< Yobu 22 >

1 Pamenepo Elifazi wa ku Temani anayankha kuti,
Forsothe Eliphat Themanytes answeride, and seide,
2 “Kodi munthu nʼkukhala waphindu kwa Mulungu? Kodi munthu wanzeru angamupindulire Iye?
Whether a man, yhe, whanne he is of perfit kunnyng, mai be comparisound to God?
3 Kodi Wamphamvuzonse akanapeza chabwino chotani iweyo ukanakhala wolungama? Kodi iyeyo akanapeza phindu lanji makhalidwe ako akanakhala angwiro?
What profitith it to God, if thou art iust? ethir what schalt thou yyue to hym, if thi lijf is without wem?
4 “Kodi nʼchifukwa choti umamuopa, kuti azikudzudzula, kuti azifuna kukukokera ku mlandu?
Whether he schal drede, and schal repreue thee, and schal come with thee in to doom,
5 Kodi osati nʼchifukwa chakuti kuyipa kwako nʼkwakukulu? Kodi machimo ako si opanda malire?
and not for thi ful myche malice, and thi wickidnessis with out noumbre, `these peynes bifelden iustli to thee?
6 Iwe unkawumiriza abale ako kuti akupatse chikole popanda chifukwa; umalanda anthu zovala zawo ndi kuwasiya amaliseche.
For thou hast take awei with out cause the wed of thi britheren; and hast spuylid nakid men of clothis.
7 Sunawapatse madzi anthu otopa, ndipo unawamana chakudya anthu anjala,
Thou yauest not watir to the feynt man; and thou withdrowist breed fro the hungri man.
8 ngakhale unali munthu wamphamvu, wokhala ndi malo akeake, munthu waulemu wake, wokhala mʼdzikomo.
In the strengthe of thin arm thou haddist the lond in possessioun; and thou moost myyti heldist it.
9 Ndipo akazi amasiye unawachotsa wopanda kanthu, ndipo unapondereza ana amasiye.
Thou leftist widewis voide; and al to-brakist the schuldris of fadirles children.
10 Nʼchifukwa chake misampha yakuzungulira, nʼchifukwa chake tsoka ladzidzidzi lakuchititsa mantha,
Therfor thou art cumpassid with snaris; and sodeyn drede disturblith thee.
11 nʼchifukwa chake kuli mdima kuti sungathe kuona kanthu, nʼchifukwa chakenso madzi achigumula akumiza.
And thou gessidist, that thou schuldist not se derknessis; and that thou schuldist not be oppressid with the fersnesse of watris flowyng.
12 “Kodi Mulungu sali kutalitali kumwamba? Ndipo ona nyenyezi zili mmwamba kwambirizo, ona kutalika kwake pamene zililipo!
Whether thou thenkist, that God is hiyere than heuene, and is enhaunsid aboue the coppe of sterris?
13 Komabe iweyo ukunena kuti, ‘Kodi Mulungu amadziwa chiyani? Kodi Iye amaweruza mu mdima woterewu?
And thou seist, What sotheli knowith God? and, He demeth as bi derknesse.
14 Mitambo yakuda yamuphimba, kotero kuti Iye sakutiona pamene akuyendayenda pamwamba pa thambopo.’
A cloude is his hidyng place, and he biholdith not oure thingis, and he `goith aboute the herris of heuene.
15 Kodi iwe udzayendabe mʼnjira yakale imene anthu oyipa ankayendamo?
Whether thou coueitist to kepe the path of worldis, which wickid men han ofte go?
16 Iwo anachotsedwa nthawi yawo isanakwane, maziko awo anakokoloka ndi madzi achigumula.
Whiche weren takun awei bifor her tyme, and the flood distriede the foundement of hem.
17 Anthuwo anati kwa Mulungu, ‘Tichokereni! Kodi Wamphamvuzonse angatichitire chiyani?’
Whiche seiden to God, Go thou awei fro vs; and as if Almyyti God may do no thing, thei gessiden hym,
18 Chonsecho ndi Iye amene anadzaza nyumba zawo ndi zinthu zabwino, choncho ine sindigwirizana ndi uphungu wa anthu oyipa.
whanne he hadde fillid her housis with goodis; the sentence of whiche men be fer fro me.
19 “Anthu olungama amaona kuwonongeka kwawo ndipo amakondwera; anthu osalakwa amangoseka, akamuona woyipa akulangidwa.
Iust men schulen se, and schulen be glad; and an innocent man schal scorne hem.
20 Amanena kuti, ‘Ndithudi adani athu awonongeka ndipo moto wawononga chuma chawo!’
Whether the reisyng of hem is not kit doun, and fier schal deuoure the relifs of hem?
21 “Gonjera Mulungu kuti ukhale naye pamtendere; ukatero udzaona zabwino.
Therfor assente thou to God, and haue thou pees; and bi these thingis thou schalt haue best fruytis.
22 Landira malangizo a pakamwa pake ndipo usunge mawu ake mu mtima mwako.
Take thou the lawe of his mouth, and sette thou hise wordis in thin herte.
23 Ukabwerera kwa Wamphamvuzonse udzabwezeretsedwa; ukachotsa zoyipa zonse zimene zimachitika mʼnyumba mwako,
If thou turnest ayen to Almyyti God, thou schalt be bildid; and thou schalt make wickidnesse fer fro thi tabernacle.
24 ndipo chuma chamtengowapatali nuchiona ngati fumbi, golide wa ku Ofiri numutaya ku miyala ya ku zigwa.
He schal yyue a flynt for erthe, and goldun strondis for a flynt.
25 Pamenepo Wamphamvuzonseyo adzakhala golide wako, siliva wako wamtengowapatali.
And Almyyti God schal be ayens thin enemyes; and siluer schal be gaderid togidere to thee.
26 Pamenepo udzakondwera naye Wamphamvuzonse ndipo udzakweza nkhope yako kwa Mulungu.
Thanne on Almyyti God thou schalt flowe with delicis; and thou schalt reise thi face to God.
27 Udzamupempha ndipo adzakumvera, ndipo udzapereka zimene unalonjeza.
Thou schalt preye hym, and he schal here thee; and thou schalt yelde thi vowis.
28 Chimene watsimikiza kuti uchite, chidzachitikadi, kuwala kudzakuwunikira pa njira yako.
Thou schalt deme a thing, and it schal come to thee; and lyyt schal schyne in thi weies.
29 Pamene anthu agwetsedwa pansi, iwe nʼkunena kuti, ‘Akwezeni!’ Pamenepo Iye adzapulumutsa anthu oponderezedwa.
For he that is mekid, schal be in glorie; and he that bowith doun hise iyen, schal be saued.
30 Iye adzapulumutsa ngakhale munthu amene ndi wolakwa, ameneyo adzapulumutsidwa kudzera mʼkulungama kwako.”
An innocent schal be saued; sotheli he schal be saued in the clennesse of hise hondis.

< Yobu 22 >