< 2 Manghai 18 >

1 Israel manghai Elah capa, Hosea kah a kum thum dongah Judah manghai Ahaz capa Hezekiah khaw manghai van.
and to be in/on/with year three to/for Hoshea son: child Elah king Israel to reign Hezekiah son: child Ahaz king Judah
2 Anih te kum kul kum nga a lo ca vaengah manghai tih Jerusalem ah kum kul kum ko manghai. A manu ming tah Zekhariah canu Abi ni.
son: aged twenty and five year to be in/on/with to reign he and twenty and nine year to reign in/on/with Jerusalem and name mother his Abi daughter Zechariah
3 A cungkuem dongah a napa David kah a saii bangla BOEIPA mikhmuh ah a thuem ni a saii.
and to make: do [the] upright in/on/with eye: appearance LORD like/as all which to make: do David father his
4 Anih tah hmuensang te a khoe tih kaam te khaw a phaek. Asherah te a top tih Moses loh a saii rhohum rhul te a phop. Te tue ah aka om Israel ca rhoek loh a taengah hmueih a phum uh dongah te te Nehushtan la a khue.
he/she/it to turn aside: remove [obj] [the] high place and to break [obj] [the] pillar and to cut: cut [obj] [the] Asherah and to crush serpent [the] bronze which to make Moses for till [the] day [the] they(masc.) to be son: descendant/people Israel to offer: offer to/for him and to call: call by to/for him Nehushtan
5 Israel Pathen BOEIPA dongah pangtung tih anih hnukah Judah manghai boeih khuiah khaw anih bang a om moenih. Anih hmai ah khaw a om moenih.
in/on/with LORD God Israel to trust and after him not to be like him in/on/with all king Judah and which to be to/for face: before his
6 BOEIPA taengah balak tih a hnuk lamloh nong pawh. BOEIPA loh Moses taengah a uen vanbangla a olpaek te a tuem.
and to cleave in/on/with LORD not to turn aside: depart from after him and to keep: obey commandment his which to command LORD [obj] Moses
7 BOEIPA te a taengah a om pah vanbangla a cungkuem ah a thoeng pah tih a cangbam. Te dongah Assyria manghai te a tloelh tih anih taengah thotat pawh.
and to be LORD with him in/on/with all which to come out: come be prudent and to rebel in/on/with king Assyria and not to serve him
8 Anih loh Philisti te Gaza neh a khorhi hil, rhalrhing kah rhaltoengim lamloh hmuencak khopuei hil a ngawn.
he/she/it to smite [obj] Philistine till Gaza and [obj] border: area her from tower to watch till city fortification
9 Manghai Hezekiah kah a kum li dong neh Israel manghai Elah capa Hosea kah a kum rhih dongah tah Assyria manghai Shalmaneser loh Samaria a paan tih a dum.
and to be in/on/with year [the] fourth to/for king Hezekiah he/she/it [the] year [the] seventh to/for Hoshea son: child Elah king Israel to ascend: rise Shalmaneser king Assyria upon Samaria and to confine upon her
10 Tedae kum thum a thok vaengah khopuei te a loh. Te dongah Hezekiah kah a kum rhuk neh Israel manghai Hosea kah a kum ko dongah Samaria te a loh.
and to capture her from end three year in/on/with year six to/for Hezekiah he/she/it year nine to/for Hoshea king Israel to capture Samaria
11 Assyria manghai loh Israel te Assyria la a poelyoe tih amih te Halah neh Habor kah Gozan tuiva, Madai khopuei la a mawt.
and to reveal: remove king Assyria [obj] Israel Assyria [to] and to lead them in/on/with Halah and in/on/with Habor river Gozan and city Mede
12 A Pathen BOEIPA ol te ngai uh pawt tih a paipi te a poe uh. A cungkuem te BOEIPA kah sal Moses loh a uen coeng dae ngai uh pawt tih vai uh pawh.
upon which not to hear: obey in/on/with voice LORD God their and to pass: trespass [obj] covenant his [obj] all which to command Moses servant/slave LORD and not to hear: hear and not to make: do
13 Manghai Hezekiah kah kum hlai li dongah tah Assyria manghai Sennacherib loh Judah kah vong cak khopuei boeih te a paan tih a loh pah.
and in/on/with four ten year to/for king Hezekiah to ascend: rise Sennacherib king Assyria upon all city Judah [the] to gather/restrain/fortify and to capture them
14 Te dongah Judah manghai Hezekiah loh Assyria manghai te Lakhish la a tah tih, “Ka tholh coeng, kai taeng lamloh mael lamtah kai soah na tloeng te ka phueih mai bitni,” a ti nah. Te dongah Assyria manghai loh Judah manghai Hezekiah lamkah cak talent ya thum neh sui talent sawmthum a phai sak.
