< Caeltueih 12 >

1 Te vaeng tue ah hlangboel khuikah a ngen te phaep ham manghai Herod loh kut a hlah thil.
And about that time, Herod the king put forth his hands, to do evil to certain of those of the assembly,
2 Te dongah Johan kah a manuca James te cunghang neh a ngawn.
and he killed James, the brother of John, with the sword,
3 Tedae Judah rhoek kah a ngaingaih la om tila a hmuh vaengah Peter khaw tuuk ham a khoep. Te vaengah vaidamding tue la om.
and having seen that it is pleasing to the Jews, he added to lay hold of Peter also — and they were the days of the unleavened food —
4 Amah te khaw a tuuk uh tih thongim ah a parhaeng uh. Anih aka tawt ham rhalkap rhoi li a khueh uh tih yoom phoeiah pilnam taengah phoe puei ham cai uh.
whom also having seized, he did put in prison, having delivered [him] to four quaternions of soldiers to guard him, intending after the passover to bring him forth to the people.
5 Peter tah thongim ah parhaeng ngawn cakhaw hlangboel te anih ham Pathen taengah thangthuinah nguen nguen aka khueh pah la om.
Peter, therefore, indeed, was kept in the prison, and fervent prayer was being made by the assembly unto God for him,
6 Tedae anih te Herod taengah thak ham cai. Amah khoyin a pha vaengah, Peter te thirhui panit neh a pin tih rhalkap rhoi laklo ah ip. Aka tawtkung rhoek long khaw thongim te thohka hmaiah a tawt uh.
and when Herod was about to bring him forth, the same night was Peter sleeping between two soldiers, having been bound with two chains, guards also before the door were keeping the prison,
7 Te vaengah Boeipa kah puencawn pakcak ha pai tih thong imkhui ah vangnah neh a tue. Te phoeiah Peter kah a vae te duem a bael pah phoeiah a haeng tih, “Thamaa la thoo lah,” a ti nah. Te vaengah a kut lamkah thirhui tah pahoi a tling pah.
and lo, a messenger of the Lord stood by, and a light shone in the buildings, and having smitten Peter on the side, he raised him up, saying, 'Rise in haste,' and his chains fell from off [his] hands.
8 Puencawn loh anih te, “Cihin khit lamtah na khokhom te buen laeh,” a ti nah tih a saii van tangloeng. Te phoeiah, “Na himbai te bai lamtah kai m'vai lah,” a ti nah.
The messenger also said to him, 'Gird thyself, and bind on thy sandals;' and he did so; and he saith to him, 'Put thy garment round and be following me;'
9 Cet tih a vai ngawn dae puencawn lamloh aka om hno he om taktak tila ming pawt tih mangthui a hmuh bangla a poek.
and having gone forth, he was following him, and he knew not that it is true that which is done through the messenger, and was thinking he saw a vision,
10 Thongim a cuek neh a pabae la ham poe uh tih khopuei la aka pawk thi vongka te a pha uh. Amih ham tah thohka khaw amah a ong uh coeng dongah imhlai laklo pakhat ah cet uh tih lamhma uh. Te vaengah puencawn tah anih taeng lamloh vil nong.
and having passed through a first ward, and a second, they came unto the iron gate that is leading to the city, which of its own accord did open to them, and having gone forth, they went on through one street, and immediately the messenger departed from him.
11 Te daengah Peter amah te a cueih ha om, “Boeipa loh a puencawn te han tueih tih Herod kut, Judah pilnam kah lamsonnah boeih lamloh kai n'hlawt te rhep ka ming coeng,” a ti.
And Peter having come to himself, said, 'Now I have known of a truth that the Lord did sent forth His messenger, and did deliver me out of the hand of Herod, and all the expectation of the people of the Jews;'
12 A sap uh phoeiah tah Marku la a khue Johan kah a manu Mary im la cet. Tekah aka om rhoek khaw muep tingtun uh tih thangthui uh.
also, having considered, he came unto the house of Mary, the mother of John, who is surnamed Mark, where there were many thronged together and praying.
