< Yobu 14 >

1 “Munthu wobadwa mwa amayi amakhala masiku owerengeka ndipo ndi odzaza ndi mavuto okhaokha.
A man is borun of a womman, and lyueth schort tyme, and is fillid with many wretchidnessis.
2 Amaphuka ngati duwa ndipo kenaka amafota; amathawa ngati mthunzi ndipo sakhalitsa.
Which goith out, and is defoulid as a flour; and fleeth as schadewe, and dwellith neuere perfitli in the same staat.
3 Kodi munthu wotereyo nʼkumuyangʼanitsitsa? Kodi mungamubweretse pamaso panu kuti mumuzenge mlandu?
And gessist thou it worthi to opene thin iyen on siche a man; and to brynge hym in to doom with thee?
4 Ndani angatulutse chabwino mʼchoyipa? Palibe ndi mmodzi yemwe!
Who may make a man clene conseyued of vnclene seed? Whether not thou, which art aloone?
5 Masiku a munthu ndi odziwikiratu; munakhazikitsa chiwerengero cha miyezi yake ndipo munamulembera malire amene sangathe kuwalumpha.
The daies of man ben schorte, the noumbre of his monethis is at thee; thou hast set, ethir ordeyned, hise termes, whiche moun not be passid.
6 Choncho Inu mumufulatire ndipo mumuleke apumule kufikira atakondwera nawo moyo ngati munthu waganyu.
Therfor go thou awey fro hym a litil, `that is, bi withdrawyng of bodili lijf, that he haue reste; til the meede coueitid come, and his dai is as the dai of an hirid man.
7 “Mtengo uli nacho chiyembekezo: ngati wadulidwa, udzaphukiranso ndipo nthambi zake sizidzaleka kuphukira.
A tree hath hope, if it is kit doun; and eft it wexith greene, and hise braunches spreden forth.
8 Mizu yake ingathe kukalamba mʼnthaka ndipo chitsa chake nʼkuwola pa dothi,
If the roote therof is eeld in the erthe, and the stok therof is nyy deed in dust;
9 koma pamene chinyontho chafika udzaphukira ndipo udzaphuka nthambi ngati mtengo wanthete.
it schal buriowne at the odour of watir, and it schal make heer, as whanne it was plauntid first.
10 Koma munthu amafa nayikidwa mʼmanda, amapuma mpweya wotsiriza ndipo kutha kwake nʼkomweko.
But whanne a man is deed, and maad nakid, and wastid; Y preye, where is he?
11 Monga madzi amaphwera mʼnyanja kapena monga mtsinje umaphwera nuwuma,
As if watris goen awei fro the see, and a ryuer maad voide wexe drie,
12 momwemonso munthu amagona ndipo sadzukanso; mpaka zamlengalenga zidzathe, anthu sadzauka kapena kudzutsidwa ku tulo tawo.
so a man, whanne he hath slept, `that is, deed, he schal not rise ayen, til heuene be brokun, `that is, be maad newe; he schal not wake, nether he schal ryse togidere fro his sleep.
13 “Aa, Inu mukanangondibisa mʼmanda ndi kundiphimba kuti ndisaoneke mpaka mkwiyo wanu utapita! Achikhala munandiyikira nthawi, kuti pambuyo pake mundikumbukirenso. (Sheol h7585)
Who yiueth this to me, that thou defende me in helle, and that thou hide me, til thi greet veniaunce passe; and thou sette to me a tyme, in which thou haue mynde on me? (Sheol h7585)
14 Munthu akafa, kodi adzakhalanso ndi moyo? Masiku anga onse a moyo wovutikawu ndidzadikira mpaka itafika nthawi yomasulidwa.
Gessist thou, whethir a deed man schal lyue ayen? In alle the daies, in whiche Y holde knyythod, now Y abide, til my chaungyng come.
15 Inu mudzandiyitane ndipo ndidzakuyankhani; inu mudzafunitsitsa kuona cholengedwa chimene munachipanga ndi manja anu.
Thou schalt clepe me, and Y schal answere thee; thou schalt dresse the riyt half, `that is, blis, to the werk of thin hondis.
16 Ndithudi pamenepo mudzayangʼana mayendedwe anga koma simudzalondola tchimo langa.
Sotheli thou hast noumbrid my steppis; but spare thou my synnes.
17 Zolakwa zanga zidzakulungidwa mʼthumba; inu mudzaphimba tchimo langa.
Thou hast seelid as in a bagge my trespassis, but thou hast curid my wickidnesse.
18 “Koma monga phiri limakokolokera ndi kuswekasweka ndipo monga thanthwe limasunthira kuchoka pa malo ake,
An hil fallynge droppith doun; and a rooche of stoon is borun ouer fro his place.
19 monganso madzi oyenda amaperesera miyala ndipo madzi othamanga amakokololera nthaka, momwemonso Inu mumawononga chiyembekezo cha munthu.
Watris maken stoonys holowe, and the erthe is wastid litil and litil bi waischyng a wey of watir; and therfor thou schalt leese men in lijk maner.
20 Inu mumamugonjetsa kamodzinʼkamodzi ndipo munthuyo nʼkutheratu; Inu mumasintha maonekedwe a nkhope yake ndipo mumamutaya kutali.
Thou madist a man strong a litil, that he schulde passe with outen ende; thou schalt chaunge his face, and schalt sende hym out.
21 Ana ake akamalemekezedwa, iyeyo sazidziwa zimenezo; akamachititsidwa manyazi iye saziona zimenezo.
Whether hise sones ben noble, ether vnnoble, he schal not vndurstonde.
22 Iye amangomva zowawa za mʼthupi lake ndipo amangodzilirira yekha mwini wakeyo.”
Netheles his fleisch, while he lyueth, schal haue sorewe, and his soule schal morne on hym silf.

< Yobu 14 >