< Masalimo 92 >

1 Salimo. Nyimbo ya pa tsiku la Sabata. Nʼkwabwino kutamanda Yehova ndi kuyimbira nyimbo dzina lanu, Inu Wammwambamwamba,
`The salm of `song, in the dai of sabath. It is good to knouleche to the Lord; and to synge to thi name, thou hiyeste.
2 Kulengeza chikondi chanu mmawa, ndi kukhulupirika kwanu nthawi ya usiku,
To schewe eerli thi merci; and thi treuthe bi nyyt.
3 kuyimbira nyimbo choyimbira cha zingwe khumi ndi mayimbidwe abwino a zeze.
In a sautrie of ten cordis; with song in harpe.
4 Pakuti Inu mumandisangalatsa ndi ntchito zanu, Inu Yehova; Ine ndikuyimba mwachimwemwe pa ntchito ya manja anu.
For thou, Lord, hast delitid me in thi makyng; and Y schal make ful out ioye in the werkis of thin hondis.
5 Ndi yayikuludi ntchito yanu Yehova, maganizo anu ndi ozamadi!
Lord, thi werkis ben magnefied greetli; thi thouytis ben maad ful depe.
6 Munthu wopanda nzeru sadziwa, zitsiru sizizindikira,
An vnwise man schal not knowe; and a fool schal not vndirstonde these thingis.
7 kuti ngakhale anthu oyipa aphuka ngati udzu ndipo anthu onse ochita zoyipa apindula, adzawonongedwa kwamuyaya.
Whanne synneris comen forth, as hey; and alle thei apperen, that worchen wickidnesse.
8 Koma Inu Yehova, ndinu wokwezedwa kwamuyaya.
That thei perische in to the world of world; forsothe thou, Lord, art the hiyest, withouten ende. For lo!
9 Zoonadi adani anu Yehova, zoonadi adani anu adzawonongeka; onse ochita zoyipa adzabalalitsidwa.
Lord, thin enemyes, for lo! thin enemyes schulen perische; and alle schulen be scaterid that worchen wickidnesse.
10 Inu mwakweza nyanga yanga ngati nyanga ya njati; mafuta abwino akhuthulidwa pamutu wanga.
And myn horn schal be reisid as an vnicorn; and myn eelde in plenteuouse merci.
11 Maso anga aona kugonjetsedwa kwa olimbana nane, makutu anga amva za kugwa kwa amaliwongo anga oyipa.
And myn iye dispiside myn enemyes; and whanne wickid men rysen ayens me, myn eere schal here.
12 Anthu olungama adzaphuka ngati mtengo wa mgwalangwa, adzakula ngati mkungudza wa ku Lebanoni;
A iust man schal floure as a palm tree; he schal be multiplied as a cedre of Liban.
13 odzalidwa mʼnyumba ya Yehova, adzakula bwino mʼmabwalo a Mulungu wathu.
Men plauntid in the hous of the Lord; schulen floure in the porchis of the hous of oure God.
14 Iwo adzaberekabe zipatso mu ukalamba wawo, adzakhala anthete ndi obiriwira,
Yit thei schulen be multiplied in plenteuouse elde; and thei schulen be suffryng wel.
15 kulengeza kuti, “Yehova ndi wolungama; Iye ndiye Thanthwe langa, ndipo mwa Iye mulibe choyipa.”
That thei telle, that oure Lord God is riytful; and no wickidnesse is in hym.

< Masalimo 92 >