< Yeremiya 31 >

1 “Pa nthawi imeneyo,” akutero Yehova, “Ndidzakhala Mulungu wa mafuko onse a Israeli, ndipo iwo adzakhala anthu anga.”
In that tyme, seith the Lord, Y schal be God to alle the kynredis of Israel; and thei schulen be in to a puple to me.
2 Yehova akuti, “Anthu amene anapulumuka ku nkhondo ndinawakomera mtima mʼchipululu; pamene Aisraeli ankafuna kupumula.”
The Lord seith these thingis, The puple that was left of swerd, foond grace in desert; Israel schal go to his reste.
3 Ine ndinawaonekera ndili chapatali ndipo ndinati, “Ine ndakukondani ndi chikondi chopanda malire. Nʼchifukwa chake ndipitiriza kukukondani.
Fer the Lord apperide to me, and in euerlastynge charite Y louede thee; therfor Y doynge merci drow thee.
4 Ndidzakusamaliraninso, inu anthu a Israeli; mudzasangalala poyimba tizitoliro tanu, ndipo mudzapita kukavina nawo anthu ovina mwachimwemwe.
And eft Y schal bilde thee, and thou, virgyn Israel, schalt be bildid; yit thou schalt be ourned with thi tympans, and schalt go out in the cumpenye of pleieris.
5 Mudzalimanso minda ya mpesa pa mapiri a Samariya; alimi adzadzala mphesa ndipo adzadya zipatso zake.
Yit thou schalt plaunte vynes in the hillis of Samarie; men plauntynge schulen plaunte, and til the tyme come, thei schulen not gadere grapis.
6 Lidzafika tsiku pamene alonda adzafuwula pa mapiri a Efereimu nati, ‘Tiyeni tipite ku Ziyoni, kwa Yehova Mulungu wathu.’”
For whi a dai schal be, wherynne keperis schulen crye in the hil of Samarie, and in the hil of Effraym, Rise ye, and stie we in to Sion, to oure Lord God.
7 Yehova akuti, “Imbani mosangalala chifukwa cha Yakobo, fuwulani chifukwa cha mtundu wopambana mitundu yonse. Matamando anu amveke, ndipo munene kuti, ‘Yehova wapulumutsa anthu ake otsala a Israeli.’
For the Lord seith these thingis, Jacob, make ye ful out ioye in gladnesse, and neye ye ayens the heed of hethene men; sowne ye, synge ye, and seie ye, Lord, saue thi puple, the residues of Israel.
8 Taonani, ndidzabwera nawo kuchokera ku dziko la kumpoto, ndidzawasonkhanitsa kuchokera ku malekezero a dziko lapansi. Anthu osaona, olumala, amayi oyembekezera ndi amene ali pa nthawi yawo yochira adzabwera nawo pamodzi. Chidzakhala chikhamu cha anthu obwerera kuno.
Lo! Y schal brynge hem fro the loond of the north, and Y schal gadere hem fro the fertheste partis of erthe; among whiche schulen be a blynd man, and crokid, and a womman with childe, and trauelynge of child togidere, a greet cumpeny of hem that schulen turne ayen hidur.
9 Adzabwera akulira; koma Ine ndikuwatonthoza mtima, ndidzawaperekeza. Ndidzawatsogolera ku mitsinje yamadzi mʼnjira yosalala mmene sadzapunthwamo. Chifukwa ndine abambo ake a Israeli, ndipo Efereimu ndi mwana wanga woyamba.
Thei schulen come in wepyng, and Y schal brynge hem ayen in merci; and Y schal brynge hem bi the strondis of watris in a riytful weie, thei schulen not spurne therynne; for Y am maad a fadir to Israel, and Effraym is my gendrid sone.
10 “Imvani mawu a Yehova inu anthu a mitundu ina; lalikirani mawuwa kwa anthu a mayiko akutali a mʼmbali mwa nyanja; ‘Iye amene anabalalitsa Israeli adzawasonkhanitsanso ndipo adzayangʼanira nkhosa zake ngati mʼbusa.’
