< 1 Khawrin 7 >

1 Na ca daek kawng dongah huta tongpa a ben pawt te then coeng.
Now [I will reply to] the things that you wrote to me about. It is good for people not to get married.
2 Tedae Cukhalnah dongah a yuu rhip khueh uh saeh lamtah a va rhip khueh uh saeh.
But because many people are committing sexual immorality, [which God detests], every man should have his own wife [with whom he can have sexual relations], and every woman should have her own husband [with whom she can have sexual relations].
3 Huta te tongpa loh docanah neh thuung saeh. Te vanbangla huta long khaw tongpa taengah khueh van saeh.
Every man must continue having sexual relations [EUP] with his wife, and every woman must continue having sexual relations with her husband.
4 Huta loh amah pum te a hutnah moenih. A va long ni a hutnah. Te vanbangla tongpa long khaw amah pum a hutnah moenih huta long ni a hutnah.
A man’s wife does not have the right over her own body [to be the only one to decide about having sexual relations with her husband]. Instead, her husband also has a right [to decide about that]. Similarly, a woman’s husband does not have the right over his own body [to be the only one to decide about having sexual relations with his wife]. Instead, his wife also has a right [to decide about that].
5 Kotluep la a om pawt oeh atah thangthuinah tue te na hoep phoeiah amah la koep na om uh mai mako. Te daengah ni na khoeihveetnah dongah Satan loh nangmih n'cuekcawn pawt eh.
You may refuse [to have sexual relations with] each other [EUP] only if you both first agree to do that for a short time, in order that you may both have more time to pray. Then after that, begin having sexual relations again [EUP] in order that Satan will not be able to persuade you [to have sex with someone else] because you are unable to control your sexual desires.
6 Tedae hekah he olpaek nen pawt tih rhoirhinah nen ni ka thui.
I am telling you these things to say that [God] allows [you to get married, but he] does not say that you must [get married].
7 Hlang boeih he kamah bangla om sak ham ka ngaih pataeng. Pathen taengkah kutdoe te amah ah pakhat rhip loh he he, pakhat loh ke tila rhip a khueh.
I myself wish that all people would stay [unmarried/single], as I am. But God has enabled each person to live in ways that seem right for them. He has enabled some people to [live without getting married], and he has enabled other people to [get married].
8 Pumhong rhoek neh nuhmai rhoek te kai bangla om uh koinih amih ham then dae ka ti.
Now I want to say this to you unmarried people and to you whose spouses have died: It would be good for you to remain [unmarried] as I am.
9 Tedae a kuemsuem uh pawt atah imkhueh saeh. A cahoeh lakah tah yuloh vaksak tih a om te then ngai.
But if you cannot control your [sexual desires] [EUP], you should get married. It is better to be married [so that you can satisfy your sexual desires with your spouse] than to constantly have a strong desire [EUP] [for sexual relations].
10 Tedae rhukom rhoek te ka uen he kai long pawt tih Boeipa long ni ng'uen.
And now I will give a command for [believers who are] married. This is not a command from me alone; it also comes from the Lord Jesus. You married women must not (separate from/divorce) your husbands!
11 Huta loh a va te maa boel saeh. Tedae a maa oeh atah pumhong la tlumhmawn saeh. Te lakah atah a va te moeithen saeh lamtah a va long khaw a yuu te hnoo boel saeh.
But if any of you do that, you must remain unmarried, or else you should be reconciled with your husband [and live with him again]. Similarly, men must not (separate from/divorce) their wives.
12 Tedae a tloe rhoek taengah kai loh Boeipa long moenih ka ti. Manuca khat khat loh aka tangnahmueh te a yuu la a khueh tih anih te a taengah kol ham a naep atah anih te hnoo boel saeh.
Now I say this to the rest of you, [to those who became believers after they were married. This is what] I [am saying], not what the Lord [has commanded]. If someone has a wife who is not a believer, if she is willing to keep living with him, he must not divorce her.
13 Huta long khaw aka tangnahmueh khat khat te a va la a khueh tih tongpa long khaw anih taengah kol ham a naep atah a va te maa boel saeh.
Similarly, if a woman has a husband who is not a believer, if he is willing to keep living with her, she must not divorce him.
14 Aka tangnahmueh tongpa tah a yuu lamloh a ciim tih aka tangnahmueh huta tah manuca lamloh ciim coeng. Te pawt koinih na ca rhoek te rhalawt la om uh sui dae a cim la a om uh coeng he ta.
[I say that] because God has set apart every woman’s unbelieving husband [for himself] because of his wife [being a believer], and God has set apart every man’s unbelieving wife [for himself] because of her husband [being a believer]. If that were not true, [God would consider] their children unacceptable. But, the fact is that [God does consider] them acceptable to him.
