< Masalimo 89 >

1 Ndakatulo ya Etani, wa banja la Ezara. Ndidzayimba za chikondi chachikulu cha Yehova kwamuyaya; ndi pakamwa panga ndidzachititsa kuti kukhulupirika kwanu kudziwike ku mibado yonse.
The lernyng of Ethan, Ezraite. I schal synge with outen ende; the mercies of the Lord. In generacioun and in to generacioun; Y schal telle thi treuthe with my mouth.
2 Ndidzalalikira kuti chikondi chanu chidzakhazikika mpaka muyaya, kuti Inu munakhazikitsa kukhulupirika kwanu kumwamba kwenikweniko.
For thou seidist, With outen ende merci schal be bildid in heuenes; thi treuthe schal be maad redi in tho.
3 Inu munati, “Ndachita pangano ndi wosankhidwa wanga, ndalumbira kwa Davide mtumiki wanga kuti,
I disposide a testament to my chosun men; Y swoor to Dauid, my seruaunt,
4 ‘Ndidzakhazikitsa zidzukulu zako mpaka muyaya. Ndidzachititsa kuti mpando wako waufumu ukhazikike ku mibado yonse,’” (Sela)
Til in to with outen ende I schal make redi thi seed. And Y schal bilde thi seete; in generacioun, and in to generacioun.
5 Mayiko akumwamba amatamanda zozizwitsa zanu Yehova, kukhulupirika kwanunso, mu msonkhano wa oyera mtima anu.
Lord, heuenes schulen knouleche thi merueilis; and thi treuthe in the chirche of seyntis.
6 Pakuti ndani mu mlengalenga angalingane ndi Yehova? Ndani wofanana ndi Yehova pakati pa zolengedwa zakumwamba?
For who in the cloudis schal be maad euene to the Lord; schal be lijk God among the sones of God?
7 Mu msonkhano wa oyera mtima Mulungu amaopedwa kwambiri; Iye ndiye wochititsa mantha kupambana onse amene amuzungulira.
God, which is glorified in the counsel of seyntis; is greet, and dreedful ouere alle that ben in his cumpas.
8 Inu Yehova Mulungu Wamphamvuzonse, ndani wofanana nanu? Yehova ndinu wamphamvu ndipo kukhulupirika kwanu kwakuzungulirani.
Lord God of vertues, who is lijk thee? Lord, thou art miyti, and thi treuthe is in thi cumpas.
9 Mumalamula nyanja ya mafunde awukali; pamene mafunde ake awundana Inu mumawakhalitsa bata.
Thou art Lord of the power of the see; forsothe thou aswagist the stiryng of the wawis therof.
10 Munaphwanya Rahabe monga munthu wophedwa; ndi dzanja lanu lamphamvu munabalalitsa adani anu.
Thou madist lowe the proude, as woundid; in the arm of thi vertu thou hast scaterid thin enemyes.
11 Mayiko akumwamba ndi anu ndiponso dziko lapansi ndi lanu; munapanga dziko lonse ndi zonse zili mʼmenemo.
Heuenes ben thin, and erthe is thin; thou hast foundid the world, and the fulnesse therof;
12 Munalenga Kumpoto ndi Kummwera; Tabori ndi Herimoni akuyimba ndi chimwemwe pa dzina lanu.
thou madist of nouyt the north and the see. Thabor and Hermon schulen make ful out ioye in thi name;
13 Mkono wanu ndi wamphamvu; dzanja lanu ndi lamphamvu, dzanja lanu lamanja ndi lopambana.
thin arm with power. Thin hond be maad stidefast, and thi riythond be enhaunsid;
14 Chilungamo ndi chiweruzo cholungama ndiye maziko a mpando wanu waufumu; chikondi ndi kukhulupirika zimayenda patsogolo panu.
riytfulnesse and doom is the makyng redy of thi seete. Merci and treuthe schulen go bifore thi face;
15 Ndi odala amene aphunzira kuyamika Inu, amene amayenda mʼkuwunika kwa nkhope yanu Yehova.
blessid is the puple that kan hertli song. Lord, thei schulen go in the liyt of thi cheer;
16 Amakondwera mʼdzina lanu tsiku lonse lathunthu; amasangalala koposa mʼchilungamo chanu.
and in thi name thei schulen make ful out ioye al dai; and thei schulen be enhaunsid in thi riytfulnesse.