13 Vongka kah thohka te a khoek hatah salnu pakhat, a ming ah Rhoda loh a paan tih a hnatun.
And Peter having knocked at the door of the porch, there came a damsel to hearken, by name Rhoda,
14 Tedae Peter kah ol la a hmat vaengah a omngaihnah neh te thohka a ong mueh la cu phai tih thohka ah Peter a pai te puen phai.
and having known the voice of Peter, from the joy she did not open the porch, but having run in, told of the standing of Peter before the porch,
15 Tedae anih te, “Na ang coeng,” a ti nahuh. Anih khaw om ca tila khak huul uh. Te daengah, “Anih kah puencawn ni,” a ti uh.
and they said unto her, 'Thou art mad;' and she was confidently affirming [it] to be so, and they said, 'It is his messenger;'
16 Tedae Peter loh koep koep a khoek. Te vaengah a ong pa uh tih amah te a hmuh uh dongah limlum uh.
and Peter was continuing knocking, and having opened, they saw him, and were astonished,
17 Te vaengah amih te kamkhuem sak ham kut a cavoih tih Boeipa loh thongim lamkah a doek te amih taengah a thui pah. “Te phoeiah he he James neh a manuca rhoek taengah khaw puen pa uh,” a ti nah tih hmuen tloe la vawl cet.
and having beckoned to them with the hand to be silent, he declared to them how the Lord brought him out of the prison, and he said, 'Declare to James and to the brethren these things;' and having gone forth, he went on to another place.
18 Khothaih a pha vaengah rhalkap khuiah puenpa la a om te a yool mai moenih. Te vaengah Peter tah melam a om co.
And day having come, there was not a little stir among the soldiers what then was become of Peter,
19 Anih te Herod long khaw a tlap dae a hmuh pawt dongah aka tawtkung rhoek te a cae tih khuen ham ol a paek. Te phoeiah Judea lamloh Kaiserea la suntla tih kho a sak.
and Herod having sought for him, and not having found, having examined the guards, did command [them] to be led away to punishment, and having gone down from Judea to Caesarea, he was abiding [there].
20 A om rhuet vaengah Tyre rhoek neh Sidoni rhoek taengah a thinhul. Te dongah anih te tun a paan uh tih manghai imkhui kah Balastus te a cael uh. Amih kho te rhalboei loh a khut oeh dongah rhoepnah ham a hloep uh.
And Herod was highly displeased with the Tyrians and Sidonians, and with one accord they came unto him, and having made a friend of Blastus, who [is] over the bed-chambers of the king, they were asking peace, because of their country being nourished from the king's;
21 Amah khohnin buelh ah Herod loh rhalboei himbai te a bai, a ngolkhoel dongah ngol tih amih te a uen.
and on a set day, Herod having arrayed himself in kingly apparel, and having sat down upon the tribunal, was making an oration unto them,
22 Te vaengah rhaengpuei loh, “Pathen ol ni, hlang ol moenih, “tila a o.
and the populace were shouting, 'The voice of a god, and not of a man;'
23 Tedae Pathen te thangpomnah a khueh pawt dongah Boeipa kah puencawn loh anih te pahoi a boh. Te dongah a rhiit la om tih duek.
and presently there smote him a messenger of the Lord, because he did not give the glory to God, and having been eaten of worms, he expired.
24 Te dongah Pathen kah olka tah rhoeng tih ping coeng.
And the word of God did grow and did multiply,
25 Barnabas neh Saul tah Jerusalem la bal rhoi tih bibi a coeng rhoi phoeiah Marku la a khue Johan te a khuen rhoi.
and Barnabas and Saul did turn back out of Jerusalem, having fulfilled the ministration, having taken also with [them] John, who was surnamed Mark.

< Caeltueih 12 >