< Miyambo 29 >

1 Munthu amene amawumitsabe khosi lake atadzudzulidwa kwambiri, adzawonongeka mwadzidzidzi popanda chomuchiritsa.
Sodeyn perischyng schal come on that man, that with hard nol dispisith a blamere; and helth schal not sue hym.
2 Anthu olungama akamalamulira mʼdziko anthu amakondwa, koma ngati dziko lilamulidwa ndi anthu oyipa mtima anthu amadandaula.
The comynalte schal be glad in the multipliyng of iust men; whanne wickid men han take prinshod, the puple schal weyle.
3 Munthu amene amakonda nzeru amasangalatsa abambo ake, koma woyenda ndi akazi achiwerewere amasakaza chuma chake.
A man that loueth wisdom, makith glad his fadir; but he that nurschith `an hoore, schal leese catel.
4 Mfumu imalimbitsa dziko poweruza mwachilungamo, koma mfumu imene imawumiriza anthu kuti ayipatse mphatso imawononga dziko.
A iust king reisith the lond; an auerouse man schal distrie it.
5 Munthu woshashalika mnzake, akudziyalira ukonde mapazi ake.
A man that spekith bi flaterynge and feyned wordis to his frend; spredith abrood a net to hise steppis.
6 Munthu woyipa amakodwa ndi machimo ake, koma wochita chilungamo amayimba lokoma.
A snare schal wlappe a wickid man doynge synne; and a iust man schal preise, and schal make ioye.
7 Munthu wolungama amasamalira anthu osauka, koma woyipa salabadira zimenezi.
A iust man knowith the cause of pore men; an vnpitouse man knowith not kunnyng.
8 Anthu onyoza atha kuwutsa ziwawa mu mzinda, koma anthu anzeru amaletsa ukali.
Men ful of pestilence distryen a citee; but wise men turnen awei woodnesse.
9 Ngati munthu wanzeru atsutsana ndi chitsiru, chitsirucho chimachita phokoso ndi kumangoseka ndipo sipakhala mtendere.
If a wijs man stryueth with a fool; whether he be wrooth, `ether he leiyith, he schal not fynde reste.
10 Anthu okhetsa magazi amadana ndi munthu wangwiro koma anthu olungama amasamalira moyo wake.
Menquelleris haten a simple man; but iust men seken his soule.
11 Munthu wopusa amaonetsa mkwiyo wake, koma munthu wanzeru amadzigwira.
A fool bringith forth al his spirit; a wise man dilaieth, and reserueth in to tyme comynge afterward.
12 Ngati wolamulira amvera zabodza, akuluakulu ake onse adzakhala oyipa.
A prince that herith wilfuli the wordis of a leesyng; schal haue alle mynystris vnfeithful.
13 Munthu wosauka ndi munthu wopondereza anzake amafanana pa kuti: Yehova ndiye anawapatsa maso onsewa.
A pore man and a leenere metten hem silf; the Lord is liytnere of euer ethir.
14 Ngati mfumu iweruza osauka moyenera, mpando wake waufumu udzakhazikika nthawi zonse.
If a kyng demeth pore men in treuthe; his trone schal be maad stidfast with outen ende.
15 Ndodo ndi chidzudzulo zimapatsa nzeru koma mwana womulekerera amachititsa amayi ake manyazi.
A yerde and chastisyng schal yyue wisdom; but a child, which is left to his wille, schendith his modir.
16 Oyipa akamalamulira zoyipa zimachuluka, koma anthu olungama adzaona kugwa kwa anthu oyipawo.
Grete trespassis schulen be multiplied in the multipliyng of wickid men; and iust men schulen se the fallyngis of hem.
17 Umulange mwana wako ndipo adzakupatsa mtendere ndi kusangalatsa mtima wako.
Teche thi sone, and he schal coumforte thee; and he schal yyue delicis to thi soule.
18 Ngati uthenga wochokera kwa Yehova supezeka anthu amangochita zofuna zawo; koma wodala ndi amene amasunga malamulo.
Whanne prophesie faylith, the puple schal be distried; but he that kepith the lawe, is blessid.
19 Munthu wantchito sangalangizidwe ndi mawu okha basi; ngakhale awamvetse mawuwo sadzatha kuchitapo kanthu.
A seruaunt mai not be tauyt bi wordis; for he vndirstondith that that thou seist, and dispisith for to answere.
20 Ngakhale munthu wa uchitsiru nʼkuti ndiponi popeza chikhulupiriro chilipo kuposa munthu wodziyesa yekha kuti ndi wanzeru poyankhula.
Thou hast seyn a man swift to speke; foli schal be hopid more than his amendyng.
21 Ngati munthu asasatitsa wantchito wake kuyambira ali mwana, potsirizira adzapeza kuti wantchitoyo wasanduka mlowachuma wake.
He that nurschith his seruaunt delicatli fro childhod; schal fynde hym rebel aftirward.
22 Munthu wamkwiyo amayambitsa mikangano, ndipo munthu waukali amachita zolakwa zambiri.
A wrathful man territh chidingis; and he that is liyt to haue indignacioun, schal be more enclynaunt to synnes.
23 Kunyada kwa munthu kudzamutsitsa, koma munthu wodzichepetsa amalandira ulemu.
Lownesse sueth a proude man; and glorie schal vp take a meke man of spirit.
24 Woyenda ndi munthu wakuba ndi mdani wa moyo wake womwe; amalumbira koma osawulula kanthu.
He that takith part with a theef, hatith his soule; he herith a man chargynge greetli, and schewith not.
25 Kuopa munthu kudzakhala ngati msampha, koma aliyense amene amadalira Yehova adzatetezedwa.
He that dredith a man, schal falle soon; he that hopith in the Lord, shal be reisid.
26 Anthu ambiri amafunitsitsa kuti wolamulira awakomere mtima, koma munthu amaweruzidwa mwachilungamo ndi thandizo la Yehova basi.
Many men seken the face of the prince; and the doom of alle men schal go forth of the Lord.
27 Anthu olungama amanyansidwa ndi anthu achinyengo; koma anthu oyipa amanyansidwa ndi anthu a mtima wowongoka.
Iust men han abhomynacioun of a wickid man; and wickid men han abhomynacioun of hem, that ben in a riytful weye. A sone kepynge a word, schal be out of perdicioun.

< Miyambo 29 >