< Yobu 39 >

1 “Kodi iwe umadziwa nthawi imene mbalale yayikazi imaswera? Kodi umaonerera pamene nswala ikubala?
Whethir thou knowist the tyme of birthe of wielde geet in stoonys, ethir hast thou aspied hyndis bryngynge forth calues?
2 Kodi umawerenga miyezi imene zimakhala ndi bere? Kodi nthawi imene zimaswana iwe umayidziwa?
Hast thou noumbrid the monethis of her conseyuyng, and hast thou knowe the tyme of her caluyng?
3 Zimakhala tsonga ndi kuswa ana awo; pamenepo ululu wobereka nʼkutha.
Tho ben bowid to the calf, and caluen; and senden out roryngis.
4 Ana a nyamazi amakhala ndi mphamvu ndipo amakulira mʼthengo; kenaka amachoka ndipo sabwereranso.
Her calues ben departid, and goen to pasture; tho goen out, and turnen not ayen to `tho hyndis.
5 “Kodi bulu wakuthengo amamupatsa ndani ufulu wongodziyendera? Ndani amamasula zingwe zake?
Who let go the wielde asse fre, and who loside the boondis of hym?
6 Ine ndinamupatsa chipululu kuti chikhale mudzi wake, nthaka ya mchere kuti ikhale malo ake okhalamo
To whom Y haue youe an hows in wildirnesse, and the tabernacles of hym in the lond of saltnesse.
7 Iye amakhala kutali ndi phokoso la mu mzinda; ndipo samva kufuwula kwa oyendetsa nyama zakatundu.
He dispisith the multitude of citee; he herith not the cry of an axere.
8 Amayendayenda mʼmapiri kudya msipu ndipo amafunafuna msipu uliwonse wobiriwira.
He lokith aboute the hillis of his lesewe, and he sekith alle greene thingis.
9 “Kodi njati ingavomere kukutumikira? Kodi ingagone mu gome lako usiku?
Whether an vnycorn schal wilne serue thee, ethir schal dwelle at thi cratche?
10 Kodi ungathe kuyimanga ndi zingwe kuti izilima? Kodi ingasalaze nthumbira mʼmunda mwako?
Whether thou schalt bynde the vnicorn with thi chayne, for to ere, ethir schal he breke the clottis of valeis aftir thee?
11 Kodi ungadalire njatiyo chifukwa champhamvu zake? Kodi ungayilekere kuti igwire ntchito zako zolemetsa?
Whether thou schalt haue trist in his grete strengthe, and schalt thou leeue to hym thi traueils?
12 Kodi ungadalire kuti idzakubweretsera tirigu wako ndi kumuyika ku malo opunthira?
Whether thou schalt bileue to hym, that he schal yelde seed to thee, and schal gadere togidere thi cornfloor?
13 “Nthiwatiwa imakupiza mapiko ake monyadira, koma mapikowo sangafanane ndi mapiko ndi nthenga za kakowa.
The fethere of an ostriche is lijk the fetheris of a gerfawcun, and of an hauk;
14 Nthiwatiwa imakwirira mazira ake pansi ndipo amafundidwa ndi nthaka,
which ostrige forsakith hise eirun in the erthe, in hap thou schalt make tho hoot in the dust.
15 nthiwatiwayo sidera nkhawa kuti mazira ake angathe kuswanyidwa, ndi kuti nyama zakuthengo zitha kuwaponda.
He foryetith, that a foot tredith tho, ethir that a beeste of the feeld al tobrekith tho.
16 Nthiwatiwa imachitira nkhanza ana ake ngati anawo si ake; Imayiwala zoti inavutika powabala.
He is maad hard to hise briddis, as if thei ben not hise; he traueilide in veyn, while no drede constreynede.
17 Chifukwa Mulungu anayimana nzeru, simvetsa kanthu kalikonse.
For God hath priued hym fro wisdom, and `yaf not vnderstondyng to hym.
18 Komatu nthiwatiwa ikadzambatuka ndi kuyamba kuthamanga, imamusiya kutali kavalo ndi wokwerapo wake.
Whanne tyme is, he reisith the wengis an hiy; he scorneth the hors, and his ridere.
19 “Kodi ndiwe amene umamupatsa mphamvu kavalo kapena kumuveka chenjerere mʼkhosi mwake?
Whether thou schalt yyue strengthe to an hors, ether schal yyue neiyng `aboute his necke?
20 Kodi ndiwe amene umalipatsa dzombe ulemerero wolumphira, ukali wake nʼkumachititsa mantha?
Whether thou schalt reyse hym as locustis? The glorie of hise nosethirlis is drede.
21 Iye amalumphalumpha moopseza, kukondwerera mphamvu zake, ndipo amapita ku nkhondo ndi mphamvu zake zonse.
He diggith erthe with the foot, he `fulli ioieth booldli; he goith ayens armed men.
22 Iye sachita mantha, saopa chilichonse; sabwerera mʼmbuyo akaona lupanga.
He dispisith ferdfulnesse, and he yyueth not stide to swerd.
23 Zida zankhondo zimachita kwichikwichi mʼchimake pambali pake pamodzi ndi mkondo wonyezimira ndi nthungo.
An arowe caas schal sowne on hym; a spere and scheeld schal florische.
24 Kavaloyo amanjenjemera ndi ukali ndi kulumphalumpha; satha kungoyima pamene wamva kulira kwa lipenga.
He is hoot, and gnastith, and swolewith the erthe; and he arettith not that the crie of the trumpe sowneth.
25 Lipenga likalira amati, ‘Twee!’ Amamva fungo la nkhondo ali patali, kufuwula kwa anthu olamulira nkhondo ndi mfuwu wankhondo.
Whanne he herith a clarioun, he `seith, Joie! he smellith batel afer; the excityng of duykis, and the yellyng of the oost.
26 “Kodi kabawi amawuluka ndi nzeru zako, ndi kutambasula mapiko ake kupita kummwera?
Whether an hauk spredinge abrood hise wyngis to the south, bigynneth to haue fetheris bi thi wisdom?
27 Kodi umalamulira chiwombankhanga ndiwe kuti chiziwuluka ndi kumanga chisa chake pamwamba penipeni?
Whether an egle schal be reisid at thi comaundement, and schal sette his nest in hiy places?
28 Chimakhala pa phiri ndipo chimakhala pamenepo usiku; chimakhala pa msonga penipeni pa mwala.
He dwellith in stoonys, and he dwellith in flyntis brokun bifor, and in rochis, to whiche `me may not neiye.
29 Chili pamenepo chimayangʼanayangʼana choti chigwire kuti chidye; maso ake amachionera patali chinthucho.
Fro thennus he biholdith mete, and hise iyen loken fro fer.
30 Ana ake amayamwa magazi, ndipo kumene kuli mitembo ndiko chimapezeka.”
Hise briddis souken blood, and where euere a careyn is, anoon he is present.

< Yobu 39 >