< 2 Manghai 16 >

1 Remaliah capa Pekah kah kum hlai rhih kum vaengah Judah manghai Jotham capa Ahaz khaw manghai van.
In the seventeenth year of Pekah the son of Remaliah Ahaz the son of Jotham king of Judah began to reign.
2 Ahaz amah he kum kul a lo ca vaengah manghai. Jerusalem ah kum hlai rhuk manghai dae a napa David bangla a Pathen BOEIPA mikhmuh ah a thuem a saii moenih.
Twenty years old [was] Ahaz when he began to reign, and reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem, and did not [that which was] right in the sight of the LORD his God, like David his father.
3 Israel manghai rhoek kah longpuei ah pongpa tih namtom kah tueilaehkoi la a ca pataeng hmai dongah a kat sak. BOEIPA loh amih te Israel ca mikhmuh lamkah ni a haek coeng.
But he walked in the way of the kings of Israel, yea, and made his son to pass through the fire, according to the abominations of the heathen, whom the LORD cast out from before the children of Israel.
4 Hmuensang neh som ah khaw, thing hing cungkuem hmuiah khaw a nawn tih a phum.
And he sacrificed and burnt incense in the high places, and on the hills, and under every green tree.
5 Aram manghai Rezin neh Israel manghai Remaliah capa Pekah loh caemtloek la Jerusalem a paan rhoi. Te vaengah Ahaz te a dum rhoi dae a vathoh ham tah coeng rhoi pawh.
Then Rezin king of Syria and Pekah son of Remaliah king of Israel came up to Jerusalem to war: and they besieged Ahaz, but could not overcome [him].
6 Te vaeng tue ah Aram manghai Rezin loh Aram hamla Elath te a lat pah. Elath lamkah Judah te a biit dongah Arammi neh Edom loh Elath la puen uh tih tahae khohnin duela pahoi kho a sak uh.
At that time Rezin king of Syria recovered Elath to Syria, and drave the Jews from Elath: and the Syrians came to Elath, and dwelt there unto this day.
7 Ahaz loh Assyria manghai Tiglathpileser taengah puencawn a tueih tih, “Kai he na sal neh na ca ni. Halo lamtah kai he Aram manghai kut lamkah neh kai aka tlai thil Israel manghai kut lamkah n'khang laeh,” a ti nah.
So Ahaz sent messengers to Tiglath-pileser king of Assyria, saying, I [am] thy servant and thy son: come up, and save me out of the hand of the king of Syria, and out of the hand of the king of Israel, which rise up against me.
8 Te vaengah Ahaz loh cak neh sui khaw, BOEIPA im neh manghai im thakvoh khuikah a hmuh boeih te a loh tih Assyria manghai taengah kapbaih la a pat.
And Ahaz took the silver and gold that was found in the house of the LORD, and in the treasures of the king’s house, and sent [it for] a present to the king of Assyria.
9 Anih ol te Assyria manghai loh a ngai pah dongah Assyria manghai loh Damasku te a paan. Te te a buem van neh a khuikah rhoek te Kir la a poelyoe tih Rezin te khaw a duek sak.
And the king of Assyria hearkened unto him: for the king of Assyria went up against Damascus, and took it, and carried [the people of] it captive to Kir, and slew Rezin.
10 Manghai Ahaz te Assyria manghai Tiglathpileser doe ham Damasku la pawk. Te vaengah Damasku kah hmueihtuk te a hmuh. Te dongah manghai Ahaz loh khosoih Uriah taengla hmueihtuk kah mueiloh neh a kutngo cungkuem dongkah a muei te a pat.
And king Ahaz went to Damascus to meet Tiglath-pileser king of Assyria, and saw an altar that [was] at Damascus: and king Ahaz sent to Urijah the priest the fashion of the altar, and the pattern of it, according to all the workmanship thereof.
11 Te dongah Damasku lamkah manghai Ahaz loh a cungkuem a pat pah vanbangla khosoih Uriah loh hmueihtuk te a sak tih Damasku lamkah manghai Ahaz a mael hlan ah khosoih Uriah long khaw ana saii pah van.
And Urijah the priest built an altar according to all that king Ahaz had sent from Damascus: so Urijah the priest made [it] against king Ahaz came from Damascus.
12 Damasku lamkah manghai a pawk vaengah tah manghai loh hmueihtuk te a hmuh. Te dongah manghai loh hmueihtuk taengla tawn uh tih a sola luei.
And when the king was come from Damascus, the king saw the altar: and the king approached to the altar, and offered thereon.
13 Te phoeiah a hmueihhlutnah neh a khocang te a phum. A tuisi te a doeng tih rhoepnah thii te hmueihtuk dongah amah la a haeh.
And he burnt his burnt offering and his meat offering, and poured his drink offering, and sprinkled the blood of his peace offerings, upon the altar.
14 BOEIPA mikhmuh kah rhohum hmueihtuk te khaw im hmai lamkah hmueihtuk laklo neh BOEIPA im laklo lamloh a puen tih tlangpuei hmueihtuk kaep ah a khueh.
And he brought also the brasen altar, which [was] before the LORD, from the forefront of the house, from between the altar and the house of the LORD, and put it on the north side of the altar.
15 Manghai Ahaz loh khosoih Uriah te a uen, a uen tih, “Mincang kah hmueihhlutnah neh hlaem kah khocang khaw, manghai kah hmueihhlutnah neh a khocang khaw, khohmuen pilnam cungkuem kah hmueihhlutnah neh a khocang khaw a tuisi khaw, hmueihtuk len dongah phum. Hmueihhlutnah thii boeih neh hmueih thii boeih tah a soah haeh thil. Tedae rhohum hmueihtuk tah kai ham aka hnukdawn la om saeh,” a ti nah.
And king Ahaz commanded Urijah the priest, saying, Upon the great altar burn the morning burnt offering, and the evening meat offering, and the king’s burnt sacrifice, and his meat offering, with the burnt offering of all the people of the land, and their meat offering, and their drink offerings; and sprinkle upon it all the blood of the burnt offering, and all the blood of the sacrifice: and the brasen altar shall be for me to enquire [by].
16 A cungkuem dongah manghai Ahaz kah a uen bangla khosoih Uriah loh a saii.
Thus did Urijah the priest, according to all that king Ahaz commanded.
17 Manghai Ahaz loh tungkho soenglong te a top tih te dong lamkah baeldung te khaw a khoe. Tuli te a dangkah rhohum vaito dong lamloh a hlak tih lung phaih dongah a khueh.
And king Ahaz cut off the borders of the bases, and removed the laver from off them; and took down the sea from off the brasen oxen that [were] under it, and put it upon a pavement of stones.
18 Hlamim khaw im taengkah a sak Sabbath hlamim tah Assyria manghai kah maelhmai kongah ni BOEIPA im kah manghai khuirhai voel la a det.
And the covert for the sabbath that they had built in the house, and the king’s entry without, turned he from the house of the LORD for the king of Assyria.
19 Ahaz kah ol noi neh a bi saii te Judah manghai rhoek kah khokhuen olka cabu dongah a daek uh moenih a?
Now the rest of the acts of Ahaz which he did, [are] they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah?
20 Ahaz te a napa rhoek taengla a khoem uh vaengah David khopuei kah a napa rhoek taengah a up. Te phoeiah a capa Hezekiah te anih yueng la manghai.
And Ahaz slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the city of David: and Hezekiah his son reigned in his stead.

< 2 Manghai 16 >