< Deuteronomy 1 >

1 Hae lok loe Paran, Tophel, Laban, Hazeroth hoi Dihazab vangpui salak, Jordan vapui zaeh ih praezaek, Zuph vangpui hma ih azawn ah, Mosi mah Israel kaminawk khaeah thuih ih lok ah oh.
These bee the wordes which Moses spake vnto all Israel, on this side Iorden in the wildernesse, in the plaine, ouer against the red Sea, betweene Paran and Tophel, and Laban, and Hazeroth, and Di-zahab.
2 Seir mae lam hoi caeh naah Horeb hoi Kadesh-Barnea karoek to ni hatlaito akra.
There are eleuen dayes iourney from Horeb vnto Kadesh-barnea, by the way of mout Seir.
3 Mosi mah saning qui pali, khrah hatlaito, amtong tangsuekhaih niah, Angraeng mah Israel kaminawk khaeah thuih pae han paek ih loknawk boih to thuih pae;
And it came to passe in the first day of the eleuenth moneth, in the fourtieth yeere that Moses spake vnto the children of Israel according vnto all that the Lord had giuen him in commandement vnto them,
4 Heshbon vangpui ah kaom, Amor siangpahrang Sihon hoi Edrei prae, Ashtaroth vangpui ah kaom, Bashan siangpahrang Og to hum pacoeng,
After that he had slaine Sihon the king of the Amorites which dwelt in Heshbon, and Og king of Bashan, which dwelt at Ashtaroth in Edrei.
5 Jordan vapui zaeh ih Moab prae ah Mosi mah hae kaalok hae taphong pae;
On this side Iorden in the lande of Moab began Moses to declare this lawe, saying,
6 aicae Angraeng Sithaw mah Horeb ah aicae khaeah hae tiah thuih; hae mae ah saning sawk parai ah na oh o boeh:
The Lord our God spake vnto vs in Horeb, saying, Ye haue dwelt long ynough in this mount,
7 na oh o haih ahmuen hoiah angqoi oh loe, Amor kaminawk ohhaih mae, to mae hoi kanghnai ahmuennawk boih, tangtling ahmuen, mae nui ih ahmuen, azawn ih ahmuen, aloih bang ih prae, tuipui taeng ih ahmuennawk, Kanaan kaminawk ih prae, Lebanon mae hoi kalen parai vapui, Euphrates vapui khoek to caeh oh;
Turne you and depart, and goe vnto the mountaine of the Amorites, and vnto all places neere thereunto in the plaine, in the mountaine, or in the valley: both Southwarde, and to the Sea side, to the land of the Canaanites, and vnto Lebanon: euen vnto the great riuer, the riuer Perath.
8 khenah, prae loe nangcae hma ah ka suek boeh; caeh oh loe, Angraeng mah nam panawk, Abraham, Issak, Jakob hoi a caanawk khaeah ka paek han, tiah thuih ih lok baktih toengah prae to toep oh, tiah a naa.
Beholde, I haue set the land before you: go in and possesse that land which the Lord sware vnto your fathers, Abraham, Izhak, and Iaakob, to giue vnto them and to their seede after them.
9 To nathuem ah, Kaimah buengah loe nangcae ih tok to ka phaw thai laek mak ai, tiah kang thuih o boeh.
And I spake vnto you the same time, saying, I am not able to beare you my selfe alone:
10 Na Angraeng Sithaw mah nangcae ang pung o sak boeh; khenah, nangcae loe vaihi van ih cakaeh zetto nang pung o boeh.
The Lord your God hath multiplied you: and beholde, ye are this day as the starres of heauen in nomber:
11 Nam panawk ih Angraeng Sithaw mah nangcae to alet sangto pungsak nasoe loe, a thuih ih lok baktih toengah, nangcae tahamhoihaih paek nasoe!
(The Lord God of your fathers make you a thousand times so many moe as ye are, and blesse you, as he hath promised you)
12 Nangcae lokpunghaih, kazit nangcae ih hmuen hoi nangcae lok aekhaih to kawbang maw kaimah buengah ka phaw thai tih?
Howe can I alone beare your combrance and your charge, and your strife?
