the/this/who according to the/this/who Gentiles all Jew to say not to circumcise it/s/he the/this/who child nor the/this/who custom to walk
22 Namah na pawk he rhep a yaak uh vaengah metlam nim a om ve.
which? therefore/then to be surely (be necessary multitude to assemble *K*) to hear (for *k*) that/since: that to come/go
23 Te dongah ka thui uh bangla nang loh saii laeh. Amamih ah paipi aka khueh hlang pali loh kaimih taengah om,
this/he/she/it therefore/then to do/make: do which you to say to be me man four a vow/prayer to have/be (upon/to/against *NK(o)*) themself
24 Te rhoek te khuen lamtah amih neh ciim laeh. A lu a vok vaengkah ham khaw tangka te hnonah thil, Te daengah ni nang kawng a thui uh te a hong ni tila hlang boeih loh a ming eh. Tedae olkhueng aka tuem long tah namah khaw vai van.
this/he/she/it to take to purify with it/s/he and to spend upon/to/against it/s/he in order that/to (to shave *N(k)O*) the/this/who head and (to know *N(k)O*) all that/since: that which to instruct about you none to be but to follow and it/s/he to keep/guard: observe the/this/who law
25 Aka tangnah namtom rhoek kawng dongah mueirhol buh neh thii, rhawnkhak neh Cukhalnah he rhael ham ol ka tloek uh tih ca ka pat uh coeng,” a ti uh.
about then the/this/who to trust (in) Gentiles me (to write to *NK(O)*) to judge (nothing such as this to keep: protect it/s/he if not *K*) to keep/guard: protect it/s/he the/this/who and/both sacrificed to idols and (the/this/who *k*) blood and strangled and sexual sin
26 Te dongah hlang rhoek te Paul loh a khuen tih, hnin at a om phoeiah amih te a ciim tih bawkim khuila kun, ciimnah khohnin kah pahong te a doek nen tah amamih kah hmueih te pakhat rhip ham a nawn pah.
then the/this/who Paul to take the/this/who man the/this/who to have/be day with it/s/he to purify to enter toward the/this/who temple to proclaim the/this/who fulfillment the/this/who day the/this/who purification until which to bring to above/for one each it/s/he the/this/who offering
27 Hnin rhih a thok tom vaengah Asia lamkah Judah rhoek loh Paul te bawkim ah a hmuh uh. Hlangping te boeih a huek uh tih anih te kut a hlah thil uh.
as/when then to ensue the/this/who seven day to complete the/this/who away from the/this/who Asia Jew to look at it/s/he in/on/among the/this/who temple to confound all the/this/who crowd and to put on/seize upon/to/against it/s/he the/this/who hand
28 “Israel hlang rhoek aw n'bom uh lah. Anih he pilnam nen khaw, olkhueng nen khaw, he hmuen nen khaw a kingkalh la om tih khotomrhali ah boeih a thuituen, Te phoeiah Greek rhoek khaw bawkim la hang khuen tih hmuen cim he a poeih bal,” tila pang uh.
to cry man Israelite to help this/he/she/it to be the/this/who a human the/this/who according to the/this/who a people and the/this/who law and the/this/who place this/he/she/it all (everywhere *N(k)O*) to teach still and/both and Greek, Gentile to bring in toward the/this/who temple and to profane the/this/who holy place this/he/she/it
29 Anih neh khopuei ah Ephesa kah Trophimu neh a hmaitang nah om coeng. Te dongah anih te Paul loh bawkim khuila a khuen tila a poek uh.
to be for (to foresee *NK(o)*) Trophimus the/this/who Ephesian in/on/among the/this/who city with it/s/he which to think that/since: that toward the/this/who temple to bring in the/this/who Paul
30 Te dongah khopuei tah a pum la tuen tih pilnam khuikah a capinah om. Paul te a tuuk uh tih bawkim poengvoel la a mawt uh phoeiah thohka te tloep a khaih uh.
