< Numeri 7 >

1 Mose atamaliza kuyimika chihema chija, anachidzoza mafuta ndi kuchipatula pamodzi ndi ziwiya zake zonse. Anadzozanso guwa lansembe ndi kulipatula pamodzi ndi ziwiya zake zonse.
Forsothe it was don in the dai in which Moises fillide the tabernacle, and reiside it, and anoyntide and halewide with alle `hise vessels, the auter in lijk maner and the vessels therof.
2 Kenaka atsogoleri a Aisraeli, akuluakulu a mabanja omwe ankayangʼanira mafuko a anthu omwe anawawerenga aja, anachita chopereka.
And the princes of Israel, and the heedis of meynees that weren bi alle lynagis, `the souereyns of hem that weren noumbrid,
3 Anabweretsa zopereka zawo pamaso pa Yehova: ngolo zophimbidwa zisanu ndi imodzi ndiponso ngʼombe zothena khumi ndi ziwiri. Mtsogoleri mmodzi ngʼombe yothena imodzi ndipo atsogoleri awiri ngolo imodzi. Izi anazipereka ku chihema.
offeriden yiftis bifor the Lord, sixe waynes hylid with twelue oxun; twei duykis offeriden o wayn, and ech offeride oon oxe. And thei offeriden tho waynes `in the siyt of the tabernacle.
4 Yehova anawuza Mose kuti,
Forsothe the Lord seide to Moises,
5 “Ulandire zimenezi kwa iwo kuti zigwire ntchito ku tenti ya msonkhano. Uzipereke kwa Alevi, aliyense monga mwa ntchito yake.”
Take thou of hem, that tho serue in the seruice of the tabernacle, and bitake thou tho to dekenes bi the ordre of her seruice.
6 Choncho Mose anatenga ngolo ndi ngʼombe zothenazo nazipereka kwa Alevi.
And so whanne Moises hadde take the waynes, and the oxun, he bitook tho to the dekenes.
7 Anapereka ngolo ziwiri ndi ngʼombe zothena zinayi kwa Ageresoni monga mwantchito yawo
He yaf twei waynes and foure oxun to the sones of Gerson, bi that that thei hadden nedeful.
8 ndiponso anapereka ngolo zinayi ndi ngʼombe zothena zisanu ndi zitatu kwa Amerari molingananso ndi ntchito yawo. Onsewa ankawayangʼanira anali Itamara mwana wa Aaroni wansembe.
He yaf four other waynes and eiyte oxun to the sones of Merari, bi her offices and religioun, vnder the hond of Ythamar, the sone of Aaron, preest.
9 Koma Mose sanapereke zimenezi kwa Akohati chifukwa zinthu zawo zopatulika zomwe ankayangʼanira zinali zoti azinyamula pa mapewa awo.
Forsothe he yaf not waynes and oxun to the sones of Caath, for thei seruen in the seyntuarye, and beren chargis with her owne schuldris.
10 Guwa la nsembe litadzozedwa, atsogoleri anabweretsa zopereka zawo zopatulira guwa nazipereka paguwapo.
Therfor the duykis offeriden, in the halewyng of the auter, in the dai in which it was anoyntid, her offryng to the Lord, bifore the auter.
11 Pakuti Yehova anawuza Mose kuti, “Tsiku lililonse mtsogoleri mmodzi azibweretsa chopereka chake chopatulira guwa lansembe.”
And the Lord seide to Moises, Alle dukis bi hemsilf offre yiftis, bi alle daies bi hem silf, in to the halewyng of the auter.