17 Pakuti Inu ndiye ulemerero wawo ndi mphamvu yawo ndipo mwa kukoma mtima kwanu Inu mumakweza nyanga yathu.
For thou art the glorie of the vertu of hem; and in thi good plesaunce oure horn schal be enhaunsid.
18 Ndithudi, chishango chathu ndi cha Yehova, Mfumu yathu kwa Woyerayo wa Israeli.
For oure takyng vp is of the Lord; and of the hooli of Israel oure kyng.
19 Kale munayankhula mʼmasomphenya, kwa anthu anu okhulupirika munati, “Ndapatsa mphamvu wankhondo; ndakweza mnyamata wochokera pakati pa anthu.
Thanne thou spakist in reuelacioun to thi seyntis, and seidist, Y haue set help in the myyti; and Y haue enhaunsid the chosun man of my puple.
20 Ndamupeza mtumiki wanga Davide; ndamudzoza ndi mafuta opatulika.
I foond Dauid, my seruaunt; Y anoyntide hym with myn hooli oile.
21 Dzanja langa lidzamuchirikiza; zoonadi, mkono wanga udzamupatsa mphamvu.
For myn hond schal helpe him; and myn arm schal conferme hym.
22 Adani sadzamulamula kuti apereke msonkho; anthu oyipa sadzamusautsa.
The enemye schal no thing profite in him; and the sone of wickidnesse schal not `ley to, for to anoye him.
23 Ndidzaphwanya adani ake pamaso pake ndi kukantha otsutsana naye.
And Y schal sle hise enemyes fro his face; and Y schal turne in to fliyt hem that haten hym.
24 Chikondi changa chokhulupirika chidzakhala naye, ndipo kudzera mʼdzina langa nyanga yake idzakwezedwa.
And my treuthe and mercy schal be with him; and his horn schal be enhaunsid in my name.
25 Ndidzayika dzanja lake pa nyanja, dzanja lake lamanja pa mitsinje.
And Y schal sette his hond in the see; and his riyt hoond in flodis.
26 Iyeyo adzafuwula kwa Ine kuti, ‘Ndinu Atate anga, Mulungu wanga, Thanthwe ndi Chipulumutso changa.’
He schal inwardli clepe me, Thou art my fadir; my God, and the vptaker of myn heelthe.
27 Ndidzamuyika kuti akhale mwana wanga woyamba kubadwa; wokwezedwa kwambiri pakati pa mafumu a dziko lapansi.
And Y schal sette him the firste gendrid sone; hiyer than the kyngis of erthe.
28 Ndidzamusungira chifundo changa kwamuyaya, ndipo pangano langa ndi iye silidzatha.
With outen ende Y schal kepe my merci to hym; and my testament feithful to him.
29 Ine ndidzakhazikitsa zidzukulu zake mpaka muyaya, mpando wake waufumu ngati masiku a miyamba.
And Y schal sette his seed in to the world of world; and his trone as the daies of heuene.
30 “Ngati ana ake adzataya lamulo langa ndi kusatsatira malangizo anga,
Forsothe if hise sones forsaken my lawe; and goen not in my domes.
31 ngati adzaswa malamulo anga ndi kulephera kusunga ziphunzitso zanga,
If thei maken vnhooli my riytfulnessis; and kepen not my comaundementis.
32 Ine ndidzalanga tchimo lawo ndi ndodo, mphulupulu zawo powakwapula.
I schal visite in a yerde the wickidnessis of hem; and in betyngis the synnes of hem.
33 Koma sindidzachotsa chikondi changa pa iye, kapena kukhala wosakhulupirika kwa iyeyo.
But Y schal not scatere my mercy fro hym; and in my treuthe Y schal not anoye hym.
34 Sindidzaswa pangano langa kapena kusintha zimene milomo yanga yayankhula.
Nethir Y schal make vnhooli my testament; and Y schal not make voide tho thingis that comen forth of my lippis.
