< Obadiya 1 >

1 Masomphenya a Obadiya. Ambuye Yehova akunena kwa Edomu kuti, Tamva uthenga wochokera kwa Yehova: Nthumwi yatumidwa kupita kwa anthu a mitundu kukanena kuti, “Konzekani, tiyeni tikachite nkhondo ndi Edomu.”
Visioun of Abdias. The Lord God seith these thingis to Edom. We herden an heryng of the Lord, and he sente a messanger to hethene men. Rise ye, and togidere rise we ayens hym in to batel.
2 “Taona, ndidzakuchepetsani pakati pa anthu a mitundu ina; udzanyozedwa kwambiri.
Lo! Y yaf thee litil in hethene men, thou art ful myche `worthi to be dispisid.
3 Kudzikuza kwa mtima wako kwakusocheretsa, iwe amene umakhala mʼmapanga a mʼmatanthwe ndipo umamanga nyumba zako pa mapiri ataliatali, iwe amene umanena mu mtima mwako kuti, ‘Ndani anganditsitse pansi?’
The pride of thin herte enhaunside thee, dwellynge in crasyngis of stoonys, areisynge thi seete. Whiche seist in thin herte, Who schal drawe me doun in to erthe?
4 Koma ngakhale umawuluka ngati chiwombankhanga ndi kumanga chisa chako pakati pa nyenyezi, ndidzakutsitsa pansi kuchokera kumeneko,” akutero Yehova.
Thouy thou schalt be reisid as an egle, and thouy thou schalt putte thi nest among sterris, fro thennus Y schal drawe thee doun, seith the Lord.
5 “Anthu akuba akanabwera kwa iwe, kapena anthu olanda zinthu akanafika usiku, aa, tsoka lanji limene likukudikira iwe! Kodi akanangotengako zimene akuzifuna zokha? Ngati anthu othyola mphesa akanafika, kodi akanakusiyiraniko mphesa pangʼono pokha?
If niyt theuys hadden entrid to thee, if outlawis bi niyt, hou schuldist thou haue be stille? whether thei schulden not haue stole thingis ynow to hem? If gadereris of grapis hadden entrid to thee, whether thei schulden haue left nameli clustris to thee?
6 Koma Esau adzalandidwa zinthu zonse, chuma chake chobisika chidzabedwa!
Hou souyten thei Esau, serchiden the hid thingis of him?
7 Anthu onse ogwirizana nawo adzakupirikitsira kumalire; abwenzi ako adzakunyenga ndi kukugonjetsa; amene amadya chakudya chako adzakutchera msampha, koma iwe sudzazindikira zimenezi.”
Til to the termes thei senten out thee; and alle men of thi couenaunt of pees scorneden thee, men of thi pees wexiden stronge ayens thee; thei that schulen ete with thee, schulen put aspies, ether tresouns, vndur thee; ther is no prudence in hym.
8 Yehova akunena kuti, “Tsiku limenelo, kodi sindidzawononga anthu onse anzeru a ku Edomu, anthu odziwa zinthu mʼmapiri a Esau?
Whether not in that dai, seith the Lord, Y schal lese the wise men of Idumee, and prudence of the mount of Esau?
9 Ankhondo ako, iwe Temani, adzachita mantha, ndipo aliyense amene ali mʼphiri la Esau adzaphedwa pa nkhondo.
And thi stronge men schulen drede of myddai, that a man of the hil of Esau perische.
10 Chifukwa cha nkhanza zimene unachitira mʼbale wako Yakobo, udzakhala wamanyazi; adzakuwononga mpaka muyaya.
For sleyng and for wickidnesse ayens thi brother Jacob, confusioun schal hile thee, and thou schalt perische with outen ende.
11 Pamene adani ankamulanda chuma chake pamene alendo analowa pa zipata zake ndi kuchita maere pa Yerusalemu, pa tsikulo iwe unali ngati mmodzi wa iwo.
In the dai whanne thou stodist ayens hym, whanne aliens token the oost of hym, and straungeris entriden the yatis of hym, and senten lot on Jerusalem, thou were also as oon of hem.