12 Amene anabweretsa chopereka chake tsiku loyamba anali Naasoni mwana wa Aminadabu wa fuko la Yuda.
Naason, the sone of Amynadab, of the lynage of Juda, offeride his offryng in the firste day;
13 Chopereka chake chinali mbale imodzi yasiliva yolemera kilogalamu imodzi, ndi beseni lasiliva limodzi lowazira, lolemera magalamu 800, zonse monga mwa muyeso wa ku malo wopatulika ndipo zonse ziwiri zinali zodzaza ndi ufa wosalala wosakaniza ndi mafuta ngati chopereka chachakudya;
and a siluerne vessel `to preue ensense and siche thingis, in the weiyte of an hundrid and thretti siclis, a viol of siluere, hauynge seuenti siclis bi the weiyt of the seyntuarie, `weren ther ynne, euer eithir ful of flour spreynt togidere with oile, in to sacrifice;
14 mbale imodzi yagolide yolemera magalamu 110, yodzaza ndi lubani;
a morter, of ten goldun siclis, ful of encence.
15 mwana wangʼombe wamwamuna mmodzi, nkhosa yayimuna imodzi ndi mwana wankhosa wamwamuna mmodzi wa chaka chimodzi, za nsembe yopsereza;
He offride an oxe of the droue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to brent sacrifice;
16 mbuzi yayimuna imodzi, nsembe ya machimo;
and a `buk of geet, for synne.
17 ndi ngʼombe zothena ziwiri, nkhosa zazimuna zisanu, mbuzi zazimuna zisanu ndi ana ankhosa asanu a chaka chimodzi kuti zikhale za nsembe yachiyanjano. Ichi chinali chopereka cha Naasoni mwana wa Aminadabu.
And he offeride in the sacrifice of pesible thingis, tweyne oxun, fyue rammys, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This is the offryng of Naason, the sone of Amynadab.
18 Pa tsiku lachiwiri, Natanieli mwana wa Zuwara, mtsogoleri wa Isakara, anabweretsa chopereka chake.
In the secounde dai Nathanael, the sone of Suar, duyk of the lynage of Isachar,
19 Chopereka chomwe anabwera nacho chinali mbale imodzi yasiliva yolemera kilogalamu imodzi, beseni limodzi lowazira lasiliva lolemera magalamu 800, molingana ndi muyeso wa ku malo opatulika. Mbale zonse zinali zodzaza ndi ufa wosalala wosakaniza ndi mafuta monga chopereka cha chakudya.
offeride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thretti siclis, a siluerne viole, hauynge seuenti syclis bi the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer either ful of flour spreynt togidere with oile, in to sacrifice;
20 Mbale imodzi yagolide yolemera magalamu 110 yodzaza ndi lubani;
a goldun morter, hauynge ten siclis, ful of encense;
21 mwana wangʼombe wamwamuna mmodzi, nkhosa yayimuna imodzi ndi mwana wankhosa mmodzi wa chaka chimodzi, za nsembe yopsereza:
an oxe of the droue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to brent sacrifice;
22 mbuzi yayimuna imodzi ya nsembe yotetezera machimo;
and a `buc of geet, for synne.
23 ndi ngʼombe ziwiri, nkhosa zazimuna ziwiri, mbuzi zazimuna zisanu ndi ana ankhosa asanu a chaka chimodzi, nsembe ya chiyanjano. Ichi chinali chopereka cha Netanieli mwana wa Zuwara.
And in the sacrifice of pesible thingis he offride tweyne oxun, and fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offryng of Nathanael the sone of Suar.
24 Pa tsiku lachitatu, Eliabu mwana wa Heloni, mtsogoleri wa Azebuloni, anabweretsa chopereka chake.
In the thridde dai Eliab, the sone of Elon, prince of the sones of Zabulon,
25 Chopereka chake chinali mbale imodzi yasiliva yolemera kilogalamu imodzi ndi theka, ndi beseni limodzi lasiliva lowazira lolemera magalamu 800, zonse monga mwa muyeso wa ku malo opatulika, mbale zonse zodzaza ndi ufa wosalala wosakaniza ndi mafuta, chopereka cha chakudya;
offeride a siluerne vessel to `preue encence and siche thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thretti siclis, a siluerne viol, hauynge seuenti siclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer eithir ful of flour spreynt togidere with oile, in to sacrifice; a goldun morter,
26 mbale imodzi yagolide yolemera magalamu 110, yodzaza ndi lubani;
peisynge ten siclis, ful of encense;
27 mwana wangʼombe wamwamuna mmodzi, nkhosa yayimuna imodzi ndi mwana wankhosa wamwamuna mmodzi wa chaka chimodzi, za nsembe yopsereza;
an oxe of the droue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to brent sacrifice; and a buc of geet, for synne.