to move and/both the/this/who city all and to be swarming the/this/who a people and to catch the/this/who Paul to draw/persuade it/s/he out/outside(r) the/this/who temple and immediately to shut the/this/who door
31 Anih ngawn hamla a toem uh dongah Jerusalem pum loh a puen te olthang loh caem kah rhalboeipa taengla a pha.
to seek (and/both *N(k)O*) it/s/he to kill to ascend news the/this/who military officer the/this/who band that/since: that all (to confound *N(k)O*) Jerusalem
32 Anih long te rhalkap neh rhalboei rhoek tlek a khuen tih amih te a suntlak thil. Rhalboeipa neh rhalkap rhoek te a hmuh uh daengah Paul a boh uh te a toeng uh.
which immediately to take soldier and centurion to rush down upon/to/against it/s/he the/this/who then to perceive: see the/this/who military officer and the/this/who soldier to cease to strike the/this/who Paul
33 Te vaengah rhalboeipa loh ham paan tih a tuuk tih thirhui panit neh pin ham ol a paek, Te phoeiah anih te metla om tih a saii tholh ba a om khaw a cae pueng.
(then *NK(o)*) to come near the/this/who military officer to catch it/s/he and to order to bind chain two and to inquire which? (if *k*) to be and which? to be to do/make: do
34 Tedae hlangping khuiah khat khat loh a paluep paluep a o uh tih, olpung kacan kongah a thuem a ham la a ming thai pawt dongah Paul te rhalkap im la khuen ham ol a paek.
another then another one (to shout *N(k)O*) in/on/among the/this/who crowd not (be able *N(k)O*) then (it/s/he *no*) to know the/this/who secure through/because of the/this/who commotion to order to bring it/s/he toward the/this/who barracks
35 Tedae kuihlak ah a om vaengah hlangping kah thaehuetnah te a om dongah Paul te rhalkap rhoek loh a koh uh.
when then to be upon/to/against the/this/who stairs to happen to carry it/s/he by/under: by the/this/who soldier through/because of the/this/who force the/this/who crowd
36 Pilnam rhaengpuei loh a vai uh tih, “Anih te hang khuen,” tila pang uh.
to follow for the/this/who multitude the/this/who a people (to cry *N(k)O*) to take up it/s/he
37 Rhalkap im la a khuen tom vaengah Paul loh rhalboeipa te, “A tueng atah nang taengah ol pakhat khaw ka thui dae ni,” a ti nah. Te long khaw, “Greek ol na ming nama?
to ensue and/both to bring in toward the/this/who barracks the/this/who Paul to say the/this/who military officer if: is(QUESTION) be permitted me to say one to/with you the/this/who then to assert Greek to know
38 Hnukbuet tue vaengkah boe aka koek tih hlangrhet la tongpa thawngli te khosoek la aka mawt, Egypt hoel te nang pawt nim?” a ti nah.
no therefore you to be the/this/who Egyptian the/this/who before this/he/she/it the/this/who day to cause trouble and to lead out toward the/this/who deserted the/this/who four thousand man the/this/who assassin
39 Te dongah Paul loh, “Kai tah Kilikia Tarsus kah Judah hlang la ka om tih kho mailai kah pilnam moenih, Te dongah pilnam taengah thui ham khaw kai nan paek ham nang kan dawt,” a ti nah.
to say then the/this/who Paul I/we a human on the other hand to be Jew of Tarsus the/this/who Cilicia no insignificant city citizen to pray then you to permit me to speak to/with the/this/who a people
40 Anih long khaw a paek dongah kuihlak dongah aka pai Paul loh pilnam te kut a cavoih thil. Kamkhuemnah neh boeih a om vaengah Hebrew ol la a thui tih,
to permit then it/s/he the/this/who Paul to stand upon/to/against the/this/who stairs to signal the/this/who hand the/this/who a people much then silence to be (to call to/summon *NK(o)*) the/this/who Hebrew language to say

< Caeltueih 21 >