15 Tedae aka tangnahmueh loh a maa atah maa ngawn saeh. Manuca neh ngannu tah tebang dongah sal a bi sak voel moenih. Tedae rhoepnah khuila nangmih te Pathen loh n'khue coeng.
However, if a woman’s husband who is not a believer or a man’s wife who is not a believer wants to leave, let [him or her] do so. The husband or wife who is a believer should not force the other one to stay. God has chosen us in order that we may live peacefully.
16 Huta aw tongpa te na khang ham khaw metlam na ming. tongpa aw huta te na khang ham khaw metlam na ming.
[You women believers should allow your unbelieving spouses to leave you if they want to], because there is no way that you can be sure that God will save your husband if you stay together [RHQ] (OR, perhaps God will save your husband if you stay together.) Similarly, you men [who are believers], there is no way that you can be sure that God will save your wives if you stay together [RHQ] (OR, perhaps God will save your wives if you stay together.)
17 Hlang khat rhip te Boeipa loh a tultael tih Pathen loh a khue vanbangla rhip kan uh tangloeng saeh. Te dongah ni hlangboel khuikah boeih te khaw kang uen van.
However, each person should continue in the status that the Lord gave him, the status that he had when the Lord called him [to belong to him]. That is the rule that I tell people in all the congregations [where I speak].
18 Yahvinrhet pakhat la a khue coeng te tah paa boel saeh. Pumdul khuikah pakhat te a khue coeng atah yahvinrhet boel mai saeh.
If a man had already been circumcised [RHQ] when he became a Christian, he should not [try to pretend that he is not] circumcised. If a man had not been circumcised [RHQ] before he became a Christian, he should not become circumcised.
19 yahvinrhetnah te a hoeihae la om. Pumdul khaw a hoeihae la om. Tedae Pathen kah olpaek te kuem saeh.
[You should not try to change your status that way], because it means nothing [to God] whether someone is circumcised or not. What is important is that we obey what God has commanded.
20 Khuenah khuila a khue rhoek boeih tah a khuenah dongah naeh saeh.
[Generally], each person should remain in the status that he had when he became a Christian.
21 Sal la n'khue vaengah nang ham na ngaihuet pawh. Tedae na loeih uh thai coeng oeh atah lat rhoidoeng uh laeh.
If one of you was a slave when you [(sg)] became a Christian [RHQ], do not be concerned about it. However, if you get an opportunity to be free, do [what you need to do to become free].
22 Boeipa ah a khue sal pakhat te Boeipa ah hlang loeih la om. Te vanbangla aka loeih te khaw a khue coeng atah Khrih kah sal la om.
[Do not worry about your previously being a slave], because those who were slaves before they became Christians, the Lord has freed them [from Satan’s control]. Similarly, those who were not slaves before they became Christians, [it is as though] [MET] they are Christ’s slaves [because they must do what he tells them to do] [MET].
23 A phu neh n'lai uh dongah hlang kah sal la om uh boeh.
[Christ] paid a price to buy you [when he died for you]. So do not [act as if you are evil people’s] slaves [by doing the evil things that they tell you to do].
24 Manuca rhoek te te khuila rhip a khue. Te nen te Pathen taengah naeh saeh.
My fellow believers, [I repeat that in general] each believer, being in fellowship with God, should continue in the status that he had before he became a Christian.
25 Oila ham te tah Boeipa kah olpaek ka khueh pawh. Tedae a rhen tangtae vanbangla Boeipa dongah uepom la om ham poeknah ka paek.
Now [I will answer your question] about women who have never married. There is nothing that the Lord has commanded me [to write about them], but I am writing this to tell you what I think [is best], because the Lord [Jesus] has mercifully enabled me to [say] what is reliable.
26 A kueknah te ha pai coeng dongah a then la om he ka poek van. Te tlam te hlang taengah a then la om tangloeng saeh.
There are a lot of distressing events [happening] now (OR, that will soon happen), so I think that it is better for people to remain in the marital status that they now have.
27 Na yuu la a samtom te paekrhanah tlap boeh. Yuu te na hlak atah yuu tlap voel boeh.
If any of you [men] are married [RHQ], do not try to divorce your wife. If any of you are unmarried [RHQ], do not seek a wife.
28 Tedae na yunah van atah na tholh moenih. Oila long khaw va a sak atah a tholh moenih. Tedae tebang te pumsa ah phacip phabaem la om ni. Te dongah kai loh nangmih kan hlun.
But if [any of] you [men] get married, you have not committed a sin [by doing that]. Likewise, if an unmarried woman gets married, she has not committed a sin [by doing that]. However, those who get married will have many troubles, [so I am urging you to remain unmarried in order that] you may not experience [such troubles].
29 Manuca rhoek, hekah he ka thui dae a tue loh tok coeng. Tahae lamkah tah yuu aka khueh khaw aka khueh pawt banglam a om pueng eh.