28 mbuzi imodzi ya nsembe yopepesera machimo;
And in sacrifice of pesible thingis he offride tweyne oxen, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer.
29 ndi ngʼombe ziwiri, nkhosa zazimuna zisanu, mbuzi zazimuna zisanu ndi ana ankhosa aamuna asanu a chaka chimodzi, nsembe yachiyanjano. Ichi chinali chopereka cha Eliabu mwana wa Heloni.
This is the offryng of Eliab, the sone of Helon.
30 Tsiku lachinayi linali la Elizuri mwana wa Sedeuri, mtsogoleri wa fuko la Rubeni, anabweretsa chopereka chake.
In the fourthe dai Helisur, the sone of Sedeur, the prince of the sones of Ruben,
31 Chopereka chake chinali mbale imodzi yasiliva yolemera kilogalamu imodzi ndi theka, beseni limodzi lowazira lasiliva lolemera magalamu 800, zonse monga mwa muyeso wa ku malo opatulika; zonse ziwiri zinali zodzaza ndi ufa wosalala wosakaniza ndi mafuta, chopereka chachakudya.
offride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thretti siclis, a siluerne viol, hauynge seuenti syclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer eithir ful of flour spreynt togidere with oile, in to sacrifice;
32 Mbale imodzi yagolide yolemera magalamu 110, yodzaza ndi lubani;
a goldun morter peisynge ten siclis, ful of encense;
33 mwana wangʼombe wamwamuna mmodzi, nkhosa yayimuna imodzi ndi mwana wankhosa wa chaka chimodzi, za nsembe yopsereza;
an oxe of the drooue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer in to brent sacrifice,
34 mbuzi imodzi ya nsembe yopepesera machimo;
and a `buc of geet, for synne.
35 ndi ngʼombe zazimuna ziwiri, nkhosa zazimuna ziwiri, mbuzi zazimuna zisanu ndi ana ankhosa aamuna asanu a chaka chimodzi, nsembe yachiyanjano. Ichi chinali chopereka cha Elizuri mwana wa Sedeuri.
And in to sacrifice of pesible thingis he offride tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offryng of Elisur, the sone of Sedeur.
36 Pa tsiku lachisanu Selumieli mwana wa Zurisadai, mtsogoleri wa fuko la Simeoni, anabweretsa chopereka chake.
In the fyuethe dai Salamyhel, the sone of Surisaddai, the prince of the sones of Symeon,
37 Chopereka chake chinali mbale yasiliva yolemera kilogalamu imodzi ndi theka ndi beseni limodzi lowazira lasiliva lolemera magalamu 800, zonse monga mwa muyeso wa ku malo opatulika. Zonse ziwiri zinali zodzaza ndi ufa wosalala wosakaniza ndi mafuta monga chopereka chachakudya;
offeride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis, peysynge an hundrid and thretti siclis, a siluerne viol, hauynge seuenti siclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer either ful of flour spreynt togidere with oile, in to sacrifice;
38 mbale yagolide imodzi yolemera 110, yodzaza ndi lubani;
a goldun morter, peisynge ten siclis, ful of encense;
39 mwana wangʼombe wamwamuna mmodzi, nkhosa imodzi ndi mwana wankhosa mmodzi wamwamuna wa chaka chimodzi, za nsembe yopsereza;
an oxe of the drooue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to brent sacrifice;
40 mbuzi imodzi ya nsembe yopepesera machimo;
and a `bucke of geet, for synne.
