< 2 Khokhuen 33 >

1 Manasseh te a manghai vaengah kum hlai nit lo ca pueng tih Jerusalem ah sawmnga neh kum nga manghai.
Manasses was of twelue yeer, whanne he bygan to regne, and he regnyde in Jerusalem fyue and fifti yeer.
2 BOEIPA loh Israel ca mikhmuh lamkah a haek tangtae namtom kah tueilaehkoi bangla BOEIPA mik ah boethae a saii.
Forsothe he dide yuel bifor the Lord bi abhomynaciouns of hethene men, whiche the Lord destriede bifor the sones of Israel.
3 Mael tih a napa Hezekiah loh a palet tangtae hmuensang te a thoh. Baal hamla hmueihtuk a suem tih Asherah a saii. Vaan caempuei boeih taengah bakop tih te rhoek taengah tho a thueng.
And he turnede, and restoride the hiye places, whiche Ezechie, his fadir, hadde destried. And he bildide auteris to Baalym, and made wodis, and worschipide al the knyythod of heuene, and heriede it.
4 BOEIPA loh, “Ka ming he Jerusalem ah kumhal duela om ni,” a ti lalah BOEIPA im khuiah hmueihtuk a suem.
And he bildide auteris in the hows of the Lord, of which the Lord hadde seid, My name schal be in Jerusalem with outen ende.
5 BOEIPA im vongup rhoi ah vaan caempuei cungkuem ham hmueihtuk a suem.
Sotheli he bildide tho auteris to al the knyythod of heuene in the twei large places of the hows of the Lord.
6 Anih loh a ca rhoek te kolrhawk kah hmai khuila a kat sak. Kutyaek a sawt, lung a sawt, hlang a bi, rhaitonghma neh hnam a saii. Amah veet hamla BOEIPA mik ah boethae a saii khaw khawk.
And he made hise sones to passe thorouy the fier in the valei of Beennon; he kepte dremes; he suede fals diuynyng bi chiteryng of briddis; he seruyde witche craftis; he hadde with hym astronomyeris and enchaunteris, `ethir trigetours, that disseyuen mennus wittis, and he wrouyte many yuelis bifor the Lord to terre hym to wraththe.
7 Mueimae mueithuk a saii te Pathen im ah a khueh. Te te Pathen loh David taeng neh a capa Solomon taengah khaw, “Israel koca boeih lamloh ka coelh, he im khui neh Jerusalem khuiah tah kumhal duela ka ming te ka khueh eh.
Also he settide a grauun signe and a yotun signe in the hows of the Lord, of which hows God spak to Dauid, and to Salomon, his sone, and seide, Y schal sette my name with outen ende in this hows and in Jerusalem, which Y chees of alle the lynagis of Israel;
8 Tedae Israel kah kho te na pa rhoek taengah ka thoh khohmuen dong lamloh nong sak ham ka khoep mahpawh. Moses kut lamloh amih ka uen bangla olkhueng neh oltlueh neh laitloeknah boeih te a cungkuem la vai ham a ngaithuen mak atah,” a ti.
and Y schal not make the foot of Israel to moue fro the lond which Y yaf to her fadris, so oneli if thei kepen to do tho thingis whiche Y comaundide to hem, and al the lawe, and cerymonyes, and domes, bi the hond of Moises.
9 Tedae Manasseh loh namtom rhoek lakah boethae saii ham Judah neh Jerusalem khosa rhoek te kho a hmang sak. Te rhoek te BOEIPA loh Israel ca rhoek mikhmuh lamkah a mitmoeng sak coeng dae ta.
Therfor Manasses disseyuede Juda, and the dwelleris of Jerusalem, that thei diden yuel, more than alle hethene men, whiche the Lord hadde distriede fro the face of the sones of Israel.
10 BOEIPA loh Manasseh taeng neh a pilnam taengah a thui dae hnatung uh pawh.
And the Lord spak to hym, and to his puple; and thei nolden take heed.
11 Te dongah BOEIPA loh Assyria manghai kah caempuei mangpa rhoek te amih taengla a thak. Manasseh te mutlo hling neh a tuuk uh tih rhohum neh a khih uh phoeiah Babylon la a khuen uh.
Therfor the Lord brouyte on hem the princes of the oost of the kyng of Assiriens; and thei token Manasses, and bounden hym with chaynes, and stockis, and ledden hym in to Babiloyne.
12 A taengah puen a cak vaengah tah a Pathen BOEIPA mikhmuh ah nue coeng tih a napa rhoek kah Pathen mikhmuh ah muep kunyun.
And aftir that he was angwischid, he preiede `his Lord God, and dide penaunce gretli bifor the God of hise fadris.
