< Miyambo 24 >

1 Usachitire nsanje anthu oyipa, usalakalake kuti uzikhala nawo,
Sue thou not yuele men, desire thou not to be with hem.
2 pakuti mitima yawo imalingalira chiwawa, ndipo pakamwa pawo pamayankhula zoyambitsa mavuto.
For the soule of hem bithenkith raueyns, and her lippis speken fraudis.
3 Nyumba imamangidwa ndi anthu anzeru, ndipo imakhazikika ndi anthu odziwa zinthu;
An hous schal be bildid bi wisdom, and schal be maad strong bi prudence.
4 Munthu wodziwa zinthu angathe kudzaza zipinda zake ndi chuma chamtengowapatali ndiponso chabwino.
Celeris schulen be fillid in teching, al riches preciouse and ful fair.
5 Munthu wodziwa zinthu ali ndi mphamvu yayikulu kuposa munthu wanyonga zambiri, ndipo munthu wachidziwitso amaposa munthu wamphamvu.
A wijs man is strong, and a lerned man is stalworth and miyti.
6 Pafunika malangizo kuti ukamenye nkhondo. Pakakhala aphungu ambiri kupambana kumakhalapo.
For whi batel is bigunnun with ordenaunce, and helthe schal be, where many counsels ben.
7 Nzeru ndi chinthu chapatali kwambiri kwa chitsiru; chilibe choti chiyankhule pabwalo la milandu pa chipata.
Wisdom is hiy to a fool; in the yate he schal not opene his mouth.
8 Amene amakonzekera kuchita zoyipa adzatchedwa mvundulamadzi.
He that thenkith to do yuels, schal be clepid a fool.
9 Kukonzekera kuchita za uchitsiru ndi tchimo, ndipo munthu wonyoza amanyansa anthu.
The thouyte of a fool is synne; and a bacbitere is abhomynacioun of men.
10 Ngati utaya mtima nthawi ya mavuto ndiye kuti mphamvu yako ndi yochepadi!
If thou that hast slide, dispeirist in the dai of angwisch, thi strengthe schal be maad lesse.
11 Uwapulumutse amene akutengedwa kuti akaphedwe; uwalanditse amene akuyenda movutika kupita kokaphedwa.
Delyuere thou hem, that ben led to deth; and ceesse thou not to delyuere hem, that ben drawun to deth.
12 Ukanena kuti, “Koma ife sitinadziwe kanthu za izi,” kodi Iye amene amasanthula mtima sazindikira zimenezi? Kodi Iye amene amateteza moyo wako sazidziwa zimenezi? Kodi Iye sadzalipira munthu malingana ndi ntchito zake?
If thou seist, Strengthis suffisen not; he that is biholdere of the herte, vndirstondith, and no thing disseyueth the kepere of thi soule, and he schal yelde to a man bi hise werkis.
13 Mwana wanga, uzidya uchi popeza ndi wabwino; uchi wochokera mʼchisa cha njuchi ndi wokoma ukawulawa.
Mi sone, ete thou hony, for it is good; and an honycomb ful swete to thi throte.
14 Udziwe kuti nzeru ndi yoteronso pa moyo wako; ngati uyipeza nzeruyo, zinthu zidzakuyendera bwino mʼtsogolo, ndipo chiyembekezo chako sichidzapita pachabe.
`So and the techyng of wisdom is good to thi soule; and whanne thou hast founde it, thou schalt haue hope in the laste thingis, and thin hope schal not perische.
15 Usachite zachifwamba nyumba ya munthu wolungama ngati munthu woyipa. Usachite nayo nkhondo nyumba yake;
Aspie thou not, and seke not wickidnesse in the hous of a iust man, nether waste thou his reste.
16 paja munthu wolungama akagwa kasanu nʼkawiri amadzukiriranso. Koma woyipa adzathedwa tsoka likadzawafikira.
For a iust man schal falle seuene sithis in the dai, and schal rise ayen; but wickid men schulen falle in to yuele.