41 ngʼombe ziwiri, nkhosa zisanu, mbuzi zazimuna zisanu ndi ana ankhosa aamuna asanu a chaka chimodzi, nsembe yachiyanjano. Ichi chinali chopereka cha Selumieli mwana wa Zurisadai.
And in to sacrifice of pesible thingis he offeride tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offring of Salamyhel, the sone of Surisaddai.
42 Pa tsiku lachisanu ndi chimodzi, Eliyasafu mwana wa Deuweli, mtsogoleri wa fuko la Gadi, anabweretsa chopereka chake.
In the sixte day Elisaphat, the sone of Duel, the prince of the sones of Gad,
43 Chopereka chakecho chinali mbale imodzi yasiliva yolemera kilogalamu imodzi ndi theka, beseni limodzi lowazira lasiliva lolemera magalamu 800, zonse monga mwa muyeso wa ku malo opatulika; zonse ziwiri zinali zodzaza ndi ufa wosalala wosakaniza ndi mafuta monga chopereka chachakudya;
offride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and sich thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thretti siclis, a siluerne viol, hauynge seuenti siclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer eithir ful of flour spreynt togidere with oile in to sacrifice;
44 mbale imodzi yagolide yolemera magalamu 110, yodzaza ndi lubani;
a goldun morter, peisynge ten siclis, ful of encense;
45 mwana wangʼombe wamwamuna mmodzi, nkhosa yayimuna imodzi ndi mwana wankhosa wamwamuna mmodzi wa chaka chimodzi, chopereka cha nsembe yopsereza:
an oxe of the droue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to brent sacrifice;
46 mbuzi yayimuna imodzi ya nsembe yopepesera machimo;
and a `buc of geet, for synne.
47 ngʼombe zazimuna ziwiri, nkhosa zazimuna zisanu, mbuzi zazimuna zisanu ndi ana ankhosa aamuna asanu a chaka chimodzi, nsembe yachiyanjano. Ichi chinali chopereka cha Eliyasafu mwana wa Deuweli.
And in to sacrifice of pesible thingis he offride twei oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offryng of Elisaphat, the sone of Duel.
48 Pa tsiku lachisanu ndi chiwiri Elisama mwana wa Amihudi, mtsogoleri wa fuko la Efereimu, anabweretsa chopereka chake.
In the seuenthe dai Elisama, the sone of Amyud, the prince of the sones of Effraym,
49 Chopereka chakecho chinali mbale imodzi yasiliva yolemera kilogalamu imodzi ndi theka, ndi beseni limodzi lowazira lasiliva lolemera magalamu 800, zonsezi monga mwa muyeso wa ku malo opatulika, zonse ziwiri zinali zodzaza ndi ufa wosalala wosakaniza ndi mafuta monga chopereka chachakudya;
offride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thretti siclis, a siluerne viol, hauynge seuenti siclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer either ful of flour spreynt togidere with oyle, in to sacrifice; a goldun morter,
50 mbale imodzi yagolide yolemera magalamu 110, yodzaza ndi lubani;
peisynge ten siclis, ful of encense;
51 mwana wangʼombe wamwamuna mmodzi, nkhosa imodzi yayimuna ndi mwana wankhosa wamwamuna mmodzi wa chaka chimodzi, nsembe yopsereza;
an oxe of the drooue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to
52 mbuzi imodzi ya nsembe yopepesera machimo;
brent sacrifice; and a `buc of geet, for synne.
53 ngʼombe ziwiri, nkhosa zazimuna zisanu, mbuzi zazimuna zisanu ndi ana ankhosa aamuna asanu a chaka chimodzi, nsembe yachiyanjano. Ichi chinali chopereka cha Elisama mwana wa Amihudi.
And in to sacrifices of pesible thingis he offride tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offryng of Elisama, the sone of Amyud.