13 Tedae a taengla a thangthui vaengah tah anih te a rhoi tih a lungmacil te a hnatun pah. Te dongah amah khaw a ram te Jerusalem la mael. Te vaengah Manasseh loh Yahweh amah he Pathen ni tila a ming.
And he preiede God, and bisechide ententifli; and God herde his preier, and brouyte hym ayen `in to Jerusalem in to his rewme; and Manasses knew, that the Lord hym silf is God.
14 A hnukah tah David khopuei rhamvoel kah vongtung te khotlak kah Gihon soklong ah a sak tih nga vongka a pha. Ophel te a tuung tih muep a sang sak. Judah kah vong cak khopuei boeih ah tatthai mangpa rhoek a khueh.
Aftir these thingis he bildide the wal with out the citee of Dauid, at the west of Gion, in the valei, fro the entryng of the yate of fischis, bi cumpas `til to Ophel; and he reiside it gretli; and he ordeynede princes of the oost in alle the stronge citees of Juda.
15 Kholong pathen rhoek neh a mueimae te khaw BOEIPA im lamloh a khoe tih, BOEIPA im tlang neh Jerusalem kah a sak hmueihtuk boeih khaw khopuei rhamvoel la a voeih.
And he dide awei alien goddis and symylacris fro the hows of the Lord; and he dide awei the auteris, whiche he hadde maad in the hil of the hows of the Lord, and in Jerusalem, and he castide awei alle with out the citee.
16 BOEIPA kah hmueihtuk te cikngae la a sak bal tih a soah rhoepnah neh uemonah hmueih te a nawn. Judah taengah khaw Israel Pathen BOEIPA taengah thothueng hamla a thui pah.
Certis he restoride the auter of the Lord, and offride theronne slayn sacrifices, and pesible sacrifices, and preisyng; and he comaundide Juda to serue the Lord God of Israel.
17 Tedae pilnam te hmuensang ah a nawn pueng tih a Pathen BOEIPA te khaw a bawkuh.
Netheles the puple offride yit in hiy places to `her Lord God.
18 Manasseh kah ol noi khaw, a Pathen taengah a thangthuinah khaw, Israel Pathen BOEIPA ming neh anih taengah aka thui khohmu rhoek kah ol khaw, Israel manghai rhoek kah olka khuiah om coeng ke.
Forsothe the residue of dedis of Manasses, and his bisechyng to `his Lord God, and the wordis of profetis, that spaken to hym in the name of the Lord God of Israel, ben conteyned in the wordis of the kyngis of Israel.
19 A thangthuinah neh a thangthui khaw, a tholhnah neh a boekoeknah boeih khaw, a soah hmuensang a sak nah hmuen te khaw, Asherah neh mueidaep a hol tih a hmai ah a kunyun khaw, Hozai kah olka khuiah a daek uh coeng ke.
And his preier, and the heryng, and alle synnes, and dispisyng, also the places in whiche he bildide hiy thingis, and made wodis and ymagis, bifor that he dide penaunce, ben writun in the bokis of Ozai.
20 Manasseh te a napa rhoek taengla a khoem uh vaengah anih te amah im ah a up uh. Te phoeiah tah a capa Amon te anih yueng la manghai.
Forsothe Manasses slepte with hise fadris, and thei birieden hym in his hows; and Amon, his sone, regnyde for hym.
21 Amon a manghai vaengah kum kul kum nit lo ca pueng tih Jerusalem ah kum nit manghai.
Amon was of two and twenti yeer, whanne he bigan to regne; and he regnyde twei yeer in Jerusalem.
22 A napa Manasseh kah a saii bangla BOEIPA mik ah boethae a saii. A napa Manasseh kah a saii mueidaep cungkuem taengah Amon loh a nawn tih tho a thueng.
And he dide yuel in the siyt of the Lord, as Manasses, his fadir, hadde do; and he offride, and seruyde to alle the idols, whiche Manasses hadde maad.
23 A napa Manasseh kah a kunyun bangla BOEIPA mikhmuh ah a kunyun moenih. Amon amah lat loh dumlai a pung sak.
And he reuerenside not the face of the Lord, as Manasses, `his fadir, reuerenside; and he dide mych gretter trespassis.
24 Te vaengah anih te a sal rhoek loh a taeng uh tih amah im ah a duek sakuh.
And whanne his seruauntis `hadden swore to gyder ayens hym, thei killiden hym in his hows.
25 Te dongah manghai Amon aka taeng boeih te khohmuen pilnam loh a ngawn. Te phoeiah tah khohmuen pilnam loh a capa Josiah te anih yueng la a manghai sak.
Sotheli the residue multitude of the puple, aftir that thei hadden slayn hem that `hadden slayn Amon, ordeyneden Josie, his sone, kyng for hym.

< 2 Khokhuen 33 >