12 Iwe sunayenera kunyoza mʼbale wako pa nthawi ya tsoka lake, kapena kunyogodola Ayuda chifukwa cha chiwonongeko chawo, kapena kuwaseka pa nthawi ya mavuto awo.
And thou schalt not dispise in the dai of thi brother, in the dai of his pilgrimage, and thou schalt not be glad on the sones of Juda, in the dai of perdicioun of hem; and thou schalt not magnefie thi mouth in the dai of angwisch,
13 Iwe sunayenera kudutsa pa zipata za anthu anga pa nthawi ya masautso awo, kapena kuwanyogodola pa tsiku la tsoka lawo, kapena kulanda chuma chawo pa nthawi ya masautso awo.
nether schalt entre in to the yate of my puple, in the dai of fallyng of hem; and thou schalt not dispise in the yuels of hym, in the dai of his distriyng; and thou schalt not be sent out ayens his oost, in the day of his distriyng;
14 Sunayenera kudikirira pamphambano ya misewu kuti uphe Ayuda othawa, kapena kuwapereka kwa adani awo Ayuda opulumuka pa nthawi ya mavuto awo.”
nether thou schalt stonde in the goynges out, that thou sle hem that fledden; and thou schalt not close togidere the residues, ether left men, of hym, in the day of tribulacioun,
15 “Tsiku la Yehova layandikira limene adzaweruza mitundu yonse ya anthu. Adzakuchitira zomwe unawachitira ena; zochita zako zidzakubwerera wekha.
for the dai of the Lord is niy on alle `hethene men. As thou hast doon, it schal be doon to thee; he schal conuerte thi yeldyng in to thin heed.
16 Iwe unamwa pa phiri langa loyera, koteronso mitundu ina yonse idzamwa kosalekeza; iwo adzamwa ndi kudzandira ndipo adzayiwalika pa mbiri ya dziko lapansi.
For as ye drunken on myn hooli hil, alle hethene men schulen drynke bisili, and thei schulen drynke, and schulen soupe vp; and thei schulen be as if thei ben not.
17 Koma pa Phiri la Ziyoni padzakhala chipulumutso; phirilo lidzakhala lopatulika, ndipo nyumba ya Yakobo idzalandira cholowa chake.
And saluacioun schal be in the hil of Sion, and it schal be hooli; and the hous of Jacob schal welde hem whiche weldiden hem.
18 Nyumba ya Yakobo idzasanduka moto ndipo nyumba ya Yosefe idzasanduka lawi la moto; nyumba ya Esau idzasanduka chiputu, ndipo adzayitenthe pa moto ndi kuyipsereza. Sipadzakhala anthu opulumuka kuchokera mʼnyumba ya Esau.” Yehova wayankhula.
And the hous of Jacob schal be fier, and the hous of Joseph schal be flawme, and the hous of Esau schal be stobil; and `thei schulen be kyndlid in hem, and thei schulen deuoure hem; and relifs schulen not be of the hous of Esau, for the Lord spak.
19 Anthu ochokera ku Negevi adzakhala ku mapiri a Esau, ndipo anthu ochokera mʼmbali mwa mapiri adzatenga dziko la Afilisti. Adzakhala mʼminda ya Efereimu ndi Samariya, ndipo Benjamini adzatenga Giliyadi.
And these that ben at the south, schulen enherite the hil of Esau; and thei that ben in the lowe feeldis, schulen enherite Filistiym; and thei schulen welde the cuntrei of Effraym, and cuntrei of Samarie; and Beniamyn schal welde Galaad.
20 Aisraeli amene ali ku ukapolo adzalandira dziko la Kanaani mpaka ku Zarefati; a ku Yerusalemu amene ali ku ukapolo ku Sefaradi adzalandira mizinda ya ku Negevi.
And ouerpassyng of this oost of sones of Israel schal welde alle places of Cananeis, til to Sarepta; and the transmygracioun of Jerusalem, that is in Bosphoro, schal welde citees of the south.
21 Opulumukawo adzapita ku Phiri la Ziyoni ndipo adzalamulira mapiri a Esau. Koma ufumuwo udzakhala wa Yehova.
And sauyours schulen stie in to the hil of Sion, for to deme the hil of Esau, and a rewme schal be to the Lord.

< Obadiya 1 >