54 Pa tsiku lachisanu ndi chitatu Gamalieli mwana wa Pedazuri, mtsogoleri wa fuko Manase, anabweretsa chopereka chake.
In the eiytthe dai Gamaliel, the sone of Fadussur, the prince of the sones of Manasses,
55 Chopereka chakecho chinali mbale imodzi yasiliva yolemera kilogalamu imodzi ndi theka, ndi beseni limodzi lowazira lasiliva lolemera magalamu 800, zonse monga mwa muyeso wa ku malo opatulika; zonse ziwiri zinali zodzaza ndi ufa wosalala wosakaniza ndi mafuta monga chopereka chachakudya;
offride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thretti syclis, a siluerne viole, hauynge seuenti siclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer eithir ful of flour spreynt togidere with oile, in to sacrifice; a goldun morter,
56 mbale imodzi yagolide yolemera magalamu 110, yodzaza ndi lubani,
peisynge ten siclis, ful of encense;
57 mwana wangʼombe wamwamuna mmodzi, nkhosa yayimuna imodzi ndi mwana wankhosa mmodzi wa chaka chimodzi, nsembe yopsereza;
an oxe of the drooue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to brent
58 mbuzi imodzi ya nsembe yopepesera machimo;
sacrifice; and a `buc of geet, for synne.
59 ngʼombe zazimuna ziwiri, nkhosa zazimuna zisanu, mbuzi zazimuna zisanu ndi ana ankhosa a chaka chimodzi, nsembe yachiyanjano. Ichi chinali chopereka cha Gamalieli mwana wa Pedazuri.
And in to sacrificis of pesible thingis he offride tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offryng of Gamaliel, the sone of Fadussur.
60 Pa tsiku lachisanu ndi chinayi Abidani mwana wa Gideoni mtsogoleri wa fuko la Benjamini, anabweretsa chopereka chake.
In the nynthe dai Abidan, the sone of Gedeon, the prince of the sones of Beniamyn,
61 Chopereka chakecho chinali mbale imodzi yasiliva yolemera kilogalamu imodzi ndi theka ndi beseni limodzi lowazira lolemera magalamu 800, zonse monga mwa muyeso wa ku malo opatulika; zonse ziwiri zinali zodzaza ndi ufa wosalala wosakaniza ndi mafuta monga chopereka cha zakudya;
offeride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thretti siclis, a siluerne viol, hauynge seuenti siclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer eithir ful of flour sprent togidere with oile, in to sacrifice;
62 mbale imodzi yagolide yolemera magalamu 110, yodzaza ndi lubani;
a goldun morter, peisynge ten siclis, ful of encense; an oxe of the drooue,
63 mwana wangʼombe wamwamuna mmodzi, nkhosa imodzi yayimuna ndi mwana wankhosa mmodzi wa chaka chimodzi, nsembe yopsereza;
and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer in to brent sacrifice;
64 mbuzi yayimuna imodzi ya nsembe yopepesera machimo;
and a `buc of geet, for synne.
65 ngʼombe zazimuna ziwiri, nkhosa zazimuna zisanu, mbuzi zazimuna zisanu, ndi ana ankhosa aamuna asanu a chaka chimodzi, nsembe yachiyanjano. Ichi chinali chopereka cha Abidani mwana wa Gideoni.
And in to sacrifice of pesible thingis he offride tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offryng of Abidan, the sone of Gedeon.
