< Miyambo 7 >

1 Mwana wanga, mvera mawu anga; usunge bwino malamulo angawa.
[My] son, keep my words, and hide with you my commandments. [My] son, honour the Lord, and you shall be strong; and fear none but him:
2 Utsate malamulo anga ndipo udzakhala ndi moyo; samala malangizo angawa monga uchitira ndi maso ako.
keep my commandments, and you shall live; and [keep] my words as the pupils of [your] eyes.
3 Uchite ngati wawamangirira pa zala zako, ndiponso ngati kuti wawalemba pa mtima pako.
And bind them on your fingers, and write [them] on the table of your heart.
4 Nzeru uyiwuze kuti, “Iwe ndiwe mlongo wanga,” ndipo khalidwe lomvetsa bwino zinthu ulitchule kuti, “Bwenzi langa lapamtima.”
Say that wisdom is your sister, and gain prudence as an acquaintance for yourself;
5 Zidzakuteteza kwa mkazi wachigololo ndiponso zidzakuthandiza kusamvera mawu oshashalika a mkazi wachilendo.
that she may keep you from the strange and wicked woman, if she should assail you with flattering words.
6 Tsiku lina pa zenera la nyumba yanga ndinasuzumira pa zenera.
For she looks from a window out of her house into the streets, at one whom she may see of the senseless ones, a young man void of understanding,
7 Ndinaona pakati pa anthu opusa, pakati pa anyamata, mnyamata wina wopanda nzeru.
passing by the corner in the passages near her house,
8 Iye ankayenda njira yodutsa pafupi ndi nyumba ya mkaziyo, kuyenda molunjika nyumba ya mkaziyo.
and speaking, in the dark of the evening,
9 Inali nthawi yachisisira madzulo, nthawi ya usiku, kuli mdima.
when there happens [to be] the stillness of night and of darkness:
10 Ndipo mkaziyo anadzakumana naye, atavala ngati munthu wachiwerewere wa mtima wonyenga.
and the woman meets him having the appearance of a harlot, that causes the hearts of young men to flutter.
11 (Mkaziyo ndi wolongolola ndiponso nkhutukumve, iye ndi wosakhazikika pa khomo.
And she is fickle, and debauched, and her feet abide not at home.
12 Mwina umupeza pa msewu, mwina umupeza pa msika, ndipo amadikirira munthu pa mphambano iliyonse).
For at one time she wanders without, and at [another] time she lies in wait in the streets, at every corner.
13 Tsono amagwira mnyamatayo ndi kupsompsona ndi nkhope yake yopanda manyazi amamuwuza kuti,
Then she caught him, and kissed him, and with an impudent face said to him,
14 “Ndinayenera kupereka nsembe zachiyanjano. Lero ndakwaniritsa malumbiro anga.
I have a peace-offering; today I pay my vows:
15 Choncho ndinabwera kudzakumana nawe; ndinkakufunafuna ndipo ndakupeza!
therefore I came forth to meet you, desiring your face; [and] I have found you.
16 Pa bedi panga ndayalapo nsalu zosalala zokongola zochokera ku Igupto.
I have spread my bed with sheets, and I have covered it with double tapestry from Egypt.
17 Pa bedi panga ndawazapo zonunkhira za mure, mafuta onunkhira a aloe ndi sinamoni.
I have sprinkled my couch with saffron, and my house with cinnamon.
18 Bwera, tiye tikhale malo amodzi kukondwerera chikondi mpaka mmawa; tiye tisangalatsane mwachikondi!
Come, and let us enjoy love until the morning; come, and let us embrace in love.
19 Mwamuna wanga kulibe ku nyumbako; wapita ulendo wautali:
For my husband is not at home, but is gone on a long journey,
20 Anatenga thumba la ndalama ndipo adzabwera ku nyumba mwezi ukakhwima.”
having taken in his hand a bundle of money: after many days he will return to his house.
21 Ndi mawu ake onyengerera amamukakamiza mnyamatayo; amukopa ndi mawu ake oshashalika.
So with much converse she prevailed on him to go astray, and with the snares of her lips forced him from [the right path].
22 Nthawi yomweyo chitsiru chimamutsatira mkaziyo ngati ngʼombe yopita kukaphedwa, monga momwe mbawala ikodwera mu msampha,
And he followed her, being gently led on, and [that] as an ox is led to the slaughter, and as a dog to bonds, or as a hart shot in the liver with an arrow:
23 mpaka muvi utalasa chiwindi chake, chimakhala ngati mbalame yothamangira mʼkhwekhwe, osadziwa kuti moyo wake uwonongeka.
and he hastens as a bird into a snare, not knowing that he is running for [his] life.
24 Tsono ana inu, ndimvereni; mvetsetsani zimene ndikunena.
Now then, [my] son, listen to me, and attend to the words of my mouth.
25 Musatengeke mtima ndi njira za mkazi ameneyu; musasochere potsata njira zake.
Let not your heart turn aside to her ways:
26 Paja iye anagwetsa anthu ambiri; wapha gulu lalikulu la anthu.
for she has wounded and cast down many, and those whom she has slain are innumerable.
27 Nyumba yake ndi njira yopita ku manda, yotsikira ku malo a anthu akufa. (Sheol h7585)
Her house is the way of hell, leading down to the chambers of death. (Sheol h7585)

< Miyambo 7 >