< Masalimo 93 >

1 Yehova akulamulira, wavala ulemerero; Yehova wavala ulemerero ndipo wadzimangirira mphamvu, dziko lonse lakhazikika kolimba; silingasunthidwe.
The Lord hath regned, he is clothid with fairnesse; the Lord is clothid with strengthe, and hath gird hym silf.
2 Mpando wanu waufumu unakhazikika kalekale; Inu ndinu wamuyaya.
For he made stidefast the world; that schal not be moued.
3 Nyanja zakweza Inu Yehova, nyanja zakweza mawu ake; nyanja zakweza mafunde ake ochita mkokomo.
God, thi seete was maad redi fro that tyme; thou art fro the world. Lord, the flodis han reisid; the flodis han reisid her vois. Flodis reisiden her wawis; of the voicis of many watris.
4 Yehova ndi wamphamvu kupambana mkokomo wa madzi ambiri, ndi wamphamvu kupambana mafunde a nyanja, Yehova mmwamba ndi wamphamvu.
The reisyngis of the see ben wondurful; the Lord is wondurful in hiye thingis.
5 Malamulo anu Yehova ndi osasinthika; chiyero chimakongoletsa nyumba yanu mpaka muyaya.
Thi witnessingis ben maad able to be bileued greetli; Lord, holynesse bicometh thin hous, in to the lengthe of daies.

< Masalimo 93 >