66 Pa tsiku lakhumi Ahiyezeri mwana wa Amisadai, mtsogoleri wa fuko la Dani anabweretsa chopereka chake.
In the tenthe dai Abiezer, the sone of Amysaddai, the prince of the sones of Dan,
67 Chopereka chake chinali mbale imodzi yasiliva yolemera kilogalamu imodzi ndi theka, beseni limodzi lowazira lasiliva lolemera magalamu 800, zonse monga mwa muyeso wa ku malo opatulika, zonse ziwiri zinali zodzaza ndi ufa wosalala wosakaniza ndi mafuta monga chopereka chachakudya;
offride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thretti siclis, a siluerne viol, hauynge seuenti siclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer ethir ful of flour spreynt to gidere with oile in to sacrifice;
68 mbale imodzi yagolide yolemera magalamu 110, yodzaza ndi lubani;
a goldun morter, peisynge ten siclis, ful of encense;
69 mwana wangʼombe wamwamuna mmodzi, nkhosa imodzi yayimuna ndi mwana wankhosa mmodzi wa chaka chimodzi, nsembe yopsereza;
an oxe of the drooue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to brent sacrifice;
70 mbuzi yayimuna imodzi ya nsembe yopepesera machimo;
and a `buc of geet, for synne.
71 ndi ngʼombe ziwiri zazimuna, nkhosa zazimuna zisanu, mbuzi zazimuna zisanu, ndi ana ankhosa aamuna asanu a chaka chimodzi, nsembe yachiyanjano. Ichi chinali chopereka cha Ahiyezeri mwana wa Amisadai.
And in to sacrifices of pesible thingis he offride tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offryng of Abiezer, the sone of Amysaddai.
72 Pa tsiku la khumi ndi chimodzi, Pagieli mwana wa Okirani, mtsogoleri wa fuko la Aseri, anabweretsa chopereka chake.
In the enleuenthe dai Phegiel, the sone of Ocran,
73 Chopereka chakecho chinali mbale imodzi yasiliva yolemera kilogalamu imodzi ndi theka, beseni limodzi lowazira lasiliva lolemera magalamu 800, zonse monga mwa muyeso wa ku malo opatulika; zonse ziwiri zinali zodzaza ndi ufa wosalala wosakaniza ndi mafuta monga chopereka chachakudya;
the prince of the sones of Aser, offride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thretti siclis, a siluerne viol, hauynge seuenti siclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer either ful of flour spreynt to gidere with oile, in to sacrifice;
74 mbale imodzi yagolide yolemera magalamu 110, yodzaza ndi lubani;
a goldun morter, peisynge ten ciclis, ful of encense;
75 mwana wangʼombe wamwamuna mmodzi, nkhosa imodzi yayimuna ndi mwana wankhosa mmodzi wa chaka chimodzi, za nsembe yopsereza;
an oxe of the drooue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to brent sacrifice;
76 mbuzi imodzi yayimuna ya nsembe yopepesera machimo;
and a `bucke of geet, for synne.
77 ngʼombe ziwiri zazimuna, nkhosa zazimuna zisanu, mbuzi zazimuna zisanu, ndi ana ankhosa aamuna asanu a chaka chimodzi, nsembe yachiyanjano. Ichi chinali chopereka cha Pagieli mwana wa Okirani.
And in to sacrifices of pesyble thingis he offride tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offryng of Phegiel, the sone of Ochran.
78 Pa tsiku la khumi ndi chimodzi Ahira mwana wa Enani, mtsogoleri wa fuko la Nafutali, anabweretsa chopereka chake.
In the tweluethe dai Ahira, the sone of Enan, the prince of the sones of Neptalym,
79 Chopereka chakecho chinali mbale imodzi yasiliva yolemera kilogalamu imodzi ndi theka, beseni limodzi lowazira lasiliva lowazira lolemera magalamu 800, zonse monga mwa muyeso wa ku malo opatulika, zonse ziwiri zinali zodzaza ndi ufa wosalala wosakaniza ndi mafuta monga chopereka chachakudya;
offride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thetti siclis, a siluerne viol, hauynge seuenti siclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer eithir ful of flour spreynt to gidere with oile, in to sacrifice;
80 mbale imodzi yagolide yolemera magalamu 110, yodzaza ndi lubani;
a goldun morter, peisynge ten siclis, ful of encense;
81 mwana wangʼombe wamwamuna mmodzi, nkhosa imodzi yayimuna ndi mwana wankhosa mmodzi wa chaka chimodzi, nsembe yopsereza;
an oxe of the drooue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to brent sacrifice;
82 mbuzi yayimuna imodzi ya nsembe yopepesera machimo;
and a `buc of geet, for synne.