Ye hethene men, here ye the word of the Lord, and telle ye in ylis that ben fer, and seie, He that scateride Israel, schal gadere it, and schal kepe it, as a scheepherde kepith his floc.
11 Pakuti Yehova wawombola fuko la Yakobo anawapulumutsa mʼdzanja la anthu owaposa mphamvu.
For the Lord ayenbouyte Jacob, and delyuerede hym fro the hond of the myytiere.
12 Anthuwo adzabwera akuyimba mofuwula pa mapiri a Ziyoni; adzasangalala ndi zinthu zabwino zochokera kwa Yehova. Zinthu zabwinozo ndi izi: tirigu, vinyo watsopano ndi mafuta, ana ankhosa ndi ana angʼombe. Iwo adzakhala ngati munda wothiriridwa bwino, ndipo sadzamvanso chisoni.
And thei schulen come, and herye in the hil of Sion; and thei schulen flowe togidere to the goodis of the Lord, on wheete, wyn, and oile, and on the fruyt of scheep, and of neet; and the soule of hem schal be as a watri gardyn, and thei schulen no more hungre.
13 Pamenepo anamwali adzavina ndi kusangalala. Anyamata ndi okalamba nawonso adzasangalala. Kulira kwawo ndidzakusandutsa chisangalalo; ndidzawasangalatsa nʼkuchotsa chisoni chawo.
Thanne a virgyn schal be glad in a cumpenye, yonge men and elde togidere; and Y schal turne the morenyng of hem in to ioie, and Y schal coumforte hem, and Y schal make hem glad of her sorewe.
14 Ansembe ndidzawadyetsa chakudya chabwino, ndipo anthu anga adzakhuta ndi zabwino zanga,” akutero Yehova.
And Y schal greetli fille the soule of prestis with fatnesse, and my puple schal be fillid with my goodis, seith the Lord.
15 Yehova akuti, “Kulira kukumveka ku Rama, kulira kwakukulu, Rakele akulirira ana ake. Sakutonthozeka chifukwa ana akewo palibe.”
The Lord seith these thingis, A vois of weilyng, and of wepyng, and of mourenyng, was herd an hiy; the vois of Rachel biwepynge hir sones, and not willynge to be coumfortid on hem, for thei ben not.
16 Yehova akuti, “Leka kulira ndi kukhetsa misozi pakuti udzalandira mphotho ya ntchito yako,” akutero Yehova. “Iwo adzabwerako ku dziko la adani.
The Lord seith these thingis, Thi vois reste of wepyng, and thin iyen reste of teeres; for whi mede is to thi werk, seith the Lord; and thei schulen turne ayen fro the lond of the enemy.
17 Tsono chiyembekezo chilipo pa zamʼtsogolo,” akutero Yehova. “Ana ako adzabwerera ku dziko lawo.
And hope is to thi laste thingis, seith the Lord, and thi sones schulen turne ayen to her endis.
18 “Ndithu ndamva Efereimu akubuwula kuti, ‘Ife tinali ngati ana angʼombe osamva. Koma inu mwatiphunzitsa kumvera. Mutibweze kuti tithe kubwerera, chifukwa ndinu Yehova Mulungu wanga.
I heringe herde Effraym passinge ouer; thou chastisidist me, and Y am lerned as a yong oon vntemyd; turne thou me, and Y schal be conuertid, for thou art my Lord God.
19 Popeza tatembenuka mtima, ndiye tikumva chisoni; popeza tazindikira ndiye tikudziguguda pachifukwa. Tachita manyazi ndipo tanyazitsidwa chifukwa tinachimwa paubwana wathu.’
For aftir that thou conuertidist me, Y dide penaunce; and aftir that thou schewidist to me, Y smoot myn hipe; Y am schent, and Y schamede, for Y suffride the schenschipe of my yongthe.
20 Kodi Efereimu si mwana wanga wokondedwa, mwana amene Ine ndimakondwera naye? Ngakhale nthawi zambiri ndimamudzudzula, ndimamukumbukirabe. Kotero mtima wanga ukumufunabe; ndimamumvera chifundo chachikulu kwambiri,” akutero Yehova.