13 Palungha kami, panoekhaih tawn kami hoi ahmin amthang kaminawk to nangmacae acaeng thung hoiah qoi oh, nihcae to nangcae ukkung ah kang suek pae han, tiah kang naa o.
Bring you men of wisedome and of vnderstanding, and knowen among your tribes, and I will make them rulers ouer you:
14 To naah nangcae mah, Sak han nang thuih o ih hmuen loe hoih parai, tiah nang pathim o.
Then ye answered me and said, The thing is good that thou hast commanded vs to doe.
15 To pongah nangcae acaeng zaehoikung, palungha kaminawk hoi ahmin kamthang kaminawk to ka qoih moe, nangcae zaehoikung, kami sangto zaehoikung, kami cumvaito zaehoikung, kami qui pangato zaehoikung, kami hato zaehoikung tiah kang suek pae o.
So I tooke the chiefe of your tribes wise and knowen men, and made them rulers ouer you, captaines ouer thousands, and captaines ouer hundreds, and captaines ouer fiftie, and captaines ouer tenne, and officers among your tribes.
16 To naah lokcaekkungnawk khaeah, Nam nawkamyanawk ih lok to tahngaih moe, nangmacae hoi nawnto kaom nawkamyanawk hoi angvinnawk nuiah toenghaih hoi lokcaek o hanah ka thuih pae.
And I charged your iudges that same time, saying, Heare the controuersies betweene your brethren, and iudge righteously betweene euery man and his brother, and the stranger that is with him.
17 Lok na caek o naah mikhmai khen o hmah; kalen doeh, kathoeng doeh, kangvan ah lok to tahngai pae oh; kawbaktih kami doeh zii o hmah; lokcaekhaih loe Sithaw ih ni; nangcae han rai parai nahaeloe, kai khaeah na sin oh; kai mah kang tahngaih pae o han.
Ye shall haue no respect of person in iudgement, but shall heare the small aswell as the great: yee shall not feare the face of man: for the iudgement is Gods: and the cause that is too hard for you, bring vnto me, and I will heare it.
18 To nathuem ah na sak o han koi hmuennawk to kang thuih o boih boeh.
Also I commanded you the same time all the things which ye should doe.
19 Aicae loe Angraeng Sithaw mah paek ih lok baktih toengah, Horeb hoiah a tacawt o moe, Amor kaminawk ih prae hoi kamtueng, kakawk parai moe, zitthok praezaek loklam hoiah a caeh o pacoengah, Kadesh-Barnea ahmuen to a phak o.
Then we departed from Horeb, and went through all that great and terrible wildernesse (as yee haue seene) by the way of the mountaine of the Amorites, as the Lord our God commanded vs: and we came to Kadesh-barnea.
20 To naah kai mah nangcae khaeah, Aicae Angraeng Sithaw mah aicae han paek ih Amor kaminawk ih prae to a phak o boeh.
And I saide vnto you, Yee are come vnto the mountaine of the Amorites, which the Lord our God doeth giue vnto vs.
21 Khenah, nangcae Angraeng Sithaw mah prae to na hma ah ang suek pae o boeh; nam panawk ih Angraeng Sithaw mah thuih ih lok baktih toengah, caeh oh loe, prae to atoep oh; zii o hmah loe, palung doeh boeng o hmah, tiah kang naa o.
Beholde, the Lord thy God hath layde the land before thee: go vp and possesse it, as the Lord the God of thy fathers hath saide vnto thee: feare not, neither be discouraged.
22 To naah ka taengah nang zoh o boih moe, Prae khet hanah, aicae hma ah kami patoeh si, nihcae mah aicae hanah prae to khen o nasoe loe, naa bang ih loklam ah maw a caeh o moe, naa ih vangpui ah maw a pha o tih, tito nihcae mah na thui o nasoe, tiah nang naa o.