and to send: depart Hezekiah king Judah to(wards) king Assyria Lachish [to] to/for to say to sin to return: turn back from upon me [obj] which to give: pay upon me to lift: guilt and to set: take king Assyria upon Hezekiah king Judah three hundred talent silver: money and thirty talent gold
15 Hezekiah loh BOEIPA im neh manghai im thakvoh khuikah a hmuh cak boeih te a phai.
and to give: give Hezekiah [obj] all [the] silver: money [the] to find house: temple LORD and in/on/with treasure house: home [the] king
16 Te vaeng tue ah Hezekiah loh BOEIPA bawkim kah thohkhaih te a khong coeng. Rhungsut a ben te khaw Judah manghai Hezekiah loh Assyria manghai taengah a phai.
in/on/with time [the] he/she/it to cut Hezekiah [obj] door temple LORD and [obj] [the] pillar which to overlay Hezekiah king Judah and to give: give them to/for king Assyria
17 Te dongah Assyria manghai loh rhalboei neh Rabsaris khaw, Lakhish lamkah Rabshakeh khaw, Hezekiah manghai neh Jerusalem miping caem taengla a tueih. Cet uh tih Jerusalem a pha uh neh hno suk lo long ah yoeng uh tih a so tuibuem kah tuilong te a pha uh vaengah pai uh.
and to send: depart king Assyria [obj] Tartan and [obj] Rab-saris Rab-saris and [obj] Rabshakeh Rabshakeh from Lachish to(wards) [the] king Hezekiah in/on/with strength: soldiers heavy Jerusalem and to ascend: rise and to come (in): come Jerusalem and to ascend: rise and to come (in): come and to stand: stand in/on/with conduit [the] pool [the] high which in/on/with highway Field (of the Launderer) Washer's
18 Manghai te a khue uh vaengah amih taengla im aka tawt Hilkiah capa Eliakim neh cadaek Shebna, cabu aka khoem Asaph capa Joah te cet.
and to call: call to to(wards) [the] king and to come out: come to(wards) them Eliakim son: child Hilkiah which upon [the] house: temple and Shebna [the] secretary and Joah son: child Asaph [the] to remember
19 Te vaengah Rabshakeh loh amih te, “Hezekiah taengah thui uh laeh, manghai boei Assyria manghai loh he ni a thui. Mebang pangtungnah nim na pangtung van he.
and to say to(wards) them Rabshakeh Rabshakeh to say please to(wards) Hezekiah thus to say [the] king [the] great: large king Assyria what? [the] trust [the] this which to trust
20 Hmuilai dongah ol kak nen tah caemtloek kah cilsuep neh thayung thamal na thui. Kai nan tloelh ham khaw u dongah nim na pangtung van coeng.
to say surely word lip: words counsel and might to/for battle now upon who? to trust for to rebel in/on/with me
21 Capu conghol aka paep dongah na pangtung coeng te. Egypt dongah aka hangdang hlang tah a kut ah rhu vetih a toeh pah ni. Egypt manghai Pharaoh soah aka pangtung boeih khaw amah te tlam ni a om eh.
now behold to trust to/for you upon staff [the] branch: stem [the] to crush [the] this upon Egypt which to support man: anyone upon him and to come (in): come in/on/with palm his and to pierce her so Pharaoh king Egypt to/for all [the] to trust upon him
22 Kai taengah, “Ka Pathen BOEIPA taengah ka pangtung uh,’ na ti uh khaming. Anih loh Hezekiah neh a hmuensang te khaw, a hmueihtuk te khaw a khoe moenih a? Te vaengah Judah taeng neh Jerusalem taengah, 'Jerusalem kah hmueihtuk hmai ah he thothueng uh,’ a ti nah ta.
and for to say [emph?] to(wards) me to(wards) LORD God our to trust not he/she/it which to turn aside: remove Hezekiah [obj] high place his and [obj] altar his and to say to/for Judah and to/for Jerusalem to/for face: before [the] altar [the] this to bow in/on/with Jerusalem
23 Tahae ah ka boeipa Assyria manghai neh rhikhang laeh. A soah aka ngol nan paek thai atah nang te marhang thawng hnih he kam pae eh.
and now to pledge please with lord my with king Assyria and to give: give to/for you thousand horse if be able to/for to give: put to/for you to ride upon them
24 Egypt kah leng neh marhang caem dongah na pangtung cakhaw ka boei kah sal rhoek khuiah rhalboei ca pakhat kah maelhmai te metlam na mael eh?
and how? to return: turn back [obj] face governor one servant/slave lord my [the] small and to trust to/for you upon Egypt to/for chariot and to/for horseman
25 BOEIPA lamkah mueh la he hmuen la ka pawk aya? Te te phae ham te BOEIPA loh kai taengah, 'Khohmuen he caeh thil lamtah khopuei te phae laeh,’ a ti,” a ti nah.
now from beside LORD to ascend: rise upon [the] place [the] this to/for to ruin him LORD to say to(wards) me to ascend: rise upon [the] land: country/planet [the] this and to ruin her
26 Te vaengah Hilkiah capa Eliakim, Shebna neh Joah loh Rabshakeh te, “Na sal rhoek taengah Aramaih ol la thui mai, ka yakming u ngawn dongah vongtung sokah pilnam hna ah he kaimih ham Judah ol la thui boel mai,” a ti nah.
