< Daniel 11 >

1 Kai loe Median kami Darius angraenghaih saningto haih naah, anih to thapaek moe, caksak hanah kang doet.
“As for me, in the first year of Darius the Mede, I stood up to confirm and strengthen him.
2 Vaihi loktang lok to kang thuih han. Khenah, Persia prae ah siangpahrang thumto angzo vop tih; palito haih siangpahrang loe kalah siangpahrangnawk boih pongah angraeng kue tih: anih loe angraenghaih mah thacaksak ueloe, Grik prae to tuk hanah kaminawk boih pahruek tih.
“Now I will show you the truth. Behold, three more kings will stand up in Persia. The fourth will be far richer than all of them. When he has grown strong through his riches, he will stir up all against the realm of Greece.
3 To pacoengah thacak siangpahrang maeto angzo tih, anih loe thacakhaih hoiah uk ueloe, a koeh baktiah sah tih.
A mighty king will stand up, who will rule with great dominion, and do according to his will.
4 Toe a uk ih prae loe koi ueloe, van takhi songhaih tlim ah prae palito ah ampraek o tih: angmah ih acaengnawk khaeah prae to paek mak ai, a thacakhaih hoi uk ih prae baktiah doeh om mak ai; acaeng kalah kaminawk mah anih ih prae to la pae o ving tih.
When he stands up, his kingdom will be broken and will be divided toward the four winds of the sky, but not to his posterity, nor according to his dominion with which he ruled; for his kingdom will be plucked up, even for others besides these.
5 Aloih bang ih siangpahrang loe thacak tih, angmah angraengnawk thung ih maeto loe angmah pongah thacak kue ueloe, paroeai thacakhaih hoiah a prae to uk tih.
“The king of the south will be strong. One of his princes will become stronger than him, and have dominion. His dominion will be a great dominion.
6 Saning boeng naah nihcae loe nawnto angkom o tih; aloih bang siangpahrang canu loe palungduehaih sak hanah, aluek bang siangpahrang khaeah caeh tih; toe siangpahrang canu loe a thacakhaih tawn poe mak ai; a sava siangpahrang thacakhaih hoi ukhaih doeh cak poe mak ai; to nathuem ah siangpahrang canu bomkung, anih cunkung hoi thapaek kaminawk to hum o boih tih.
At the end of years they will join themselves together; and the daughter of the king of the south will come to the king of the north to make an agreement, but she will not retain the strength of her arm. He will also not stand, nor will his arm; but she will be given up, with those who brought her, and he who became the father of her, and he who strengthened her in those times.
7 Toe siangpahrang canu acaeng thung hoiah aloih bang prae ukkung siangpahrang maeto tacawt tih; anih mah angmah ih misatuh kami hoiah aluek bang siangpahrang ih vangpui to tuh ueloe, pazawk tih:
“But out of a shoot from her roots one will stand up in his place, who will come to the army and will enter into the fortress of the king of the north, and will deal against them and will prevail.
8 siangpahrang mah nihcae ih sithawnawk, krangnawk, sui, sum kanglung hoi sak ih atho kana boengloengnawk to, Izip prae ah phaw o tih; anih loe aluek bang siangpahrang pongah saning sawk kue tih.
He will also carry their gods with their molten images, and with their goodly vessels of silver and of gold, captive into Egypt. He will refrain some years from the king of the north.
9 To pacoengah aluek bang siangpahrang loe aloih bang siangpahrang prae tuk hanah akun tih, toe angmah prae ah amlaem let tih.
He will come into the realm of the king of the south, but he will return into his own land.
10 Toe a capanawk mah misatuk han pahruek o ueloe, paroeai misatuh kaminawk to kok o tih; nihcae loe pakaa thai ai kalong tui baktiah angzo o tih, anih loe amlaem let ueloe, a loih bang siangpahrang vangpui sipae khoek to misatuk hanah amsak tih.
His sons will wage war, and will assemble a multitude of great forces which will come on, and overflow, and pass through. They will return and wage war, even to his fortress.
11 To naah aloih bang siangpahrang to palungphui ueloe, anih mah aluek bang siangpahrang to tuh tih; aluek bang siangpahrang loe pop parai misatuh kaminawk to tawnh, toe aloih bang siangpahrang mah anih to pazawk tih.
“The king of the south will be moved with anger and will come out and fight with him, even with the king of the north. He will send out a great multitude, and the multitude will be given into his hand.