35 Ndinalumbira kamodzi mwa kuyera kwanga ndipo sindidzanama kwa Davide,
Onys Y swoor in myn hooli;
36 kuti zidzukulu zake zidzakhale kwamuyaya ndipo mpando wake waufumu udzakhazikika pamaso panga ngati dzuwa;
Y schal not lie to Dauid, his seed schal dwelle with outen ende.
37 udzakhazikika kwamuyaya monga mwezi, mboni yokhulupirika mʼmitambo. (Sela)
And his trone as sunne in my siyt, and as a perfit mone with outen ende; and a feithful witnesse in heuene.
38 “Koma tsopano Inu mwamukana, mwamutaya, mwamukwiyira kwambiri wodzozedwa wanu.
But thou hast put awei, and hast dispisid; and hast dilaied thi crist.
39 Mwakana pangano ndi mtumiki wanu ndipo mwadetsa mʼfumbi chipewa chake chaufumu.
Thou hast turned awei the testament of thi seruaunt; thou madist vnhooli his seyntuarie in erthe.
40 Inu mwagumula makoma ake onse ndipo mwasandutsa bwinja malinga ake.
Thou distriedist alle the heggis therof; thou hast set the stidefastnesse therof drede.
41 Onse amene amadutsa amalanda zinthu zake; iye wakhala chotonzedwa cha anansi ake.
Alle men passynge bi the weie rauyschiden him; he is maad schenschipe to hise neiyboris.
42 Mwakweza dzanja lamanja la adani ake; mwachititsa kuti adani ake akondwere.
Thou hast enhaunsid the riythond of men oppressinge him; thou hast gladid alle hise enemyes.
43 Mwabunthitsa lupanga lake, simunamuthandize pa nkhondo.
Thou hast turned awei the help of his swerd; and thou helpidist not hym in batel.
44 Inu mwathetsa kukongola kwa ulemerero wake ndipo mwagwetsa pansi mpando wake waufumu.
Thou destriedist him fro clensing; and thou hast hurtlid doun his seete in erthe.
45 Mwachepetsa masiku a unyamata wake; mwamuphimba ndi chofunda chochititsa manyazi. (Sela)
Thou hast maad lesse the daies of his time; thou hast bisched him with schenschip.
46 “Mpaka liti Yehova? Kodi mudzadzibisa mpaka kalekale? Mpaka liti ukali wanu udzayaka ngati moto?
Lord, hou longe turnest thou awei in to the ende; schal thin ire brenne out as fier?
47 Kumbukirani kuti masiku a moyo wanga ndi ochepa pakuti munalenga kwachabe anthu onse!
Bithenke thou what is my substaunce; for whether thou hast ordeyned veynli alle the sones of men?
48 Kodi ndi munthu uti angakhale ndi moyo ndi kusaona imfa? Kapena kudzipulumutsa yekha ku mphamvu ya manda? (Sela) (Sheol h7585)
Who is a man, that schal lyue, and schal not se deth; schal delyuere his soule fro the hond of helle? (Sheol h7585)
49 Inu Ambuye kodi chili kuti chikondi chanu chachikulu choyamba chija, chimene mwa kukhulupirika kwanu munalumbira kwa Davide?
Lord, where ben thin elde mercies; as thou hast swore to Dauid in thi treuthe?
50 Kumbukirani, Ambuye momwe mtumiki wanu wanyozedwera, momwe ndakhalira ndi kusunga mu mtima mwanga mawu a pangano a anthu a mitundu yonse,
Lord, be thou myndeful of the schenschipe of thi seruauntis, of many hethene men; whiche Y helde togidere in my bosum.
51 mawu achipongwe amene adani anu akhala akunyoza, Inu Yehova, ndi mawu amene akhala akunyoza mayendedwe onse a wodzozedwa wanu.
Whiche thin enemyes, Lord, diden schenschipfuli; for thei dispisiden the chaungyng of thi crist.
52 “Matamando akhale kwa Yehova mpaka muyaya!”
Blessid be the Lord with outen ende; be it don, be it don.

< Masalimo 89 >