< 2 Thessalonika 3 >

1 A tloihsoi ah manuca rhoek kaimih ham thangthui uh. Te daengah ni Boeipa kah olka loh ha yong vetih nangmih taengkah vanbangla a thangpom eh.
As to the rest, pray, brothers, concerning us, that the word of the LORD may run and may be glorified, as also with you,
2 Te daengah ni aka lang neh hlang thae taeng lamloh n'hlawt eh. Tangnah he boeih a khueh uh moenih,
and that we may be delivered from the unreasonable and evil men, for not all [are] of the faith;
3 Tedae Boeipa tah uepom la om, Amah loh nangmih n'duel vetih a thae lamkah n'hoeptlang bitni.
but faithful is the LORD who will establish you, and will guard [you] from the evil [one];
4 Nangmih ham boeipa dongah ka pangtung uh. Kang uen te na saii uh tih na saii uh bal bitni.
and we now have confidence in the LORD, that which we command you both do and will do;
5 Boeipa loh nangmih kah thinko te Pathen kah lungnah neh Khrih kah uehnah khuila hoihaeng saeh.
and the LORD direct your hearts to the love of God, and to the endurance of the Christ.
6 Manuca rhoek nangmih te mamih kah Boeipa Jesuh Khrih ming neh kang uen uh. Vapsa la aka pongpa tih manuca boeih te na rhael uh. Te dongah tebang singyoe te kaimih lamkah na dang uh moenih.
And we command you, brothers, in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to withdraw yourselves from every brother walking disorderly, and not after the tradition that you received from us,
7 Kaimih nan awt uh ham bahoeng a kuek te nangmih loh na ming uh. Nangmih taengah ka cungpoeh uh pawt tih pakhat kah buh yoe khaw ka caak uh moenih.
for you have known how it is necessary to imitate us, because we did not act disorderly among you;
8 Tedae thakthaenah, patangnah neh khoyin khothaih ka saii uh tih nangmih khuikah pakhat khaw thinrhih sak moenih.
nor did we eat bread of anyone for nothing, but in labor and in travail, working night and day, not to be chargeable to any of you;
9 Saithainah ka khueh uh pawt dongah moenih. Tedae te nen ni kaimih nan awt uh ham te mueimae la kamamih ka hmoel uh.
not because we have no authority, but that we might give ourselves to you [as] a pattern, to imitate us;
10 Nangmih taengah ka om uh vaengah pataeng nangmih te he ni kang uen uh. Khat khat long ni bi saii a ngaih pawt atah ca van boel saeh.
for even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if anyone is not willing to work, neither let him eat,
11 Nangmih khuikah hlangvang tah vapsa la a pongpa uh te ka yaak uh. Bi tah saii uh pawt dae tomban la om uh.
for we hear of some walking disorderly among you, working nothing, but being busybodies,
12 Te tlam te Boeipa Jesuh Khrih ah kang uen uh tih kan hloep uh. Te daengah ni kammueh la aka saii rhoek loh amah buh te a caak uh eh.
and such we command and exhort through our Lord Jesus Christ, that working with quietness, they may eat their own bread;
13 Tedae manuca rhoek nangmih tah a then te thathae uh boeh.
and you, brothers, may you not be weary doing well,
14 Khat khat loh capat dongkah kaimih ol te a ngai pawt atah anih te kuem uh. Anih te na rhoinaeng puei pawt daengah ni a yah eh.
and if anyone does not obey our word through the letter, note this one, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed,
15 Tedae rhal bangla poek boel lamtah manuca bangla rhalrhing sakuh.
and do not count as an enemy, but admonish as a brother;
16 Tahae ah ngaimongnah boeipa amah loh a longim boeih neh a cungkuem lamloh nangmih te ngaimongnah m'pae saeh. Boeipa tah nangmih boeih taengah n'om puei saeh.
and may the LORD of peace Himself always give to you peace in every way; the LORD [is] with you all!
17 Kuttuknah he tah, Paul kamah kut ni. Capat boeih dongah miknoek aka om te ka daek tangloeng coeng.
The salutation by the hand of me, Paul, which is a sign in every letter; thus I write.
18 Mamih kah Boeipa Jesuh Khrih lungvatnah tah nangmih taengah boeih om saeh.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ [is] with you all! Amen.

< 2 Thessalonika 3 >