12 Pop parai misatuh kaminawk pazawk pacoengah, aloih bang ih siangpahrang loe amoek ueloe, sang hato pongah kanoih pop parai kaminawk to hum tih; toe misa pazawkhaih to cak poe mak ai.
The multitude will be carried off, and his heart will be exalted. He will cast down tens of thousands, but he won’t prevail.
13 Aluek bang siangpahrang loe hmaloe ih kami pong pop kue ah, misatuh kaminawk to kok tih, saning nazetto maw akra pacoengah, maiphaw congca hoiah amthoep ueloe, kanoih parai misatuh kaminawk hoi nawnto angzo let tih.
The king of the north will return, and will send out a multitude greater than the former. He will come on at the end of the times, even of years, with a great army and with abundant supplies.
14 To naah aloih bang siangpahrang loe misa tawn mang tih; hnuksakhaih akoep hanah angmah ih kaminawk mah anih to misa angthawk o thuih tih; toe nihcae mah pazawk o mak ai.
“In those times many will stand up against the king of the south. Also the children of the violent among your people will lift themselves up to establish the vision, but they will fall.
15 To pongah aluek bang siangpahrang to angzo tih, misa anghawkhaih long khaw to takae o ueloe, kacakah pakaa ih vangpui to la o tih: aloih bang misatuh kaminawk loe pakaahaih tha tawn o mak ai, kahoih koek qoih ih misatuh kaminawk mah doeh pakaa o thai mak ai.
So the king of the north will come and cast up a mound, and take a well-fortified city. The forces of the south won’t stand, neither will his select troops, neither will there be any strength to stand.
16 Anih tuh kami loe a koeh baktih toengah hmuen to sah tih, mi doeh a hma ah angdoe thai mak ai: anih mah lensawk prae to tuh ueloe, amrosak tih.
But he who comes against him will do according to his own will, and no one will stand before him. He will stand in the glorious land, and destruction will be in his hand.
17 Anih loe katoeng kaminawk to angmah khaeah hoi ueloe, prae thacakhaih boih hoiah aloih bang prae thungah akun hanah tha pathok tih; aloih bang ih siangpahrang to amrosak hanah, aluek bang ih siangpahrang mah nongpata maeto paek tih; toe nongpata mah anih han toksah pae mak ai, anih han atho doeh om mak ai.
He will set his face to come with the strength of his whole kingdom, and with him equitable conditions. He will perform them. He will give him the daughter of women, to destroy the kingdom, but she will not stand, and won’t be for him.
18 To pacoengah aluek bang siangpahrang loe tuipui thung ih praenawk bangah angqoi ueloe, kanoih parai kaminawk to naeh tih: toe misatuh angraeng maeto mah to kaminawk nuiah sak ih kahoih ai hmuen to amtuengsak han ai ah, a sak ih kahoih ai hmuen to misatuh siangpahrang nuiah krahsak lat tih.
After this he will turn his face to the islands, and will take many, but a prince will cause the reproach offered by him to cease. Yes, moreover, he will cause his reproach to turn on him.
19 To pacoengah anih loe sipae hoi takui ih misa abuephaih kaom angmah prae ah amlaem let tih; toe anih loe loklam ah amtimh tih, hnuk let han om mak ai boeh.
Then he will turn his face toward the fortresses of his own land; but he will stumble and fall, and won’t be found.
20 Anih toksakhaih ahmuen toepkung aluek bang ih siangpahrang loe lensawk siangpahrang prae to caksak poe hanah, tamut cong kami khaeah tamut cong hanah lok to paek tih; toe saning akra ai ah anih loe palungphuihaih pongah na ai, misa angtukhaih pongah doeh na ai ah, anghma angtaa tih.
“Then one who will cause a tax collector to pass through the kingdom to maintain its glory will stand up in his place; but within few days he shall be destroyed, not in anger, and not in battle.
21 Anih ih qawktoep hanah siangpahrang qawktoep kami ah suek ih siangpahrang ih acaeng ai, panuet thok kami maeto mah qawk to toep tih; toe anih loe tha patoh ai ah lunghoita hoiah angzo ueloe, kasae pacaenghaih hoiah prae to la tih.
“In his place a contemptible person will stand up, to whom they had not given the honor of the kingdom; but he will come in time of security, and will obtain the kingdom by flatteries.
22 Tui baktiah thacak misatuh kaminawk to a hma hoiah amrosak boih tih; ue, Sithaw lokmaihaih kasah zaehoikung angraeng doeh paduek tih.
The overwhelming forces will be overwhelmed from before him, and will be broken. Yes, also the prince of the covenant.