For Effraym is a worschipful sone to me, for he is a delicat child; for sithen Y spak of hym, yit Y schal haue mynde on hym; therfor myn entrails ben disturblid on him, Y doynge merci schal haue merci on hym, seith the Lord.
21 “Muyike zizindikiro za mu msewu; muyimike zikwangwani. Yangʼanitsitsani msewuwo, njira imene mukuyendamo. Bwerera, iwe namwali wa Israeli, bwerera ku mizinda yako ija.
Ordeyne to thee an hiy totyng place, sette to thee bitternesses; dresse thin herte in to a streiyt weie, in which thou yedist; turne ayen, thou virgyn of Israel, turne ayen to these thi citees.
22 Udzakhala jenkha mpaka liti, iwe mwana wa mkazi wosakhulupirika? Yehova walenga chinthu chatsopano pa dziko lapansi; mkazi ndiye tsopano aziteteza mwamuna.”
Hou longe, douyter of vnstidfast dwellyng, art thou maad dissolut in delices? for the Lord hath maad a newe thing on erthe, a womman schal cumpasse a man.
23 Yehova Wamphamvuzonse, Mulungu wa Israeli akuti, “Ndikadzabwera nawo anthuwa kuchokera ku ukapolo, anthu a mʼdziko la Yuda ndi amene akukhala mʼmizinda yake adzayankhulanso mawu akuti, ‘Yehova akudalitse, iwe malo achilungamo, iwe phiri lopatulika.’
The Lord of oostis, God of Israel, seith these thingis, Yit thei schulen seie this word in the lond of Juda, and in the citees therof, whane Y schal turne the caytifte of hem, The Lord blesse thee, thou fairnesse of riytfulnesse, thou hooli hil.
24 Anthu adzakhala ku Yuda ndi ku mizinda yake pamodzi ndi alimi ndi oweta nkhosa.
And Juda, and alle citees therof schulen dwelle in it togidere, erthetilieris, and thei that dryuen flockis.
25 Ndidzatsitsimutsa anthu otopa ndipo ndidzadyetsa anthu anjala.”
For Y fillide greetli a feynt soule, and Y haue fillid ech hungri soule.
26 Pamenepo ndinadzuka nʼkuyangʼana uku ndi uku. Tulo tanga tinali tokoma.
Therfor Y am as reisid fro sleep, and Y siy; and my sleep was swete to me.
27 “Masiku akubwera,” akutero Yehova, “pamene ndidzachulukitsa anthu pamodzi ndi ziweto mʼdziko la Israeli ndi la Yuda.
Lo! daies comen, seith the Lord, and Y schal sowe the hous of Israel and the hous of Juda with the seed of men, and with the seed of werk beestis.
28 Monga momwe ndinasamalira powazula, powagwetsa, powagumula, powawononga ndi powachita zoyipa, momwemonso ndidzasamala powamanga ndi powadzala” akutero Yehova.
And as Y wakide on hem, to drawe vp bi the roote, and to distrie, and to scatere, and to leese, and to turmente; so Y schal wake on hem, to bilde, and to plaunte, seith the Lord.
29 “Mʼmasiku amenewo anthu sadzanenanso kuti, “Makolo adya mphesa zosapsa, koma mano a ana ndiye achita dziru.
In tho daies thei schulen no more seie, The fadres eeten a sour grape, and the teeth of sones weren astonyed; but ech man schal die in his wickidnesse,
30 Mʼmalo wake, munthu aliyense adzafa chifukwa cha tchimo lake. Iye amene adzadye mphesa zosapsazo ndiye amene mano ake adzachite dziru.”
ech man that etith a sour grape, hise teeth schulen be astonyed.
31 “Masiku akubwera,” akutero Yehova, “pamene ndidzachita pangano latsopano ndi Aisraeli ndiponso nyumba ya Yuda.