17 Usamakondwera ndi kugwa kwa mdani wako. Mtima wako usamasangalale iye akapunthwa.
Whanne thin enemye fallith, haue thou not ioye; and thin herte haue not ful out ioiyng in his fal;
18 Kuopa kuti Yehova ataziona zimenezi nayipidwa nazo, angaleke kukwiyira mdaniyo.
lest perauenture the Lord se, and it displese hym, and he take awei his ire fro hym.
19 Usavutike mtima chifukwa cha anthu ochita zoyipa kapena kuchitira nsanje anthu oyipa,
Stryue thou not with `the worste men, nether sue thou wickid men.
20 paja munthu woyipa alibe tsogolo. Moyo wa anthu oyipa adzawuzimitsa ngati nyale.
For whi yuele men han not hope of thingis to comynge, and the lanterne of wickid men schal be quenchid.
21 Mwana wanga, uziopa Yehova ndi mfumu, ndipo usamagwirizana ndi anthu owachitira mwano,
My sone, drede thou God, and the kyng; and be thou not medlid with bacbiteris.
22 awiri amenewa amagwetsa tsoka mwadzidzidzi. Ndani angadziwe mavuto amene angagwetse?
For her perdicioun schal rise togidere sudenli, and who knowith the fal of euer either?
23 Malangizo enanso a anthu anzeru ndi awa: Kukondera poweruza mlandu si chinthu chabwino:
Also these thingis that suen ben to wise men. It is not good to knowe a persoone in doom.
24 Aliyense amene amawuza munthu wolakwa kuti, “Iwe ndi munthu wosalakwa,” anthu a mitundu yonse adzamutemberera, ndi mitundu ya anthu idzayipidwa naye.
Puplis schulen curse hem, that seien to a wickid man, Thou art iust; and lynagis schulen holde hem abhomynable.
25 Koma olanga anthu oyipa zinthu zidzawayendera bwino ndipo madalitso ochuluka adzakhala pa iwo.
Thei that repreuen iustli synners, schulen be preisid; and blessing schal come on hem.
26 Woyankhula mawu owona ndiye amaonetsa chibwenzi chenicheni.
He that answerith riytful wordis, schal kisse lippis.
27 Ugwiriretu ntchito zako zonse, makamaka za ku munda ndipo pambuyo pake uyambe kumanga nyumba.
Make redi thi werk with outforth, and worche thi feelde dilygentli, that thou bilde thin hous aftirward.
28 Usakhale mboni yotsutsa mnzako popanda chifukwa, kapena kugwiritsa ntchito pakamwa pako kunena zachinyengo.
Be thou not a witnesse with out resonable cause ayens thi neiybore; nether flatere thou ony man with thi lippis.
29 Usanene kuti, “Ine ndidzamuchitira iye monga momwe wandichitira ine; ndidzamubwezera munthu ameneyo zimene anandichitira.”
Seie thou not, As he dide to me, so Y schal do to him, and Y schal yelde to ech man aftir his werk.
30 Ndinkayenda mʼmbali mwa munda wa munthu waulesi ndinadutsa munda wamphesa wa munthu wopanda nzeru.
I passide bi the feeld of a slow man, and bi the vyner of a fonned man; and, lo!
31 Ndinapeza kuti paliponse mʼmundamo munali mutamera minga, mʼnthaka imeneyo munali mutamera khwisa, ndipo mpanda wake wamiyala unali utawonongeka.
nettlis hadden fillid al, thornes hadden hilid the hiyere part therof, and the wal of stoonys with out morter was distried.
32 Tsono nditaona ndinayamba kuganizira mu mtima mwanga ndipo ndinatolapo phunziro ili:
And whanne Y hadde seyn this thing, Y settide in myn herte, and bi ensaumple Y lernyde techyng.
33 Ukati, “Bwanji ndigone pangʼono,” kapena “Ndiwodzereko pangʼono,” kapenanso “Ndipinde manja pangʼono kuti ndipumule,”
Hou longe slepist thou, slow man? whanne schalt thou ryse fro sleep? Sotheli thou schalt slepe a litil, thou schalt nappe a litil, thou schalt ioyne togidere the hondis a litil, to take reste;
34 umphawi udzafika pa iwe ngati mbala ndipo usiwa udzakupeza ngati munthu wachifwamba.
and thi nedynesse as a currour schal come to thee, and thi beggerie as an armed man.

< Miyambo 24 >