83 ngʼombe zazimuna ziwiri, nkhosa zazimuna zisanu, mbuzi zazimuna zisanu, ndi ana ankhosa aamuna asanu a chaka chimodzi, nsembe yachiyanjano. Ichi chinali chopereka cha Ahira mwana wa Enani.
And in to sacrifices of pesible thingis he offride tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offryng of Haira, the sone of Henan.
84 Zopereka za atsogoleri a Israeli zopatulira guwa lansembe pamene linadzozedwa zinali izi: mbale khumi ndi ziwiri zasiliva, mabeseni owazira asiliva khumi ndi awiri ndi mbale zagolide khumi ndi ziwiri.
These thingis weren offrid of the sones of Israel, in the halewyng of the auter, in the dai in which it was halewid; siluerne vessels `to preue, encense and siche thingis twelue, siluerne viols twelue, goldun morteris twelue;
85 Mbale iliyonse yasiliva inkalemera kilogalamu imodzi ndi theka, ndipo beseni lililonse lowazira linkalemera magalamu 800. Pamodzi, mbale zonse zasiliva zinkalemera makilogalamu 27 monga mwa muyeso wa ku malo opatulika.
so that o vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis hadde an hundrid and thretti siclis `of siluer, and o viol hadde seuenti siclis, that is, in comyn, two thousynde and foure hundrid siclis of alle the `vessels of siluer, bi the weiyte of seyntuarie;
86 Mbale khumi ndi ziwiri zagolide zodzaza ndi lubanizo zinkalemera magalamu 110 iliyonse, monga mwa muyeso wa ku malo opatulika. Pamodzi, mbale zagolide zinkalemera kilogalamu imodzi ndi theka.
goldun morteris twelue, ful of encense, peisynge ten siclis bi the weiyte of seyntuarie, that is to gidere an hundrid and twenti siclis of gold;
87 Chiwerengero cha nyama zonse za nsembe yopsereza chinali motere: ngʼombe zazimuna khumi ndi ziwiri, nkhosa zazimuna khumi ndi ziwiri ndi ana ankhosa aamuna khumi ndi awiri a chaka chimodzi pamodzi ndi chopereka chachakudya. Mbuzi zazimuna khumi ndi ziwiri zinali za nsembe yopepesera machimo.
oxun of the drooue in to brent sacrifice twelue, twelue rammes, twelue lambren of o yeer, and the fletynge sacryfices `of tho, twelue `buckis of geet for synne;
88 Chiwerengero cha nyama zonse za nsembe yachiyanjano chinali motere: ngʼombe zothena 24, nkhosa zazimuna 60, mbuzi zazimuna 60 ndi ana ankhosa aamuna a chaka chimodzi 60. Zimenezi ndi zimene zinali zopereka zopatulira guwa lansembe litadzozedwa.
the sacrifices of pesible thingis, foure and twenti oxun, sexty rammes, sexti `buckis of geet, sixti lambren of o yeer. These thingis weren offrid in the halewyng of the auter, whanne it was anoyntid.
89 Mose atalowa mu tenti ya msonkhano kukayankhula ndi Yehova, anamva mawu kuchokera pakati pa Akerubi awiri amene anali pamwamba pa chivundikiro cha bokosi la umboni. Ndipo anayankhula naye.
And whanne Moyses entride in to the tabernacle of boond of pees, `to axe counsel `of Goddis answeryng place, he herde the vois of God spekynge to hym fro `the propiciatorie, which was on the arke of witnessyng, bitwixe twei cherubyns, fro whennus also God spak to Moises.

< Numeri 7 >