Lo! daies comen, seith the Lord, and Y schal smyte a newe boond of pees to the hous of Israel, and to the hous of Juda;
32 Silidzakhala ngati pangano limene ndinachita ndi makolo awo pamene ndinawagwira padzanja nʼkuwatulutsa ku Igupto; chifukwa anaphwanya pangano langa, ngakhale ndinali mwamuna wawo,” akutero Yehova.
not bi the couenaunte which Y made with youre fadris, in the dai in which Y took the hond of hem, to lede hem out of the lond of Egipt, the couenaunte which thei made voide; and Y was Lord of hem, seith the Lord.
33 “Ili ndi pangano limene ndidzachita ndi Aisraeli atapita masiku amenewo,” akutero Yehova. “Ndidzayika lamulo langa mʼmitima mwawo ndi kulilemba mʼmaganizo mwawo. Ine ndidzakhala Mulungu wawo ndipo iwo adzakhala anthu anga.
But this schal be the couenaunte, which Y schal smyte with the hous of Israel aftir tho daies, seith the Lord; Y schal yyue my lawe in the entrails of hem, and Y schal write it in the herte of hem, and Y schal be in to God to hem, and thei schulen be in to a puple to me.
34 Sipadzafunikanso kuti wina aphunzitse mnzake, kapena munthu wina kuphunzitsa mʼbale wake, kunena kuti, ‘Mudziwe Yehova,’ chifukwa onse adzandidziwa Ine, kuyambira wamngʼono mpaka wamkulu,” akutero Yehova. “Ndidzawakhululukira zoyipa zawo ndipo sindidzakumbukiranso machimo awo.”
And a man schal no more teche his neiybore, and a man his brother, and seie, Knowe thou the Lord; for alle schulen knowe me, fro the leeste of hem `til to the mooste, seith the Lord; for Y schal be merciful to the wickidnessis of hem, and Y schal no more be myndeful on the synne of hem.
35 Yehova akuti, Iye amene amakhazikitsa dzuwa kuti liziwala masana, amene amalamula kuti mwezi ndi nyenyezi ziziwala usiku, amene amavundula nyanja kuti mafunde akokome, dzina lake ndi Yehova Wamphamvuzonse:
The Lord seith these thingis, that yyueth the sunne in the liyt of dai, the ordre of the moone and of sterris in the liyt of the niyt, whiche disturblith the see, and the wawis therof sownen, the Lord of oostis is name to hym.
36 Ngati zimenezi zilekeka pamaso panga, akutero Yehova, pamenepo padzakhala pamathero a fuko la Israeli pamaso panga.
If these lawis failen bifore me, seith the Lord, thanne and the seed of Israel schal faile, that it be not a folk bifore me in alle daies.
37 Yehova akuti, “Ndidzataya fuko la Israeli chifukwa cha machimo awo. Ngati patapezeka munthu amene angathe kupima zakuthambo nʼkufufuza maziko a dziko lapansi.”
The Lord seith these thingis, If heuenes aboue moun be mesurid, and the foundementis of erthe bynethe be souyt out, and Y schal caste awei al the seed of Israel, for alle thingis whiche thei diden, seith the Lord.
38 “Taonani masiku akubwera,” akutero Yehova, “pamene mzinda wa Yehova udzamangidwanso kuyambira ku Nsanja ya Hananeli mpaka ku Chipata cha Ngodya.
Lo! daies comen, seith the Lord, and a citee schal be bildid to the Lord, fro the tour of Ananeel `til to the yate of the corner.
39 Malire ake adzayambira pamenepo kupita ku phiri la Garebu, nʼkudzakhota kuloza ku Gowa.
And it schal go out ouer the reule of mesure, in the siyt therof, on the hil Gareb, and it schal cumpasse Goatha,
40 Chigwa chonse mʼmene amatayiramo mitembo ndi phulusa, ndiponso minda yonse kuyambira ku Chigwa cha Kidroni mpaka ku ngodya ya Chipata cha Akavalo mbali ya kummawa, adzakhala malo opatulika a Yehova. Mzindawu sadzawuzulanso kapena kuwuwononga.”
and al the valei of careyns, and it schal cumpasse aischis, and al the cuntrei of deth, `til to the stronde of Cedron, and til to the corner of the eest yate of horsis; the hooli thing of the Lord schal not be drawun out, and it schal no more be destried with outen ende.

< Yeremiya 31 >