Then ye came vnto me euery one, and said, We wil send men before vs, to search vs out the land and to bring vs word againe, what way we must go vp by, and vnto what cities we shall come.
23 Na thuih o ih lok loe hoih, tiah ka poek; to pongah nangmacae acaeng maeto thung hoi kami maeto, sangqum boih ah hatlai hnetto ka qoih;
So the saying pleased me well, and I tooke twelue men of you, of euery tribe one.
24 nihcae loe amsak o moe, mae nuiah caeh o tahang; Eshkol azawn to a phak o pacoengah, prae to a khet o.
Who departed, and went vp into the mountaine, and came vnto the riuer Eshcol, and searched out the land.
25 To prae thung ih thingthai qumponawk to aicae han a sinh o moe, aicae Angraeng Sithaw mah paek ih prae loe, hoih parai, tiah lok ang palaem o.
And tooke of the fruite of the land in their hands, and brought it vnto vs, and brought vs worde againe, and sayd, It is a good land, which the Lord our God doeth giue vs.
26 Toe na caeh o tahang ai; na Angraeng Sithaw mah paek ih lok to na aek o.
Notwithstanding, ye would not go vp, but were disobedient vnto the commandement of the Lord your God,
27 Na oh o haih kahni imthung ah na laisaep o; Angraeng mah aicae hnukma pongah, Amor kaminawk ban ah paek moe, nihcae humsak han ih ni Izip prae thung hoiah aicae hae ang hoih.
And murmured in your tentes, and sayd, Because the Lord hated vs, therefore hath hee brought vs out of the land of Egypt, to deliuer vs into the hand of the Amorites, and to destroy vs.
28 Naa bangah maw a caeh o han boeh? Nawkamyanawk mah, To prae kaminawk loe aicae pongah thacak o moe, sang o kue; vangpuinawk doeh van khoek to kapha sipae hoiah a thungh o; to prae thungah Anak kaminawk oh o, tiah thuih o pongah, kaicae palung ang boeng o sak, tiah na thuih o.
Whither shall we go vp? our brethren haue discouraged our hearts, saying, The people is greater, and taller then we: the cities are great and walled vp to heauen: and moreouer we haue seene the sonnes of the Anakims there.
29 To naah kai mah, Mawn o hmah; nihcae to zii o hmah;
But I sayd vnto you, Dread not, nor be afrayd of them.
30 nangcae hma ah na Angraeng Sithaw to caeh ueloe, nangcae mikhnuk ah Izip prae ah sak ih hmuen baktih toengah, anih mah nangcae hanah misa na tuh pae tih;
The Lord your God, who goeth before you, he shall fight for you, according to all that he did vnto you in Egypt before your eyes,
31 ampa maeto mah a caa to moek baktih toengah, hae ahmuen karoek to, na caeh o haih praezaek loklam ah, na Angraeng Sithaw mah kawbangah maw ang moek o, tito na hnuk o boeh, to tiah anih mah nangcae han misatuk abom tih, tiah kang thuih o.
And in the wildernesse, where thou hast seene how the Lord thy God bare thee, as a man doeth beare his sonne, in all the way which ye haue gone, vntill ye came vnto this place.
32 Hae tiah oh pacoengah doeh, na Angraeng Sithaw to na tang o ai,
Yet for all this ye did not beleeue the Lord your God,
33 kahni im sak han ih ahmuen to anih mah ang pakrong pae, na caeh o haih loklam to patuek hanah, aqum ah hmaithaw hoiah ang toeh o moe, khodai ah tamai hoiah nangcae hma ah a caeh.
Who went in the way before you, to search you out a place to pitch your tentes in, in fire by night, that ye might see what way to goe, and in a cloude by day.
34 Na thuih o ih loknawk Angraeng mah thaih naah, palungphui moe, lokkamhaih a sak;
Then the Lord heard the voyce of your wordes, and was wroth, and sware, saying,
35 hae ih kasae caanawk loe, nam panawk khaeah paek han lokkam ih kahoih prae to mi mah doeh hnu o mak ai.