My fellow believers, this is what I mean: There is not much time left [before Christ returns]. So, from now on those men who are married should [devote themselves to serving the Lord as much] as they would if they were not married.
30 Aka rhap long te khaw aka rhap pawt bangla, aka omngaih long khaw aka omngaih pawt bangla, aka lai long khaw aka khueh pawt bangla,
Those who are sad should [devote themselves to serving the Lord as much] as they would if they were not sad. Those who are rejoicing [should devote themselves to serving the Lord as much] as they would if they were not joyful.
31 Diklai aka hnonah rhoek lawn boeh. Diklai kah he tah a suisak khum coeng.
Those who are buying things should [devote themselves to serving the Lord as much] as they would if they did not possess those things. Because this world as it exists now will soon be gone, those who are actively involved in the affairs of this life [should not devote all their time] to be involved in those things.
32 Tedae nangmih te bidip la om sak ka ngaih. Pumhong loh Boeipa te kolo sak ham Boeipa kah bitat dongah mawn saeh.
[Another reason why] I [encourage you to remain unmarried is that] I desire that none of you be anxious [about the everyday affairs of this life]. Unmarried men are [able to be primarily] concerned about serving the Lord Jesus and trying to please him.
33 Tedae rhukom tah a yuu te kolo sak ham Diklai kah bitat dongah mawn saeh.
But married men are [often] greatly concerned about the affairs of this life. Specifically, they are concerned about pleasing their wives.
34 Tedae a cikok dongah pumhong nu long khaw, oila long khaw Boeipa kah bitat dongah mawn saeh. Te daengah ni pum neh mueihla ah khaw a cim la a om eh. Tedae rhukom nu tah a va te kolo sak ham Diklai kah bitat dongah mawn saeh.
So their thinking is divided. Unmarried women are [able to be] concerned about serving the Lord. They want to set apart their minds and their bodies for serving the Lord. But married women are [often] concerned about the affairs of this life. Specifically, they are concerned about how to please their husbands.
35 Nangmih te amah rhoeikhang ham ka thui coeng he. Nangmih te kuiokrhui kan sui thil moenih. Tedae Boeipa te a koihhilh neh liplip ngaan sak ham ni ka thui.
I am telling you this for your own good. I am not saying it in order to restrict you. Instead, I am saying it in order that you may do what is proper and be able to serve the Lord without being distracted {things distracting you}.
36 Tedae pakhat loh a oila nah te savek tih suiham la a om khaw a poek khaming. Te vaengah a kuek aka om van te tah a ngaih bangla rhoi sak. A tholh moenih yuva uh rhoi saeh.
[Some of you men have asked about your unmarried daughters]. [I suggest that] if any man thinks that he may be treating his daughter unfairly [by keeping her from marrying], and if it is already past [the right] time for her to get married, and if he thinks that she ought to be married, he should do what he wants to do. He should let her get married. He will not be sinning [by doing that].
37 Tedae a thinko ah khak aka pai te tah a kueknah a om moenih. Amah a kongaih kawng dongah saithainah a khueh ngawn. He tla ko a taam khaw a oila te tuem ham ni a thinko ah balh a saii coeng.
But if a man feels absolutely sure [that it is better that his daughter not get married], and if nothing is forcing [her to get married], and if he is free to do what he decides to do on the matter, if he decides that his daughter should not get married, he is doing what is right in [keeping her from marrying].
38 Te dongah amah kah oila aka bae tah balh a saii coeng. Yuloh neh vasak pawt long khaw a then ni a saii.
So any man who decides that his daughter should get married is doing what is good, but if he decides that she should not get married, he is doing something even better. (OR, [Some of you men have asked about the women to whom you are engaged to marry]. If any man thinks that he may be treating that woman unfairly [by not marrying her], and if it is already past [the right] time for her to get married, and if he wants to marry her very much, he should do what he wants to do. He should marry her. He will not be sinning [by doing that]. But if a man feels absolutely sure [that it is better] for him not to get married, and if nothing is forcing [them to get married], if he is free to make his own decision on the matter, if he decides not to get married, he is doing what is right. So any man who decides that he should get married to the woman he is engaged to is doing what is good, but if he decides that he should not get married, he is doing something even better.)
39 Huta tah a hing tue khuiah a va loh a pin. Tedae a va te a duek atah aka loeih la om coeng tih a ngaih te tah Boeipa ming neh dawk vanah saeh.
Women must remain married to their husbands while their husbands are still alive. But if a woman’s husband dies, she is free to marry any [unmarried] man whom she wants to marry, but he must belong to the Lord.
40 Tedae kai kah kopoek bangla om mai koinih a yoethen ni. Kai long khaw Pathen kah Mueihla a khueh tila ka poek.
However, I think that she will be happier if she does not marry again. And I believe that the Spirit of God is [directing] me [as I say that].

< 1 Khawrin 7 >