< 1 Samuel 30 >

1 David neh a hlang rhoek loh a thum hnin ah Ziklag a pha uh. Te vaengah Amalek loh tuithim neh Ziklag ah cu uh. Te phoeiah Ziklag te a tloek uh tih hmai neh a hoeh uh.
And when David and his men had arrived at Ziklag on the third day, the Amalekites had made an attack on the south side against Ziklag. And they had struck Ziklag, and burned it with fire.
2 Te vaengah a khuikah huta rhoek te tanoe kangham la a kol uh. Hlang tah a duek sak muehla a vai uh tih a longpuei ah cet uh.
And they had led the women in it away as captives, from the small to the great. And they had not killed anyone, but they led them away with them. And then they traveled on their journey.
3 Tedae David neh a hlang rhoek te khopuei la ha pawk uh vaengah hmai ah tarha ana hoeh tih a yuu a canu neh a oila te ana sol pauh.
Therefore, when David and his men had arrived at the city, and had found it burned with fire, and that their wives and their sons and daughters had been led away as captives,
4 Te dongah David neh amah taengkah pilnam loh a ol a huel tih rhap uh. Te vaengah a khuikah thadueng a bawt hil rhap uh.
David and the people who were with him lifted up their voices. And they mourned until the tears in them failed.
5 David yuu rhoi Jezreel Ahinoam neh Karmel Nabal yuu Abigal khaw a khuen uh.
For indeed, the two wives of David also had been led away as captives: Ahinoam, the Jezreelite, and Abigail, the wife of Nabal of Carmel.
6 Pilnam pum loh amah ca amah ca ham neh a tanu rhoek ham a hinglu te rhip a phaep uh. Te dongah amah te dae ham te pilnam loh a thui coeng dongah David loh puen a cak tangkik. Tedae David tah BOEIPA a Pathen dongah ni a pangtung.
And David was greatly saddened. And the people were willing to stone him, because the soul of every man was bitter over his sons and daughters. But David was strengthened by the Lord his God.
7 Te phoeiah David loh Ahimelek capa, khosoih Abiathar taengah, “Hnisui te kai taengla hang khuen dae,” a ti nah tih Abiathar loh hnisui te David taengla a khuen pah.
And he said to the priest Abiathar, the son of Ahimelech, “Bring the ephod to me.” And Abiathar brought the ephod to David.
8 David loh BOEIPA te a dawt tih, “Caem hnukah he ka hloem koinih ka kae aya?,” a ti nah hatah, “Hloem, na kae rhoe na kae vetih na huul rhoe na huul bitni,” a ti nah.
And David consulted the Lord, saying, “Shall I pursue these robbers, and will I overtake them, or not?” And the Lord said to him: “Pursue. For without doubt, you will overtake them and find the prey.”
9 Te dongah David neh amah taengkah hlang ya rhuk loh cet uh. Tedae Besor soklong a pha uh vaengah aka coih rhoek loh uelh uh.
Therefore, David went away, he and the six hundred men who were with him, and they arrived as far as the torrent Besor. And certain ones, being weary, stayed there.
10 Te dongah David amah neh hlang ya li loh a hloem uh dae Besor soklong a poeng uh lamkah aka tawn hlang yahnih tah paa uh.
But David pursued, he and four hundred men. For two hundred stayed, who, being weary, were not able to cross the torrent Besor.
11 Te vaengah lohma li ah Egypt hlang te a hmuh uh tih David taengla a khuen uh. Te phoeiah anih te buh a paek uh tih a caak phoeiah tui a tul uh.
And they found an Egyptian man in the field, and they led him to David. And they gave him bread, so that he might eat, and water, so that he might drink,
12 Te phoeiah anih te thaidae thaidae phaklung pakhat neh, misur rhae panit a paek uh. Anih te khothaih hninthum neh khoyin hninthum buh ca pawt tih tui a ok pawt dongah tekah te a caak daengah ni a dawn a sai pah pueng.
and also a section of a mass of dried figs, and two clusters of dried grapes. And when he had eaten, his spirit returned, and he was refreshed. For he had not eaten bread, nor drank water, for three days and three nights.
13 Anih te David loh, “Nang ulae? Nang me lamkah lae?” a ti nah vaengah, “Kai tah Amalek hlang kah sal, Egypt ca dae ni, hnin thum ka tloh dongah ka boei loh n'hnoo.
And so David said to him: “To whom do you belong? Or where are you from? And where are you going?” And he said: “I am a young man of Egypt, the servant of an Amalekite man. But my lord abandoned me, because I began to be sick the day before yesterday.
14 Kaimih loh Kerethi tuithim, Judah neh Kaleb tuithim te ka muk uh tih Ziklag te hmai neh ka hoeh uh,” a ti nah.
For indeed, we broke forth to the southern side of Cherethi, and against Judah, and to the south of Caleb, and we burned Ziklag with fire.”
15 Te dongah anih te David loh, “Tekah caem taengla kai nan suntlak puei aya?” a ti nah. Te vaengah, “Kai nan duek sak ham neh ka boeipa kut ah kai nan det pawt ham mah, Pathen taengah kai hamla toemngam lamtah nang te caem taengla kan suntlak puei bitni,” a ti nah.