Surely there shall not one of these men of this froward generation, see that good land, which I sware to giue vnto your fathers,
36 Jephunneh capa Kaleb khue mah ni, hnu tih; anih loe palungthin boih hoiah Angraeng hnukah bang pongah, khok hoi a cawh ih prae to, angmah hoi a caanawk khaeah ka paek han, tiah a thuih.
Saue Caleb the sonne of Iephunneh: he shall see it, and to him will I giue the land that he hath troden vpon, and to his children, because he hath constantly followed the Lord.
37 Nangcae pongah ka nuiah Angraeng palungphui moe, Nang doeh to ahmuen ah na kun mak ai;
Also the Lord was angry with me for your sakes, saying, Thou also shalt not goe in thither,
38 toe na taengah angdoe, Nun capa Joshua loe akun tih; anih loe Israel kaminawk qawktoepkung ah oh pongah, anih to thapaek ah.
But Ioshua the sonne of Nun which standeth before thee, he shall go in thither: incourage him: for he shall cause Israel to inherite it.
39 Toe misanawk mah lomh o tih, tiah na thuih o ih nawktanawk hoi to nathuem ah kasae kahoih mathaih tawn ai, na caanawk ni prae thungah akun o tih; nihcae mah qawk ah toep o hanah, nihcae khaeah ka paek han.
Moreouer, your children, which ye sayd should be a praye, and your sonnes, which in that day had no knowledge betweene good and euill, they shall go in thither, and vnto them wil I giue it, and they shall possesse it.
40 Toe nangcae loe angqoi oh loe, tuipui kathim caehhaih loklam hoiah praezaek ah caeh oh, tiah ang naa.
But as for you, turne backe, and take your iourney into the wildernesse by the way of the red Sea.
41 To naah nangcae mah kai khaeah, Angraeng hmaa ah ka zae o moeng boeh pongah, ka caeh o tahang moe, Angraeng mah paek ih lok baktih toengah, misa ka tuk o han, tiah nang thuih o. Kami boih maiphaw maica hoiah amthoep o moe, mae nuiah caeh hanah amsak o.
Then ye answered and sayd vnto me, We haue sinned against the Lord, we wil go vp, and fight, according to all that the Lord our God hath commanded vs: and ye armed you euery man to the warre, and were ready to goe vp into the mountaine.
42 Toe Angraeng mah kai khaeah, Misatuk hanah caeh o tahang hmah; nangcae khaeah ka om mak ai; na misanawk mah nangcae to pazawk tih, tiah thui paeh, tiah ang naa.
But the Lord said vnto me, Say vnto them, Goe not vp, neither fight, (for I am not among you) least ye fall before your enemies.
43 To pongah ni lok kang thuih o; toe na tahngai o ai; Angraeng mah paek ih lok to na aek o moe, mae nuiah na caeh o tahang nganga.
And when I told you, ye would not heare, but rebelled against the commandement of the Lord, and were presumptuous, and went vp into the mountaine.
44 To naah mae nuiah kaom Amor kaminawk to angzoh o moe, nangcae to ang tuk o; khoimi mah patom ih baktih toengah ang patom o; Seir mae hoiah Hormah karoek to ang patom o moe, ang hum o.
Then the Amorites which dwelt in that mountaine came out against you, and chased you (as bees vse to doe) and destroied you in Seir, euen vnto Hormah.
45 To pacoengah Seir hoiah Hormah ah nam laem o let moe, Angraeng hmaa ah na qah o; toe na qah o haih lok to Angraeng mah tahngai ai, naa doeh patueng ai.
And when ye came againe, ye wept before the Lord, but the Lord would not heare your voyce, nor incline his eares vnto you.
46 To pongah Kadesh ah atue kasawk ah na oh o, to tiah atue na patoh o boih.
So ye abode in Kadesh a long time, according to the time that ye had remained before.

< Deuteronomy 1 >