23 To tiah anih mah angdaehaih to sah tih, toe alinghaih hoiah ni angdaehhaih to sah tih; kami zetta e, anih loe thacak tih.
After the treaty made with him he will work deceitfully; for he will come up and will become strong with few people.
24 Anih loe misa angtukhaih om ai ah, poek ai pui hoiah caaknaek pop koek prae thungah akun tih; anih loe ampanawk hoi ampa ih ampanawk mah sak o vai ai ih hmuen to sah tih: a lak ih hmuenmae congcanawk to minawk hanah pazet tih; kacakah pakaa ih vangpui to atue setta thung lak hanah pacaeng tih.
In time of security he will come even on the fattest places of the province. He will do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers’ fathers. He will scatter among them prey, plunder, and wealth. Yes, he will devise his plans against the strongholds, but only for a time.
25 Anih mah pop parai misatuh kami to pakhueng ueloe, misahoihaih hoiah aloih bang ih siangpahrang to tuh tih: aloih bang ih siangpahrang doeh kating ai pop misatuh kami thacakhaih hoiah misatuk hanah amsak toeng tih; toe aloih bang ih siangpahrang nuiah kasae sak han pacaeng o pongah, anih loe angdoe thai mak ai.
“He will stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south with a great army; and the king of the south will wage war in battle with an exceedingly great and mighty army, but he won’t stand; for they will devise plans against him.
26 Ue, angmah pacah ih kaminawk mah siangpahrang to hum o tih; to naah anih ih misatuh kaminawk loe anghma angtaa o tih; kating ai kaminawk dueh o tih.
Yes, those who eat of his delicacies will destroy him, and his army will be swept away. Many will fall down slain.
27 Siangpahrang hnik loe kahoih ai hmuen to poek hoi ueloe, caboi maeto nuiah amsawnlok to thui hoi tih; toe atim hoi haih to koep thai mak ai: long boenghaih loe atue khaehhaih phak naah ni om tih.
As for both these kings, their hearts will be to do evil, and they will speak lies at one table; but it won’t prosper, for the end will still be at the appointed time.
28 To pacoengah aluek bang ih siangpahrang loe hmuenmae angraeng paraihaih hoiah angmah prae ah amlaem tih; to naah ciimcai lokmaihaih kasah Sithaw kaminawk to ut ueloe, hmuenmae koeh thaithue paro pae pacoengah ni angmah prae ah amlaem vop tih.
Then he will return into his land with great wealth. His heart will be against the holy covenant. He will take action, and return to his own land.
29 Atue khaehhaih phak naah, anih loe aloih bang ih prae to tuk hanah angzo let tih; toe hmaloe ih baktiah om mak ai, hnukkhuem ih baktiah doeh om mak ai.
“He will return at the appointed time and come into the south; but it won’t be in the latter time as it was in the former.
30 Kittim ih palongpuinawk mah anih to pakaa khoep ueloe, palungnat hoiah amlaem let tih; anih amlaem let naah, ciimcai Sithaw lokmaihaih, tiah doeh sah ai kaminawk hoiah ampui sah tih, anih loe palungphui loiah ciimcai Sithaw khaeah lokmaihaih sah kaminawk to paro tih.
For ships of Kittim will come against him. Therefore he will be grieved, and will return, and have indignation against the holy covenant, and will take action. He will even return, and have regard to those who forsake the holy covenant.
31 Anih mah angmah ih misatuh kaminawk to pahruek ueloe, hmuenciim to amhnong sak tih; ni thokkruek sak ih angbawnhaih to pakaa o ving ueloe, to ahmuen ah kamrosak thaih panuet thok hmuen to suem o tih.
“Forces from him will profane the sanctuary, even the fortress, and will take away the continual burnt offering. Then they will set up the abomination that makes desolate.
32 Siangpahrang mah lokmaihaih tiah doeh sah ai kaminawk anih khaeah athum o thai hanah, alinghaih lok hoiah zoek tih; toe Sithaw panoek kaminawk loe thacakhaih hoiah anih ih lok to aek o tih.
He will corrupt those who do wickedly against the covenant by flatteries; but the people who know their God will be strong and take action.
33 Kaminawk thung ih palungha kaminawk mah kanoih parai kaminawk to loklam patuek tih; toe nihcae loe pop parai ani thungah sumsen hoi humhaih, hmai hoi qoenghaih, misong ah naehhaih hoi hmuenmae lomhaih to tong o tih.
“Those who are wise among the people will instruct many; yet they will fall by the sword and by flame, by captivity and by plunder, many days.