And David said to him, “Are you able to lead me to this battle line?” And he said, “Swear to me by God that you will not kill me, and that you will not deliver me into the hands of my lord, and I will lead you to this battle line.” And David swore to him.
16 Tedae anih a suntlak vaengah tah Philisti kho lamkah neh Judah kho lamkah kutbuem boeih te muep a loh uh coeng dongah diklai hman boeih ah aka ca, aka o neh aka lam rhoek te khawk ana yaal uh.
And when he had led him, behold, they were stretched out on the face of the land everywhere, eating and drinking and celebrating, as if it were a feast day, because of all the prey and spoils that they had taken from the land of the Philistines, and from the land of Judah.
17 Amih te David loh hlaemhmah lamloh a vuen kholaeh duela a ngawn. Te dongah amih lamkah hlang tah loeih pawh. Kalauk dongah aka ngol camoe hlang ya li bueng rhaelrham uh.
And David struck them down from evening until the evening of the next day. And no one among them escaped, except four hundred youths, who had climbed on camels and fled.
18 Te daengah Amalek kah a loh rhoek te David loh boeih a lat tih a yuu rhoi te khaw David loh a lat.
Therefore, David rescued all that the Amalekites had taken, and he rescued his two wives.
19 Te vaengah amih te tanoe kangham, capa, canu khaw kutbuem khaw a hmaai moenih. Amih lamkah a loh uh boeih te David loh boeih a mael puei.
And nothing was missing, from small even to great, among the sons and daughters, and among the spoils, and among everything whatsoever that they had seized. David returned it all.
20 Te vaengah David loh boiva neh saelhung te boeih a loh tih a hmai la a vai uh. Te vaengah, “Boiva he David kah kutbuem ni he,” a ti uh.
And he took all the flocks and the herds, and he drove them before his face. And they said, “This is the prey of David.”
21 Te vaengah David taengla hlang yahnih ha pawk tih a tawn doela David hnuk ah cet uh. Amih tah Besor soklong ah a om sak tih David doe ham neh anih taengkah pilnam te doe hamla ha pawk uh. Te dongah David te pilnam taengla thoeih tih amih te sading la a voek.
Then David arrived at the two hundred men, who, being weary, had stayed, for they had not been able to follow David, and he had ordered them to remain at the torrent Besor. And they went out to meet David, and the people who were with him. Then David, drawing near to the people, greeted them peacefully.
22 Tedae David hnuk aka vai hlang rhoek khuikah boethae neh aka muen hlang boeih loh a doo uh vaengah, “Kai taengah aka pongpa pawt tah kutbuem n'lat he amih taengla pae boel saeh. A yuu a ca rhoek te tah rhip hmaithawn uh saeh lamtah cet uh saeh,” a ti uh.
And all the wicked and iniquitous men, out of the men who had gone with David, responding, said: “Since they did not go with us, we will not give to them anything from the prey that we have rescued. But let his wife and children be enough for each of them; when they have accepted this, they may go back.”
23 Tedae David loh, “Ka manuca rhoek, te tlam te saii uh boeh. BOEIPA loh mamih taengla m'paek coeng te tah mamih loh ngaithuen sih. Te dongah ni mamih aka cuuk thil caem te mamih kut ah m'paek.
But David said: “You shall not do this, my brothers, with these things that the Lord has delivered to us, for he has preserved us, and he has given into our hands the robbers who broke out among us.
24 Caemtloek la aka suntla rhoek kah hamsum la na ti ol te u long a hnatun eh? Te dongah hnopai taengah aka om rhoek khaw hamsum la yen tael uh thae saeh,” a ti nah.
And so, let no one heed you over these words. But equal shall be the portion of him who descended to the battle, and of him who remained with the supplies, and they will divide it alike.”
25 Te dongah te khohnin lamkah a so hang ah tah tekah ol te oltlueh neh laitloeknah la a saii tih tihnin due Israel ham a om pah.
And this has been done from that day and thereafter. And it was established as a statute, and as if a law, in Israel even to this day.
26 David te Ziklag la a pha vaengah kutbuem te Judah kah a hamca rhoek taeng neh a hui rhoek taengla a pat tih, “BOEIPA thunkha rhoek kah kutbuem khui lamkah nangmih ham yoethennah ni he ne,” a ti nah.
Then David went to Ziklag, and he sent gifts from the prey to the elders of Judah, his neighbors, saying, “Receive a blessing from the prey of the enemies of the Lord,”
27 Te rhoek te Bethel ah, tuithim Ramath neh Jattir ah,
to those who were in Bethel, and who were in Ramoth toward the south, and who were in Jattir,
28 Aroer ah, Siphmoth ah, Eshtmoa ah,
and who were in Aroer, and who were in Siphmoth, and who were in Eshtemoa,
29 Rakal ah khaw, Jerahmeli khopuei rhoek ah khaw, Keni kah khopuei rhoek ah khaw,
and who were in Racal, and who were in the cities of Jerahmeel, and who were in the cities of Keni,
30 Hormah ah khaw, Khorashan ah khaw, Athach ah khaw,
and who were in Hormah, and who were at the lake of Ashan, and who were in Athach,
31 Hebron neh David amah neh a hlang rhoek kah pongpa nah hmuen boeih taengah a tael.
and who were in Hebron, and to the remainder who were in those places where David had stayed, he and his men.

< 1 Samuel 30 >