and to say Eliakim son: child Hilkiah and Shebna and Joah to(wards) Rabshakeh Rabshakeh to speak: speak please to(wards) servant/slave your Aramaic for to hear: understand we and not to speak: speak with us Judahite in/on/with ear: hearing [the] people which upon [the] wall
27 Tedae Rabshakeh loh amih te, “He ol thui ham he ka boei loh na boei taeng neh nang taeng bueng ah kai n'tueih nim? Vongtung soah aka ngol tih a khawt aka sok, nangmih bangla a khopha dongkah a yun tui aka o hlang rhoek taengah moenih a?” a ti nah.
and to say to(wards) them Rabshakeh Rabshakeh upon lord your and to(wards) you to send: depart me lord my to/for to speak: speak [obj] [the] word [the] these not upon [the] human [the] to dwell upon [the] wall to/for to eat [obj] (filth their *Q(K)*) and to/for to drink [obj] (water foot their *Q(K)*) with you
28 Te phoeiah Rabshakeh te pai tih Judah ol neh a len la pang. Te phoeiah a thui tih, “Assyria manghai boei kah manghai ol he hnatun uh.
and to stand: stand Rabshakeh Rabshakeh and to call: call out in/on/with voice great: large Judahite and to speak: speak and to say to hear: hear word [the] king [the] great: large king Assyria
29 Manghai loh he ni a thui. Nangmih te Hezekiah loh n'rhaithi boel saeh. A kut lamloh nangmih n'huul ham a coeng moenih.
thus to say [the] king not to deceive to/for you Hezekiah for not be able to/for to rescue [obj] you from hand: power his
30 Nangmih te Hezekiah loh BOEIPA dongah m'pangtung sak tih, “BOEIPA loh mamih n'huul rhoe n'huul ni, khopuei he khaw Assyria manghai kut ah pae mahpawh,’ a ti moenih a?
and not to trust [obj] you Hezekiah to(wards) LORD to/for to say to rescue to rescue us LORD and not to give: give [obj] [the] city [the] this in/on/with hand: power king Assyria
31 Hezekiah ol te hnatun uh boeh. Assyria manghai loh he ni a thui. Kai taengah yoethennah mah saii uh. Kai taengla ha mop uh lamtah hlang loh amah misur neh amah thaibu te rhip ca saeh. Hlang loh amah kah tuito tui te o saeh.
not to hear: hear to(wards) Hezekiah for thus to say king Assyria to make with me blessing and to come out: come to(wards) me and to eat man: anyone vine his and man: anyone fig his and to drink man: anyone water pit his
32 Kai taengla na pawk hlan vaengah namah khohmuen banghui khohmuen la nangmih kang khuen coeng. Te tah cangpai neh misur thai khohmuen ni, buh neh misur khohmuen ni, olive situi neh khoitui khohmuen ni. Te dongah hing uh lamtah duek uh boeh. Hezekiah ol te hnatun uh boeh. Nangmih m'vueh m'vuehtih, “BOEIPA loh mamih n'huul bitni.
till to come (in): come I and to take: take [obj] you to(wards) land: country/planet like/as land: country/planet your land: country/planet grain and new wine land: country/planet food: bread and vineyard land: country/planet olive oil and honey and to live and not to die and not to hear: hear to(wards) Hezekiah for to incite [obj] you to/for to say LORD to rescue us
33 Namtom pathen rhoek loh a khohmuen dongah hlang te Assyria manghai kut lamloh a huul khaw a huul uh nim?
to rescue to rescue God [the] nation man: anyone [obj] land: country/planet his from hand: power king Assyria
34 Khamath neh Arpad pathen rhoek te melae? Hena Sepharvaim neh Ivvah pathen rhoek te melae?’ a ti. Ka kut lamloh Samaria a huul uh tang a?
where? God Hamath and Arpad where? God Sepharvaim Hena and Ivvah for to rescue [obj] Samaria from hand: power my
35 Khohmuen pathen boeih khuiah khaw ka kut lamloh a khohmuen aka huul te unim? BOEIPA loh Jerusalem te kai kut lamkah a huul tang aya?,” a ti nah.
who? in/on/with all God [the] land: country/planet which to rescue [obj] land: country/planet their from hand: power my for to rescue LORD [obj] Jerusalem from hand: power my
36 Tedae manghai kah olpaek loh, “Anih te doo uh boeh,” a ti nah dongah pilnam khaw ngam tih anih te ol pakhat khaw doo uh van pawh.
and be quiet [the] people and not to answer [obj] him word for commandment [the] king he/she/it to/for to say not to answer him
37 Te phoeiah im aka tawt Hilkiah capa Eliakim, cadaek Shebna, khocil aka khoem Asaph capa Joah tah himbai aka phen Hezekiah taengla cet uh tih Rabshakeh kah ol te a taengah a puen pauh.
and to come (in): come Eliakim son: child Hilkiah which upon [the] house: temple and Shebna [the] secretary and Joah son: child Asaph [the] to remember to(wards) Hezekiah to tear garment and to tell to/for him word Rabshakeh Rabshakeh

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