34 To tiah nihcae raihaih tongh o naah, abomhaih zetta ni hnu o tih; toe poekcak ai kaminawk loe kami aling thaih kaminawk hoiah amzok o tih.
Now when they fall, they will be helped with a little help; but many will join themselves to them with flatteries.
35 Atue boenghaih pha ai karoek to, nihcae thung ih thoemto panoekhaih tawn kaminawk to ciimsak moe, coek koi om ai ah anglungsak hanah, nihcae loe amtimh o tih; to hmuen loe anih mah atue khaehhaih karoek to om tih.
Some of those who are wise will fall—to refine them, and to purify, and to make them white, even to the time of the end, because it is yet for the time appointed.
36 Siangpahrang loe a koeh baktiah hmuen to sah tih, sithawnawk boih pong kasang ah angmah hoi angmah to amkoeh ueloe, amlue tih; anih mah sithawnawk ih Sithaw lok aekhaih to thui tih, anih loe Sithaw palungphuihaih akoep ai karoek to khosak hoih tih; to hmuen loe lok takroek tangcae ih baktiah om tih.
“The king will do according to his will. He will exalt himself and magnify himself above every god, and will speak marvelous things against the God of gods. He will prosper until the indignation is accomplished, for that which is determined will be done.
37 To siangpahrang loe ampanawk ih sithaw, nongpatanawk mah koeh ih kawbaktih sithaw doeh khingyahaih tawn mak ai; tih boih pong kasang ah angmah hoi angmah to amkoeh tih.
He won’t regard the gods of his fathers, or the desire of women, or regard any god; for he will magnify himself above all.
38 Toe nihcae pakoeh zuengah misa buephaih kacak sipae to sithaw ah pakoeh tih; anih loe ampanawk mah panoek vai ai ih sithaw to pakoeh lat pongah, to sithaw to sui, sum kanglung, atho kana thlung, koeh koi kaom hmuenmaenawk hoiah khingyahaih paek tih.
But in their place, he will honor the god of fortresses. He will honor a god whom his fathers didn’t know with gold, silver, and with precious stones and pleasant things.
39 Angmah panoek ih prae kalah sithaw bok kaminawk abomhaih rang hoiah, kacak parai misa angvaenghaih sipae to tuh tih, to tiah a lensawkhaih to sang aep tih: to kaminawk to ukkung ah suem ueloe, nihcae han prae to pazet tih.
He will deal with the strongest fortresses by the help of a foreign god. He will increase with glory whoever acknowledges him. He will cause them to rule over many, and will divide the land for a price.
40 Atue boenghaih phak naah loe aloih bang ih siangpahrang mah aluek bang ih siangpahrang to tuh tih; aluek bang ih siangpahrang loe hrang lakoknawk, hrang angthueng misatuh kaminawk, pop parai palongpuinawk hoiah angzo ueloe, anih to kamhae takhi baktiah tuh tih: to prae thungah tui kalong baktiah akun ueloe, nihcae to tuh pazawk tih.
“At the time of the end the king of the south will contend with him; and the king of the north will come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, with horsemen, and with many ships. He will enter into the countries, and will overflow and pass through.
41 Anih loe lensawk prae thungah doeh akun tih, pop parai prae kaminawk to dueh o tih; toe Edom, Moab hoi Ammon prae zaehoikungnawk loe anih ban thung hoi loih o tih.
He will enter also into the glorious land, and many countries will be overthrown; but these will be delivered out of his hand: Edom, Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.
42 A thacakhaih ban hoiah pop parai praenawk to la tih, Izip prae doeh loih mak ai.
He will also stretch out his hand on the countries. The land of Egypt won’t escape.
43 Toe anih mah sui, sum kanglung hoi Izip prae thung ih atho kana hmuen congcanawk to la boih tih; Lybia hoi Ethiopia doeh pazawk tih.
But he will have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt. The Libyans and the Ethiopians will follow his steps.
44 Toe ni angyae bang hoi aluek bang ih tamthang mah anih to tasoehsak tih; to pongah anih loe palungphui parai ueloe, pop parai kaminawk hum hanah caeh tih.
But news out of the east and out of the north will trouble him; and he will go out with great fury to destroy and utterly to sweep away many.
45 Anih mah tuipui hoi lensawk ciimcai mae salakah kahni im to sah tih; toe anih loe bomkung tawn ai ah, boenghaih to pha tih.
He will plant the tents of his palace between the sea and the glorious holy mountain; yet he will come to his end, and no one will help him.

< Daniel 11 >